北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年06月21日 | 日記
11:38 from web
Hello ! It's gray in the sky as there are rain clouds.
It's muggy...!
I'm feeling so tired already !!(haha)
11:41 from web
My hubby take our kids to the park.
As I have to study for TOEIC, he takes care of them.
Isn't he so kind ?? Thanks.
13:24 from web
I would say I really study hard.
I blasting many English words !!
21:58 from web
Today is Father's Day in Japan.
I wanted to have a party for my children's father.
But I totally forgot this day ! Unbelievable !
22:04 from web
My everyday life is to revolve around my hubby and children.
Why can't I forgot Father's Day ??
Completely dumbfounded.<cont>
22:09 from web
....I know the reason.
Today I have been thinking about only TOEIC.
Sorry darling.
I dare say my family means so much to me!
23:57 from web
 And after my Jaguar broke , I've been depressed.
That's why I don't feel like doing cooking so much....
But I'm OK. tomorrow my car<cont>
23:58 from web
....will be back home.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter