Smile Station


The 18th “Day of the African Child” in Kumamoto

2010-06-11 07:35:20 | ENGLISH
Dear African Friends,

This is to invite you to the 18th “Day of the African Child” in Kumamoto between the 2nd and the 4th of July this year organized by UNICEF Kumamoto. We can accept some African students from each university.

We can provide you with your transportation fee and an accommodation. You would be highly appreciated if you could participate in this event from the 2nd to the 4th consecutively. We also plan to visit Minamata to learn environmental issues and football game with young people in Kumamoto.

Detailed information of the event this year as well as the provisional program are attached.

If you are interested in this event, please apply for participating in it by the 25th of June.

With best wishes,

Kikuko Sera
Secretary General
UNICEF Kumamoto. .

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