


2021-09-04 17:18:53 | 心理学


There is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of

the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic

proportions. This mind-virus which Native Americans have called "Wetiko" covertly

operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche,

rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests.

-Paul Levy









この時代に彼らが選んだ第一の武器は、「tel-lie-vision set」です。

直感は危険な才能であり、根拠のない憶測に何度も何度も誘惑される。 ~カール・ユング、書簡集II、

Intuition is a dangerous gift, tempting us over and over again into groundless speculation. 
~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 507-508



"We are in the final stages of a VERY long spiritual and multidimensional battle.
At its highest level it has a non-human hand involved. 
I understand that this may be very hard to accept for many as being possible, and I also understand exactly why that is. 
Multiple generations over several millennia have largely been under the control of these groups of vampiric, parasitical entities. 
At the highest levels of control and influence, another group of soulless human containers and bloodlines have served as intermediaries for these entities, to carry out their agendas, and enslave the vast majority of TRUE, ensouled Human Beings through the use of Dark magick and technology, provided by these non human infiltrators. 
These same intermediary bloodlines have meticulously taken control of nearly all venues of information, TRUE history, and "education", cleverly crafting and controlling the minds of most humans, by handfeeding them a very limited and highly controlled view of how they should process "reality" and what they should "believe" in.
They control nearly all "education" and media. They control the entertainment industries, and content being put out, often rife with subliminal magick symbology and mind control frequencies and programming. 
One of their favorite tools of mind control and magick is the installation of FEAR into the collective populace. Fear induced through false flags, wars, creating foreign enemies and Boogeymen around every corner, or fomenting the fear of some new "outbreak" of some sort. 
Their primary delivery weapon of choice in this particular era is the tel - LIE - vision set. 
This is absolutely a mind control device, 100%. That is precisely what it was CREATED for, by an alphabet-letter group, who does the bidding for these bloodlines. 
The TV is their magick agenda delivery weapon. It not only broadcasts our their agendas 24 / 7, but it also beams out frequencies and pulses of rapid fire light and sounds generally undetectable to the average human, which locks the mind into an alpha brainwave state. A highly SUGGESTIBLE state. A state where the subliminal messages and magick symbology bypass the conscious mind, and embed into the SUBCONSCIOUS mind, which is a hundred fold more powerful than the conscious mind, in terms of manifestation and behavior. You have, in a very real sense, undergone a VERY powerful session of HYPNOSIS. One that very few ever realize they are locked in. 
Once you become aware of this, it becomes evermore apparent and highly noticeable that a VERY large amount of the collective populace is DEEPLY under this potent spell of hypnosis. Literally locked into a very miopic, sleep-like state. Unable to think independently. Critically. To question what "authorities" (also installed and approved by these same "controllers) are telling them to do, or is best for them. 
They are literally locked in a state of hypnosis. They cannot see nor even comprehend what is happening. And they will actually defend these programs of herding and ATTACK those trying to snap them out of it and break them free from its grip. 
The most powerful thing we can do, is DISCONNECT from these control systems and devices. To try and encourage others to as well. 
To take back control of our minds.
Meditate. Observe your mind and thoughts, continuously. Try to feel, WHAT is doing the observing. This higher power that you actually are. Your soul. Your higher self. The formless consciousness you are. Connect deeply to this. It is both within this hologram, as well as FAR beyond it. It will guide your vessel and keep it safe. Listen to your INTUITION, constantly. This is the VOICE of these higher aspects of your totality, gently guiding you towards your highest potential path, and evolution. In these times, trust NOTHING more than this voice. It is the only voice which has your back, one thousand percent of the time." - 
Tone Mellard



『1/3,ガスライティング "とは?』現実的な政治の目的は、すべて架空の妖怪を延々と威嚇することで、民衆を不安にさせ(それゆえ、安全に導いてほしいと切望させ)続けることにある」。~ H.L.メンケ…ameblo.jp


『2/3,ガスライティング "とは?』ナルシストのガスライティングは今やピークに達しており、彼らに理屈をこねることはできません。ナルシストの奇妙な行動に混乱した被害者は、安全だと感じていた最初の頃…ameblo.jp



『3/3,ガスライティング "とは?』この心理状態は、今日では「ストックホルム症候群」として知られています。ストックホルム症候群は、誘拐、人質、ナルシストの虐待など、自分が囚われの身となって命の危…ameblo.jp