北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年11月10日 | 日記
00:00 from web
I want to say good-luck to myself.
Good night !
23:47 from web
It was really busy day.
But I was able to have a very good time.
I had lunch with my friends at fancy restaurant !
23:51 from web
I love Japanese autumn foods.
Every dishes were so tasty and beautiful like a picture.
We were truely satisfied.
23:55 from web
I feel it's simply happy to find happiness in what you do and the people around you.
Raising up children is great job for me.
23:56 from web
I could get to know wonderful mothers through my children.
I appreciate it.
23:58 from web
To meet people, make a difference to the world and grow older as a person
is fabulous thing !!
by comadam on Twitter


2010年11月09日 | 日記
23:40 from web
It was quite warm and comfortable day.
But according to the weather forecast , it 'll get colder tomorrow.
I need to remember <cont>
23:42 from web
...wrap up warm.
It is the time when we catch a cold easily.
I've already caught cold although.
23:48 from web
My tonsils were swollen and painful.
I felt feverish.
I hope medecine will work like magic.
Because tomorrow is a busy day.
23:54 from web
My hubby often encourages me.
He tells me if I have a dream, I should do it.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step !
23:59 from web
Only those who dare to fail greately can ever achieve greately.
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 試練が女を磨く・・・幸せな人生とは

2010年11月08日 | エレガンスライフ










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2010年11月07日 | 日記
23:08 from web
It was really nice weather.
Everyone has good appetite in autumn.
There's a lots of good foods in this season.
23:18 from web
I don't want to gain my weight anymore.
I get a feeling that my figure is getting flabby.
On, no !! But I can't resist having sweets.(sigh)
23:24 from web
I declare that I'll wear nice bikini next holidays.
Wow...what to do??
I want to lose my weight before that.
At least 3Kg !
23:26 from web
I need to tone up my body.
23:41 from web
Today I and my housekeeper made my son's costume for X'mas concert.
It was quite hard work for us.
Actually I'm poor at doing needlework.
23:45 from web
Finally we haven't finish it yet.
Tomorrow I'll have to do it.
My son is looking forward to wearing it.
23:45 from web
I can do it!
Go for it !!
23:53 from web
My children mean so much to me.
I have been matured thanks to them.
I become to be able to set aside childish things.
23:59 from web
Do you think it's great ,don't you?? I was spoiled girl. But now I'm a mother of three children. I'm happy.
23:59 from web
Ok,sweet dreams.
by comadam on Twitter


2010年11月06日 | 日記
10:29 from web
It's nice autumn weather although it's little bit cool now.
I think I'll have a good day.
10:32 from web
Last night I felt very very sleepy.
I've slept like a log.
Maybe becasuse of over-soaking in the bath tub.(haha)
10:33 from web
After sleeping well, I feel fresh.
As if I were reborn !
I look very well.
10:48 from web
I'm having lunch with my sister-in-law Emmily at Sheraton Hotel.
She is stylish and sweet woman. I like her very much.
10:53 from web
What should I wear??
I have to decide....! I think classy dress would be nice.
And I have to put some make-up also.
OK, have a nice day!
23:43 from web
Time flies !
It's almost the end of the day.
I could have really good time with my sister-in-law.
Now I feel happy.
23:51 from web
We were talking about what makes you attractive women.
Difficulty makes you shine...that answer is true, I think.
23:52 from web
Without s struggle ,there can be no progress.
23:59 from web
I noticed it. The notion makes me happy.
Ok, Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年11月05日 | 日記
18:59 from web
This mornig it was really cold.
But day time temperature rose up and we had a balmy weather.
The trees have not turned red and yellow yet.
19:02 from web
I can't wait to see autumn leaves.
You know the mountain seemes to be aflame with autumn tints in this season. Sounds romantic??
19:13 from web
My housekeeper works really well.
I asked her to take care of my 3-year-old daughter and went to beauty salon.
I got eyelash extensions!
20:10 from web
I felt like I bacame gorgeous again! Every time after I went to salon,I feel very special.
I hope my hubby notice my changes.
20:15 from web
Ok, I'll take a bath.
I don't know how long am I going to soak in the bath tub.
I want to do it until I'll melt ! (haha)
by comadam on Twitter


2010年11月04日 | 日記
00:32 from goo
エレママ 2010秋・冬 トレンド・ヘアカラー #goo_chau_0725 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chau_0725/e/26a8b2b873266661e05d595c258f2396
22:32 from web
It was fine and ideal day to go out.
We went to KYOTO to visit whisky factory.
SANTORY is most famous brewing company in JAPAN.
22:38 from web
The tour of whisky factory was very interesting.
Nice aroma was filled with the place.
I loved it !
22:43 from web
Only staying in the room , without drinking , my children become cheerful. As if they got drunk.(haha)
Children are really funny.
22:52 from web
After the tour, we could enjoy SUNTORY whisky with free charge.
It was excellent. Whisky aroma maked me relax.
I've never felt like this!
22:57 from web
Ok, I'll drink sometimes.
Mostly I enjoy wine....but it's wonderful to try new thing.
I feel like matured.
23:07 from web
On the way home , I came across my friend Hirorin at Umeda station.
Wow ! She looked beautiful.
23:14 from web
She seemed to have a good time with her family. Same as us !
Actually we didn't have much time to chat with.
But I was really happy.
23:16 from web
We are having lunch soon.
Can't wait !!
23:27 from web
It was lovely holiday.
I hope everyone will have another good day tomorrow.
Sweet dreams.
23:52 from web
I found an excellent article about Japanese whisky, Suntory Yamazaki whisky !!
by comadam on Twitter


2010年11月03日 | 日記
14:44 from web
It's cloudy and chilly.
It's getting colder and colder day by day.
The air seemes to be dried also.
14:47 from web
My skin has started drying out.
I've been trying to keep smooth and firm skin.
So I went to a beauty-treatment clinic.
14:50 from web
Definitely I need some special treatment for moisturizing my skin.
After that treatment, I feel very well.
Mmmm, skin condition is <cont>
14:53 from web
also very important for women.
Do you agree with me ??
15:21 from web
I don't want to be a shallow person, but I can't ignore how you look.
Appearance is important to a certain extent.
15:24 from web
Although we can't judge people by looks alone.
I feel giving up finding your beauty is not beautiful thing.
What do you think about it ??
15:27 from web
I want to be a woman like a flower smell sweet until when I'll die.
I wish to be like that.
23:59 from web
It's almost midnight.
I feel every day is too short .
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 2010秋・冬 トレンド・ヘアカラー

2010年11月03日 | 美容











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