


2023年10月24日 | TOEIC
TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語第1章~第2章は、 TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語前書き(1)をご覧ください。


①initiative【iníʃiətiv】(Ex: The World Bank and IMF are launching開始する a new *initiative to help developing countries strengthen強化する their tax systems. )(785)
②retail【ríːteil】(Ex: The company has already done away with廃止する a recommended *retail price altogether.)(786)
③landmark【lǽndmɑɚ`k】(Ex: This hotel is a city *landmark, situated in front of JR Kyoto Station.)(787)
④discretion【diskréʃən】(Ex: Supervisors監督者 have the *discretion to decide when and what amount annual leave年次有給休暇 may be approved承認される.)(788)
(A)the selling of goods to the public for their own use
(B)a building or place that is easily recognized and that will help you to know where you are
(C)the right or ability to decide what should be done in a particular situation
(D)an important new plan that is intended to solve a particular problem



①initiative:新規構想(Ex: 世界銀行とIMFは、発展途上国が税制を強めるのを助ける新規構想を開始している)
②retail:小売(Ex: その会社はすでに希望小売価格を全面的に廃止した)
③landmark:目印(Ex: このホテルは都市の目印で、JR京都駅前に位置している)
④discretion:裁量(Ex: 監督者は、いつどれ位の年次有給休暇が承認されるかを決める裁量権がある)


①commemorate【disrʌ'pt】(Ex:A monument記念碑 is a type of structure構造物 that was explicitly明瞭に created to *commemorate a person or event.)(789)
②disrupt【disrʌ'pt】(Ex: Heavy snow has *disrupted traffic and delayed flights.)(790)
③prolong【prəlɔ'ːŋ】(Ex: The meeting was *prolonged by 30 minutes and the joint statement共同声明 was delayed.)(791)
④discard【dìsrigɑ'ːrd】(Ex: They *discarded unnecessary papers.)(792)
(A)to remind people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object
(B)to make something last longer
(C)to make it difficult for something to continue in its normal way by causing problems
(D)to get rid of something



②disrupt:乱す(Ex: 大雪は交通を乱し空の便を遅らせた)
③prolong:延長する(Ex: 会合は30分延長され、共同声明は遅れた)
④discard:捨てる(Ex: 彼らは不要な書類を捨てた)


①devise【diváiz】(Ex: Researchers have *devised a new method方法 to make vital fertilizer肥料 element in a more sustainable way.)(793)
②exempt【igzémpt】(Ex: Status as a full-time student does not *exempt you from taxes.)(794)
③verify【vérəfài】(Ex: Repeating a science experiment is an important step to *verify that your results are consistent一貫性がある and not just an accident偶然.)(795)
④browse【bráuz】(Ex: Many bookstore owners felt that wrapping包む comic books would prevent people from *browsing and thus hurt sales.)(796)
(A)to give someone permission to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment
(B)to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything
(C)to invent a new way of doing something
(D)to check whether something is true or accurate



①devise:考案する(Ex: 研究者達はより環境に優しい方法で肥料の重要な要素を作る新しい方法を考案した)
②exempt:免除する(Ex: 全日制の学生という立場は税金を免除しません)
③verify:検証する(Ex: 科学実験を繰り返すことは、結果に一貫性があり偶然ではないと検証する重要な手段である)
④browse:立ち読みする(Ex: 多くの書店主は、マンガ本を包むことは人々が立ち読みして売り上げを悪くするのを防ぐと感じた)


①preliminary【prilímənèri】(Ex: *Preliminary findings show the country may have commercially商業的に viable採算が取れる oil deposits along its coast.)(797)
②integral【íntigrəl】(Ex: Failures are an *integral part of learning and innovation.(798)
③intentional【inténʃənl】(Ex: The *intentional manipulation操作 of stock prices is an illegal違法な activity.)(799)
④dairy【déəri】(Ex: Fresh local produce, eggs, *dairy products, honey, breads, soaps and jams will be available in our store.)(800)
(A)relating to milk or to foods that are made from milk
(B)forming a necessary part of something
(C)happening before a more important part of something
(D)done deliberately



①preliminary:予備の(Ex: 予備の調査結果は、その国は海岸沿いに商業的に採算の取れる石油の埋蔵があるかもしれないことを示す)
②integral:不可欠な(Ex: 失敗は学びと技術革新の不可欠な部分だ)
④dairy:乳製品の(Ex: 新鮮な地元製品、卵、乳製品、蜂蜜、石鹸、ジャムは当店で入手できるでしょう)


(785)The World Bank and IMF are launching a new ini------ to help developing countries strengthen their tax systems.
【an important new plan that is intended to solve a particular problem】

(786)The company has already done away with a recommended ret------ price altogether.
【the selling of goods to the public for their own use】

(787)This hotel is a city lan------, situated in front of JR Kyoto Station.
【a building or place that is easily recognized and that will help you to know where you are】

(788)Supervisors have the dis------ to decide when and what amount annual leave may be approved.
【the right or ability to decide what should be done in a particular situation】








(789)A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to com------ a person or event.
【to remind people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object】

(790)Heavy snow has dis------ traffic and delayed flights.
【to make it difficult for something to continue in its normal way by causing problems】

(791)The meeting was pro------ by 30 minutes and the joint statement was delayed.
【to make something last longer】

(792)They dis------ unnecessary papers.
【to get rid of something】








(793)Researchers have dev------ a new method to make vital fertilizer element in a more sustainable way.
【to invent a new way of doing something】

(794)Status as a full-time student does not exe------ you from taxes.
【to give someone permission to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment】

(795)Repeating a science experiment is an important step to ver------ that your results are consistent and not just an accident.
【to check whether something is true or accurate】

(796)Many bookstore owners felt that wrapping comic books would prevent people from bro------ and thus hurt sales.
【to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything】








(797)Pre------ findings show the country may have commercially viable oil deposits along its coast.
【happening before a more important part of something】

(798)Failures are an int------ part of learning and innovation.
【forming a necessary part of something】

(799)The int------ manipulation of stock prices is an illegal activity.
【done deliberately】

(800)Fresh local produce, eggs, dai------ products, honey, breads, soaps and jams will be available in our store.
【relating to milk or to foods that are made from milk】








①the selling of goods to the public for their own use
②a building or place that is easily recognized and that will help you to know where you are
③the right or ability to decide what should be done in a particular situation
④an important new plan that is intended to solve a particular problem
(A)initiative【iníʃiətiv】(Ex: The World Bank and IMF are launching a new *initiative to help developing countries strengthen their tax systems. )(785)
(B)retail【ríːteil】(Ex: The company has already done away with a recommended *retail price altogether.)(786)
(C)landmark【lǽndmɑɚ`k】(Ex: This hotel is a city *landmark, situated in front of JR Kyoto Station.)(787)
(D)discretion【diskréʃən】(Ex: Supervisors have the *discretion to decide when and what amount annual leave may be approved.)(788)



(A)initiative:新規構想(Ex: 世界銀行とIMFは、発展途上国が税制を強めるのを助ける新規構想を開始している)
(B)retail:小売(Ex: その会社はすでに希望小売価格を全面的に廃止した)
(C)landmark:目印(Ex: このホテルは都市の目印で、JR京都駅前に位置している)
(D)discretion:裁量(Ex: 監督者は、いつどれ位の年次有給休暇が承認されるかを決める裁量権がある)


①to remind people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object
②to make something last longer
③to make it difficult for something to continue in its normal way by causing problems
④to get rid of something
(A)commemorate【disrʌ'pt】(Ex:A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to *commemorate a person or event.)(789)
(B)disrupt【disrʌ'pt】(Ex: Heavy snow has *disrupted traffic and delayed flights.)(790)
(C)prolong【prəlɔ'ːŋ】(Ex: The meeting was *prolonged by 30 minutes and the joint statement was delayed.)(791)
(D)discard【dìsrigɑ'ːrd】(Ex: They *discarded unnecessary papers.)(792)



(B)disrupt:乱す(Ex: 大雪は交通を乱し空の便を遅らせた)
(C)prolong:延長する(Ex: 会合は30分延長され、共同声明は遅れた)
(D)discard:捨てる(Ex: 彼らは不要な書類を捨てた)


①to give someone permission to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment
②to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything
③to invent a new way of doing something
④to check whether something is true or accurate
(A)devise【diváiz】(Ex: Researchers have *devised a new method to make vital fertilizer element in a more sustainable way.)(793)
(B)exempt【igzémpt】(Ex: Status as a full-time student does not *exempt you from taxes.)(794)
(C)verify【vérəfài】(Ex: Repeating a science experiment is an important step to *verify that your results are consistent and not just an accident.)(795)
(D)browse【bráuz】(Ex: Many bookstore owners felt that wrapping comic books would prevent people from *browsing and thus hurt sales.)(796)



(A)devise:考案する(Ex: 研究者達はより環境に優しい方法で肥料の重要な要素を作る新しい方法を考案した)
(B)exempt:免除する(Ex: 全日制の学生という立場は税金を免除しません)
(C)verify:検証する(Ex: 科学実験を繰り返すことは、結果に一貫性があり偶然ではないと検証する重要な手段である)
(D)browse:立ち読みする(Ex: 多くの書店主は、マンガ本を包むことは人々が立ち読みして売り上げを悪くするのを防ぐと感じた)


①relating to milk or to foods that are made from milk
②forming a necessary part of something
③happening before a more important part of something
④done deliberately
(A)preliminary【prilímənèri】(Ex: *Preliminary findings show the country may have commercially viable oil deposits along its coast.)(797)
(B)integral【íntigrəl】(Ex: Failures are an *integral part of learning and innovation.(798)
(C)intentional【inténʃənl】(Ex: The *intentional manipulation of stock prices is an illegal activity.)(799)
(D)dairy【déəri】(Ex: Fresh local produce, eggs, *dairy products, honey, breads, soaps and jams will be available in our store.)(800)



(A)preliminary:予備の(Ex: 予備の調査結果は、その国は海岸沿いに商業的に採算の取れる石油の埋蔵があるかもしれないことを示す)
(B)integral:不可欠な(Ex: 失敗は学びと技術革新の不可欠な部分だ)
(D)dairy:乳製品の(Ex: 新鮮な地元製品、卵、乳製品、蜂蜜、石鹸、ジャムは当店で入手できるでしょう)


(785)The World Bank and IMF are launching a new in------ to help developing countries strengthen their tax systems.
【an important new plan that is intended to solve a particular problem】

(786)The company has already done away with a recommended re------ price altogether.
【the selling of goods to the public for their own use】

(787)This hotel is a city la------, situated in front of JR Kyoto Station.
【a building or place that is easily recognized and that will help you to know where you are】

(788)Supervisors have the di------ to decide when and what amount annual leave may be approved.
【the right or ability to decide what should be done in a particular situation】








(789)A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to co------ a person or event.
【to remind people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object】

(790)Heavy snow has di------ traffic and delayed flights.
【to make it difficult for something to continue in its normal way by causing problems】

(791)The meeting was pr------ by 30 minutes and the joint statement was delayed.
【to make something last longer】

(792)They di------ unnecessary papers.
【to get rid of something】








(793)Researchers have de------ a new method to make vital fertilizer element in a more sustainable way.
【to invent a new way of doing something】

(794)Status as a full-time student does not ex------ you from taxes.
【to give someone permission to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment】

(795)Repeating a science experiment is an important step to ve------ that your results are consistent and not just an accident.
【to check whether something is true or accurate】

(796)Many bookstore owners felt that wrapping comic books would prevent people
from br------ and thus hurt sales.
【to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything】








(797)Pr------ findings show the country may have commercially viable oil deposits along its coast.
【happening before a more important part of something】

(798)Failures are an in------ part of learning and innovation.
【forming a necessary part of something】

(799)The in------ manipulation of stock prices is an illegal activity.
【done deliberately】

(800)Fresh local produce, eggs, da------ products, honey, breads, soaps and jams will be available in our store.
【relating to milk or to foods that are made from milk】







①initiative【iníʃiətiv】(Ex: The World Bank and IMF are launching a new *initiative to help developing countries strengthen their tax systems. )(657)
②retail【ríːteil】(Ex: The company has already done away with a recommended *retail price altogether.)(658)
③landmark【lǽndmɑɚ`k】(Ex: This hotel is a city *landmark, situated in front of JR Kyoto Station.)(659)
④discretion【diskréʃən】(Ex: Supervisors have the *discretion to decide when and what amount annual leave may be approved.)(660)
(A)the selling of goods to the public for their own use
(B)a building or place that is easily recognized and that will help you to know where you are
(C)the right or ability to decide what should be done in a particular situation
(D)an important new plan that is intended to solve a particular problem


①commemorate【disrʌ'pt】(Ex:A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to *commemorate a person or event.)(661)
②disrupt【disrʌ'pt】(Ex: Heavy snow has *disrupted traffic and delayed flights.)(662)
③prolong【prəlɔ'ːŋ】(Ex: The meeting was *prolonged by 30 minutes and the joint statement was delayed.)(663)
④discard【dìsrigɑ'ːrd】(Ex: They *discarded unnecessary papers.)(664)
(A)to remind people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object
(B)to make something last longer
(C)to make it difficult for something to continue in its normal way by causing problems
(D)to get rid of something


①devise【diváiz】(Ex: Researchers have *devised a new method to make vital fertilizer element in a more sustainable way.)(665)
②exempt【igzémpt】(Ex: Status as a full-time student does not *exempt you from taxes.)(666)
③verify【vérəfài】(Ex: Repeating a science experiment is an important step to *verify that your results are consistent and not just an accident.)(667)
④browse【bráuz】(Ex: Many bookstore owners felt that wrapping comic books would prevent people from *browsing and thus hurt sales.)(668)
(A)to give someone permission to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment
(B)to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything
(C)to invent a new way of doing something
(D)to check whether something is true or accurate


①preliminary【prilímənèri】(Ex: *Preliminary findings show the country may have commercially viable oil deposits along its coast.)(669)
②integral【íntigrəl】(Ex: Failures are an *integral part of learning and innovation.(670)
③intentional【inténʃənl】(Ex: The *intentional manipulation of stock prices is an illegal activity.)(671)
④dairy【déəri】(Ex: Fresh local produce, eggs, *dairy products, honey, breads, soaps and jams will be available in our store.)(672)
(A)relating to milk or to foods that are made from milk
(B)forming a necessary part of something
(C)happening before a more important part of something
(D)done deliberately


(657)The World Bank and IMF are launching a new i------ to help developing countries strengthen their tax systems.
【an important new plan that is intended to solve a particular problem】

(658)The company has already done away with a recommended r------ price altogether.
【the selling of goods to the public for their own use】

(659)This hotel is a city l------, situated in front of JR Kyoto Station.
【a building or place that is easily recognized and that will help you to know where you are】

(660)Supervisors have the d------ to decide when and what amount annual leave may be approved.
【the right or ability to decide what should be done in a particular situation】


(661)A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to c------ a person or event.
【to remind people of an important event or person by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object】

(662)Heavy snow has d------ traffic and delayed flights.
【to make it difficult for something to continue in its normal way by causing problems】

(663)The meeting was p------ by 30 minutes and the joint statement was delayed.
【to make something last longer】

(664)They d------ unnecessary papers.
【to get rid of something】


(665)Researchers have d------ a new method to make vital fertilizer element in a more sustainable way.
【to invent a new way of doing something】

(666)Status as a full-time student does not e------ you from taxes.
【to give someone permission to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment】

(667)Repeating a science experiment is an important step to v------ that your results are consistent and not just an accident.
【to check whether something is true or accurate】

(668)Many bookstore owners felt that wrapping comic books would prevent people from
b------ and thus hurt sales.
【to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc. without reading everything】


(669)P------ findings show the country may have commercially viable oil deposits along its coast.
【happening before a more important part of something】

(670)Failures are an i------ part of learning and innovation.
【forming a necessary part of something】

(671)The i------ manipulation of stock prices is an illegal activity.
【done deliberately】

(672)Fresh local produce, eggs, d------ products, honey, breads, soaps and jams will be available in our store.
【relating to milk or to foods that are made from milk】

 以上の16語は TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語に収録された800組の英英定義と例文の1/50です。8段階の練習問題を1時間で終了できれば全体を50時間で一周できます。ゆっくり進めても100時間あれば全体を一周できるでしょうから、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、 TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語の試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上700点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成しています。中には100時間の勉強時間でTOEIC500点台後半からTOEIC800点台前半まで一気にスコアを伸ばした例もあります。多くの受験者が量の多さで苦戦するTOEICでは語彙力とスピードが肝心で、英和方式と英英方式では三輪車と自転車くらい学習効率の差が出ます。反復練習は語彙習得のカギです。ただ、同じ問題を何度も解くよりも易→難にわたる複数の問題を解く方がはるかに効率的です。
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