箴言 1:7 NIV
[7] 主を畏れることは知識の初めである。愚か者は知恵と訓戒を軽んじる。
Proverbs 1:7 NIV
[7] The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
神を畏れるとはどういう意味でしょうか。その意味するところの 1 つは、神への畏敬の念を持って生活すべきだということです。まず、神が誰であるかを認識することによってこれを行います。神はすべてのものの創造主であり源です。神は全能であり、全知です。神の言葉は、神が生と死の力をその手に握っていると述べています。これらは確かに、私たちが神への畏敬の念を抱くべき属性です。
聖書はまた、神は愛に満ち、慈悲深く、慈悲深いとも教えています。 神の創造物である私たちは、かつて神を捨てて反抗しましたが、神は恵み深く、御子イエスを通して、神のもとに再び近づくことを私たちに許してくださいました。宇宙を創造した神は、私たち一人ひとりを愛しておられます。
The Place to Start
There are so many places that we can go to learn about something new and grow in knowledge. Books are full of free access to learn anything you can dream up. The internet is packed full of content and ways to learn about any subject imaginable.
While those are great places to start when building knowledge, Scripture tells us that the beginning of all knowledge is fear of God. This means that while we can learn things from anyone, the beginning of true knowledge begins with God.
What does it mean to fear God? One thing it means is that we should live our lives in awe of Him. We do this first by recognizing who He is. He is the creator and source of all things. He is all-powerful and all-knowledgeable. God’s Word says He holds the power of life and death in His hands. These are certainly attributes that should cause us to be in awe of God.
Scripture also tells us that God is loving, gracious, and merciful. Even though we, His own creation, previously abandoned Him and rebelled against Him, God graciously gave us access back to Himself through His Son, Jesus. The God who created the universe loves each and every one of us.
Knowing God rightly and being in awe of who He is and what He has done is the beginning of all knowledge.
We would be foolish to turn away from such a powerful and gracious God. While we can learn a lot about many different things through a book or the internet, the most essential and important knowledge begins with God, His Word, and how we view Him.
Spend some time with God in prayer, thanking Him for who He is and what He’s done for you. Begin a habit of reading Scripture regularly so that you can come to know Him more and more.
A Prayer for Wisdom and Knowledge
God, thank You for being the source of wisdom and knowledge. Please teach me more about You each day so I can know and understand You better. Guide my actions and decision making so that I can live a life that honors You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.