"このように、集団への同調は単純で簡単な道ですが、集団での経験は、その状態にある自分の心のレベルよりも深くはなりません。それはあなたの中で変化を働かせますが、その変化は長続きしません。それどころか、経験とそれを信じる気持ちを強固なものにするためには、大量の酔いに絶えず頼らなければならないのだ。しかし、群衆から離れるとすぐに、あなたはまた別人のようになり、以前の心の状態を再現することはできません。大衆は参加型ミスティークに揺さぶられているが、それは無意識のアイデンティティにほかならない。" ~CGユング、CWブック9.1、パラ225。
“Jung told Robert Johnson that he was not to join any social groups, or any movement that involved "collective opinions". That his life role was to become a whole individuated being, "to become who we genuinely are", and that he was to have one room, one protective magic circle, one outer world mandala, in which he did this work. A whole being cannot be a "mass man", one who identifies with collective opinion, because not only is all contact with the Self ended, but the ego itself is now of no practical importance because its role is to be the agent of the eternal in the outer world. The following is a little difficult to unpack, but restates the above: "If the [ego] prefers the ideas and opinions of collective consciousness and identifies with them, then the contents of the collective unconscious are repressed. The more highly charged the collective consciousness, the more the ego forfeits its practical importance. It is, as it were, absorbed by the opinions and tendencies of collective consciousness, and the result of that is the mass man, the ever-ready victim of some wretched “ism.”
The ego keeps its integrity only if it does not identify with one of the opposites, and if it understands how to hold the balance between them. This is possible only if it remains conscious of both at once. They all want decision in favour of one thing, and therefore the utter identification of the individual with a necessarily one-sided “truth.” Even if it were a question of some great truth, identification with it would still be a catastrophe, as it arrests all further spiritual development. Instead of knowledge one then has only belief."
(paraphrased from; Carl Jung, J.E.T., Pages 36-39)
“Jung said that everyone does their inner work and the only choice there is whether you’re going to do it intelligently or stupidly.
… you can live out your inner life and your inner work by your neurosis which is pure inner work on the stupidest possible level. If you don’t do your inner work it will do you and it will come up as anxiety, it will come up as phobias, as allergies, as accidents in your life, etc. and this is an incredibly stupid way of doing it.”
~Robert A. Johnson ~ inner work 01, you tube video.
Every person must live the inner life in one form or another. Consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or involuntarily, the inner world will claim us and exact its dues. If we go to that realm consciously, it is by our inner world: our prayers, meditations, dream work, ceremonies, and Active Imagination. If we try to ignore the inner world, as most of us do, the unconscious will find its way into our lives through pathology: our psychosomatic symptoms, compulsions, depressions, and neuroses. ~Robert A. Johnson.
Personality No.2は、時間の外に存在し、母性的無意識の息子である。"ボーリンゲンでは、私は私の真の人生の真っ只中にいて、私は最も深く自分自身である。ここでは、私はいわば「母の年老いた息子」である。子供の頃にすでに経験していた「老人」、「古代人」は、常に存在し、これからも存在する人格No.2である。彼は時間の外に存在し、母性無意識の息子である。私の空想の中で彼はフィレモンの形をしていて、ボーリンゲンで再び命を吹き込まれたのです。
ボリンゲンのユング : (MDR):
~マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ CG JUNG 「現代における彼の神話
カール・グスタフ・ユング - ボーリンゲン
博士 カール・G・ユングまたは賢者の石
Jung left city life of Küsnacht for simple living in the country at his Bollingen retreat whenever he was able to.
In Bollingen, silence surrounds me almost audibly, and I live "in modest harmony with nature." Thoughts rise to the surface which reach back into the centuries, and accordingly anticipate a remote future. Here the torment of creation is lessened; creativity and play are close together. ~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Page 226.
Jung told an interviewer from Basel that his real precursor was the Hasidic rabbi Dov Ber, 1704-1772, the Great Maggid, of whom it was said : "I did not go the the Maggid of Mezeritch to learn Torah from him, but to watch how he tied his shoelaces." Thus one could say, analogously, in order to know C. G. Jung in his totality, it was not enough to study his books, nor to do analytic work with him in his study in Küsnacht; one had to accompany him to Bollingen and be there as he cultivated his cornfield, worked on his stone, felled trees, chopped firewood, and cooked his food.”
Personality No.2 exists outside time & is the son of the maternal unconscious : "At Bollingen I am in the midst of my true life, I am most deeply myself. Here I am, as it were, the "age-old son of the mother".. the "old man," the "ancient," whom I had already experienced as a child, is personality No. 2, who has always been & always will be. He exists outside time and is the son of the maternal unconscious. In my fantasies he took the form of Philemon, & he comes to life again at Bollingen."
~Gerhard Wehr, “Jung”.
Tina Keller, after the war, visited Jung to ask him to "lend his voice" to some social cause du jour she was involved with. She said he looked at her coldly and said, "I'm working on alchemy now." His detachment astonished her. Hannah said after 1944 he rarely ever left Personality No. 2. When she visited him at Bollingen, he insisted she not come straight from Kusnacht, but wait a few days until the air of Kusnacht had left her. All this is very reminiscent of the rainmaker story of the Taoist sage who could only lift the curse on the land by sitting alone in a hut for a few days, settling into the Tao. We need a magic circle, a mandala of stillness.
Jung at Bollingen : (MDR):
”At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and I am myself living in every tree, in the splashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the seasons. There is nothing in the Tower that has not grown into its own form over the decades, nothing with which I am not linked. Here everything has its history, and mine; here is space for the spaceless kingdom of the world · and the psyche's hinterland.”
"My name enjoys an existence quasi independent of myself. My real self is actually chopping wood in Bollingen and cooking the meals, trying to forget the trial of an eightieth birthday." ~C.G. Jung, Letter to Mary Bancroft, August 1955
Jung loved animals and plants, not only when he was a child but all his life, and he could never see enough of the beauty of lakes, forests and mountains. Nature was for him of prime importance, and striking descriptions of nature are scattered through all his works. As quite an old man, speaking of the limitations of age, he confesses: "Yet there is so much that fills me: plants, animals, clouds, day and night, and the eternal in man. The more uncertain I have felt about myself, the more there has grown up in me a feeling of kinship with all things." Nature was Jung's greatest love and like his mother he felt from early youth partially "rooted in deep, invisible ground ... somehow connected with animals, trees, mountains, meadows, and running water."
~Marie-Louise Von Franz CG JUNG His Myth in Our Time
Whenever we touch nature we get clean. People who have got dirty through too much civilization take a walk in the woods or a bath in the sea. They shake off the fetters and allow nature to touch them. It can be done within or without. Walking in the woods or laying on the grass, taking a bath in the sea are from the outside entering the unconscious, entering yourself through dreams is touching nature from the inside and this is the same thing, things are put right again. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis; Notes on a Lecture given 1928-1930.
Carl Gustav Jung - Bollingen
You must go in quest of yourself, and you will find yourself again only in the simple and forgotten things. Why not go into the forest for a time, literally? Sometimes a tree tells you more than can be read in books… ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 479.
Trees in particular were mysterious and seemed to me direct embodiments of the incomprehensible meaning of life. For that reason the woods were the place where I felt closest to its deepest meaning and to its awe-inspiring workings. ~Carl Jung, MDR, Page 68.
The growing one is the TREE OF LIFE. It greens by heaping up growing living matter. ~Diahmon, Liber Novus, Page 351.
I had still not become a man again who carried within himself the conflict between a longing for the world and a longing for the spirit. I did not live either of these longings, but I lived myself and was a merrily greening tree in a remote spring forest. And thus I learned to live without the world and spirit; and I was amazed how well I could live like this. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 277.
are you speaking from experience; have you done this? Surely it must therefore include our attachment to self help or so called educational groups too, such as being on this group and contributing to content.
Yes, I’m speaking from years of personal experience here.
When a political news item comes up in these groups or anywhere in my vicinity I feel no anxiety spikes, I feel no phobias creep in, I feel no fear being generated, I feel no hatred in the way I see so many voicing their political opinions onto their so-called enemies and I feel no emotional triggering that leads to shadow projection. In short, I own my emotional household.
Now, take a look through the posts and comments here and notice how common it is to witness all of this needless suffering being played out in the behaviors of the members here. And notice how none of this political activism does one bit of good in the overall scheme of things. So all this suffering is for nothing. When its as simple as walking away from it all and no looking back in order to gain our natural sanity, that’s all it takes. And yet nobody is doing it. The ego is completely addicted to Collectivism.
completely agree. Lol, outrage and standing up for what you think is right is incredibly addictive. We are socially raised to work that way…
Once we get clear of the Collective Psychosis and we regain our natural inner voice we can then see how there’s unconscious groups of people and then there are groups where we can participate without being infected with collectivism.
Political parties each have their herd-narrative lists of things the members believe in and lists of things that they fight against, all of which create a condition of unconsciousness as the individuals have forfeited their power over to the collective and as such operate as the herd does – unconsciously.
A Jung discussion group does not operate this way. It’s focus is on Jung’s work… and in fact, it’s more the opposite of a herd-narrative collective because Individuation goes against the herd-narrative dogma.
Once we’ve lived outside the collective narratives long enough we finally come to understand exactly what Jung meant by his position of being ‘unpolitical’. There are some intelligence members of this group who would say that Jung’s unpolitical stance is just meaningless words in his books. Their ego has to find some excuse to explain-away all the things Jung said that conflict with their herd-narrative associations. That’s how unconscious Mass-men roll, they live in illusionland.
I agree.. There are lots on these groups who engage in left/right politics, anti or pro vax, gender, race arguments who claim their perspective is from an enlightened position.
‘A Jung discussion group does not operate this way’..
You do know the name of this Jung group don’t you?
What this OP post is essentially about is Jung’s process of Individuation. We can’t really begin our Individuation if we remain a collectivist. So, churchy religions and political parties keep us locked out of Individuation.
For me, this group is like a laboratory where we can come in discussion and work our way through our collectivist complexes.
Ok, but you project how individuation should look for others, isn't that collective illusion too?
個性化は、超越的な機能と密接に結びついている(V.Symbol par.828)。なぜなら、この機能は、集団的な規範によって規定された道を進むことでは決して到達できない個人の発展の道筋を作り出すからである。
No, I’m not projecting because I’m restating what Jung said. Think about it… Individuation or becoming an “individual” is the opposite of collectivism.
Here’s a few of the many quotes where Jung gets into this matter:
“He can, however, be sufficiently informed only when he has in large measure freed himself from the leveling influence of collective opinions and thereby arrived at a clear conception of his own individuality.” ~Carl Jung, CW 6, Para 10.
That is why you find no trace of the transcendent function in the psychology of a man with definite religious convictions (Belief Systems/Collective Norms). What the term “transcendent function” designates is really the transition from one condition to another. That is why he experienced the transcendent function, whereas a Christian saint could never experience it, since for him no fundamental and total change of attitude would be involved… ~CG Jung, JL1 ¶ 0
So I hold that when the missionaries convert such people to Christianity and tell them that it is sufficient if they go to church on Sunday and sing hymns, they have deprived them of the only means of becoming conscious, and what they substitute is not sufficient. ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, 241
[Individuation is closely connected with the transcendent function (v. Symbol par. 828) since this function creates the lines of individual development which could never be reached by keeping the path prescribed by collective norms.]
“Individuation: the concept of individuation plays a role in our psychology. In general, it is the process by which individual beings are formed and differentiated; in particular, it is the development of the psychological individual as being distinct from the general, collective psychology. Individuation, therefore, is a process of differentiation, having for its goal the development of the individual personality.
Individuation is a natural necessity in as much as its prevention by a leveling down to collective standards is injurious to the vital activity to the individual. Since individuality is a prior psychological and physiological datum, it also expresses itself in psychological ways. Any serious check to individuality, therefore, is an artificial stunting. It is obvious that a social group consisting of stunted individuals cannot be a healthy and viable institution; only a society that can preserve its internal cohesion and collective values, while at the same time granting the individual the greatest possible freedom, has any prospect of enduring vitality. As the individual is not just a single separate being, but by his very existence presupposes a collective relationship, it follows that the process of individuation must lead to more intense and broader collective relationships and not to isolation.
Individuation is closely connected with the transcendent function (v. Symbol par. 828) since this function creates the lines of individual development which could never be reached by keeping the path prescribed by collective norms.