北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年06月29日 | 日記
10:44 from web
Hello ! It's really nice day.
After exam , I felt free.
Last night we had BBQ party !it was fun.
But I think I had one too many. (ha-ha)
10:49 from web
Actually I don't remember what time I went to bed.
Maybe very early in the night.
10:52 from web
I have to get up earlier this morning.
So I could say it was good for me.(haha)
My son needs a packed lunch as he has a school trip.
10:54 from web
Lucky my son !
It's ideal weather for a trip.
13:38 from web
I'm happy as it's fine.
We often have rainy day, all the more sunny day looks beautiful.
I would say the life is as same as the weather.
13:43 from web
Life is full of ups and downs.
Happy things sad things ....Everybody has both.
I want to enjoy whole package of my life !
18:41 from web
My daughter doesn't like to study.
It's my headache.
I tell her that trying wouldn't do any harm.
I want her to master each subject.
18:48 from web
She seemes to be irritated by my constant nagging.
Nobody wants to do it.
But I can not help doing it ! It might be waste of time....
23:09 from web
In the evening、it's becoming muggy.
It reminds me Singapore.
I don't mean to reminisce past thing.
But honestly I miss everything in there.
23:10 from web
Ok, I think it's time to say Good night!
See you !
by comadam on Twitter