


2024-07-28 17:09:32 | 時事問題




 私は2017年に「Freedom of Expression(表現の自由)」という“大きな”題でブログを書いた。このブログは1996年に私のHPに載せていた文章を2003年にブログに追加の文章とともに載せて、その時に日本語だけではなく英語でも示した。現在もこの私のブログ内で見ることができる。

 このブログは後で示したいが、その中で 表現の自由などを含む(基本的)人権は、







  The essay below (Freedom of Expression and Aum’s Murder of the Sakamoto Family) was published on my web page in September, 1996.  It refers to how“freedom of expression”should work in society, which I am afraid is misunderstood by most people in the world.


   Freedom of Expression and

Aum’s Murder of the Sakamoto Family


**Human Rights between Nation and Individual

**The Case of Kitano Takeshi’s Assaulting the Friday Scandal Magazine Company

**The Case of Aum’s Murder of the Sakamoto Family


Japanese and Western People’s Misunderstanding

of Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression exists to criticize political powers, not to criticize those individuals who commit adultery.


      Kitano Takeshi (world-famous film director) assaulted the Friday Scandal Magazine Publishing Company with his followers in 1986 when the company exposed his private life to the public.

     Several people from the religious cult Aum Shinrikyo killed Tsutsumi Sakamoto, an anti-cult lawyer, and his wife and child in 1989 when he kept working on a class action lawsuit against Aum Shinrikyo and tried to campaign against it through a TV program of TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Inc.).  TBS produced a video where Sakamoto severely criticized the ways of Aum Shinrikyo (a kind of doomsday cult), but they allowed some leading Aum members to see the video before it was broadcast, which resulted in Aum killing the Sakamoto family.  Eventually, the video was not broadcast to the public.

     To begin with, we will consider the relationship between the nation and human rights.  To make a long story short, the nation has the habit of preventing people from speaking against it by using its strong political power in legislative, executive and judiciary ways.  And so in order to stop this habit, humankind as our precursors has spent a lot of time in establishing fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression, which are given to us mostly by the constitution of the nation

     Therefore, human rights, in the first sense, exist and work between nation and individual, which point should be the most important.

    Organizations, such as industrial firms and companies have overwhelming superiority over individuals, and they are apt to exclude those individuals who make a just demand through justice and truth, in which case the individuals might suffer great damage from the larger organizations.  So human rights need to exist and work appropriately between organizations and individuals.  This is the second sense and function of human rights.

Human rights also work between individual and individual, which you can call “human rights in the third sense,” but many of the troubles between individuals should be settled not so much through human rights as through negotiation.  If people create more and more lawsuits against other individuals, a society suffering from endless lawsuits will develop.

     However, if between individuals, one commits a crime against the other, it must be dealt with severely from the standpoint of human rights.  To respect the victim’s human rights is to limit the criminal’s.  It cannot be helped to limit the human rights of those who infringe upon the lives and properties of others by conducting crimes.

     The human rights of suspects must be considered because the police have huge power connected to the nation’s power, but they are very different from the human rights of individuals who are politically persecuted.  If you fail to understand this difference, you will produce a hopeless country where criminals escape being punished under the shield of human rights.

     A society where murderers escape being punished and bereaved people feel helpless, is, in a sense, a very savage society where evil thrives and is perhaps worse than the Japanese society of 300 years ago where bereaved people were given official permission to take revenge on murderers.

     Nowadays, people in Western countries, as well as in Japan, seem to misunderstand human rights in that they must apply human rights to those individuals who have committed crimes.  In the relationship between criminals and victims, the former are, so to speak, the stronger, and the latter are the weaker.  Human rights basically exist to protect the weaker from the stronger, not to protect criminals---the stronger.

     Today people in countries where crimes occur frequently, especially in the United States of America do not seem to understand well the purpose of human rights.  I am afraid that they confuse ordinary individuals’ human rights against violations by political powers with criminals’ human rights.  It is natural to impose severe restrictions on criminals’ human rights, so the nation may well impose more than a few restrictions on them in order to protect its good citizens.

     To restrict criminals’ human rights is basically inconsistent with respecting the human rights for ordinary people, so you must do it carefully, in situations where crimes occur frequently and people’s lives and properties are exposed to danger.  Nonsense is the way of controlling a country by respecting criminals’ human rights in such a way that ordinary people cannot live safely.  From this standpoint, the United States of America, which often correctly blames other countries for not protecting human rights,  should at times keep silent and watch the process.  Of course, I completely disagree with the ways of the former Soviet Union and some other similar countries restricting human rights in order to maintain their government.  Even if there were not a single homicide in such a country, I would never like to live there.

     What I want is a country where human rights for people in general are completely secured and protected and where it is impossible for criminals to escape being punished by using human rights as a shield---a country where ordinary people are treated kindly and criminals are treated severely. 

     Freedom of expression, one of the fundamental human rights, exists mainly for individuals (or the weaker organizations) to criticize the policies and measures of their government which has, say, the strongest power.  To elaborate, freedom of expression exists for the weaker to gain their safety when they criticize the stronger.  It does not exist for the larger and stronger organizations to criticize small and weak individuals.  Freedom of expression does not exist for big and strong organizations to criticize individuals’ immoralities and adulteries.  Therefore, the mass media, such as newspapers, TV, and popular magazines must be particularly careful about human rights when they criticize individuals or small and weak organizations, because the mass media are much bigger and stronger organizations than individuals.  However, I am afraid that some of the Japanese and Western mass media do not understand completely in which direction freedom of expression points.

     In 1986 Kitano Takeshi and his followers assaulted the office of the Friday Scandal Magazine Publishing Company (hereafter Friday) because it published a story about his immorality with a college girl by gathering information in an illicit way.  At that time Kitano had written some books and had a column in a weekly magazine, so he was different from ordinary individuals.  He was, so to speak, a small organization, while Friday was a middle-scale organization.  The conflict between Kitano and Friday was one between a small and a middle-scale organization.  From this standpoint, Friday, which was a stronger  organization than Kitano, had to be awfully careful about how to use freedom of expression, but it went too far.  Friday exposed Kitano’s private life, not his public activities as an entertainer, which I think was too excessive.

     You can make the best possible use of the right of freedom of expression when you belong to the smaller organizations and criticize the larger and stronger ones, especially when you criticize political powers.  However, when you belong to the larger organizations and criticize the smaller ones or individuals, you must be most careful about using the right of freedom of expression although you certainly have the right.  When it comes to crimes committed by individuals, the mass media can make full use of freedom of expression and criticize them, but I am afraid the mass media basically do not have the right to expose individuals’ adulteries, which you cannot call “crimes,” to the public under the name of freedom of expression.  The mass media, which are decent, must not do that even if it is free from legal punishment.  Adultery is an ethical matter between relevant people, and it is free for the relevant people to expose it to other people, but the mass media do not at all have any right to expose it under the name of the freedom of expression.  Some of the mass media may regard themselves as judges to administer justice to those individuals who have committed adultery, but it is often found that they have the intention to make money by exposing adulteries of famous individuals, not of ordinary individuals.

     As for the case of Aum’s murder of the Sakamoto family, the greatest mistake that TBS made was to let some members of the middle-scale organization of “Aum” see the video where lawyer Sakamoto, a small and weak individual, was severely criticizing Aum’s ways of proselytizing.  Both TBS and Aum are middle-scale organizations, and it is not aberrational for them to exchange blame or criticism, which inevitably happens from time to time.  But to inform Aum members of Sakamoto’s criticism against Aum before broadcasting it, was to create a situation where Sakamoto, an individual or the smallest organization, must directly confront Aum Shinrikyo, a middle- scale organization.  Whether it is states, the greatest power, or various kinds of middle-scale organizations, both are apt to prevent smaller organizations or individuals from blaming or attacking them, which is clear in terms of humankind’s past history. 

     In the past, in order to eradicate objectors’ criticism almost all governments suppressed the objectors’ blame, arrested them, placed them in confinement, and even went so far as to often kill them.  Many religious organizations were not immune, either.   The right of freedom of expression was gained after our ancestors’ painful struggle so that individuals should be free from unjust suppression, arrest, and captivity.  As history tells us, Aum Shinrikyo, which had “middle power,” killed the Sakamoto family by using its power to succeed in preventing Sakamoto’s criticism against it for a period of time.

     TBS made an irrecoverable mistake in that they exposed Lawyer Sakamoto to “middle-power” Aum by letting its members see the video before broadcasting.  TBS put Sakamoto into a dangerous situation at the time when freedom of expression ensured by Japan was about to be infringed.  The mass media must protect information sources from persecution by keeping them secret, and at the same time, they must keep antagonists from checking directly the contents of what the sources said.  If the mass media need to hear the antagonists’ opinion, they must do so by keeping information sources secret.  However, TBS did not do this, but exposed Lawyer Sakamoto before the organization which might persecute him.  If TBS had broadcast the video instead of letting Aum members see the video beforehand, it would have produced another result.  Aum would have been furious, but the conflict would have been between Aum (middle-scale organization) and the allied forces of Sakamoto and TBS (middle-scale organization), not between Aum and Sakamoto.  Under this circumstance, Sakamoto would have been protected by TBS and its audience, and Aum might have given up killing him.  Furthermore, TBS would not have received so great a blame as they did in 1996 when the Sakamoto family were found to have been killed by Aum.

     The mass media, such as newspapers and TV should think again what freedom of expression is and in which direction it points.  They must bear in mind that their first priority is to ensure individuals’ freedom of expression and safety when there is conflict between individuals and organizations in respect to a particular piece of information.  They cannot seek freedom of press when creating a situation where individuals’ human rights are infringed. 

     Such human rights as freedom of expression were introduced into Japan from the Western world.  However, it seems that Western countries have forgotten the root reason why human rights were established.  They are now suffering from too much abuse of human rights, which is, sadly enough, injuring their society, where many people have come to have a lot of difficulty in living safely and peacefully.

     In Japan, more than 1300 years ago, such Chinese philosophy as Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism became fused with philosophy indigenous to Japan and Buddhist philosophy which came from India to Japan by way of China.  The three philosophies came together and resulted in the moral backbone of the Japanese people and the successive Japanese governments, which eventually produced a very halcyon society with little carnage when compared with other countries in the world (though there was some time of confusion between the Nara period and the Tokugawa period).  Japan’s moral backbone, born from the fusion of the three philosophies, was excellent, but in those days Japan had a class system, which was particularly lacking in the ideas of freedom and equality, especially from today’s standpoint of the right to receive equal treatment.

     What the world now needs most, I believe, is to create a society where Western-born human rights are respected with the help of Japan’s traditional idea of how to control a country in order that all people can live in safety and peace.  The Western way, or rather the American way of controlling a society, should be criticized because American society has too many lawsuits and too many murders resulting from the lack of gun control.  Furthermore, it is awfully inefficient in protecting its ordinary citizens’ safety, lives and properties that are the most basic and the most important in life.  Where the Western idea of human rights and the Japanese way of controlling a country could be synthesized and fused, there, I believe, lies a new system of controlling our world which will enable us to overcome both the inadequacy of the Western idea of human rights and the shortage of the Japanese way of controlling a country. 

(June 9, 1996)

PS:  Widely reported was the news about American president Clinton’s immorality with Monica Lewinsky after I wrote the above essay.  Also widely reported was the news about some famous Japanese statesmen’s adulteries and a lot of popular TV and film stars’ sexual immoralities.

Do the mass media have the right to expose statesmen’s adulteries and stars’ immoralities?

In my opinion, basically, they have no right to expose individuals’ adulteries to the public even if the individuals are statesmen or TV stars.  Those who have the right to blame others’ adultery are only those people involved.  When it comes to the case of a husband’ adultery, his wife, children, parents, parents-in-law, brothers and sisters, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, uncles, aunts, friends, etc. who have close relationships with him have the right to blame him for adultery, but the mass media, who are complete strangers to him, have no right to blame him under the name of freedom of expression.  Only the people who are close to him have the right to blame him according to the degree of their closeness.

As I insist in the above essay, “freedom of expression” exists mainly to criticize such great powers as state powers, not to criticize small and weak individuals.  The mass media, who come under middle-scale organizations, basically, do not have the right to expose individuals’ adulteries to the public even if they are statesmen or film stars.  

(November 16, 2003)









永井 津記夫 














































  西洋流の人権思想と東洋流・日本流の国家運営方法とが融合または止揚するところに、人権思想の欠陥と日本古来の社会運営法の欠陥を克服した新しい社会運営システムを構築することが可能となるように思われる。                 1996年6月9日記

 追記: この文章を書いた後、米国のクリントン大統領とモニカ・ルインスキーとの不倫騒動、民主党の菅直人や自民党の山崎拓の不倫事件が起こった。また、芸能人の不倫(浮気)騒動は枚挙にいとまがない。これらの不倫をマスコミは「表現の自由」の名のもとに暴露・非難する権利があるのだろうか。



