北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年09月10日 | 日記
17:44 from web
Good evening !
I' ve been busy doing household chores.
It never ends.
My housekeeper works very well.
But it's not enough!
18:15 from web
Now I'm checking my son's workbook.
Entrance exam for private primary school will be held on 16th October.
I become nervous<cont>
18:16 from web
...as my son doesn't mind it at all.
It can't be helped.
Yes, he is just 6-year-old boy.
Keep smiling !!
18:37 from web
Regardless of age , attitude is important to study something.
I want him to enjoy studying.
18:39 from web
Ok,now my children are too hungry.
Let's have dinner,sweetie pies !
21:15 from web
My children made a big fuss.
I've felt as if it last forever.
Eventually they went to bed.
What a relief !!
21:25 from web
There is always a rainbow after the storm.
Haha...now I feel it !!
I love this quiet time.
21:49 from web
They are so cute.
That's the more, I feel responsibility to raise them up !
I could say parentage is a very important profession!
22:25 from web
I don't know why I'm so sleepy now.
Shoot !...I havn't take a bath yet.
Taking good care of my body is one of my duty !
Be in a hurry !!
23:50 from goo
エレママ 北摂の隠れ家レストラン #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/5962dee04f543f52e26e0c2b07f983ef
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