Walking, I am listening to a deeper way.
Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me..
Be still, they say.
Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.
Linda Hogan (b. 1947) Native American writer
Be still, と言われます。.
リンダ・ホーガン(1947年生まれ) アメリカ先住民の作家
~ エリザベス・レッサー『ブロークン・オープン』より
PEACE and Grace: 壊れた世界でのスピリチュアリティ
How odd that if we reject what is painful, we find only more pain, but if we embrace what is within us - if we peer fearlessly into the shadows - we stumble upon the light.
"Once, as we were discussing the subject of suffering," Bill Moyers said about his conversations with Campbell, "he mentioned in tandem James Joyce and Igjugarjuk. "Who is Igjugarjuk?" I said, barely able to imitate the pronunciation. "Oh," replied Campbell, "he was the shaman of a Caribou Eskimo tribe in northern Canada, the one who told European visitors that the only true wisdom lives far from mankind, out in the great loneliness, and can be reached only through suffering."
~ Elizabeth Lesser, Broken Open.
PEACE and Grace: Spirituality in a Broken World