


2021-06-30 03:19:47 | 心理学

a small circular drawing,

a mandala, which seemed

to correspond to my inner situation

at the time."

Carl Jung











単一性と全体性は、その象徴がイマーゴ・デイ(神イメージ)とはもはや区別できないため、客観的な価値の尺度において最高点に立つ。したがって、神のイメージに関するすべての記述は、全体性の経験的なシンボルにも当てはまる。経験上、個々のマンダラは秩序の象徴であり、主に精神的な混乱や再編成の際に患者に現れることがわかっている。魔法陣としてのマンダラは、暗黒の世界に属する無法な力を束縛して従わせ、混沌を宇宙に変える秩序を描き出したり創造したりする。曼荼羅は、最初は目立たない点として意識の中に入ってきますが、そのシンボルの全容を完全に理解するには、多大な苦労と多くの投影を統合する必要があります。なぜなら、私たちの中にいる神、私たちの上にいる神、キリストと神秘体、個人的なものと超個人的なものであるアートマンなどについての世界的な宣言は、すべて哲学的な知性によって容易に習得することができる形式だからです。これが、あたかもその物自体を手に入れたかのような錯覚の共通の原因となっている。しかし実際には、人はその名前以上のものを手に入れたわけではありません。~CGユング、CW9/2、par. 59 60.







[Experience shows that individual mandalas are symbols of order and that they occur in patients principally during times of psychic disorientation or reorientation.]

Although "wholeness" seems at first sight to be nothing but an abstract idea . . . , it is nevertheless empirical insofar as it is anticipated by the psyche in the form of spontaneous or autonomous symbols. These are the quaternity or mandala symbols, which occur not only in the dreams of modern people who have never heard of them, but are widely disseminated in the historical records of many peoples and many epochs. Their significance as symbols of unity and totality is amply confirmed by history as well as by empirical psychology. What at first looks like an abstract idea stands in reality for something that exists and can be experienced, that demonstrates its a priori presence spontaneously. Wholeness is thus an objective factor that confronts the subject independently of him, like the anima or animus; and just as the latter have a higher position in the hierarchy than the shadow, so wholeness lays claim to a position and a value superior to those of the syzygy [anima and animus]. The syzygy seems to represent at least a substantial portion of it, if not actually two halves of the totality formed by the royal brother-sister pair, and hence the tension of opposites from which the divine child is born as the symbol of unity.

Unity and totality stand at the highest point on a scale of objective values because their symbols can no longer be distinguished from the imago Dei. Hence, all statements about the God image apply also to the empirical symbols of totality. Experience shows that individual mandalas are symbols of order and that they occur in patients principally during times of psychic disorientation or reorientation. As magic circles they bind and subdue the lawless powers belonging to the world of darkness and depict or create an order that transforms the chaos into a cosmos. The mandala first comes into the conscious mind as an unimpressive point or dot, and a great deal of hard and painstaking work as well as the integration of many projections are generally required before the full range of the symbol can be anything like completely understood. If this insight were purely intellectual, it could be achieved without much difficulty, for the world-wide pronouncements about the God within us and above us, about Christ and the corpus mysticum, the personal and suprapersonal atman, etc., are all formulations that can easily be mastered by the philosophic intellect. This is the common source of the illusion that one is then in possession of the thing itself. But actually one has acquired nothing more than its name. ~CG Jung, CW 9/2, par. 59 60.

Learning to express one's mandala of the current paradigm is an acquired language of the self that one needs to learn from the master. If not Jung, then one of his better students that can key the inspirational vision required to unleash the vision of the universe as one's mandala. I have seen the Dalai Lama's sand mandalas, but not understood what it was saying. Jung's also. I am, at age 69, a hopeless student upon whom this lovely foray into the inner psyche is muddled into mediocrity. What does Jung's mandala say to you?




エドワード・エジンガー 自我と自己の軸









エドワード・エジンガー(1960). 自我と自己のパラドックス。分析心理学雑誌、Vol.5、pp.3-18
エドワード・エジンガー 自我と自己の軸




The drawing of mandalas such as Jung made are the symbolic representation of the ego-Self axis.

“It is not without importance for us to appreciate the high value set upon the mandala, for it accords very well with the paramount significance of individual mandala symbols which are characterized by the same qualities of a - so to speak - "metaphysical" nature. Unless everything deceives us, they signify nothing less than a specific centre of the personality not to be identified with the ego.” ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Paragraph 126.

Edward Edinger: The Ego-Self Axis
In what follows we shall be using three terms repeatedly to describe different forms of relatedness between ego and self. These terms should perhaps be introduced at the outset. They are: ego-self identity, ego-self separation, and ego-self axis. The meaning of these terms is indicated by the following figures representing progressive stages in the relationship between ego and self.
(see FIG 1,2, and 3)

These diagrams represent progressive stages of ego-self separation appearing in the course of psychological development. The shaded ego areas designate the residual ego-self identity. The dotted line connecting ego-centre with self-centre represents the ego-self axis—the vital connecting link between ego and self that ensures the integrity of the ego....

Clinical observation leads one to the conclusion that the integrity and stability of the ego depend in all stages of development on a living connection with the self....

Damage to the ego-self axis leads to ego-self alienation. In this condition the ego loses, to a greater or lesser extent, its vital contact with the self—the ego's origin and source of energy and stability. Although ego-self alienation and ego-self separation often occur together, I think it is important to make a clear distinction between them. Ego-self separation ideally leads to a progressive reduction of ego-self identity without damage to the ego-self axis and eventually to consciousness of that axis. Ego-self alienation, however, damages the ego-self axis and causes an arrest or hindrance of growth....

Although for descriptive purposes it is helpful to distinguish ego-self separation from ego-self alienation, in practice they always occur together in some measure. This may be due to the fact that in early phases of development the ego-self axis is completely unconscious and therefore cannot be distinguished from the area of ego-self identity. Thus, any disturbing confrontation with reality that alters the latter is likely to affect the former. On the other hand, in psychotherapy, when the ego-self axis is undergoing repair, this simultaneously activates the remaining ego-self identity.....

I have attempted to differentiate two aspects of the relationship between ego and self. One aspect, strictly speaking, is not relationship at all but rather primitive inflated identity of ego and self deriving from the original infantile state of wholeness. The other aspect has been called, after Neumann, the ego-self axis and refers to the vital connecting link between self and ego which maintains the latter's functional autonomy. The process of psychotherapy and psychic development in general seems to alternate between (i) manifestations of ego-self identity, which require reductive criticism, and (ii) the need for enhancing or repairing the ego-self axis, which calls for a synthetic supporting approach.....Since ego cannot exist without the support of the self and the self apparently needs the ego to realize it, psychic development can be considered a continuous process of dialectic between ego and self leading paradoxically to both greater separation and greater intimacy.
Edward Edinger (1960). The Ego-Self Paradox. Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol. 5, pp. 3-18
Edward Edinger: The Ego-Self Axis














There is a fourfold description of the ego and its relation to the Self that Edward Edinger. a student of Jung's, articulates:
"When the ego separates too far from the Self, a sense of alienation develops. Therefore, 'some contact between ego and Self must be re-established' This suggests a need for the ego to find a suitable ordering parameter.

Edinger views the developmental process as fourfold:
(1) inflation (the awakening ego is too close to the Self);
(2) alienation (the ego has separated too far from the Self);
(3) restitution (the ego returns and re-connects to the Self);
and (4) individuation (the ego and Self in a mutually harmonious relationship).
Individuation is the ideal symbiotic relationship in which the ego is directly related to the Self without being identified with it."

"Now here's another crucial insight about the nature of psychology. What he (Jung) is telling us is that the experience of weakness or defeat is a sine qua non for consciousness. You cannot be a conscious being unless you can experience weakness and defeat. I talk about that whole matter in Ego and Archetype, where I used a diagram to illustrate the psychic life cycle.

What it pictures is the way consciousness is progressively developed out of the original condition of ego/Self identity. The original condition is inflation. The infantile psyche is in a state of identification with the Self and it is in a state of inflation. It is identified with the Deity. Very progressively, if life provides the right lessons through rejections and defeats and experiences of weakness, it gradually becomes conscious. And you go through that cycle again and again and each time it goes around there's a little increase in consciousness.

The psychology of the spoiled child short-circuits this cycle. The child's ego/Self identity goes uncorrected. It acts out the inflation and instead of being punished or defeated, it is allowed to get away with it so that the cycle does not complete itself. This cycle pictures the transformations that take place as ego/Self identity is subjected to recurrent experiences of defeat, failure and weakness. That composite entity of ego and Self undergoes transformation. This means that as consciousness grows, both the ego and the Self undergo transformation.”
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, pages 45-47.

Fuzzy to me; my fault.

[the mandalas to be found in monasteries and temples were of no particular significance because they were external representations only.
The true mandala is always an inner image, which is gradually built up through (active) imagination, at such times when psychic equilibrium is disturbed or when a thought cannot be found and must be sought for, because it is not contained in holy doctrine.]
Simply because a person or persons can draw and paint majestically beautiful images does not in and of itself constitute a finished product that is a Mandala.

When in Lhasa, Tibet Dr. Jung discussed Lamaic rimpoche, Lingdam Gomchen by name, about the khilkor or mandala.

The venerable Abbot told Dr. Jung that many of the paintings outside of the monastery were not truly Mandalas as they were simply being drawn mechanistically.

"In 1938, I had the opportunity, in the monastery of Bhutia Busty, near Darjeeling, of talking with a Lamaic rimpoche, Lingdam Gomchen by name, about the khilkor or mandala.
He explained it as a dmigs-pa (pronounced "migpa"), a mental image which can be built up only by a fully instructed lama through the power of imagination.

He said that no mandala is like any other, they are all individually different.
Also, he said, the mandalas to be found in monasteries and temples were of no particular significance because they were external representations only.


