

ビジョナリーの想像力。C.G.ユング 芸術、活発な想像力、そして創造的プロセス 

2021-03-22 20:50:37 | 心理学


ビジョナリーの想像力。C.G.ユング 芸術、活発な想像力、そして創造的プロセス 
講師 マリア・タベラス、LCSW
積極的な想像力は、ユング心理学の最も急進的な革新であると言えます。 受動的なプロセスである自由連想とは対照的に、能動的な想像力は、自我が積極的に無意識からイメージを呼び起こし、それらのイメージに積極的に関与するプロセスです。 自由連想が内面の独白(無意識から自我への指示)であるのに対し、能動的想像力は内面の対話(自我と無意識の間の会話)です。


A Visionary’s Imagination: C.G. Jung: Art, Active Imagination and the Creative Process
5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:00 – 7:30 pm, ET, Beginning April 14th
Instructor: Maria Taveras, LCSW
7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.
This course will contrast the Freudian aesthetic based on free association with a Jungian aesthetic based on active imagination.
Active imagination is perhaps the most radical innovation of Jungian psychology. In contrast to free association, which is a passive process, active imagination is a process in which the ego actively evokes images from the unconscious and actively engages those images. Whereas free association is an interior monologue (a dictation from the unconscious to the ego), active imagination is an interior dialogue (a conversation between the ego and the unconscious).
The creative dialogue between the ego and the unconscious and archetypal is an important factor in the creative process since the affect laden ego mixes with the archetypal unconscious to create the artistic product. By creating art out of their own active imagination, dreams, visions, images, dance, or writings, participants will directly embody the relation between art and psyche and then have an opportunity to share with other participants their uniquely personal experience of the creative process.
