- C.G.ユング『魂を求める現代人』226ページ。
- C.G.ユング『移行期の文明』CW18、par. 1292.
絵画 リトゥ・ランバ・ガルカル「孤独・信仰・希望
Where are the great and wise men who do not merely talk about the meaning of life and of the world, but reality possess it? Human thought cannot conceive any system and final truth that could give the patient what he needs in order to live, that is: Faith, Hope, Love, and Insight.
These four highest achievements of human effort are so many gifts of grace, which are neither to be taught nor learned, neither given nor taken, neither withheld nor earned, since they come through experience, which is something given, and therefore beyond the reach of human caprice.
- C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p. 226.
The fundamental error persists in the public that there are definite answers, “solutions,” or views which need only be uttered in order to spread the necessary light. But the most beautiful truth, as history has shown a thousand times over, is no use at all unless it has become the innermost experience and possession of the individual. Every unequivocal, so-called “clear”answer always remains stuck in the head, but only very rarely does it penetrate to the heart.
The needful thing is not to know the truth but to experience it.
Not to have an intellectual conception of things, but to find our way to the inner, and perhaps wordless, irrational experience— that is the great problem.
Nothing is more fruitless than talking of how things must or should be, and nothing is more important than finding the way to these far-off goals.
Most people know very well how things should be, but who can point the way to get there?
- C.G. Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 18, par. 1292.
Painting: Rituu Lamba Garkal, Solitude Faith Hope