「私の仕事の主な関心事は、神経症の治療ではなく、むしろヌミナスへのアプローチにある」と #Jung は書いている。しかし、実際には、ヌミナスへのアプローチこそが真の治療であり、ヌミナス体験に到達する限り、病理の呪縛から解放される。まさに病気でさえ、#ヌミナス的な性格を帯びるのである。" この引用文は、ユング分析に関する本質的な重要性のすべてを引用しています。もし、ヌミナスとの関係を築くことができなければ、治療は不可能であり、望めるのは社会的適応の改善だけである。しかし、そうなると、分析者には何が残されているのでしょうか?
~ #ヴォンフランツ、マリー・ルイーズ、サイコセラピー、シャンバラ出版、1990年
“The main interest of my work,” writes #Jung, “is not concerned with the treatment of neurosis but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact is that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experiences, you are released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a #numinous character.” This citation cites everything of essential importance about a Jungian analysis. If it is not possible to establish a relationship with the numinous, no cure is possible; the most one can hope for is an improvement in social adjustment. But then, what is left for the analyst to do?
~ #VonFranz, Marie-Louise, Psychotherapy, Shambahla Publications, 1990
「私の仕事の主な関心は、神経症の治療にあるのではなく、むしろ、ヌミナスへのアプローチにあります。しかし、実際には、ヌミナスへのアプローチこそが真の治療であり、ヌミナス体験に到達する限り、病理の呪縛から解放されるのです。まさに病がヌミナス的性格を帯びるのである。" ~CGユング『手紙』第一巻、377ページ
"神の経験のヌミノーサムの代わりに、この宗教的な感傷がある。これは生きた神秘を失った宗教のよく知られた特徴である。" ~CGユング、CW11、パラ52。
「つまり、自分たちの存在意義や社会組織の秩序を失い、溶解し、衰退していくのです。私たちは今、それと同じ状態にあります。私たちは、これまで正しく理解できなかったものを失ったのです。.... 私たちは、すべてのものからその神秘性と能動性を奪ってしまった。もはや聖なるものは何もない。" ~C. C.G.ユング『発見されざる自己』。P.134
[... 人々が求めているのは、自分に揺るぎない価値を与える原型的な経験です。彼らは他の条件に依存し、欲望や野心に依存し、他人に依存しています。なぜなら、彼らは自分自身に価値がなく、自分自身には何もなく、合理的なだけで、自分を独立させるような宝物を持っていないからです。しかし、少女がその経験を持つことができたとき、彼女はもう依存することはありません。自分の中に価値があるので、もう依存することはできないのです。 ]
“The main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy, and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you’re released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character.” ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 377
“There is this religious sentimentality instead of the numinosum of divine experience. This is the well-know characteristic of a religion that has lost its living mystery.” ~CG Jung, CW 11, Para 52.
"We could have seen long ago from primitive societies what the loss of numinosity means: they lose their raison d'etre, the order of their social organizations, and then dissolve and decay. We are now in the same condition. We have lost something we have never properly understood.... We have stripped all things of their mystery and numinousity. Nothing is holy any longer." ~C. G. Jung, The undiscovered Self. Pg 134.
The numinosum is either a quality belonging to a visible object or the influence of an invisible presence that causes a peculiar alteration of consciousness. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 6
"The time is ripe for the unconscious and conscious dominants to meet each other. The death of the old dominant is indicated by the fact that the king is about to die. This corresponds to the fact that the God-image, the collective dominant of the Western psyche, is moribund. In preparation for its death, it opens up an ancient tomb; in other words it opens up the unconscious. This activates the feminine principle, which had been dead and buried in the very same tomb, in the unconscious. As the tomb is opened, the unconscious is penetrated by consciousness . . . and a revitalization occurs.” ~Edward Edinger.
Here’s a Jungian example of how the approach to the numinous can play out:
[…and that is the thing that people are looking for, an archetypal experience that gives them an incorruptible value, you see, they depend upon other conditions, they depend upon their desires, their ambitions, depend upon other people because they have no value in themselves, they have nothing in themselves, they’re only rational and they’re not in possession of a treasure that would make them independent, but when that girl can hold that experience, then she doesn’t depend anymore, she cannot depend anymore because that value is in herself, and that is a sort of liberation, and that of course makes her complete, you know, in as much as you can realize such a numinous experience, she is able to continue her path, her way, her individuation.]
37.16—Jung begins telling about the wheat field patient…
39.10—she was swaying like the wheat and she was as if in the arms of the godhead, and I thought, now the harvest is ripe and I must tell her. And I told her, you see, what you want and what you project into me because you are not conscious of it (points upward) is that you have the idea of a deity you don’t posses, therefore you see it in me. That clicked. Because she had a lot of intense religious education…
40.00—she had a lot of intense religious education, of course it all vanished later on and something disappeared from her world… her world became merely personal and that religious conception of the world was nonexistent, apparently. And so, she suddenly became aware of an entirely hedonist image that comes fresh from the archetype. She had nothing ideal for a Christian God or for an old testament Yahweh, it was a hedonist God, a God of nature, he was the wheat himself, he was the spirit of the wheat, the spirit of the wind and she was in the arms of that numen, now that is the living experience of an archetype. Now that made a tremendous impression upon that girl and instantly it clicked, she saw what she was really missing, that missing value that was in the form of a protection in myself and made myself indispensable to her, now that is a numinous experience you see… and that is the thing that people are looking for, an archetypal experience that gives them an incorruptible value, you see, they depend upon other conditions, they depend upon their desires, their ambitions, depend upon other people because they have no value in themselves, they have nothing in themselves, they’re only rational and they’re not in possession of a treasure that would make them independent, but when that girl can hold that experience, then she doesn’t depend anymore, she cannot depend anymore because that value is in herself, and that is a sort of liberation, and that of course makes her complete, you know, in as much as you can realize such a numinous experience, she is able to continue her path, her way, her individuation. The acorn can become an oak and not a donkey. Nature will take her course. She will become that which she is from the beginning.
The World Within - C. G. Jung In His Own Words.
The numinous experience of the individuation process is, on the archaic level, the prerogative of shamans and medicine men; later, of the physician, prophet, and priest; and finally at the civilized stage, of philosophy and religion.
The shaman’s experience of sickness, torture, and death, and regeneration implies, at a higher level, the idea of being made whole through sacrifice of being changed by transubstantiation and exalted to the pneumatic man-in a word, of apotheosis.
The Mass is the summation and quintessence of a development which began many thousands of years ago and, with the progressive broadening and deepening of consciousness, gradually made the isolated experience of specifically gifted individuals the common property of a larger group.
The underlying psychic process remained, of course, hidden from view and was dramatized in the form of suitable “mysteries” and “sacraments,” these being reinforced by religious teachings, exercise, meditations, and acts of sacrifice which plunge the celebrant so deeply into the sphere of the mystery that he is able to become conscious of his intimate connection with the mythic happenings.
Thus, in ancient Egypt, we see how the experience of “Osirification,” originally the prerogative of the Pharaohs, gradually passed to the aristocracy and finally, towards the end of the Old Kingdom, to the single individual as well.
Similarly, the mystery religions of the Greeks, originally esoteric and not talked about, broadened out into collective experience, and at the time of the Caesars it was considered a regular sport for Roman tourists to get themselves initiated into foreign mysteries.
Christianity, after some hesitation, went a step further and made celebration of the mysteries a public institution, for, as we know, it was especially concerned to introduce as many people as possible to the experience of the mystery.
So, sooner or later, the individual could not fail to become conscious of his own transformation and of the necessary psychological conditions for this.
Such as confession and repentance of sin.
錬金術師が自分の石を作ることは「Deo concedente」でなければ起こらない奇跡であることを知っていたように、現代の心理学者は、生命や物質の神秘と同様に、その本質が意識を超越している心理的プロセスを、科学的な記号で表現しただけのものしか作れないことを自覚している。
The ground was prepared for the realization that, in the mystery of transubstantiation, it was not so much a question of magical influence as the psychological processes-a realization for which the alchemists had already paved the way by putting their “opus operatum” at least on a level with the ecclesiastical mystery, and even attributing to it a cosmic significance since, by its means, the divine world-soul could be liberated from imprisonment in matter.
As I think I have shown, the “philosophical” side of alchemy is nothing less than a symbolic anticipation of certain psychological insights, and these-to judge by the example of Gerhard Dorn-were pretty far advanced by the end of the sixteenth century.
Only our intellectualized age could have been so deluded as to see in alchemy nothing but an abortive attempt at chemistry, and in the interpretative methods of modern psychology a mere “psychologizing,” i.e. annihilation, of the mystery.
Just as the alchemists knew that the production of their stone was a miracle that could only happen ‘Deo concedente,” so the modern psychologist is aware that he can produce no more than a description, couched in scientific symbols, of a psychic process whose real nature transcends consciousness just as much as does the mystery of life or of matter.
At no point has he explained the mystery itself, thereby causing it to fade.
He has merely, in accordance with the spirit of Christian tradition, brought it a little nearer to individual consciousness, using the empirical material to set forth the individuation process and show it as an actual and experienceable fact.
To treat a metaphysical statement as a psychic process is not to say that it is “merely psychic,” as my critics assert-in the fond belief that the word “psychic” postulates something known.
It does not seem to have occurred to people that when we say “psyche” we are alluding to the densest darkness it is possible to imagine. The ethics of the researcher require him to admit where his knowledge comes to an end.
This end is the beginning of true wisdom.
~Carl Jung, CW 11, Psychology and Religion, Transformation Symbolism in the Mass, Pages 294-296, Para 448.
「私の仕事の主な関心は、神経症の治療ではなく、多数の人々へのアプローチに関係しています」と#Jungは書いています。 しかし、実際には、無数へのアプローチは本当の治療法であり、無数の経験に到達する限り、あなたは病理学の呪いから解放されます。 まさに病気でさえ、#数え切れないほどの性格を帯びています。」 この引用は、ユングの分析に関して本質的に重要なすべてを引用しています。 多数の人々との関係を確立することが不可能な場合、治療法は不可能です。 最も期待できるのは、社会的適応の改善です。 しかし、それでは、アナリストは何をする必要がありますか?
〜#VonFranz、Marie-Louise、心理療法、Shambahla Publications、1990
「私の仕事の主な関心は、神経症の治療ではなく、多数の神経症へのアプローチに関係しています。しかし、無数へのアプローチが本当の治療法であるという事実、そしてあなたが無数の経験に到達する限り、あなたは病理学の呪いから解放されます。まさに病気でさえ、多くの性格を帯びています。」 〜CG Jung、LettersVol。私、377ページ
「神の経験のヌミノーゼの代わりに、この宗教的な感情があります。これは、生きている謎を失った宗教のよく知られた特徴です。」 〜CG Jung、CW 11、Para52。
「私たちはずっと前に原始社会から、無数の喪失が何を意味するのかを見ることができました。彼らは彼らの存在意義、社会組織の秩序を失い、そして解散して衰退します。私たちは今同じ状態にあります。私たちは何かを失いました私たちは正しく理解したことがありません。....私たちは彼らの謎と無数のすべてのものを取り除きました。もはや聖なるものはありません。」 〜C。 G.ユング、未発見の自己。 134ページ。
ヌミノーゼは、目に見える物体に属する品質か、意識の特異な変化を引き起こす目に見えない存在の影響のいずれかです。 〜Carl Jung、CW 11、Para 6
「無意識と意識の支配者が出会う時が来ました。古い支配者の死は、王が死にかけているという事実によって示されます。これは、神のイメージ、西洋の精神は瀕死であり、その死に備えて古代の墓を開く、言い換えれば無意識を開くこれは、死んで同じ墓に埋もれていた女性の原理を無意識の中で活性化する。墓が開かれると、無意識が意識に浸透します。...そして活性化が起こります。」 〜エドワードエディンガー。
〜Carl Jung、CW 11、Psychology and Religion、Transformation Symbolism in the Mass、Pages 294-296、Para448。