北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年09月27日 | 日記
20:18 from web
Good evening!
Did you have a good holiday?
It was fine autumun weather.
It was hot during day time,but it became cold after sun set.
20:29 from web
I'm sure it's getting colder.
I'm going to busy rearranging our wardrobe for the new season.
I have a big wardrobe.I feel dizzy already!
20:31 from web
I'm going to ask my housekeeper to help me.
That's dood idea. Clothes for five people....(sigh)
Obviously I need a help !
20:51 from web
Today we cleaned our place thoroughly.
I aired out the room and made my children tydy up their room.
My son is very good at wiping <cont>
20:55 from web
...the floor with a wet rag !
Amazing !!
As dust is more visible on the wooden floor, it's so helpful.
Even if we have housekeeper, <cont>
20:57 from web
...it's not enough.
She can't do everything by herself perfect.
It can't be helped. She is 72-year-old,not so young.
21:01 from web
According to feng shui, it's good to keep our place clean.
I don't believe it so much though, I don't know why sometimes I mind it.
21:11 from web
I didn't feel up to making dinner today.
I wanted to eat out, but my hubby didn't.
He had a party at classy resutaurant yesterday.
21:14 from web
So, he wanted to eat home-made simple food.
I understood it and he is getting fat actually.(haha)
But I was exhausted.
21:19 from web
Finally he told me that he made dinner! Wow !! It's sooooo nice for us.
Thank you !! Of course we could enjoy his cooking. Mmm, not bad.
21:24 from web
It'll start new week from tomorrow.
I'll try to do my best.
Wish you be always filled with happiness.
OK, good night !
by comadam on Twitter