~ カール・ユング:心理学的タイプ、定義、411-412ページ。
"私は本当の知識を求めているので、検証できない憶測はすべて避けている" ~ C.G.ユング~カール・ユング『書簡集』第2巻、179~180ページ
"事実が先、理論が後」というのが、ユングの仕事の基調です。彼は最初で最後の経験主義者である」。この見解には私も賛同します。~カール・ユング(British Medical Journal(1952年2月9日)、CW18、664ページより引用
"あなたは、私が何よりもまず経験主義者であり、経験的な理由だけで西洋と東洋の神秘主義の問題に導かれたことを忘れているようだ。" ~カール・ユング『手紙』第1巻195ページは1935年9月7日に書かれたものです。
ルース・フライは1950年代にチューリッヒに留学していたとき、ユングと会話したことを報告しています。ルース・フライは、1950年代にチューリッヒに留学していたとき、自分の理論を世間に発表する前に、必ず14年間のテストを行うと言っていました。彼は能動的な想像力についても同じように、14年間、経験的、科学的にテストしたのです。~ フライ、R.T.(1974)「能動的想像力の瞑想を教える」、24ページ
Individuation is always to some extent opposed to collective norms, since it means separation and differentiation from the general and building up of the particular -- not a particularity that is ‘sought out’ but one that is already ingrained in the psychic constitution. The opposition to the collective norm, however, is only apparent, since closer examination shows that the individual standpoint is not ‘antagonistic’ toward it but only ‘differently oriented’.
The individual way can never be directly opposed to the collective norm, because the opposite of the collective norm could only be another, but contrary, norm. But the individual way can, never by definition, be a collective norm. A norm is the product of the totality of individual ways, and its justification and beneficial effect are contingent upon the existence of individual ways that need from time to time to orient to a norm. A norm serves no purpose when it possesses absolute validity. A real conflict with the collective norm arises only when the individual way is raised to a norm, which is the actual aim of extreme individualism. Naturally this aim is pathological and inimical to life. It has, accordingly, nothing to do with individuation, which, though it may strike out on an individual bypath, precisely on that account needs the norm for its orientation to society and for the vitally necessary relationship of the individual to society. Individuation, therefore, leads to a natural esteem for the collective norm but if the orientation is exclusively collective the norm become increasingly superfluous and morality goes to pieces. The more a man’s life is shaped by the collective, the greater his individual immorality.
Individuation is practically the same as the development of consciousness out of the original state of identity. It is thus an extension of the sphere of consciousness, an enriching of conscious psychological life.”
~ Carl Jung; Psychological Types, Definitions, pg 411-412.
Ok, but is Jung a God or prophet?
Im not saying that what you saying is wrong, but you think you know what others should do. So your individuation is also religion/idelogy
What you need to understand is how the difference between religions and Jung’s work is that religions are built on the foundation of belief. “You have to believe”, they say...
Where with Jung there’s not only no belief but he suggests you don’t believe anything. Why believe when you can ‘know’?
All of his work is empirically based. There’s no need to believe in any of it.
This is why Jung insisted that he be known as an empiricist. It’s a very important distinction.
“I seek real knowledge and therefore avoid all unverifiable speculation.” ~ C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 179-180
May I give you some advice? Don’t get caught by words, only by facts. ~C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 475
It is so difficult to establish facts that I detest anything that obscures them. ~C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 179-180
The empiricist only speaks of data that can be determined with sufficient certainty, and from these data he tries to crystallize out characteristics of the as yet unknown. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 445-449
"Facts first and theories later is the keynote of Jung's work. He is an empiricist first and last." This view meets with my approval. ~Carl Jung citing British Medical Journal (9 February 1952), CW 18, Page 664
"You seem to forget that I am first and foremost an empiricist, who was led to the question of Western and Eastern mysticism only for empirical reasons." ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 195 was written on 7 September 1935.
Ruth Fry reports a conversation with Jung when she was studying in Zurich sometime in the 1950s. He told her he always tested his theories for a period of fourteen years before he shared them with the public. He did the same thing with active imagination, that is, he tested it empirically and scientifically for fourteen years. ~ Fry, R. T. (1974) ‘Teaching active imagination meditation,’ Page 24
(I am the Progress of my experiences)
ユング "信念という言葉は私にとって難しいものです。ある仮説を立てるには理由が必要です。あることを知っていても、それを信じる必要がないのです。私は、あることを信じるためだけに、それを信じることを許さない。信じられない!」と思ってしまうのです。しかし、ある仮説を立てるのに十分な理由があるときは、その理由を自然に受け入れることにしている。"
~CGユング『Face To Face』[BBC 1959]より
~C.G.ユング 『カール・ユングの手紙』第2巻、197-199ページ。
~グルジェフ(G.I. Gurdjieff
~C.G. Jung, Letter to Cassani, 07/13/1954
"Psychology to me is an empirical science. I observe but I do not invent… The psyche is greater than myself; it is not in the hollow of my hand." ~C.G. Jung, Dream Seminars, p.511
There is not one single thing in my psychology which is not substantiated essentially by actual experiences. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 465.
I am essentially an empiricist and have discovered to my cost that when people do not understand me they think I have seen visions. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 121-122
Your argument and the beautiful quotations make it very clear that Rilke drew from the same deep springs as I did-the collective unconscious. He as a poet or visionary, I as a psychologist and empiricist. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 381-382.
Jung: “You see the word belief is a difficult thing for me, I don’t believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing and then I know it, I don’t need to believe it. I don’t allow myself to believe a thing just for the sake of believing it. I can’t believe it! But when there are sufficient reasons to form a certain hypothesis I shall accept these reasons naturally.”
~CG Jung, Face To Face [BBC 1959]
[Belief is no adequate substitute for inner experience]
In early times and until comparatively recently there was, therefore, talk of “powers ordained by God” (Romans 13:1). Today the conception is antiquated. The Churches stand for traditional and collective convictions which in the case of many of their adherents are no longer based on their own inner experience but on ‘unreflecting belief’, which is notoriously apt to disappear as soon as one begins thinking about it. The content of belief then comes into collision with knowledge, and it often out that the irrationality of the former is no match for the ratiocinations of the latter. Belief is no adequate substitute for inner experience, and where this is absent even a strong faith which came miraculously as a gift of grace may depart equally miraculously. People call faith the true religious experience, but they do not stop to consider that actually it is a secondary phenomenon arising from the fact that something happened to us in the first place which instilled (Greek word) into us—that is, trust and loyalty. ~CG Jung, CW 10, Para 521.
I am not concerned with what is "believable" but simply with what is knowable.
~C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 197-199.
Either I know a thing and then I don't need to believe it; or I believe it because I am not sure that I know it. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Page 706-707
“I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself.”
~G.I. Gurdjieff
Ok, so everyone has to find it in their life that is different than yours. What wokrs for you or Jung doesn't have to work for me
Individuation is and must be an embodied process. There is no belief or dogma involved. And its an individual journey where we each do our own inner work. This is the opposite from collectivist religions where external deities are worshiped via the middle-man priest.
There are mainstays or foundational tenets of Jung’s work but those tools are to be used on an individual basis that apply as-needed in accordance to each person’s unique situation.
So its like a carpenter can build lots of different styles of houses and perhaps never the same one twice – but he is still using the same tools and the same building materials in that process.
Ok, and Im not saying that what you are saying is bad. I find it valuable and truthful in much part. I criticize your self righteousness
So tell me… if someone is giving away their own authentic power over to the collective when he becomes a member in a herd-narrative social group, and he does give away his power… the ego won’t agree with this but it is true… how then can he go on with becoming an individual if he has no power, no inner authority to make decisions because he is always ‘checking-in’ with his group narratives on each decision he makes?
it's not "self righteousness" when its backed up with the proper supporting material.
The problem is that your ego won't admit to all this, it can't admit to it... that's what unconscious means. The Mass-man operates as the herd does.
6.39-- #7 従来の道徳的な神。私たちの家父長制の宗教の創始者について考えてみましょう。彼らはエポックワンを超えて進化した人間でした。彼らは、自分自身やその時代、そして仲間たちよりも先を行っていました。彼らは、より強い自我を持ち、良心を発達させ、他者について考え始め、他者にも価値があるのではないかと気づき始めていました...しかし、彼らは、自我が脳の2つの半球のように二元的に考える二元的思考を持っていました。しかし、彼らはまだ二元論的な思考を持っていました。しかし問題なのは、拒絶された反対物に悪を割り当てる場合です。それが、この神像を機能不全にしている、従来の道徳的な神なのです。
8.04-レベル1: 道徳的推論
壊れた世界の機能不全な神像 by ジャン・ラファ博士
機能不全の神-壊れた世界のイメージ by Dr. Jean Raffa
壊れた世界の中の機能不全の神のイメージ by Dr. Jean Raffa
それ(超越的機能)が「超越的」と呼ばれるのは、無意識を失うことなく、ある態度から別の態度への移行を有機的に可能にするからである。建設的あるいは合成的な治療法は、少なくとも潜在的に患者の中に存在し、それゆえに意識化することができる洞察を前提としている。もし分析者がこれらの潜在的可能性について何も知らなければ、患者がそれらを発展させるのを助けることもできません。~CGユング (1957/1960, pp.73-74)
I’m simply sharing the things that Jung said. I’m only the messenger. So you are fighting against Jung’s psychology here, and why? Because that’s what the unconscious ego does. It does not want to give up its political and church groups because that’s where the ego finds the evil, the devil, out there… but never inside itself.
0.50—if God lived within me wouldn’t I know it? Wouldn’t I feel God’s supernatural power and one-ness? No. We wouldn’t. Not as long as the ego remains fearful and separated from the inner world of the unconscious… so we seek God in outer symbols and beliefs and religious authorities and we ignore our inner realities. Thus, for most Westerners for most of the time, the sacred is no longer an everyday reality. It is a separate entity who must be approached through mental abstractions and experienced only in rare supernatural revelations and interventions.
This god-image is dysfunctional because it keeps our focus on societal norms and expectations. It prevents us from noticing or consulting our inner life. It blinds us to the sacredness of all life.
6.39-- #7 A Conventionally Moral God. Think about the founders of our patriarchal religions. They were men who had evolved beyond epoch one. They were ahead of themselves and of their era and of their peers. They were people who had stronger egos, they were developing consciences, they were beginning to think about otherness and to realize that maybe there was some value in other people… but they had dualistic thinking still where the ego thinks dualistically like those two hemispheres of the brain. So they choose what they considered to be good in every pair of opposites and formed their god-images around these “good” qualities. But the problem is when we assign evil to the rejected opposite. That’s what makes this god-image dysfunctional, a conventional moral God.
8.04—Level 1: Moral Reasoning
Dysfunctional God-Images in a Broken World by Dr. Jean Raffa
Dysfunctional God-Images in a Broken World by Dr. Jean Raffa
Dysfunctional God-Images in a Broken World by Dr. Jean Raffa
Im not fighting im just sharing my opinion. I think this words are good, but are just words of one man. Maybe other people can find something better than Jung?
An Individualist is an ego that did not succeed in Individuating :
"An individualist is a man who did not succeed in individuating; he is a philosophically distilled egotist. Individuation is becoming that thing which is not the ego, and that is very strange."
~C.G. Jung, Seminars in Kundalini Yoga
The transcendent function does not proceed without aim and purpose, but leads to the revelation of the essential man.
It is in the first place a purely natural process, which may in some cases pursue its course without the knowledge or assistance of the individual, and can sometimes forcibly accomplish itself in the face of opposition.
The meaning and purpose of the process is the realization, in all its aspects, of the personality originally hidden away in the embryonic germplasm; the production and unfolding of the original, potential wholeness.
The symbols used by the unconscious to this end are the same as those which mankind has always used to express wholeness, completeness, and perfection: symbols, as a rule, of the quaternity and the circle.
For these reasons I have termed this the individuation process.
This natural process of individuation served me both as a model and guiding principle for my method of treatment. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Paras 186-187
It [the transcendent function] is called “transcendent” because it makes the transition from one attitude to another organically possible, without loss of the unconscious. The constructive or synthetic method of treatment presupposes insights which are at least potentially present in the patient and can therefore be made conscious. If the analyst knows nothing of these potentialities he cannot help the patient to develop them either. ~CG Jung. (1957/1960, pp. 73–74)
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
"自分の心理を意識しない限り、私はそれを他の人や物に投影せざるを得ない......だから、投影によって初めて内的な心理的内容に直面することになるのである。" ~ゲアハルト・アドラー『分析心理学の研究』p.15
Naturally, these experiences appear only in people without religious convictions. For where there is a definite belief there are also definite concepts from among which a symbol can be chosen. Thus conflict is avoided, or rather the opposite does not appear, being hidden beneath a dogmatic image (Christ, for example). That is why you find no trace of the transcendent function in the psychology of a man with definite religious convictions. What the term “transcendent function” designates is really the transition from one condition to another. When a man is caught by a religious concept, he does not leave it; he stays with his religious conviction, and, furthermore, that is what he should do. If any conflict appears, it is immediately repressed or resolved by a definite religious idea. That is why the transcendent function can be observed only in people who no longer have their original religious conviction, or never had any, and who, in consequence, find themselves directly faced with their unconscious. This was the case with Christ. He was a religious innovator who opposed the traditional religion of his time and his people. Thus he was extra ecclesiam and in a state of nulla salus. That is why he experienced the transcendent function, whereas a Christian saint could never experience it, since for him no fundamental and total change of attitude would be involved. ~CG Jung, JL1 ¶ 0
Why are you participating in a Jung group if you don't believe in his work?
Belive? He was a man who lived, I found his wisdom deep and profound. But I don't see him as prophet
Where have I made any mention about a prophet? That's a projection made on your part, do you see how this is?
Projection is not a conscious process. One meets with projections, one does not make them.
The general psychological reason for projection is always an activated unconscious that seeks expression.["The Tavistock Lectures," CW 18, par. 352.]
Nothing has a more divisive and alienating effect upon society than this moral complacency and lack of responsibility, and nothing promotes understanding and rapprochement more than the mutual withdrawal of projections." ~Carl Jung; The Undiscovered Self; Page 72.
"As long as I am not conscious of my own psychology, I am bound to project it onto other people or things ... and so it is through projection that I am first confronted with inner psychic content." ~Gerhard Adler, "Studies in Analytical Psychology" p. 15
A man who is unconscious of himself acts in a blind, instinctive way and is in addition fooled by all the illusions that arise when he sees everything that he is not conscious of in himself coming to meet him from outside as projections upon his neighbour. ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Page 335.
“Psychological cleanliness means not literal purity, but awareness of one’s own dirt. If one is psychologically clean, one will not contaminate one’s environment with shadow projections.”
~Edward Edinger, "Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy"
No, that's my hyperbole. You sacrificed a lot of your life to learn Jungs work. You know much quotes, you live your life to it.
And that's great, you can share what you have learned with us, you can live to it and make world a better place(or no if you don't want too). But you say like it's "the way", what everone should do.
And I disagree. Individuation is for the individual. And individuals have different lives
It seems that individuation is a ruthlessly important task to which everything else should take second place. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 408
"The process of individuation has always been appreciated as the most valuable and important thing in life. It is the only thing that brings any lasting satisfaction to a man. Power, glory, wealth, mean nothing in comparison. These things are external and therefore futile. Experience shows that there are certain psychological conditions in which man gets eternal results. They have something of the quality of eternity, of timelessness, they have the quality of reaching beyond man. They have a divine quality and yield all that satisfaction which man-made things do not."
~C.G. Jung, Dream Seminars, p, 289
American materialism, extraversion, and rationalism are antithetical to a psychology that attempts to probe the inner world of man. ~Jay Dunn, Contact with Jung, Page 164
“I have frequently seen people become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life.
They seek position, marriage, reputation, outward success or money, and remain unhappy and neurotic even when they have attained what they were seeking.
Such people are usually confined to too narrow a spiritual horizon.
Their life has not sufficient content, sufficient meaning.
If they are enabled to develop into more spacious personalities, the neurosis generally disappears.” ~Carl Jung, MDR, Page 140.