


2021-09-14 01:07:44 | 心理学

Perception is not reality, since it is subjective, meaning that everyone interprets this world differently based on the experiences that they've had, and the belief system that they've developed.

Only Truth is reality, all else is ignorance, deception, distraction, distortion, limitation, indoctrination and the elaborate mystery, and illusion, that we call 'life'.

Gavin Nascimento @aNewKindofHuman



ギャビン・ナシメント @aNewKindofHuman


"真実の定義は... ある文脈においてのみ真実である内容です。
だから真実が合意されない理由の一つは、どのような文脈であるかを述べない限り不可能だからである。" ~デビッド・R・ホーキンス


ええ、これはエゴに共通する問題です。必要なのは、"個性化 "によって意識的になることです。


だから、真実が合意されない理由の一つは、どのような文脈であるかを述べない限り不可能だからだ。" ~デビッド・R・ホーキンス
私たちは真実を味わい、感じ、見る。私たちは自分自身を理屈で納得させることはしない。~William Butler Yeats


Truth is a subjective term. This in itself is a massive argument. Truth is math. Truth is irrefutable evidence. Truth is often simple and when complex then cells of interconnected simplicity. I don't like the term Truth. It is too readily manipulated for a word that suggests absolute definition. It is frustrating that we share a reality that we cannot agree upon. I think the survival of the species insists upon our mutual agreement. Because of the intangible obscurity of our coexisting perception in the end we must all agree upon an unreality that is best for all of us. I do not believe we will achieve this. We will not because humanity is self important.

 Does this help?
“The definition of truth is… Content that is only true in a certain context.
So one reason truth has never been agreed upon is because it’s not possible unless you’re stating what context.” ~David R. Hawkins.

 yeah man it's helpful but it further reinforces what I'm saying because even context is elusive. Context is impossible before our underevolved egos. I include me in the mix because it is my uncertainty about what I understand that keeps me moving. I wish people were more comfortable with being uncertain. The problem is that too many are sure of what they think they know.

Darin Fournier 
Yes, its a common issue with the ego. Becoming conscious via Individuation is what is needed.

Nonsense - perception is reality for other people that you deal with. Best to understand that and act accordingly.

“The definition of truth is… Content that is only true in a certain context.
So one reason truth has never been agreed upon is because it’s not possible unless you’re stating what context.” ~David R. Hawkins.
We taste and feel and see the truth. We do not reason ourselves into it. ~William Butler Yeats
"What you believe to be true and what is true, are two very seperate things. For everyone almost invariably arrives at their core beliefs, not on the basis of proof or facts, but on the basis of what they have been told or find to be attractive. Therefore 'Truth' is objective, but its perception is subjective." ~Blaise Pascal.



私たちは、真実を味わい、感じ、見る。私たちは真実を味わい、感じ、見る。~ウィリアム・バトラー・イエーツ(William Butler Yeats



私はこの考えを完全に否定します。それは危険なことだと思います。「客観性」は過大評価されており、存在しないかもしれません。人生に意味や喜びを与えるものの多くは、"客観的に証明する "ことができません。客観性や科学の名のもとに、自分の経験を無視して他人の真実を受け入れろと言われると、必然的にガスライティング、権威主義、ファシズムにつながるのです。

~CGユング『現代人の精神的問題』(原題:The Spiritual Problems of Modern Man)。CW 10, Para 149-150, 文明の変遷
エドワード・エジンガー - 「個別化」。現代人にとっての神話



「自分の意識レベルが高ければ高いほど、自分の意識以下のものをより完璧に理解することができる。上にあるものは、常に下にあるもののすべてを理解している。なぜなら、彼は下を通らずに上に行くことはできないからだ。" ~マンリーP.ホール、講演。人生の目的。
But isn't Truth the outcome of Perception? Truth as Gavin defines it is a consensus.

We taste and feel and see the truth. We do not reason ourselves into it. ~William Butler Yeats

"What you believe to be true and what is true, are two very seperate things. For everyone almost invariably arrives at their core beliefs, not on the basis of proof or facts, but on the basis of what they have been told or find to be attractive. Therefore 'Truth' is objective, but its perception is subjective." ~Blaise Pascal.

Gavin is explaining the difference between reality and illusion…
but we as Jung’s mass-man don’t see the illusions because we’re unconscious so we don’t know any different and can’t understand what he’s getting at.

I completely reject this idea. I think it's dangerous. "Objectivity" is overrated and possibly nonexistent. Much of what gives life meaning and pleasure cannot be "objectively proven." When people are told to disregard their own experiences and accept someone else's truth, in the name of objectivity or science, it inevitably leads to gaslighting, authoritarianism, and fascism.

You’re missing his point. The reality Gavin is speaking about is the same as when Jung explains the difference between the “Mass-man” and the “Modern-man”. But the mass-man cannot see or understand the modern-man because of the unconscious condition. So you’re basically saying that Jung didn’t know what he was talking about.
10.00—first I want to inquire, what is modern man? Jung gives a very explicit description of a modern man and you can find it in his fairly lengthy quote in the collected works. I want you to listen to it because it’s good.
10.44-- The man we call modern, the man who is aware of the immediate present is by no means the average man. The man who has attained consciousness of the present is solitary. The "modern" man has at all times been so, for every step towards fuller consciousness removes him further from his original, purely animal participation mystique with the herd, from submersion in a common unconsciousness. Every step forward means tearing oneself loose from the maternal womb of unconsciousness in which the mass of men dwells. Even in a civilized community - the people who form, psychologically speaking - the lowest stratum, live in a state of unconsciousness, little different from that of primitives. Those of the succeeding strata live on a level of consciousness which corresponds to the beginnings of human culture. While those of the highest stratum, has a consciousness that reflects the life of the past few centuries. Only the man who is modern in our meaning of the term really lives in the present. He alone has a present day consciousness and he alone finds that the way of life on the earlier levels have begun to fall upon him. Values and strivings of those past worlds no longer interest him, save from the historical stand point. Plus he becomes unhistorical. He has estranged himself from the mass of men who live entirely within the bounds of tradition. Indeed, he is completely modern only when he has come to the very edge of the world leaving behind him all that has become discarded and outgrown and acknowledging that he stands before the nothing out of which all may grow. An honest mission of modernity means voluntarily declaring oneself bankrupt, taking the vows of poverty and chastity in a new sense and what is still more painful, renouncing the halo of sanctity which history bestows. To be unhistorical is the promethean sin and in this sense the modern man is sinful. A higher level of consciousness is like a burden of guilt, but as I have said, only the man who has outgrown the stages of consciousness belonging to the past can achieve full consciousness of the present. To do this he must be sound and proficient in the best sense. It is these qualities which enable him to gain the next highest level of consciousness.
~CG Jung, The Spiritual Problems of Modern Man. CW 10, Para 149-150, Civilization in Transition
Edward Edinger - Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man


“The higher his level of consciousness is, the more perfectly he will understand all whose consciousness is less than his own. That which is above always understands all of that which is below. Because he cannot get to the above without passing through the below." ~Manly P. Hall, Lecture: Purpose in Life.
