


2021年03月11日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開をしています。
 今回紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(129)~(144)で、


(129)something that you have to do as part of a job=(       )

After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard
to (         ) his English in order to carry out his (      ) more (            ).

(130)a set of steps inside a building that (     ) you to go from one floor to another=(       )

The old lady was out of (        ) from climbing up the (        ).

(131)the money that you (       ) from working=(      )

Seniors ‒ no matter what their (         ) of (      ) ‒ often (           ) to make ends meet.

(132)the act of (        ) something=(           )

All countries that are (         ) to the (         ) of rainforests should begin their own (       ) to (         ) them.

(133)the (        ) of cutting into a (        )body to (         ), (        ), or (       ) a damaged part=(            )
My mother is making a fast (          ) after the (           ) on her knee last week.

(134)a feeling that you experience from one of your five (        )=(           )

What insect bite (         ) a burning (          )?

(135)the ideas and activities (             )(      ) getting and using power in a country
=(         )

Did the result of the (         )(            )of July 1993 bring about important effects on Japanese (          )?

(136)(        ) objects such as paintings or ancient (        )=(         )

Should cultural (        ) be returned to their country of (        )?

(137) (        ) in a kind and pleasant way =(         )

Fred and I once had a (          ) (              ) (     ) which makes a better pet, a dog or a cat.

(138)very surprising and makes you feel (           ) or (          )=(        )

Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are (      ) with an (        ) (          ) of audio technology.

(139) (        ) to give more than the (         )that is usual or (       )=(          )

Everyone was (           ) to hear that she had (       )(      ) the (         ) offer.

(140)easy to see, (       ), or understand=(          )

It is (          ) that a big mistake was made in (         ) the costs of the project.

(141)to have an (        ) on a situation=(          )

The debate over how technology (           ) jobs is as old as the (          )(    ) itself.

(142)to stop being angry with someone who has done something wrong and stop (         ) them
=(         )

Many people think they are ready to (          ), but want an (          ) first.

(143)to (            ) pay money to use something that (        ) to someone else=(      )

(    )(       )(    ) rising home costs, buying still beats (       ).

(144)to take something that belongs to someone else without (          )
and without the (         ) to return it=(      )

What should I do if my wallet is lost or (        )?

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

1accept(Ex: In *accepting a *formal *invitation, it is important to *respond *appropriately)(.001)
2provide(Ex: Our *company *provides our *customers with clothing at *reasonable prices)(.002)
3display(Ex: He is an artist whose paintings are *displayed in a *museum in Paris. )(003)
4imagine(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet)(.004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to give something to someone or make it available to them
(C)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(D)to take something that is offered


1accept:受け入れる(Ex:正式な招待を受け入れるにあたって、適切に返答するこ とは重要だ )
2provide:提供する(Ex:当社は、手頃な価格で衣類を顧客に提供す る)(2005中央大)
3display:展示する(Ex:彼は絵画がパリの美術館に展示されている芸術家だ ) (2016東海大)
4imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインター ネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
(B) 何かを誰かに与える、あるいは利用できるようにすること

次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。
(001)In acc------- a formal invitation, it is important to respond appropriately.
【to take something that is offered】

(002)Our company pro------- our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.
【to give something to someone or make it available to them】

(003)He is an artist whose paintings are dis------- in a museum in Paris.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(004)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(001)の正解はaccepting,(002)の正解はprovides, (003)の正解はdisplayed, (004)の正解はimagineとなり正しい形にしないと正解にならないため、語彙力の みならず文法も強化できます。
 予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。


5つ星のうち5.0 共通テスト準備の定番に







(001)In acc------- a formal invitation, it is important to respond appropriately.
【to take something that is offered】

(002)Our company pro------- our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.
【to give something to someone or make it available to them】

(003)He is an artist whose paintings are dis------- in a museum in Paris.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(004)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(001)accepting, 002)provides, (003)displayed, (004)imagine


(785)Freud ass------ that laughter releases tension and liberates mental frustration.
【to state that something is certainly true】

(786)Some have argued that lying can never be exc------ under any circumstances.
【to forgive someone for doing something wrong, especially something that is not very serious】

(787)The robber finally sur------ and released his hostage.
【to admit that you have been defeated and will stop fighting】

(788)The role of the interpreter is to fac------ accurate communication between people who use different languages.【to make an action or a process easier or more likely to happen】

(789)Opp------ to United States involvement in the Vietnam War began with demonstrations in 1964.
【actions or opinions that show your strong disagreement with a plan or policy】

(790)People in mild climates in the northern hem------ sometimes experience periods of very hot and humid weather.【one half of the globe or brain】

(791)Shinto festivals generally combine solemn rit------ with joyful celebration.
【a religious service or other ceremony that is always performed in the same way】

(792)Whether it's a still shot or a movie, camera ang------ influence the look, feel and mood of that story.【a position from which you look at something】


(793)Conducting an experiment without a hyp------ is like starting a road trip just for the sake of driving.
【an idea which attempts to explain something but has yet to be proved to be correct】

(794)It was such an excellent movie that the director received thunderous app------ from the audience.
【the sound made by many people hitting their hands to show their approval or enjoyment】

(795)No matter how security conscious you are, the pro------ of thieves breaking into your home is always a worrying possibility.【the possibility that something will happen】

(796)White House Press Secretary described the phenomenon of people buying guns after shooting attacks as a“tragic iro------ .”【a situation that is strange, funny, or sad because things happen in the opposite way to what you would expect】

(797)Candidates whose faces look com------ enjoy an electoral advantage.
【capable of doing something in an efficient or effective way】

(798)When your elderly parents need help but become stu------ , it can be a difficult situation.【not willing to change your ideas】

(799)The room is spacious and comfortable, though the air-conditioning is a bit noisy but is tol------ .【unpleasant but able to be accepted】

(800)Students must be able to select rel------ information from a lecture or text.
【important or necessary to a particular situation or person】


5つ星のうち4.0 英英方式がベスト
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2021年03月10日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開をしています。
 今回紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(113)~(128)で、

(113)something that helps you to be more (        )=(           )
Biotechnology could (       ) great (          )to the whole world.

(114)the ability to see=(        )

What does eating blueberries have to do with good (       )?

(115)the act of leaving a place=(            )

We delayed our (          )(     )(       )(     ) bad weather.

(116)the whole of space and everything in it (       )the earth, the planets and the stars
=(           )

Scientists are trying to (       )(      ) how the (           )(       )(      )(       ).

(117)(          ) a lot of people or too many people=(          )

The museum was (        )(         )(       )tourists (        ) to see the Mona Lisa.

(118)as good as it could possibly be=(         )

Use the (         )(   ) to (       ) the (         ) roommate and avoid uncomfortable living situations.

(119)not (       ) to change=(        )

We all know that friendships are (          ),
but we also understand that friendships are not (          ).

(120)happening very quickly=(         )

The (      ) growth of fresh-fruit (       ) has (       ) many (        ) of the US fresh-fruit market.

(121)to sell (          ) or (        ) to another country=(         )

Four (        ) of kangaroo are (        ) commercially from Australia.

(122)to begin to use a new (          ), (           ), or (          )=(        )

Some companies have (        ) a new (         )of using English as the official inhouse language.

(123)to start to have a disease=(         )

If George doesn't stop smoking, he will run the (       ) of (         ) lung cancer.

(124)to make (            ) for something to happen at a particular time=(         )

Can I (           ) a (        ) in (        )?

(125)to go down from a higher place to a lower place=(          )

(           ) a mountain is harder than (         ) it.

(126)to go from one place to another=(        )

Sound (         ) at different speeds, (        )(   )the temperature of the air.

(127)to help someone by showing that you (       ) with them=(         )

The government (       )lifelong learning for the general public by (       ) a variety of programs and providing necessary (        ).

(128)to have something inside=(         )

Scientists believe that the Milky Way galaxy (           ) approximately 100 billion stars.

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

①advantage【ædvǽntidʒ】(Ex:Biotechnology could *offer great *advantages to the whole world.)(113)
②eyesight【ɑ'isɑìt】(Ex:What does eating blueberries have to do with good *eyesight?)(114)
③departure【dipɑ'ːrtʃər】(Ex:We *delayed our *departure on account of bad *weather.)(115)
④universe【júːnəvə`ːrs】(Ex:Scientists are trying to figure out how the *universe came into being.)(116)
(A)something that helps you to be more *successful
(B)the *act of leaving a place
(C)the *ability to see
(D)the whole of *space and everything in it *including the earth, the *planets and the *stars



次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。
(113)Biotechnology could offer great adv------ to the whole world.
【something that helps you to be more successful】

(114)What does eating blueberries have to do with good eye------ ?【the ability to see】

(115)We delayed our dep------ on account of bad weather.【the act of leaving a place】

(116)Scientists are trying to figure out how the uni------ came into being.
【the whole of space and everything in it including the earth, the planets and the stars】

予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ており、試用した塾からは以下のようなコメントを頂いています。

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2021年03月10日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開をしています。
 今回紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(97)~(112)で、4分少々と短いため隙間時間でのスマホ等による視聴に最適で英語字幕を表示することもできます。
 共通テスト英語ではリーディングの総語彙数が増え、リスニングの比重が高く なり一回しか読まれない部分が登場します。出題者側が英語を英語で理解する能 力を求めているのは明らかです。

(97)having a (        ) to know more about something=(        )

A (       )(      ) gathered at the site of the car accident and watched the (        )(         )
of the rescue team.  

(98)not using too many words=(       )

This (      ) explanation will (       ) as an introduction to the book.

(99)feeling physically (      ) without (        ) feelings=(        )

In the 21st century, we can expect scientific (       )to give more people than ever
the (      )of (         ) a (         ) and easy life.

(100)not (          )(    ) other people for help or money=(            )

Jane was already financially (            ) of her parents before she finished university.

(101)to say (        ) that something is true, (      )(      ) other people think it may not be true
=(       )

The 18th-century philosopher Immanual Kant (         ) that all lies are (          ).

(102)to (       ) someone for an official position by (       )=(        )

It is (       ) that the President will be (        ) for another term.

(103)to be (       ) at an event such as a meeting or a class=(       )

All the students who are interested in studying (        ) should (        ) next week's meeting.

(104)to design or (      ) something (       ) for the first time=(        )

Who is (        ) with (        ) the telephone?

(105)to (       ) that someone does something=(         )

Weather (        ), we (         ) outdoor play as often as possible.

(106)to get something=(      )

According to the law, you must be 18 years old or over to (    ) a driver's license in Japan.

(107)to tell people about something (       )=(          )

To our surprise, the mayor suddenly (        ) her (         ) in spite of her high (       ).

(108)to (        ) something away from a place=(        )

The company wants to sell its (       ) to (       ) carbon dioxide
from the (         ) and (      ) it underground.

(109)something that you remember=(        )

Before the exam I (       ) my (        ) by reading some old notes.

(110)a special (      ) or (           ) that is given only to one person or group=(          )

As a member, you have the (          ) of (        ) books at a 20% (      ).

(111)something that you do often or (             ), often without thinking about it=(       )

Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question
that (           ) comes up is how to (    )(    )(   )bad (       ).

(112)something that is known by only a small number of people and not told to others=(       )

A (       ) that you carry to the grave is something you never tell anyone during your (   ) lifetime.

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

1accept(Ex: In *accepting a *formal *invitation, it is important to *respond *appropriately)(.001)
2provide(Ex: Our *company *provides our *customers with clothing at *reasonable prices)(.002)
3display(Ex: He is an artist whose paintings are *displayed in a *museum in Paris. )(003)
4imagine(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet)(.004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to give something to someone or make it available to them
(C)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(D)to take something that is offered


1accept:受け入れる(Ex:正式な招待を受け入れるにあたって、適切に返答するこ とは重要だ )
2provide:提供する(Ex:当社は、手頃な価格で衣類を顧客に提供す る)(2005中央大)
3display:展示する(Ex:彼は絵画がパリの美術館に展示されている芸術家だ ) (2016東海大)
4imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインター ネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
(B) 何かを誰かに与える、あるいは利用できるようにすること

次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。
(001)In acc------- a formal invitation, it is important to respond appropriately.
【to take something that is offered】

(002)Our company pro------- our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.
【to give something to someone or make it available to them】

(003)He is an artist whose paintings are dis------- in a museum in Paris.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(004)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(001)の正解はaccepting(, 002)の正解はprovides, (003)の正解はdisplayed, (004)の正解はimagineとなり正しい形にしないと正解にならないため、語彙力の みならず文法も強化できます。予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。
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2021年03月09日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開を開始しました。
 本日紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(81)~(96)で、


(83)to give an answer or an *opinion about something without *definite *knowledge about it=*guess

I *guess listening to the *boring *lecture made me tired.

to give an answer or an *opinion about something without *definite *knowledge about itという上記の定義文を正しく訳せる高校生はそれほど多くはないです。
見出し語、定義文、例文の和訳は大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載されているため単熟語を学びながら英文解釈力を伸ばせます。大学受験期に英英辞典に日常的に親しめば日本人の英語力は劇的に改善されます。

(81)to (         ) reach or (       )a larger area or more people=(      )

Some (       )can be (        ) only by (        )(        ).

(82)to keep something for you so that you will be able to use it at a later time=(           )

The president had his secretary (           ) a flight for New York.

(83)to (     ) an answer or an opinion about something without (       ) knowledge about it
=(        )

I (       ) listening to the (        )(         )made me tired.

(84)to know or understand a particular fact or (           )=(          )

I came to (          ) the need to (        ) my time more (        ).

(85)to (          )and (        )a book, magazine, etc. so that people can buy it
=(             )

Getting your (            )(           )(        ) you to have a marketable story.

(86)to (            ) with someone by telephone or letter=(        )

Is it possible to (         ) the police via the Internet if there is an (          )?

(87)to use (            ) to hurt or damage someone or something=(         )

Bears (      )(          ) humans (        ) they feel (            ).

(88)to feel sorry or sad about something you have done and (       ) you had not done it
=(         )

The short-(         ) young man deeply (        ) what he had said to his girlfriend as soon as he put the phone down.

(89)a way that is made by people or animals walking (       ) the ground=(       )

We were (       ) of our energy by the steep and narrow (       ) in the mountain.

(90)the opinions and feelings that you have about something, especially when this (      ) in the way you (      )=(          )

Sylvia's (         ) toward the (       ) don't (   )(   ) to me.

(91)a choice or (        ) that you make after thinking carefully=(           )

There was some (          ) of opinions, but the (          ) was (   )(     ) until next time.

(92)the cases and bags that you carry when you are travelling=(         )

Would you mind (       )an eye on my (         ) while I make a phone call?

(93)unofficial (          ) that may or may not be true=(        )

Local (        )has it that he was (          ) buried in that church.

(94)the things that you need to do a particular job or (       )=(              )

Today's best audio (              ) almost (         )the sound (       )of a live concert.

(95)the (        ) way in which something is (         ) or (           )
=(            )

Heavy industry is moving in the (           ) of more automated machines and less manpower.

(96)the place where something is (         )=(          )

Doing business no (        )(      )(    )(          ).

(81)spread [spréd]広がる、広げる
(82)reserve [rizəːrv]予約する
(83)guess [gés]推測する
(84)realize [ríːəlàiz]理解する※実現するという意味もある。
(85)publish [pʌbliʃ]出版する
(86)contact [kɑ'ntækt]連絡する※名詞で、連絡、接触という意味もある。
(87)attack [ətǽk]攻撃する
(88)regret [rigrét]後悔する
(89)path [pǽɵ]小道
(90)attitude [ǽtitjùːd]態度
(91)decision [disíʒən]決定
(92)luggage [lʌgidʒ]荷物
(93)rumor [rúːmər]噂
(94)equipment [ikwípmənt]機器
(95)direction [dirékʃən]方向※指示という意味もある。
(96)location [loukéiʃən]場所

(65)check [tʃék](       )
(66)trust [trʌst](       )
(67)avoid [əvɔid](       )
(68)freeze [fríːz](       )
(69)proposal [prəpóuzəl](       )
(70)theater [ɵíːətər](       )
(71)medicine [médəsin](       )
(72)custom [kʌstəm](       )
(73)method [méɵəd](       )
(74)survey [sərvéi](       )
(75)lack [lǽk](       )
(76)outcome [áutkʌm](       )
(77)dramatic [drəmǽtik](       )
(78)complete [kəmplíːt](       )※動詞で(       )という意味もある。
(79)popular [pɑpjulər](       )
(80)tiny [táini](       )


(49) passenger [pǽsəndʒər](       )
(50)attention [əténʃən](       )
(51)permission [pərmíʃən](       )
(52)statement [stéitmənt](       )
(53)payment [péimənt](       )
(54)performance [pərfɔːrməns](       )、※(       )、(       )という意味もある。
(55)forecast [fɔːkæst](       )
(56)reaction [riǽkʃən](       )
(57)dependent [dipéndənt](       )
(58)similar [símələr](       )
(59)tight [táit]きつい
(60) regular [régjulər](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(61)warn [wɔːrn]警告する
(62)order [ɔːrdər](       )※名詞で(       )、(       )、(       )という意味もある。
(63)earn [əːrn] (       )※(       )という意味もある。
(64)practice [prǽktis](       )※名詞で(       )、(       )という意味もある。


(33)harm [hɑːrm](       )※動詞で(       )という意味もある。
(34)border [bɔːrdər](       )
(35)purchase [pəːrtʃəs](       )※動詞で(       )という意味もある。
(36)evidence [évidəns](       )
(37)convenient [kənvíːnjənt](       )
(38)responsible [rispɑnsəbl](       )
(39)obvious [ɑbviəs](       )
(40)artificial [ɑːrtəfíʃəl](       )
(41)suggest [sədʒést](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(42)force [fɔːrs](       )
(43)celebrate [séləbrèit](       )
(44)regard [rigɑ'ːrd](       )
(45)decorate [dékərèit](       )
(46)lend [lénd](       )
(47)repair [ripéər](       )
(48)indicate [índikèit](       )


(17)proud [práud](       )
(18)expensive [ikspénsiv](       )
(19)absent [ǽbsnt](       )
(20)capable [kéipəbl](       )
(21)permit [pəmít](       )
(22)participate [pɑːrtísəpèit](       )
(23)appeal [əpíːl](       )※動詞で(       )という意味、名詞で(       )という意味もある。
(24)shake [ʃéik](       )
(25)approach [əpróutʃ](       )※名詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(26)compare [kəmpéər](       )
(27)explain [ikspléin](       )
(28)treat [tríːt](       )※動詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(29)expectation [èkspektéiʃən](       )
(30)reason [ríːzn](       )※名詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(31)pressure [préʃər](       )
(32)neighborhood [néibərhùd]:(       )


(1)accept [æksépt](       )
(2)provide [prəváid](       )※provided は接続詞の働きをし、(       )という意味になることがある。
(3)display [displéi](       )
(4)imagine [imǽdʒin](       )
(5)satisfy [sǽtisfài](       )
(6)admire [ædmáiər](       )
(7)raise [réiz](       )
(8)notice [nóutis](       )
(9)continent [kɑntənənt](       )
(10)destination [dèstənéiʃən](       )
(11)atmosphere [ǽtməsfìər](       )※(       )という意味も重要である。
(12)production [prədʌkʃən](       )
(13)appointment [əpɔintmənt](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(14)expert [ékspəːrt](       )
(15)neighbor [néibər](       )
(16)construction [kənstrʌkʃən](       )


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

1accept(Ex: In *accepting a *formal *invitation, it is important to *respond *appropriately)(.001)
2provide(Ex: Our *company *provides our *customers with clothing at *reasonable prices)(.002)
3display(Ex: He is an artist whose paintings are *displayed in a *museum in Paris. )(003)
4imagine(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet)(.004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to give something to someone or make it available to them
(C)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(D)to take something that is offered


1accept:受け入れる(Ex:正式な招待を受け入れるにあたって、適切に返答するこ とは重要だ )
2provide:提供する(Ex:当社は、手頃な価格で衣類を顧客に提供す る)(2005中央大)
3display:展示する(Ex:彼は絵画がパリの美術館に展示されている芸術家だ ) (2016東海大)
4imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインター ネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
(B) 何かを誰かに与える、あるいは利用できるようにすること

次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。
(001)In acc------- a formal invitation, it is important to respond appropriately.
【to take something that is offered】

(002)Our company pro------- our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.
【to give something to someone or make it available to them】

(003)He is an artist whose paintings are dis------- in a museum in Paris.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(004)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(001)の正解はaccepting(, 002)の正解はprovides, (003)の正解はdisplayed, (004)の正解はimagineとなり正しい形にしないと正解にならないため、語彙力の みならず文法も強化できます。予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。


5つ星のうち5.0 共通テスト準備の定番に






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2021年03月08日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開を開始しました。
 本日紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(65)~(80)で、

(74)an *investigation of people's *opinions or *behavior done by asking people questions=*survey

The *researchers carried out a *survey *intended to *measure the number of calories children get from *regular meals each day.

an *investigation of people's *opinions or *behavior done by asking people questions=*surveyという上記の定義文とを正しく訳せる高校生はそれほど多くはないです。
見出し語、定義文、例文の和訳は大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載されているため単熟語を学びながら英文解釈力を伸ばせます。大学受験期に英英辞典に日常的に親しめば日本人の英語力は劇的に改善されます。

(65)to find out (        ) something is in good condition=(      )

If the pain in your throat becomes worse, have it (       )(   )(      ).

(66)to believe that someone is good, (        ), honest, etc.=(        )

No matter how many friends you have, your problems
can't be (      )(      ) you have someone you can (      ).

(67)to (     )(      ) to (       ) something bad from happening=(        )

When (        ) from fires, smoke and gases should be (       ) because they (       ) harmful chemicals.

(68)to become (       ) because of a low temperature=(        )

(       )(       ) at exactly the same (        ) as they melt.

(69)a plan or (      ) which is made (      ) for people to think about=(           )

The mayor (       )(       ) the (          ) by the (         ) member.

(70)a building with a stage where plays and shows (      )(        )=(           )

No child under the age of sixteen will be (        ) to the (           ).

(71)a (        ) that you take to (      ) an illness or injury=(        )

It is very important for you to keep all (          ) out of the (      ) of children.

(72)an (      ) way of (       ) in a particular group or place=(         )

Do you think it is necessary to (         ) the traditional (       )?

(73)a particular way of doing something=(        )

There is no (          )(       )
of (         ) predicting the time and place of an earthquake.

(74)an (             ) of people's opinions or (          ) done by asking people questions
=(        )

The researchers (     )(    ) a (         )
(        ) to (        ) the number of calories children get from (       ) meals each day.

(75)the (    ) of not having something or not having enough of something=(       )

They have to (      )(    )(     ) their (        ) of experience with hard work.

(76)the (       ) result of an action or event=(        )

The teacher told us to (       ) the (       ) of the experiment.

(77)very (        ) and surprising=(       )

Climate change and (          ) damage are two of the most (       ) challenges (      ) the world today.

(78)(       ) all the parts=(        )

To make it easier for the fish to (         )(   ) new water,
partial water changes are much better than (        ) water changes.

(79)enjoyed or liked by a lot of people=(        )

Small cars are becoming more (         ) these days, since they are (         ).

(80)(         ) small=(    )

The houses look like rows of (    ) cardboard boxes when you look out of the window of a plane in flight.

(65)check [tʃék]調べる
(66)trust [trʌst]信頼する
(67)avoid [əvɔid]避ける
(68)freeze [fríːz]凍る
(69)proposal [prəpóuzəl]提案
(70)theater [ɵíːətər]劇場
(71)medicine [médəsin]薬品
(72)custom [kʌstəm]慣習
(73)method [méɵəd]方法
(74)survey [sərvéi]調査
(75)lack [lǽk]欠如
(76)outcome [áutkʌm]結果
(77)dramatic [drəmǽtik]劇的な
(78)complete [kəmplíːt]完全な※動詞で完成させると意味もある。
(79)popular [pɑpjulər]人気のある
(80)tiny [táini]ちっぽけな

(49) passenger [pǽsəndʒər](       )
(50)attention [əténʃən](       )
(51)permission [pərmíʃən](       )
(52)statement [stéitmənt](       )
(53)payment [péimənt](       )
(54)performance [pərfɔːrməns](       )、※(       )、(       )という意味もある。
(55)forecast [fɔːkæst](       )
(56)reaction [riǽkʃən](       )
(57)dependent [dipéndənt](       )
(58)similar [símələr](       )
(59)tight [táit]きつい
(60) regular [régjulər](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(61)warn [wɔːrn]警告する
(62)order [ɔːrdər](       )※名詞で(       )、(       )、(       )という意味もある。
(63)earn [əːrn] (       )※(       )という意味もある。
(64)practice [prǽktis](       )※名詞で(       )、(       )という意味もある。


(33)harm [hɑːrm](       )※動詞で(       )という意味もある。
(34)border [bɔːrdər](       )
(35)purchase [pəːrtʃəs](       )※動詞で(       )という意味もある。
(36)evidence [évidəns](       )
(37)convenient [kənvíːnjənt](       )
(38)responsible [rispɑnsəbl](       )
(39)obvious [ɑbviəs](       )
(40)artificial [ɑːrtəfíʃəl](       )
(41)suggest [sədʒést](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(42)force [fɔːrs](       )
(43)celebrate [séləbrèit](       )
(44)regard [rigɑ'ːrd](       )
(45)decorate [dékərèit](       )
(46)lend [lénd](       )
(47)repair [ripéər](       )
(48)indicate [índikèit](       )


(17)proud [práud](       )
(18)expensive [ikspénsiv](       )
(19)absent [ǽbsnt](       )
(20)capable [kéipəbl](       )
(21)permit [pəmít](       )
(22)participate [pɑːrtísəpèit](       )
(23)appeal [əpíːl](       )※動詞で(       )という意味、名詞で(       )という意味もある。
(24)shake [ʃéik](       )
(25)approach [əpróutʃ](       )※名詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(26)compare [kəmpéər](       )
(27)explain [ikspléin](       )
(28)treat [tríːt](       )※動詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(29)expectation [èkspektéiʃən](       )
(30)reason [ríːzn](       )※名詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(31)pressure [préʃər](       )
(32)neighborhood [néibərhùd]:(       )


(1)accept [æksépt](       )
(2)provide [prəváid](       )※provided は接続詞の働きをし、(       )という意味になることがある。
(3)display [displéi](       )
(4)imagine [imǽdʒin](       )
(5)satisfy [sǽtisfài](       )
(6)admire [ædmáiər](       )
(7)raise [réiz](       )
(8)notice [nóutis](       )
(9)continent [kɑntənənt](       )
(10)destination [dèstənéiʃən](       )
(11)atmosphere [ǽtməsfìər](       )※(       )という意味も重要である。
(12)production [prədʌkʃən](       )
(13)appointment [əpɔintmənt](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(14)expert [ékspəːrt](       )
(15)neighbor [néibər](       )
(16)construction [kənstrʌkʃən](       )


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。

①role【róul】(Ex:Sleep plays an important *role in your physical health.)(097)
②wealth【wélθ】(Ex:For all his *wealth, he is not happy.)(098)
③operation【ɑ`pəréiʃən】(Ex:She was in the hospital for an *operation.)(099)
④rumor【rúːmər】(Ex:The *rumor turned out to be false. )(100)
(A)an unofficial, interesting story or news that may or may not be true
(B)a large amount of money, property, etc. that someone owns
(C)the function of something in a particular situation
(D)the process of cutting into a patient's body for medical reasons

①failure【féiljər】(Ex:The project ended in *failure.)(101)
②advantage【ædvǽntidʒ】(Ex:What is *advantage of city life?)(102)
③motivation【mòutəvéiʃən】(Ex:*Motivation is the key to success.)(103)
④fight【fáit】(Ex: Six men were arrested after a *fight.)(104)
(A)a feeling of enthusiasm that makes you want to do something
(B)a situation in which people use physical force against each other
(C)a lack of success in doing something
(D)a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success


④fight:けんか(Ex: けんかの後で六人の男達が逮捕された。)

①disaster【dizǽstər】(Ex:What kind of natural *disasters happen in Japan?)(105)
②attention【əténʃən】(Ex:Research was done to find out which things most attract the *attention of hikers in the mountains.)(106)
③culture【kʌ'ltʃər】(Ex:Different people from different *cultures use different communication styles.)(107)
④ability【əbíləti】(Ex:There are people that claim they have the *ability to read the mind of other people. )(108)
(A)an event that causes great damage or suffering
(B)the beliefs, way of life, and customs that are accepted by people in a society
(C)the act of focusing your interest on something
(D)the mental or physical power to do something

①facility【fəsíləti】(Ex:This university has excellent sports *facilities.)(109)
②challenge【tʃǽlindʒ】(Ex:You have to face many *challenges in life. )(110)
③loan【lóun】(Ex:How can I get a *loan without interest?)(111)
④policy【pɑ'ləsi】(Ex:Some companies have adopted a new *policy of using English as the official in-house language.)(112)
(A)something that tests your abilities in an interesting way
(B)something designed to provide a particular service
(C)an amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows from a bank, etc.
(D)a course of action adopted and followed by a government, political party, business, etc.




(097)Sleep plays an important rol------- in your physical health.
【the function of something in a particular situation】

(098)For all his wea-------, he is not happy.
【a large amount of money, property, etc. that someone owns】

(099)She was in the hospital for an ope------- .
【the process of cutting into a patient's body for medical reasons】

(100)The rum------- turned out to be false.
【an unofficial, interesting story or news that may or may not be true】

(101)The project ended in fail------- .
【a lack of success in doing something】

(102)What is adv------- of city life?
【a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success】

(103)Mot------- is the key to success.
【a feeling of enthusiasm that makes you want to do something】

(104)Six men were arrested after a fig------- .
【a situation in which people use physical force against each other】

(097)role (098)wealth (099)operation (100)rumor
(101)failure (102)advantage (103)Motivation (104)fight

(105)What kind of natural dis------- happen in Japan?
【an event that causes great damage or suffering】

(106)Research was done to find out which things most attract the att------- of hikers in the mountains.
【the act of focusing your interest on something】

(107)Different people from different cul------- use different communication styles.
【the beliefs, way of life, and customs that are accepted by people in a society】

(108)There are people that claim they have the abi------- to read the mind of other people.
【the mental or physical power to do something】

(109)This university has excellent sports fac-------.
【something designed to provide a particular service】

(110)You have to face many cha------- in life.
【something that tests your abilities in an interesting way】

(111)How can I get a loa------- without interest?
【an amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows from a bank, etc.】

(112)Some companies have adopted a new pol------- of using English as the official in-house language.
【a course of action adopted and followed by a government, political party, business, etc.】

(105)disasters (106)attention (107)cultures (108)ability
(109)facilities (110)challenges (111)loan (112)policy

予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。
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2021年03月06日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開を開始しました。
 本日紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(49)~(64)で、

(58)*sharing some *features but are not *exactly the same=*similar
The *microscope was *developed using *principles *similar to the *telescope.

*sharing some *features but are not *exactly the sameという上記の定義文を
見出し語、定義文、例文の和訳は大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載されているため単熟語を学びながら英文解釈力を伸ばせます。

(49)a person who is travelling in a (        ), plane, boat etc,
and who is not driving it or working on it=(            )

When young (            )see a woman flying their plane,
they come to (         )female pilots as a natural (         ).

(50)the act of (           )thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something
=(          )

When you try on shoes, (    )(           )not only to their length but also to their depth and width.

(51)the (        ) to do something that is given by someone in (           )=(          )

We (      )(      ) that the gate was locked
so that no one could come into the (        ) without (            ).

(52)something that you say or write in a (        ) way=(                )

The (        )is the full text
of the U.S.-North Korea joint (                 )(           )by the White House.

(53)the act of paying for something=(              )

There are several (     )(              ) options, whether you can pay in full right away or you need more time to come up with the money.

(54)an (         )that a person or group does to (         )an (        )
=(               )

I'm looking forward to your dance (               ) tomorrow night.

(55)a (         )of what is (        ) to happen in the future=(          )

During a (        )(        )on television, you can see images of cloud patterns over Japan from the satellite.
(56)the way you act or feel (    )(         )(    ) something=(            )

For Kant, an 18th century philosopher, laughter was a (            )to a sudden, (        ) change.

(57)needing someone or something in order to (         ) or (        )
=(               )

Japan's (             )has been heavily (              )on foreign (       )of energy and raw materials.

(58)(       ) some (           ) but are not (       ) the same=(           )

The microscope was (      )using (       )(       ) to the telescope.

(59)(       )(         ) to your body=(       )

Research (           ) that (       )clothing can cause all sorts of health problems.

(60)happening at times that are (         )(          )=(         )

In (          )(   )taking the (          ) tests, we have to (      )(   )a long essay.
(61)to tell someone about a (       ) or trouble, so that they can (        ) it or (        ) it
=(      )

The teacher (   )Tim go after (         ) him not to read comics in class.

(62)to (   ) for goods or services to be (   ) to you=(     )

The package arrived late and, to (       )(      )(       ),
it wasn't (      ) we had (          ) .

(63)to get money (   )(           )(    ) work that you do=(    )

Workers with college (     )(     )(             ) more than those without.
(64)to do something repeatedly to (            ) your skill=(           )

The more we (          ) for the concert, the better our (            )will be.

(49) passenger [pǽsəndʒər]乗客
(50)attention [əténʃən]注意
(51)permission [pərmíʃən]許可
(52)statement [stéitmənt]声明
(53)payment [péimənt]支払い
(54)performance [pərfɔːrməns]演技、※実績、成績という意味もある。
(55)forecast [fɔːkæst]予報
(56)reaction [riǽkʃən]反応
(57)dependent [dipéndənt]依存した
(58)similar [símələr]類似する
(59)tight [táit]きつい
(60) regular [régjulər]定期的な※通常のという意味もある。
(61)warn [wɔːrn]警告する
(62)order [ɔːrdər]注文する※名詞で命令、順序、秩序という意味もある。
(63)earn [əːrn] 稼ぐ※得るという意味もある。
(64)practice [prǽktis]練習する※名詞で練習、実践という意味もある。

(33)harm [hɑːrm](       )※動詞で(       )という意味もある。
(34)border [bɔːrdər](       )
(35)purchase [pəːrtʃəs](       )※動詞で(       )という意味もある。
(36)evidence [évidəns](       )
(37)convenient [kənvíːnjənt](       )
(38)responsible [rispɑnsəbl](       )
(39)obvious [ɑbviəs](       )
(40)artificial [ɑːrtəfíʃəl](       )
(41)suggest [sədʒést](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(42)force [fɔːrs](       )
(43)celebrate [séləbrèit](       )
(44)regard [rigɑ'ːrd](       )
(45)decorate [dékərèit](       )
(46)lend [lénd](       )
(47)repair [ripéər](       )
(48)indicate [índikèit](       )


(17)proud [práud](       )
(18)expensive [ikspénsiv](       )
(19)absent [ǽbsnt](       )
(20)capable [kéipəbl](       )
(21)permit [pəmít](       )
(22)participate [pɑːrtísəpèit](       )
(23)appeal [əpíːl](       )※動詞で(       )という意味、名詞で(       )という意味もある。
(24)shake [ʃéik](       )
(25)approach [əpróutʃ](       )※名詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(26)compare [kəmpéər](       )
(27)explain [ikspléin](       )
(28)treat [tríːt](       )※動詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(29)expectation [èkspektéiʃən](       )
(30)reason [ríːzn](       )※名詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(31)pressure [préʃər](       )
(32)neighborhood [néibərhùd]:(       )


(1)accept [æksépt](       )
(2)provide [prəváid](       )※provided は接続詞の働きをし、(       )という意味になることがある。
(3)display [displéi](       )
(4)imagine [imǽdʒin](       )
(5)satisfy [sǽtisfài](       )
(6)admire [ædmáiər](       )
(7)raise [réiz](       )
(8)notice [nóutis](       )
(9)continent [kɑntənənt](       )
(10)destination [dèstənéiʃən](       )
(11)atmosphere [ǽtməsfìər](       )※(       )という意味も重要である。
(12)production [prədʌkʃən](       )
(13)appointment [əpɔintmənt](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(14)expert [ékspəːrt](       )
(15)neighbor [néibər](       )
(16)construction [kənstrʌkʃən](       )


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。

①role【róul】(Ex:Sleep plays an important *role in your physical health.)(097)
②wealth【wélθ】(Ex:For all his *wealth, he is not happy.)(098)
③operation【ɑ`pəréiʃən】(Ex:She was in the hospital for an *operation.)(099)
④rumor【rúːmər】(Ex:The *rumor turned out to be false. )(100)
(A)an unofficial, interesting story or news that may or may not be true
(B)a large amount of money, property, etc. that someone owns
(C)the function of something in a particular situation
(D)the process of cutting into a patient's body for medical reasons

①failure【féiljər】(Ex:The project ended in *failure.)(101)
②advantage【ædvǽntidʒ】(Ex:What is *advantage of city life?)(102)
③motivation【mòutəvéiʃən】(Ex:*Motivation is the key to success.)(103)
④fight【fáit】(Ex: Six men were arrested after a *fight.)(104)
(A)a feeling of enthusiasm that makes you want to do something
(B)a situation in which people use physical force against each other
(C)a lack of success in doing something
(D)a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success


④fight:けんか(Ex: けんかの後で六人の男達が逮捕された。)

①disaster【dizǽstər】(Ex:What kind of natural *disasters happen in Japan?)(105)
②attention【əténʃən】(Ex:Research was done to find out which things most attract the *attention of hikers in the mountains.)(106)
③culture【kʌ'ltʃər】(Ex:Different people from different *cultures use different communication styles.)(107)
④ability【əbíləti】(Ex:There are people that claim they have the *ability to read the mind of other people. )(108)
(A)an event that causes great damage or suffering
(B)the beliefs, way of life, and customs that are accepted by people in a society
(C)the act of focusing your interest on something
(D)the mental or physical power to do something

①facility【fəsíləti】(Ex:This university has excellent sports *facilities.)(109)
②challenge【tʃǽlindʒ】(Ex:You have to face many *challenges in life. )(110)
③loan【lóun】(Ex:How can I get a *loan without interest?)(111)
④policy【pɑ'ləsi】(Ex:Some companies have adopted a new *policy of using English as the official in-house language.)(112)
(A)something that tests your abilities in an interesting way
(B)something designed to provide a particular service
(C)an amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows from a bank, etc.
(D)a course of action adopted and followed by a government, political party, business, etc.




(097)Sleep plays an important rol------- in your physical health.
【the function of something in a particular situation】

(098)For all his wea-------, he is not happy.
【a large amount of money, property, etc. that someone owns】

(099)She was in the hospital for an ope------- .
【the process of cutting into a patient's body for medical reasons】

(100)The rum------- turned out to be false.
【an unofficial, interesting story or news that may or may not be true】

(101)The project ended in fail------- .
【a lack of success in doing something】

(102)What is adv------- of city life?
【a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success】

(103)Mot------- is the key to success.
【a feeling of enthusiasm that makes you want to do something】

(104)Six men were arrested after a fig------- .
【a situation in which people use physical force against each other】

(097)role (098)wealth (099)operation (100)rumor
(101)failure (102)advantage (103)Motivation (104)fight

(105)What kind of natural dis------- happen in Japan?
【an event that causes great damage or suffering】

(106)Research was done to find out which things most attract the att------- of hikers in the mountains.
【the act of focusing your interest on something】

(107)Different people from different cul------- use different communication styles.
【the beliefs, way of life, and customs that are accepted by people in a society】

(108)There are people that claim they have the abi------- to read the mind of other people.
【the mental or physical power to do something】

(109)This university has excellent sports fac-------.
【something designed to provide a particular service】

(110)You have to face many cha------- in life.
【something that tests your abilities in an interesting way】

(111)How can I get a loa------- without interest?
【an amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows from a bank, etc.】

(112)Some companies have adopted a new pol------- of using English as the official in-house language.
【a course of action adopted and followed by a government, political party, business, etc.】

(105)disasters (106)attention (107)cultures (108)ability
(109)facilities (110)challenges (111)loan (112)policy

予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。
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2021年03月05日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開を開始しました。
 本日紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(33)~(48)で、

(33)(          ) damage or injury (        ) by a person or an event=(       )

We must (       )in (       ) that smoking does us more (       )than good.

(34)the official line that (           ) two countries or (        )=(       )
The Rio Grande is the river that (      ) a natural (       ) between the United States and Mexico.

(35)the (    ) of buying something=(             )

Products can be (        ) (   )(   ) two months after (          ).

(36)the facts or (       ) which (       ) you to believe that something (       ) or is true
=(          )

There is (          ) that TV leads people to (        ) more (         ) in everyday life.
(37)(       )or (       )for a particular purpose=(          )

Traveling by private jet can be (       )(     )you can (     ) to (     )one.

(38)having a (      )of (      )(    ) or (     )(     ) someone or something
=(              )

He is (            ) for (        )the report.

(39)easy to (         ) or understand=(           )

From the (      )on his face, it was (         )that he did not get much sleep last night.

(40)(         ) by human beings to copy something natural=(            )

The restaurant was (          ) with (          )flowers.

(41)to tell your ideas for other people to (         )=(         )

I (         ) to Mary that she come with me to collect (         ) cans on the street.

(42)to make someone do something they do not want to do=(           )

Because he (     )(     )(     )the flu, he was (            )to stay at home for a week.

(43)to do something special or enjoyable to show that an occasion or event is important
=(            )

A tree is a (        )gift to (           )an important day
(    )(    ) your wedding (             ).

(44)to think about someone or something in a particular way=(        )

People, (       )(   ) their culture, may (          )being on time differently.

(45)to make something more (          ) by (      )things on it=(             )

The museum which I visited was beautifully (         ) with antique (         ).

(46)to (      )someone to use something that (      )to you for a (       ) of time=(     )

I don't think my father is (      ) to (     )us the car, but I'll (     ) if I can (    ) him (     ) it.

(47)to (    ) something that is broken or not working (        ) back into good condition=(       )

Elevator mechanics are (         ) for (        )elevators when they are out of (       ).

(48)to show that something (        ) =(         )

Many electrical goods have a small light to (          ) that the power is (   ).

(33)harm [hɑːrm]害※動詞で害するという意味もある。
(34)border [bɔːrdər]国境
(35)purchase [pəːrtʃəs]購入※動詞で「購入する」という意味もある。
(36)evidence [évidəns]証拠
(37)convenient [kənvíːnjənt]便利な
(38)responsible [rispɑnsəbl]責任がある
(39)obvious [ɑbviəs]明らかな
(40)artificial [ɑːrtəfíʃəl]人工の
(41)suggest [sədʒést]提案する※示唆するという意味もある。
(42)force [fɔːrs]強いる
(43)celebrate [séləbrèit]祝う
(44)regard [rigɑ'ːrd]みなす
(45)decorate [dékərèit]装飾する
(46)lend [lénd]貸す
(47)repair [ripéər]修理する
(48)indicate [índikèit]示す

(17)proud [práud](       )
(18)expensive [ikspénsiv](       )
(19)absent [ǽbsnt](       )
(20)capable [kéipəbl](       )
(21)permit [pəmít](       )
(22)participate [pɑːrtísəpèit](       )
(23)appeal [əpíːl](       )※動詞で(       )という意味、名詞で(       )という意味もある。
(24)shake [ʃéik](       )
(25)approach [əpróutʃ](       )※名詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(26)compare [kəmpéər](       )
(27)explain [ikspléin](       )
(28)treat [tríːt](       )※動詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(29)expectation [èkspektéiʃən](       )
(30)reason [ríːzn](       )※名詞で(       )という意味も覚えておきたい。
(31)pressure [préʃər](       )
(32)neighborhood [néibərhùd]:(       )


(1)accept [æksépt](       )
(2)provide [prəváid](       )※provided は接続詞の働きをし、(       )という意味になることがある。
(3)display [displéi](       )
(4)imagine [imǽdʒin](       )
(5)satisfy [sǽtisfài](       )
(6)admire [ædmáiər](       )
(7)raise [réiz](       )
(8)notice [nóutis](       )
(9)continent [kɑntənənt](       )
(10)destination [dèstənéiʃən](       )
(11)atmosphere [ǽtməsfìər](       )※(       )という意味も重要である。
(12)production [prədʌkʃən](       )
(13)appointment [əpɔintmənt](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(14)expert [ékspəːrt](       )
(15)neighbor [néibər](       )
(16)construction [kənstrʌkʃən](       )


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。

①role【róul】(Ex:Sleep plays an important *role in your physical health.)(097)
②wealth【wélθ】(Ex:For all his *wealth, he is not happy.)(098)
③operation【ɑ`pəréiʃən】(Ex:She was in the hospital for an *operation.)(099)
④rumor【rúːmər】(Ex:The *rumor turned out to be false. )(100)
(A)an unofficial, interesting story or news that may or may not be true
(B)a large amount of money, property, etc. that someone owns
(C)the function of something in a particular situation
(D)the process of cutting into a patient's body for medical reasons

①failure【féiljər】(Ex:The project ended in *failure.)(101)
②advantage【ædvǽntidʒ】(Ex:What is *advantage of city life?)(102)
③motivation【mòutəvéiʃən】(Ex:*Motivation is the key to success.)(103)
④fight【fáit】(Ex: Six men were arrested after a *fight.)(104)
(A)a feeling of enthusiasm that makes you want to do something
(B)a situation in which people use physical force against each other
(C)a lack of success in doing something
(D)a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success


④fight:けんか(Ex: けんかの後で六人の男達が逮捕された。)

①disaster【dizǽstər】(Ex:What kind of natural *disasters happen in Japan?)(105)
②attention【əténʃən】(Ex:Research was done to find out which things most attract the *attention of hikers in the mountains.)(106)
③culture【kʌ'ltʃər】(Ex:Different people from different *cultures use different communication styles.)(107)
④ability【əbíləti】(Ex:There are people that claim they have the *ability to read the mind of other people. )(108)
(A)an event that causes great damage or suffering
(B)the beliefs, way of life, and customs that are accepted by people in a society
(C)the act of focusing your interest on something
(D)the mental or physical power to do something

①facility【fəsíləti】(Ex:This university has excellent sports *facilities.)(109)
②challenge【tʃǽlindʒ】(Ex:You have to face many *challenges in life. )(110)
③loan【lóun】(Ex:How can I get a *loan without interest?)(111)
④policy【pɑ'ləsi】(Ex:Some companies have adopted a new *policy of using English as the official in-house language.)(112)
(A)something that tests your abilities in an interesting way
(B)something designed to provide a particular service
(C)an amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows from a bank, etc.
(D)a course of action adopted and followed by a government, political party, business, etc.




(097)Sleep plays an important rol------- in your physical health.
【the function of something in a particular situation】

(098)For all his wea-------, he is not happy.
【a large amount of money, property, etc. that someone owns】

(099)She was in the hospital for an ope------- .
【the process of cutting into a patient's body for medical reasons】

(100)The rum------- turned out to be false.
【an unofficial, interesting story or news that may or may not be true】

(101)The project ended in fail------- .
【a lack of success in doing something】

(102)What is adv------- of city life?
【a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success】

(103)Mot------- is the key to success.
【a feeling of enthusiasm that makes you want to do something】

(104)Six men were arrested after a fig------- .
【a situation in which people use physical force against each other】

(097)role (098)wealth (099)operation (100)rumor
(101)failure (102)advantage (103)Motivation (104)fight

(105)What kind of natural dis------- happen in Japan?
【an event that causes great damage or suffering】

(106)Research was done to find out which things most attract the att------- of hikers in the mountains.
【the act of focusing your interest on something】

(107)Different people from different cul------- use different communication styles.
【the beliefs, way of life, and customs that are accepted by people in a society】

(108)There are people that claim they have the abi------- to read the mind of other people.
【the mental or physical power to do something】

(109)This university has excellent sports fac-------.
【something designed to provide a particular service】

(110)You have to face many cha------- in life.
【something that tests your abilities in an interesting way】

(111)How can I get a loa------- without interest?
【an amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows from a bank, etc.】

(112)Some companies have adopted a new pol------- of using English as the official in-house language.
【a course of action adopted and followed by a government, political party, business, etc.】

(105)disasters (106)attention (107)cultures (108)ability
(109)facilities (110)challenges (111)loan (112)policy

予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。



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2021年03月04日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開を開始しました。
 本日紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(17)~(32)で、

(17)feeling (        ) and (         )about something that you have done=(        )

Graduating from university is a (    )(          )and you should be (        )of yourself.

(18)(        ) a lot of money=(            )

Making (     )-saving changes in the home can be (            ), but it will (     ) your money in the long run.

(19)not (        )at a usual or (        ) place=(          )

In my school, when a (       ) teacher is (       ), another teacher teaches the class (       ).

(20)having the (        )to do something=(          )

(       ) (    ) the newspaper,
even a teenager is (          ) of sailing a yacht around the world (      ).

(21)to (      ) someone to do something=(         )

Children of six and under are not (      ) to use the swimming pool (      ) they are with an adult.

(22)to (     )(     )(    ) something=(            )

The most important thing in the Olympics is (    ) to win (    )to (              ).

(23)to be liked or wanted by someone=(         )

Benjamin Day is remembered as a revolutionary (        ) who showed
that newspapers could (        ) to a mass (             ).

(24)to move something quickly=(        )

We (     ) our heads up-and-down for “yes” and (         ) them left-and-right for “no”.

(25)to come near to someone or something=(           )

There were two (           ) on the road (          ) the signal.

(26)to (           ) how things or people are (          )or different=(           )

(            ) with the same period last year,
(         )(           )rose by one percent this year.

(27)to tell someone about something in a way that helps them understand it better=(        )

The engineer (         ) how to (          ) the sophisticated system.

(28)to (      )(      )someone or something in a particular way=(        )

I am extremely (     )of animals, and I can't (      )anyone(      )them with (       ).

(29)the (         ) that good things will happen in the future=(            )

It's quite hard for new companies to (    )(    )(    ) customers' (            ).

(30)a (        )or an (         ) for why something happens or why someone does something
=(       )

The (      ) I (   )(    )(    )(    ) my best friend
is that we have many things in (           ).

(31)difficult situations that make you (     )(        )=(          )

We've been working (      ) so much (           ) lately in our office that we all need a holiday.

(32)the area of a town that (          ) your home=(            )

The leaves in my (            ) have recently (      ) yellow.

(17)proud [práud]誇らしい
(18)expensive [ikspénsiv]高価な
(19)absent [ǽbsnt]欠席の
(20)capable [kéipəbl]できる
(21)permit [pəmít]許可する
(22)participate [pɑːrtísəpèit]参加する
(23)appeal [əpíːl]魅力を持つ※動詞で訴えるという意味、名詞で魅力という意味もある。
(24)shake [ʃéik]振る
(25)approach [əpróutʃ]近づく※名詞でやり方という意味も覚えておきたい。
(26)compare [kəmpéər]比較する
(27)explain [ikspléin]説明する
(28)treat [tríːt]扱う※動詞で治療するという意味もある。
(29)expectation [èkspektéiʃən]期待
(30)reason [ríːzn]理由※名詞で理性という意味も覚えておきたい。
(31)pressure [préʃər]圧力
(32)neighborhood [néibərhùd]:近所

(1)accept [æksépt](       )
(2)provide [prəváid](       )※provided は接続詞の働きをし、(       )という意味になることがある。
(3)display [displéi](       )
(4)imagine [imǽdʒin](       )
(5)satisfy [sǽtisfài](       )
(6)admire [ædmáiər](       )
(7)raise [réiz](       )
(8)notice [nóutis](       )
(9)continent [kɑntənənt](       )
(10)destination [dèstənéiʃən](       )
(11)atmosphere [ǽtməsfìər](       )※(       )という意味も重要である。
(12)production [prədʌkʃən](       )
(13)appointment [əpɔintmənt](       )※(       )という意味もある。
(14)expert [ékspəːrt](       )
(15)neighbor [néibər](       )
(16)construction [kənstrʌkʃən](       )


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

1accept(Ex: In *accepting a *formal *invitation, it is important to *respond *appropriately)(.001)
2provide(Ex: Our *company *provides our *customers with clothing at *reasonable prices)(.002)
3display(Ex: He is an artist whose paintings are *displayed in a *museum in Paris. )(003)
4imagine(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet)(.004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to give something to someone or make it available to them
(C)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(D)to take something that is offered


1accept:受け入れる(Ex:正式な招待を受け入れるにあたって、適切に返答するこ とは重要だ )
2provide:提供する(Ex:当社は、手頃な価格で衣類を顧客に提供す る)(2005中央大)
3display:展示する(Ex:彼は絵画がパリの美術館に展示されている芸術家だ ) (2016東海大)
4imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインター ネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
(B) 何かを誰かに与える、あるいは利用できるようにすること

次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。
(001)In acc------- a formal invitation, it is important to respond appropriately.
【to take something that is offered】

(002)Our company pro------- our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.
【to give something to someone or make it available to them】

(003)He is an artist whose paintings are dis------- in a museum in Paris.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(004)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(001)の正解はaccepting(, 002)の正解はprovides, (003)の正解はdisplayed, (004)の正解はimagineとなり正しい形にしないと正解にならないため、語彙力の みならず文法も強化できます。予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。


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2021年03月03日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開を開始しました。
 本日紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(1)~(16)で、4分少々と短いため隙間時間でのスマホ等による視聴に最適です。
 共通テスト英語ではリーディングの総語彙数が増え、リスニングの比重が高く なり一回しか読まれない部分が登場します。出題者側が英語を英語で理解する能 力を求めているのは明らかです。

(1)to (      )something that is (      )=(       )

In (      ) a (      )(        ), it is important to (      ) appropriately.
(2)to (     ) something to someone or (     ) it (         ) to them=(         )

Our (       )(      ) our customers (      ) clothing at (        ) prices

(3)to(     )something in a (        ) place (       ) people can see it easily=(      )
He is an artist (     ) paintings are (        ) in a (       )in Paris.

(4)to (     ) a picture of something in your mind=(       )

In an (         )(      ) world, many people can't (        )life (      )the Internet.

(5)to (       )something that is needed=(        )

We cannot (      ) consumer (       ) without (      )(      )and services.

(6)to have a (       ) of great (      ) for someone=(      )

Helen Keller, (       ) for her work (    )(      )(    ) people (      ) disabilities, visited Japan three times.

(7)to (       ) the (      ) or (      )of something=(      )

Dad, if my grades (       ) by the end of the (      ), would you (     )(      ) my allowance?

(8)to (      )(      ) of someone or something=(      )

Have you ever (      )the different (       ) people use to (      )(      ) problems?

(9)a large mass of land (        ) by sea=(          )

In the 1930s, flights (     ) the (         )were not (        ).

(010)the place that someone is going to=(        )

(       )(    )the good (       ),
we arrived at our (      ) an our (      )of (         ).

(11)the (       )(        ) that you have in a particular place=(         )

Many cafes try to (      ) a (     )(       ) so that customers can enjoy their tea break.

(12)the (      ) of making or (       ) something for sale in large (      )=(        )

(       )(    )seasonable (          ) patterns, the (       )of Mexico's oranges arrive in the US market (      ) December (       )June.

(013)an (         ) to meet with someone at a particular time=(           )

Did you (      ) the dentist and make an (         ) for the (         )?

(14)someone who has a (       ) skill or who knows a lot about something=(      )

In the past, the old (      )to be(      )(      )as(       )in (      )(      ) problems in life.

(15)a person who lives near you=(        )

I saw a cat sneaking into my (        ) yard.
(16)the (      ) of building something (      )(     ) houses, bridges, roads etc.=(          )

The (        )(    ) the new building is (      )(       ).


(1)to take something that is offered


In accepting a formal invitation, it is important to respond

(2)to give something to someone or make it available to them


Our company provides our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.

(3)to put something in a particular place where people can see it


He is an artist whose paintings are displayed in a museum in Paris.

(4)to form a picture of something in your mind


In an increasingly connected world, many people can't imagine life without the Internet.

(5)to provide something that is needed


We cannot satisfy consumer demand without importing goods and services.

(6)to have a feeling of great respect for someone


Helen Keller, admired for her work on behalf of people with disabilities, visited Japan three times.

(7)to increase the amount or level of something


Dad, if my grades improve by the end of the term, would you mind raising my allowance?

(8)to become aware of someone or something


Have you ever noticed the different approaches people use to deal with problems?

(9)a large mass of land surrounded by sea


In the 1930s, flights across the continent were not common.

(10)the place that someone is going to


Thanks to the good weather, we arrived at our destination an hour ahead of schedule.

(11)the general impression that you have in a particular place


Many cafes try to create a relaxing atmosphere so that customers can enjoy their tea break.

(12)the process of making or growing something for sale in large


Because of seasonable production patterns, the majority of Mexco's oranges arrive in the US market from December through June.

(13)an arrangement to meet with someone at a particular time


Did you call the dentist and make an appointment for the

(14)someone who has a particular skill or who knows a lot about something


In the past, the old used to be looked upon as experts in solving various problems in life.

(15)a person who lives near you


I saw a cat sneaking into my neighbor's yard.

(16)the process of building something such as houses, bridges, roads


The construction of the new building is under way.

(1)accept [æksépt]受け入れる
(2)provide [prəváid]提供する※provided は接続詞の働きをし、「という条件で」という意味になることがある。
(3)display [displéi]展示する
(4)imagine [imǽdʒin]想像する
(5)satisfy [sǽtisfài]満足させる
(6)admire [ædmáiər]称賛する
(7)raise [réiz]上げる
(8)notice [nóutis]気づく
(9)continent [kɑntənənt]大陸
(10)destination [dèstənéiʃən]目的地
(11)atmosphere [ǽtməsfìər]雰囲気※大気という意味も重要である。
(12)production [prədʌkʃən]生産
(13)appointment [əpɔintmənt]予約※任命という意味もある。
(14)expert [ékspəːrt]専門家
(15)neighbor [néibər]近所の人
(16)construction [kənstrʌkʃən]建設

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

1accept(Ex: In *accepting a *formal *invitation, it is important to *respond *appropriately)(.001)
2provide(Ex: Our *company *provides our *customers with clothing at *reasonable prices)(.002)
3display(Ex: He is an artist whose paintings are *displayed in a *museum in Paris. )(003)
4imagine(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet)(.004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to give something to someone or make it available to them
(C)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily
(D)to take something that is offered


1accept:受け入れる(Ex:正式な招待を受け入れるにあたって、適切に返答するこ とは重要だ )
2provide:提供する(Ex:当社は、手頃な価格で衣類を顧客に提供す る)(2005中央大)
3display:展示する(Ex:彼は絵画がパリの美術館に展示されている芸術家だ ) (2016東海大)
4imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインター ネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
(B) 何かを誰かに与える、あるいは利用できるようにすること

次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。
(001)In acc------- a formal invitation, it is important to respond appropriately.
【to take something that is offered】

(002)Our company pro------- our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.
【to give something to someone or make it available to them】

(003)He is an artist whose paintings are dis------- in a museum in Paris.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(004)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(001)の正解はaccepting(, 002)の正解はprovides, (003)の正解はdisplayed, (004)の正解はimagineとなり正しい形にしないと正解にならないため、語彙力の みならず文法も強化できます。予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。
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