

Arrogant and Improper Business Leaders傲慢で下品な経営者

2018-12-03 15:36:13 | 時事問題

Arrogant and Improper Business Leaders

by Tsugio Nagai (twitterhttps://twitter.com/eternalitywell)


    Nissan and Renault chairman Carlos Ghosn was arrested on suspicion of under-reporting his corporate salary by about 5 billion yen ($44.6 million).  Is it natural that CEOs of big companies get tremendous salaries more than 200 times as much as those of average workers?   

     Suppose you were in the group of 30 people in the primitive age.  The 30 people were nearly starving.  Mammoths were walking around, but you had no way to catch and kill them for food. Then, you came up with a splendid idea of catching and killing them in cooperation with all the other people and your group came to succeed in catching mammoths and escaped from starvation.  Hereupon, if you insisted that you should get mammoth meat 200 times as much as the others, and hereafter always 200 times because you invented the way of killing mammoths, what would the others say?  Which would they say, “We understand,” or “Catch a mammoth by yourself”?   Never could you catch a mammoth by yourself! 

      Ghosn should have received a tremendous reward in a lump sum for getting Nissan out of bankruptcy instead of getting a gigantic salary a few hundred times as much as ordinary workers.  Ghosn cannot make and sell a single Nissan car all by himself.  Some Western CEOs mistakenly believe that their companies’ huge profits come from mainly from their ability.  In automobile companies like GM, Toyota or Nissan, CEOs’ administrative ability is very important, but it is only a mere tiny gear in a gigantic machine.

    CEOs should make their salaries less than 20 times of those of average workers.  They should make workers’ salaries as good as possible.  CEOs are not kings, nor are workers slaves.

     Senator Sanders introduced a bill, titled the Stop Walmart Act, that would prevent large companies from buying back stock unless they pay all employees at least $15 an hour, allow workers to earn up to seven days of paid sick leave and limit CEO compensation to no more than 150 times the median pay of all staffers.  I must say that Sanders is great and splendid.  

   CEOs and major stockholders from large USA companies perhaps think of themselves as nobles long ago and regard workers as slavish. Their arrogant and improper way of thinking leads to their maximum gains and workers' minimum salaries. However, their greedy way of thinking may face a splitting crisis for the republic of the United States of America.

    To maintain capitalism needs to adopt some socialist techniques. I think it much better to limit CEO compensation to under 20 times (Sander’s 150 times is too big) workers' median pay, which will prevent the United States from splitting and collapsing, otherwise it may collapse in the not remote future.

    To add to this, Communist China, which is a pseudo-capitalism or fake communist state, will probably collapse in the not remote future because a small number of influential communist party members gain most of the wealth in China and the difference between what the small number have and what ordinary people have is thought to be incredibly greater than in the United States.

※ツイッターで発信していることもあり、前回のブログを書いてから大分日時が経ってしまいました。上の英文は次の日本文の直訳ではありません。英文にはあって日本語にはない部分、またその逆もあります。現在、ツイッターでいろいろな意見を述べています。よろしければフォローしてください。 ツイッター:https://twitter.com/eternalitywell














  米国は経営者と従業員の給料格差をもっと縮める必要がある。日本はバブル前の1980年代、ソ連の研究者などから、世界でもっとも成功している“社会主義国家”と称賛されたのである(注1)。労働者の所得平均が(人口数千万を超える国で)世界一高く、社長と平社員の格差が7倍ほどしかなかったからである。日本は愚かな政治指導者と経済界がタッグを組み米国の後を追うかたちで社長と従業員の給料格差を大きくしてきたように思われる。さらに、派遣労働者の数を増やし、外国人労働者の数を増やす政策は労働者間の大きな格差を生み出し、経営者との格差はさらに開くことになる。新しい奴隷的労働状況が出現するかもしれない。これが不満を生み出し、テロのほとんどない日本にテロを生じさせる危険がある。 (2018年12月3日記)


(注1) 私は人間は神仏のように完全な存在ではないので「資本主義(capitalism)」が社会運営に一番適していると考えている。「社会主義的に働く」という言葉が一時よく使われたことがあるが、一生懸命働いても全員同じ給料ならサボる者が多数出てくるのは避けがたい。創造性を発揮し、努力も生み出すのは“資本主義”であると考えている。ただ、会社が株主のものという欧米の考え方には賛成できない。というより、社会運営の適切さの点からも反対である。強欲な株主が短期的な利益の追求を要求し、それにうまく応える経営者が従業員の給料を低く抑え自分の給料は従業員の平均給料の何百倍、何千倍と取るという状況が現に米国では生じているし、日本でも生じ始めている。会社は末永く存在し従業員にも会社の上げる利益の配分をかなりの程度に受けるべきである。株主は会社の応援団くらいに見て、従業員の配分を重視する方向に進む(戦後から1980年代の日本の企業の多数がこのようにしていた)べきだ。 (12月7日追記)