

熟考の上 そうではなかった問題を生み出す「芸術」

2021-06-28 12:09:11 | 心理学


the 'art' of creating problems that weren't

even there





REBT(Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy:合理的動機づけ行動療法)は、1950年代にアルバート・エリスが考案した心理療法の一つです。REBTの目標は、人々が不合理な信念を合理的な信念に変えるのを助けることです。信念を変えることがセラピーの真の仕事であり、セラピストがクライアントの不合理な信念に異議を唱えることで達成されます。

"考えることは難しい、だから群れに判断を委ねるのだ!" ~CGユング、CW10、パラ652。

一方、権力本能は、すでに世界の半分を共産主義の国家監獄に変えてしまった社会主義的な理想に向かっている。これは、全体性を求める努力が望んでいること、すなわち、他の2つの本能の強制から個人を解放することとは正反対である。目の前の課題は、すべてのエネルギーが使われずに戻ってきて、人間のより高度な発展を常に妨げてきた本能そのものを、ほとんど病的なまでに強化するのである。いずれにしても、それは現代に特有の神経症的な効果を持ち、個人や世界全体の分裂の責任のほとんどを負わなければならない。私たちはただ影を認めようとしないので、右手は左手が何をしているのかわからないのです」。] ~ヨン様、CW10、パラ652

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a form of psychotherapy which was created by Albert Ellis in the 1950s. The goal of REBT is to help people change their irrational beliefs into rational beliefs. Changing beliefs is the real work of therapy and is achieved by the therapist disputing the client’s irrational beliefs.
(it could be also suggested to take this a step further and eliminate all limiting beliefs and seek Truth instead.)

“Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!” ~CG Jung, CW 10, Para 652.
[Therefore it does not commend itself to the relatively unconscious man driven by his natural impulses, because, imprisoned in his familiar world, he clings to the commonplace, the obvious, the probable, the collectively valid, using for his motto: “Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!” It is an enormous relief to him when something that looks complicated, unusual, puzzling and problematical can be reduced to something ordinary and banal, especially when the solution strikes him as surprisingly simple and somewhat droll.

[…] while the power instinct is driven towards some Socialistic ideal that has already turned half the world into the State prison of Communism. This is the exact opposite of what the striving for wholeness wants, namely, to free the individual from the compulsion of the other two instincts. The task before him comes back with all its energies unused, and reinforces, to an almost pathological degree, the very instincts that have always stood in the way of man’s higher development. At all events it has a neuroticizing effect characteristic of our time and must bear most of the blame for the splitting of the individual and of the world in general. We just will not admit the shadow, and so the right hand does not know what the left is do

