

救世主を敬うHonoring the Savior

2024-12-26 11:49:05 | 日記
マタイ 2:10-11 NIV [10] 彼らは星を見て大喜びしました。[11] 家に入って、母マリアと共にいる幼子を見て、ひれ伏して拝みました。そして宝物を開けて、黄金、乳香、没薬を贈り物としてささげました。
Matthew 2:10-11 NIV [10] When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. [11] On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.


イスラエルが救世主を東の遠くで待っていたとき、3人の男が星と古代の文書を研究しました。聖書では「賢者」または「マギ」と訳されていますが、おそらくバビロンかペルシャから来たこれらの男たちはイエスを探しに来ました。なぜでしょうか? 星を見たからです。彼らは天に王が生まれたというしるしを見たのです。



マタイ 2:10 NIV

献身と尊敬のなんと美しい例えでしょう。イスラエルは救世主の到来を待ち望んでいることを知っていましたが、東から来たこれらの男たちは知りませんでした。それでも彼らはしるしが指し示す方を探しに来ました。そして、イエスを見たとき、彼らはすぐにイエスだと分かりました。 それから彼らは身をかがめて礼拝しました。




Honoring the Savior

While Israel was waiting for a Savior, far away to the east, three men studied stars and ancient texts. Translated in Scripture as “wise men” or “magi,” these men, likely from Babylon or Persia, came to find Jesus. Why? Because they had seen a star. They had seen a sign in the heavens that a King had been born.

So they set off. In what must have been a long and demanding journey, they sought Jesus out. They had to worship the one who the signs pointed to. They had to see Him for themselves.

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.”
Matthew 2:10 NIV

What a beautiful illustration of devotion and honor. Israel knew to be watching for a coming Savior, but these men from the East did not. Yet they came to find the one whom the signs pointed to. And when they saw Him, they recognized Him immediately. Then they bowed down and worshiped.

Their story reminds us a simple fact that we often forget: it’s always worth it to seek Jesus. The good news of the Christ is for everyone.

And when they finally met Jesus, the wise men’s response was to worship and give gifts. This act of worship wasn’t just a formality, either. Each of those gifts had unique meaning and purpose, from an expression of profound reverence and recognition of Jesus' kingship (gold), His divinity (frankincense), and His eventual suffering and death (myrrh). These gifts were not only valuable but deeply symbolic, highlighting their understanding of who Jesus was and would become.

The wise men worshiped Jesus because He was worthy. He still is. How will you worship Him today?

A Prayer of Honoring Jesus

Jesus, You are worthy of being sought after. You didn’t have to parade around Your importance—the very skies proved that a King had come! You are still King. You are on the throne. Thank You for inviting me into Your Kingdom, to see and know You. Like the wise men, I want to worship and honor You with everything I have. In Your name, Amen.

