

大衆は常に精神的な伝染病の温床である。~カール・ユング; CW 9i; Par.227.

2021-06-19 15:19:34 | 心理学

大衆は常に精神的な伝染病の温床である。~カール・ユング; CW 9i; Par.227.










今日、私たちは、すべての個人の無意識の中に、かなりの緊張感を持った本能的な傾向や精神的なシステムがあることを知っています。それらが何らかの形で意識の中に侵入するのを助けられ、意識がそれらを高次の形で遮断する機会を得られない場合、それらは奔流のように目の前のすべてを一掃し、人間を「獣」という言葉ではまだ言い表せないような生き物に変えてしまいます。彼らは "悪魔 "と呼ばれるだけである。大衆にこのような現象を呼び起こすために必要なのは、数人の憑依された人間、あるいはたった一人の人間である。もし、この無意識の気質が国民の大多数に共通するものであるならば、このコンプレックスにまみれた人間がたった一人、自らをメガホンにして、大惨事を引き起こすのに十分である。~カール・ユング『CW』第18巻「象徴的生命」。


Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics. ~Carl Jung; CW 9i; Par. 227.

Reality is the psychosis of the masses.

The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing. A gentle and reasonable being can be transformed into a maniac or a savage beast. One is always inclined to lay the blame on external circumstances, but nothing could explode in us if it had not been there. As a matter of fact, we are constantly living on the edge of a volcano, and there is, so far as we know, no way of protecting ourselves from a possible outburst that will destroy everybody within reach. It is certainly a good thing to preach reason and common sense, but what if you have a lunatic asylum for an audience or a crowd in a collective frenzy? There is not much difference between them because the madman and the mob are both moved by impersonal, overwhelming forces.
~CG Jung (1938). CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.25

“The ordinary lunatic is generally a harmless, isolated case; since everyone sees that something is wrong with him, he is quickly taken care of. But the unconscious infections of groups of so-called normal people are more subtle and far more dangerous.”
~C.G. Jung, The Integration of the Personality.

All human control comes to an end when the individual is caught in a mass movement. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 395

Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics. ~Carl Jung; CW 9i; Par. 227.

When you are in a herd you lose the sense of danger, and this it is that makes us unable to see where we deviate from the deep currents of collectivity. ~Carl Jung, 1925 Seminar, Page 75

As soon as people get together in masses and submerge the individual, the shadow is mobilized, and, as history shows, may even be personified and incarnated. ~CG Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works, 9i, par.478

The great dangers threatening the life of millions are not physical factors, but mental folly and diabolical schemes causing mental epidemics in the mentally defenseless masses. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 124-125.

A million zeroes joined together do not, unfortunately, add up to one. Ultimately everything depends on the quality of the individual, but the fatally shortsighted habit of our age is to think only in terms of large numbers and mass organizations, though one would think that the world had seen more than enough of what a well-disciplined mob can do in the hands of a single madman. ~Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self, Page 39.

We know today that in the unconscious of every individual there are instinctive propensities or psychic systems charged with considerable tension. When they are helped in one way or another to break through into consciousness, and the latter has no opportunity to intercept them in higher forms, they sweep everything before them like a torrent and turn men into creatures for whom the word “beast” is still too good to name. They can then only be called “devils.” To evoke such phenomena in the masses, all that is needed is a few possessed persons, or only one. If this unconscious disposition should happen to be one which is common to the great majority of the nation, then a single one of these complex-ridden individuals, who at the same time sets himself up as a megaphone, is enough to precipitate a catastrophe. ~Carl Jung, CW, Vol 18, The Symbolic Life.

"Indeed, it is becoming ever more obvious that it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man's greatest danger to man, for the simple reason there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes. The supreme danger which threatens individuals as well as whole Nations is a psychic danger. Reason has proved it so completely powerless, precisely because its arguments have an effect only on the conscious mind and not on the unconscious. The greatest danger of all comes from the masses, in whom the effects of the unconscious pile up cumulatively and the reasonableness of the conscious mind is stifled. Every mass organization is a latent danger just as much as a heap of dynamite is. It lets loose affects which no man wants and no man can stop. It is therefore in the highest degree desirable that a knowledge of psychology should spread so that men can understand the source of the supreme dangers that threaten them. Not by arming to the teeth, each for itself, can the nations defend themselves in the long run from the frightful catastrophes of modern war. The heaping up of arms is itself a call to war. Rather must they recognize those psychic conditions under which the unconscious bursts the dykes of consciousness and overwhelms it."
~Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life



"善し悪しにかかわらず、全人類を支配している世界権力は、無意識の心理的要因であり、それこそが意識を誕生させ、それゆえにあらゆる世界が存在するための必要条件を作り出すのである。私たちは、自分の精神によって作られた世界に浸っているのである。" ~CGユング『現実と超現実』(1933年)、CW8「精神の構造と力学」、p747



"ヒトラーが真に神秘的な医学者の範疇に入ることは疑いの余地がない...モハメッドの時代以来、これほどのものはこの世に存在しなかった。モハメッドの時代から、このようなものは世界で見たことがない。ヒトラーのこの著しい神秘的な特徴が、我々には非論理的で、不可解で、奇妙で、理屈に合わないと思われることを彼にさせるのである.... 世界で最も知的な人々を100人選び、彼ら全員を集めても、彼らは愚かな群衆だということを知らないのか?1万人が集まれば、ワニのような知能を持つことになります.... 群衆の中では、誰もが持っている資質が増殖し、積み重なって、群衆全体の支配的な特徴となる。誰もが美徳を持っているわけではありませんが、誰もが低い動物的本能、基本的な原始人の暗示性、野蛮な時代の疑念や悪意のある特徴を持っています。その結果、何百万人もの国民を抱えることになっても、それは人間ですらない。それはトカゲかワニかオオカミである。" ~カール・ユングとH.R.ニッカーボッカーとのインタビュー(コスモポリタン[1938])参照。C.G. Jung Speaks; Pages 115-135.



The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. This is the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth. ~Carl Jung

“The world powers that rule over all mankind, for good or ill, are unconscious psychic factors, and it is they that bring consciousness into being and hence create the sine qua non for the existence of any world at all. We are steeped in a world that was created by our own psyche.” ~CG Jung, The Real and the Surreal, 1933, CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, p747

The rat-catching Pied Piper himself must have been possessed by the spirit of Wotan, which swept all those who were liable to such transports-in this case children-into a state of collective frenzy. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 330-332.

“I believe that the coming age will be in desperate need of a common basic understanding of man which would enable mankind to become a brotherhood rather than a chaos of power-driven usurpers.” ~Carl Jung, CW, 1791

“There is no question but that Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man…since the time of Mohammed nothing like it has been seen in this world. This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical, inexplicable, curious and unreasonable….Don’t you know that if you choose one hundred of the most intelligent people in the world and get them all together, they are a stupid mob? Ten thousand of them together would have the collective intelligence of an alligator…. In a crowd, the qualities which everybody possesses multiply, pile up, and become the dominant characteristics of the whole crowd. Not everybody has virtues, but everybody has the low animal instincts, the basic primitive caveman suggestibility, the suspicions and vicious traits of the savage age. The result is that when you get a nation of many millions of people, it is not even human. It is a lizard or a crocodile or a wolf.” ~Carl Jung interview with H.R. Knickerbocker in Cosmopolitan [1938] See: C.G. Jung Speaks; Pages 115-135.

“…in so far as society is itself composed of de-individualized human beings, it is completely at the mercy of ruthless individualists. Let it band together into groups and organizations as much as it likes – it is just this banding together and the resultant extinction of the individual personality that makes it succumb so readily to a dictator. A million zeros joined together do not, unfortunately, add up to one.”
~CG Jung, Man and His Symbols
