Religion consists of psychic realities which one cannot say are right or wrong.
-Carl G Jung
(C.G. Jung Letters Vol. 1)
-Carl G Jung
(C.G. Jung Letters Vol. 1)
(C.G.ユングレターズ Vol.1)
(C.G.ユングレターズ Vol.1)
「あなたは宗教について非常に奇妙な考えを持っているようですね。 いずれにせよ、正しさは宗教に適用できるカテゴリーではありません。 「宗教は、正しいとも間違っているとも言えない精神的現実で構成されています。」シラミやゾウは正しいのでしょうか、それとも間違っているのでしょうか? それらが存在するだけで十分です。 ここでは、あなたは事実に対する非常に欠陥のある感覚を示しており、それを大量の意見によって補っています。 私は科学的な訓練を受けているため、あらゆる点で明らかにあなたとは異質な全く異なる立場を持っています。 したがって、私にとって宗教的発言は意見ではなく、植物学者として自分の植物を観察することができる事実です。 基準は古い格言です: Quod semper quod ubique ab omnibus creditum。(「何時でも、どこでも、誰でも信じられているもの」) 宗教心理学を含む宗教科学は、この事実を受け入れなければなりません。 それに反対する意見はありません。」 カール G ユング (C.G. ユング レターズ Vol. I)
「あなたは宗教について非常に奇妙な考えを持っているようですね。 いずれにせよ、正しさは宗教に適用できるカテゴリーではありません。 「宗教は、正しいとも間違っているとも言えない精神的現実で構成されています。」シラミやゾウは正しいのでしょうか、それとも間違っているのでしょうか? それらが存在するだけで十分です。 ここでは、あなたは事実に対する非常に欠陥のある感覚を示しており、それを大量の意見によって補っています。 私は科学的な訓練を受けているため、あらゆる点で明らかにあなたとは異質な全く異なる立場を持っています。 したがって、私にとって宗教的発言は意見ではなく、植物学者として自分の植物を観察することができる事実です。 基準は古い格言です: Quod semper quod ubique ab omnibus creditum。(「何時でも、どこでも、誰でも信じられているもの」) 宗教心理学を含む宗教科学は、この事実を受け入れなければなりません。 それに反対する意見はありません。」 カール G ユング (C.G. ユング レターズ Vol. I)
“You seem to have very strange ideas about religion. Rightness is not a category that can be applied to religion anyway. ‘Religion consists of psychic realities which one cannot say are right or wrong.’ Are lice or elephants right or wrong? It is enough that they exist. Here you show your very defective sense for facts which you compensate by masses of opinions. I have a scientific training and hence an entirely different standpoint which is obviously alien to you in every respect. Thus for me religious statements are not opinions but facts that one can look at as a botanist at his plants. The criterion is the old dictum: Quod semper quod ubique quod ab omnibus creditor. The science of religion including the psychology of religion has to come to terms with this fact. No opinions prevail against it.” Carl G Jung (C.G. Jung Letters Vol. I)
「Quod semper quod ubique quod ab omnibus creditum est」は「何時でも、どこでも、誰でも信じられているもの」という意味です。
· 宗教イデオロギーは、大衆を集めるために使用される植民地化されたレトリックです。 個性を剥ぎ取るのは集団思考だ。
· 宗教イデオロギーは、大衆を集めるために使用される植民地化されたレトリックです。 個性を剥ぎ取るのは集団思考だ。
意見。 神は人々に起こる心理的事実です。 ~カール・ユング、ツァラトゥストラ・セミナー、1037ページ。
W. ホプキンス牧師は次のように述べています。
[691] 科学と宗教の間には明らかに、そしてこれまでも常に対立がありました。 今は以前ほど深刻ではありません。 明らかに必要とされる和解をどうやって実現するのでしょうか?
W. ホプキンス牧師は次のように述べています。
[691] 科学と宗教の間には明らかに、そしてこれまでも常に対立がありました。 今は以前ほど深刻ではありません。 明らかに必要とされる和解をどうやって実現するのでしょうか?
[692] 宗教と科学の間には矛盾はない。 それは非常に時代遅れの考えです。 科学はそこに何が存在するのかを考慮しなければなりません。 宗教があり、それは人間の心の最も本質的な現れの一つです。 それは事実であり、科学はそれについて何も言いません。 その事実があることを確認するだけで済みます。 科学は常にこれらのことを追い求めています。 現象を説明しようとするものではありません。 科学は宗教的真実を確立することはできません。 宗教的真理は本質的に経験であり、意見ではありません。 宗教は絶対的な経験です。 宗教的経験は絶対的なものであり、議論することはできません。 たとえば、誰かが宗教的な経験をしたとき、その人はただそのような経験をしているだけであり、何ものもその人からそれを奪うことはできません。
[693] 19世紀の科学者は現在よりもずっと独断的になる傾向があった。 彼らはすべての宗教を幻想として否定しました。 しかし今では彼らもそれを認めており、自らもそれを経験しています。
[694] 私たちの科学は現象学です。 19世紀、科学は真実を確立できるという幻想の下で働いていました。 いかなる科学も真実を証明することはできません。
[695] しかし、今日一般の人々が知っているのは 19 世紀の科学です。 それが私たちの問題です。
[696] はい、あなたはそれに反対しています。 それは人口の下層にまで及んでいる、 悪の限りを尽くしている。 ロバが科学を掴むと、それは恐ろしいことだ。 これらは現代における大きな精神的伝染病です。 彼らは皆、群衆全体が狂っているのです!
~CG ユング、CW 18
~CGユング、CW 9i、パラ206
· Religious ideologies are colonized rhetoric used to herd the masses. It’s groupthink which strips away individuation.
opinion. God is a psychological fact that happens to people. ~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Page 1037.
The Reverend W. Hopkins:
[691] There is obviously, and always has been, a conflict between science and religion. It is not so acute now as it has been. How do you bring about a reconciliation, which obviously is the sort of thing that is needed?
Professor Jung:
[692] There is no conflict between religion and science. That is a very old-fashioned idea. Science has to consider what there is. There is religion, and it is one of the most essential manifestations of the human mind. It is a fact, and science has nothing to say about it; it simply has to confirm that there is that fact. Science always runs after these things; it does not try to explain the phenomena. Science cannot establish a religious truth. A religious truth is essentially an experience, it is not an opinion. Religion is an absolute experience. A religious experience is absolute, it cannot be discussed. For instance, when somebody has had a religious experience, he just has such an experience, and nothing can take it away from him.
Mr. Hopkins:
[693] In the nineteenth century the scientists were apt to be much more dogmatic than they are now. They dismissed all religion as an illusion. But now they admit it, and they experience it themselves.
Professor Jung:
[694] Our science is phenomenology. In the nineteenth century science was labouring under the illusion that science could establish a truth. No science can establish a truth.
Mr. Hopkins:
[695] But it is the science of the nineteenth century that the ordinary people have today. That is our problem.
Professor Jung:
[696] Yes, you are up against it. It has filtered down into the lower strata of the population, and has worked no end of evil. When the asses catch hold of science, that is awful. Those are the great mental epidemics of our time; they are all insane, the whole crowd!
~CG Jung, CW 18
he opinion that the psyche is the most tremendous fact of human life.]
[206] Rebirth is not a process that we can in any way observe. We can neither measure nor weigh nor photograph it. It is entirely beyond sense perception. We have to do here with a purely psychic reality, which is transmitted to us only indirectly through personal statements. One speaks of rebirth; one professes rebirth; one is filled with rebirth. This we accept as sufficiently real. We are not concerned here with the question: is rebirth a tangible process of some sort? We have to be content with its psychic reality. I hasten to add that I am not alluding to the vulgar notion that anything “psychic” is either nothing at all or at best even more tenuous than a gas. Quite the contrary; I am of the opinion that the psyche is the most tremendous fact of human life. Indeed, it is the mother of all human facts; of civilization and of its destroyer, war. All this is at first psychic and invisible. So long as it is “merely” psychic it cannot be experienced by the senses, but is nonetheless indisputably real. The mere fact that people talk about rebirth, and that there is such a concept at all, means that a store of psychic experiences designated by that term must actually exist. What these experiences are like we can only infer from the statements that have been made about them. So, if we want to find out what rebirth really is, we must turn to history in order to ascertain what “rebirth” has been understood to mean.
~CG Jung, CW 9i, para 206
The Reverend W. Hopkins:
[691] There is obviously, and always has been, a conflict between science and religion. It is not so acute now as it has been. How do you bring about a reconciliation, which obviously is the sort of thing that is needed?
Professor Jung:
[692] There is no conflict between religion and science. That is a very old-fashioned idea. Science has to consider what there is. There is religion, and it is one of the most essential manifestations of the human mind. It is a fact, and science has nothing to say about it; it simply has to confirm that there is that fact. Science always runs after these things; it does not try to explain the phenomena. Science cannot establish a religious truth. A religious truth is essentially an experience, it is not an opinion. Religion is an absolute experience. A religious experience is absolute, it cannot be discussed. For instance, when somebody has had a religious experience, he just has such an experience, and nothing can take it away from him.
Mr. Hopkins:
[693] In the nineteenth century the scientists were apt to be much more dogmatic than they are now. They dismissed all religion as an illusion. But now they admit it, and they experience it themselves.
Professor Jung:
[694] Our science is phenomenology. In the nineteenth century science was labouring under the illusion that science could establish a truth. No science can establish a truth.
Mr. Hopkins:
[695] But it is the science of the nineteenth century that the ordinary people have today. That is our problem.
Professor Jung:
[696] Yes, you are up against it. It has filtered down into the lower strata of the population, and has worked no end of evil. When the asses catch hold of science, that is awful. Those are the great mental epidemics of our time; they are all insane, the whole crowd!
~CG Jung, CW 18
he opinion that the psyche is the most tremendous fact of human life.]
[206] Rebirth is not a process that we can in any way observe. We can neither measure nor weigh nor photograph it. It is entirely beyond sense perception. We have to do here with a purely psychic reality, which is transmitted to us only indirectly through personal statements. One speaks of rebirth; one professes rebirth; one is filled with rebirth. This we accept as sufficiently real. We are not concerned here with the question: is rebirth a tangible process of some sort? We have to be content with its psychic reality. I hasten to add that I am not alluding to the vulgar notion that anything “psychic” is either nothing at all or at best even more tenuous than a gas. Quite the contrary; I am of the opinion that the psyche is the most tremendous fact of human life. Indeed, it is the mother of all human facts; of civilization and of its destroyer, war. All this is at first psychic and invisible. So long as it is “merely” psychic it cannot be experienced by the senses, but is nonetheless indisputably real. The mere fact that people talk about rebirth, and that there is such a concept at all, means that a store of psychic experiences designated by that term must actually exist. What these experiences are like we can only infer from the statements that have been made about them. So, if we want to find out what rebirth really is, we must turn to history in order to ascertain what “rebirth” has been understood to mean.
~CG Jung, CW 9i, para 206
ユング心理学辞典 p71~72、著者:アンドリュー・サミュエルズ
