

Doctor living in Fukushima with 14 cats --self and cats-introduction

2019年04月28日 | 14 cats and resident Eiji

 Hello everyone.Nice to meet you.
 My name is Eiji, I am a resident and live with 14 cats in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
 Huh! Fukushima!
 ...Earthquake, tsunami, nuclear accident! That Fukushima?

 Please accept my sincere condolences. And goodbye.

 Hey hey hey. Wait a minute. Please do not go.
 Certainly the accident happened and I admit that the problem of nuclear accident still remains.
 That's right.

 Perhaps most foreigners when hear of Fukushima tend to make such a response first.
 I think that is a normal response, because they do not know that Fukushima is not the desert, nor is it impossible to live, nor danger to live.
 I write this blog in English to meet you,And I want to eliminate the misunderstanding about Fukushima if you have.

 Through here, I introduce my lives as the resident doctor who started working at Soma General Hospital from this April and the life with 14 cats.

 We usually tend to forget, but living normally in this world is a blessing thing and a miracle in some sense.
 Everyone of the world is working hard and do the best to living in this difficult world as you are doing everyday.
 It is just same we are doing in Fukushima.

 Cats and I am glad to see you. Thanks for your visit.

 Introduce cats: Underlined cats, university courtyard was their Hometown.

 Sophie F.(She has been part of the family since this March)

 Tora M.('Tora' means tiger in japanese)

 Silver M.(he is like an american shorthair, but he is a stray cat as others are)

 Sako F.(She had a diaphragmatic hernia when I protected her)

 May F.(She is Silver's sister)

 Misaki F.(Mother of BB)

 Leo M.(Old brave man)

 Kazuto M.(May be Tora's brother)

 Kan M.(He has the name of my friend Mr.Kanno)

 Ellie F.(She lived in a barn behind the house)

 Bella F.(She may be Dona's child or sister)

 BB M.(Misaki's child,grande and forte but do not be angry)

 Dona F.(She like being scooped)

 Aki F.(She is Tortoiseshell cat)