仁木田株式会社 Nikita Co., Ltd.

居宅介護支援事業  トータルサポート太陽
障がい者就労継続支援事業A型B型 太陽工房
有料老人ホーム 太陽


はじめまして! 当事業所は、「障害を持つ方々や高齢の方の生活をトータルサポート(日常支援)します。を企業理念とし、長崎県大村市を中心に地域と密着した事業を展開していきます。 事業を通じて障害を持つ方々、高齢の方々が主体性を持って生活を続けられるよう最大限の努力をいたします。 また、利用される方々と当事業所は対等な関係であり続けるため、利用される方々の提案を積極的に取り入れていきたいと思います。 地域に親しみ、愛される事業所として頑張っていきたいと思います。皆様のご指導ご協力のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。                                                                             代表取締役 林田 真吾

精神 知的にも雇用枠の動き Movement for Mentally and Intellectual Disability's Employment

2019-01-31 10:05:46 | 就労継続支援B型







Inflation of employment of disabled people of the ministry and municipality, number of positions available were leaned to physically disordered people in Kyushu, but spread to the cerebrally handicapped and mentally disordered.
Because of this problem, companies and the municipality are obligated to hire certain number of disabled people.
In Nagasaki prefecture 5 persons for the secretary governor departments, 3 persons for the board of education and police, so 8 in total, no matter what kind of disabilites, the exam is the same as ordinary people, high school level's written test, interview and composition.
Also in Kumamoto prefecture, the prefectual board of education is also targeted for officially hired exam spread to intellectual disability people and mentally disabled people.
The government explains that it's propriate to open wide for any person even though if they have handicap.
In Saga prefecture from this year hire mentally disordered, and Oita prefecture and Miyazaki prefecture are thinking to spread the exam targeting disabled people from this year.
The committie is telling opinions as the group, if the exam is apropriate for all since the exam is the same as ordinary people, no matter what kind disorder people have.
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