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正月 Japanese New Year

2019-02-12 10:02:38 | 就労継続支援B型



Shogatsu (The Japanese New Year) is the beginning of the each calendar.
Culturelly it is to celebrate finish the last year without any problem and the new year.
Celebrate grandly by decorating with New Year decorations, carry out New Year’s events and eat Japanese traditional New Year’s dish (Osechi). In Japan, January 1st is the only national holiday, but actually at least 3 days from January 1st until 3rd are considered as holidays (It’s called “Sanganichi”). “Shogatsu” is originally an alias of January in the old lunar calendar. After calendar revision it means January in solar calendar. Nowadays, it is used as the meanings of “Sanganichi” (Jan. 1st to 3rd), or “Matsu no Uchi” (Jan. 1st to 7th).
During Shogatsu, Japanese has the custom to send New Year’s letter called “Nengajo” to the people who they know and who gave them good treats. Originally people visit acquaintance’s houses to greet as “Onenshi”, but now it’s simplified, and so send Nengajo. However, since about later 1990 cell phones got popular, so now people send message using Emails instead of sending letters.
Long ago, corresponding Bon festival in Summer, it was an event to pray for the ancestor every half year. However, as Buddhism’s influence is getting stronger, Bon festival is an event for Buddhism to pray for ancestors, as Shogatsu is to welcome the Toshigami (Deity of sprit) and pray for bumper crop, so it’s considered as “Gods festival.”
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