


2023年11月20日 | TOEIC240第5章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→600点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上500点以下の受験者がいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成しているのは早い段階から英英式で学んでいるからです。英和式の英語学習と英英式の英語学習では三輪車と自転車ほど学習効率の差が出ると言って過言ではなく、段階を踏んで学んでいけば英英定義を素早く正確に理解するのは難しくありません。
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第5章で、日本語の介在しない構成になっています。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第5章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を退屈せずに解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。
①excellent【éksələnt】(Ex: The meal tasted *excellent.)(001)
②delighted【diláitid】(Ex: She was *delighted to hear from you.)(002)
③eager【íːgər】(Ex: We are all *eager for world peace.)(003)
④equal【íːkwəl】(Ex: Everyone is *equal under the law.)(004)
(A)very interested and excited by something that you want to do
(B)very pleased and happy
(C)the same in size, amount, value etc. as something else
(D)extremely good


①cancel【kǽnsəl】(Ex: We decided to *cancel the dinner party.)(005)
②accept【æksépt】(Ex: I am happy to *accept your invitation.)(006)
③indicate【índikèit】(Ex: A smile does not always *indicate happiness.)(007)
④broadcast【brɔ'ːdkæ`st】(Ex: The concert will be *broadcast live tomorrow.)(008)
(A)to take something that is offered
(B)to show that a particular situation exists
(C)to say that something that was planned will not happen
(D) to send out programs to be received by radios or televisions


①prevent【privént】(Ex: We are working to *prevent forest fires.)(009)
②approach【əpróutʃ】(Ex: The train is *approaching the station.)(010)
③publish【pʌ'bliʃ】(Ex: How much does it cost to *publish a book?)(011)
④recover【rikʌ'vər】(Ex: The economy is beginning to *recover.)(012)
(A)to produce a book, magazine etc. for sale
(B)to come near to someone or something in time or distance
(C)to stop something from happening
(D)to return to a normal state after a period of difficulty


①reservation【rèzərvéiʃən】(Ex: I called the restaurant to make a *reservation.)(013)
②exhibition【èksəbíʃən】(Ex: The *exhibition features 250 works of contemporary art.)(014)
③position【pəzíʃən】(Ex: She was promoted to the *position of school principal.)(015)
④atmosphere【ǽtməsfìər】(Ex: The conference was held in a friendly *atmosphere.) (016)
(A)the general impression that you have in a particular place
(B)the rank or role of someone in a company or society
(C)a public show of art or other interesting things that people can go to see
(D)an arrangement to have something such as a room, table, or seat kept for you to use later


(001)The meal tasted e------ .
【extremely good】

(002)She was d------ to hear from you.
【very pleased and happy】

(003)We are all e------ for world peace.
【very interested and excited by something that you want to do】

(004)Everyone is e------ under the law.
【the same in size, amount, value etc. as something else】


(005)We decided to c------ the dinner party.
【to say that something that was planned will not happen】

(006)I am happy to a------ your invitation.
【to take something that is offered】

(007)A smile does not always i------ happiness.
【to show that a particular situation exists】

(008)The concert will be b------ live tomorrow.
【to send out programs to be received by radios or televisions】


(009)We are working to p----- forest fires.
【to stop something from happening】

(010)The train is a----- the station.
【to come near to someone or something in time or distance】

(011)How much does it cost to p----- a book?
【to produce a book, magazine etc. for sale】

(012)The economy is beginning to r----- .
【to return to a normal state after a period of difficulty】


(013)I called the restaurant to make a r----- .
【an arrangement to have something such as a room, table, or seat kept for you to use later】

(014)The e----- features 250 works of contemporary art.
【a public show of art or other interesting things that people can go to see】

(015)She was promoted to the p----- of school principal..
【the rank or role of someone in a company or society】

(016)The conference was held in a friendly a----- .
【the general impression that you have in a particular place】


(A)order【ɔ'ːrdər】(Ex: Can I cancel an *order before shipping ?)(017)
(B)consultant【kənsʌ'ltənt】(Ex: I'd like to hire him as a *consultant.)(018)
(C)income【ínkʌm】(Ex: What's your annual *income?)(019)
(D)discount【dískɑunt】(Ex: I bought the car at a 10% *discount.)(020)
①someone whose job is to advise people on a particular subject
②the money that you get from working
③a reduction in the price of something
④a request to make or deliver goods


①inspect【inspékt】(Ex: She had the car *inspected by a mechanic before she bought it.)(021)
②improve【imprúːv】(Ex: Exercise *improves health.)(022)
③persuade【pərswéid】(Ex: I *persuaded her to consult a doctor.)(023)
④affect【əfékt】(Ex: This bad weather will *affect the crops.)(024)
(A)to make something better
(B)to have an influence on someone or something
(C)to look at something carefully to see if there is anything wrong
(D)to cause someone to do something by giving reasons


①career【kəríər】(Ex: He puts his family before his *career.)(025)
②lack【lǽk】(Ex: The problem is *lack of funds.)(026)
③expert【ékspəːrt】(Ex: She claimed to be an *expert in finance.)(027)
④impact【ímpækt】(Ex: Stress can have an enormous *impact on our health.)(028)
(A)the powerful effect that something has on someone or something
(B)a situation in which there is not enough of something, or none of it
(C)a job or profession that someone does for a long time
(D)someone who has special knowledge, skill or training in something


①compare【kəmpéər】(Ex: The earth is small *compared with the sun.)(029)
②encourage【inkə'ːridʒ】(Ex: We want to *encourage students to read more.)(030)
③influence【ínfluəns】(Ex: We are *influenced by our environment.)(031)
④export【ekspɔ'ːt】(Ex: In 2021, Japan *exported roughly 1.22 million used automobiles.)(032)
(A)to affect or change someone or something
(B)to suggest that someone does something
(C)to examine or judge how things or people are similar or different
(D)to sell products or materials to another country


(017) Can I cancel an o------ before shipping ?
【a request to make or deliver goods】

(018) I'd like to hire him as a c------ .
【someone whose job is to advise people on a particular subject】

(019) What's your annual i------ ?
【the money that you get from working】

(020) I bought the car at a 10% d------ .
【a reduction in the price of something】


(021) She had the car i------ by a mechanic before she bought it.
【to look at something carefully to see if there is anything wrong】

(022) Exercise i------ health.
【to make something better】

(023) I p------ her to consult a doctor.
【to cause someone to do something by giving reasons】

(024) This bad weather will a------ the crops.
【to have an influence on someone or something】


(025) He puts his family before his c------ .
【a job or profession that someone does for a long time】

(026) The problem is l------ of funds.
【a situation in which there is not enough of something, or none of it】

(027) She claimed to be an e------ in finance.
【someone who has special knowledge, skill or training in something】

(028) Stress can have an enormous i------ on our health.
【the powerful effect that something has on someone or something】


(029) The earth is small c------ with the sun.
【to examine or judge how things or people are similar or different】

(030) We want to e------ students to read more.
【to suggest that someone does something】

(031) We are i------ by our environment.
【to affect or change someone or something】

(032) In 2021, Japan e------ roughly 1.22 million used automobiles.
【to sell products or materials to another country】


①sweep【swíːp】(Ex: I need to *sweep the kitchen.)(033)
②graduate【grǽdʒuèit】(Ex: She *graduated with a degree in mathematics.)(034)
③repeat【ripíːt】(Ex: Would you mind *repeating the question?)(035)
④approve【əprúːv】(Ex: The committee *approved the plan.)(036)
(A)to officially accept an idea, plan, proposal etc.
(B)to clean a floor, the ground, etc. using a broom
(C)to complete your studies at a school or university
(D)to do something again


①budget【bʌ'dʒit】(Ex: It's possible to travel on a tight *budget.)(037)
②expectation【èkspektéiʃən】(Ex: She had unrealistic *expectations.)(038)
③proposal【prəpóuzəl】(Ex: What do you think of his *proposal?)(039)
④entrance【éntrəns】(Ex: We'll meet you at the *entrance.)(040)
(A)hopes or beliefs that something will happen
(B)a formal suggestion or plan that is presented to a person or group
(C)the money that is available to a person or organization
(D)the place that you go through to enter a room, building, or area


①intersection【ìntərsékʃən】(Ex: This *intersection is one of the busiest in the city.) (041)
②departure【dipɑ'ːrtʃər】(Ex: The plane's *departure was on schedule.)(042)
③sample【sǽmpl】(Ex: Free *samples were handed out at the store.)(043)
④message【mésidʒ】(Ex: I left a *message on his answering machine.)(044)
(A)a piece of written or spoken information that one person gives to another
(B)a small amount of a product that people can try
(C)the act of leaving a place
(D)a place where roads join or cross


①accomplish【əkɑ'mpliʃ】(Ex: He *accomplished his mission as planned.)(045)
②lean【líːn】(Ex: He *leaned against the wall.)(046)
③explain【ikspléin】(Ex: The professor *explained her theory using pictures.)(047)
④welcome【wélkəm】(Ex: We *welcome any customer feedback that helps us improve our service.)(048)
(A)to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard for a period of time
(B)to rest on something at an angle for support
(C)to accept something with pleasure
(D)to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand


(033) I need to s------ the kitchen.
【to clean a floor, the ground, etc. using a broom】

(034) She g------ with a degree in mathematics.
【to complete your studies at a school or university】

(035) Would you mind r------ the question?
【to do something again】

(036) The committee a------ the plan.
【to officially accept an idea, plan, proposal etc.】


(037) It's possible to travel on a tight b------ .
【the money that is available to a person or organization】

(038) She had unrealistic e------ .
【hopes or beliefs that something will happen】

(039) What do you think of his p------ ?
【a formal suggestion or plan that is presented to a person or group】

(040) We'll meet you at the e------ .
【the place that you go through to enter a room, building, or area】


(041) This i------ is one of the busiest in the city.
【a place where roads join or cross】

(042) The plane's d------ was on schedule.
【the act of leaving a place】

(043) Free s------ were handed out at the store.
【a small amount of a product that people can try】

(044) I left a m------ on his answering machine.
【a piece of written or spoken information that one person gives to another】


(045) He a------ his mission as planned.
【to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard for a period of time】

(046) He l------ against the wall.
【to rest on something at an angle for support】

(047) The professor e------ her theory using pictures.
【to tell someone something in a way that is clear or easy to understand】

(048) We w------ any customer feedback that helps us improve our service.
【to accept something with pleasure】


①display【displéi】(Ex: A variety of books are *displayed in this library.)(049) 
②exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex: I'd like to *exchange this sweater for a smaller one.)(050)
③delay【diléi】(Ex: The train's departure will be *delayed. )(051)
④attend【əténd】(Ex: She did not *attend the meeting yesterday.)(052)
(A)to go to an event or activity
(B)to make someone or something late
(C)to give something to someone and receive something in return
(D)to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily


①achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex: Nothing is *achieved without effort.)(053)
②prepare【pripéər】(Ex: I have to *prepare for the entrance examination.)(054)
③distribute【distríbjuːt】(Ex: Free newspapers are *distributed free of charge.)(055)
④borrow【bɑ'rou】(Ex: Can I *borrow your camera?)(056)
(A)to make yourself ready for something
(B)to give or deliver something to a group of people
(C)to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard
(D)to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later


①certain【sə'ːrtn】(Ex: I am *certain of your success.)(057)
②available【əvéiləbl】(Ex: I am afraid I am not *available at the moment.)(058)
③responsible【rispɑ'nsəbl】(Ex: Parents are *responsible for their children's education.)(059)
④valuable【vǽljuəbl】(Ex: Please don't leave anything *valuable in your room. )(060)
(A)having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something
(B)not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people
(C)having no doubt about something
(D)worth a lot of money


①advice【ædváis】(Ex: He kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's *advice. )(061)
②appointment【əpɔ'intmənt】(Ex: I have a dentist *appointment at 3:30. )(062)
③document【dɑ'kjumənt】(Ex: I'd like you to translate this *document into English.)(063)
④labor【léibər】(Ex: Child *labor is a serious social problem.)(064)
(A)an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time
(B)an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation
(C)work, especially physical work
(D)an official paper that contains information about something


(049) A variety of books are d------ in this library.
【to put something in a particular place where people can see it easily】

(050) I'd like to e------ this sweater for a smaller one.
【to give something to someone and receive something in return】

(051) The train's departure will be d------ .
【to make someone or something late】

(052) She did not a------ the meeting yesterday.
【to go to an event or activity】


(053) Nothing is a------ without effort.
【to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard】

(054) I have to p------ for the entrance examination.
【to make yourself ready for something】

(055) Free newspapers are d------ free of charge.
【to give or deliver something to a group of people】

(056) Can I b------ your camera?
【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】


(057) I am c------ of your success.
【having no doubt about something】

(058) I am afraid I am not a------ at the moment.
【not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people】

(059) Parents are r------ for their children's education.
【having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something】

(060) Please don't leave anything v------ in your room.
【worth a lot of money】


(061) He kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's a------ .
【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(062) I have a dentist a------ at 3:30.
【an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time】

(063) I'd like you to translate this d------ into English.
【an official paper that contains information about something】

(064) Child l------ is a serious social problem.
【work, especially physical work】


①crew【krúː】(Ex: US officials have confirmed that all passengers and *crew died when the plane crashed.)(065)
②arrangement【əréindʒmənt】(Ex: Have you made all the *arrangements for your trip?)(066)
③arrival【əráivəl】(Ex: The flight's estimated time of *arrival is 9:30.)(067)
④equipment【ikwípmənt】(Ex: Doctors use medical *equipment.)(068)
(A)plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen
(B)the things that are needed for a particular job or activity
(C)a group of people with special skills who work together
(D)the act of reaching a place


①research【risə'ːrtʃ】(Ex: The doctors are conducting medical *research.)(069)
②company【kʌ'mpəni】(Ex: The *company is based in Tokyo.)(070)
③shelf【ʃélf】(Ex: She put the book on the *shelf.)(071)
④response【rispɑ'ns】(Ex: I had no *response to my letter.)(072)
(A)the activity of discovering information about something
(B)a flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., used for putting things on
(C)a business organization that produces or sells goods or services for money
(D)something that is done as a reaction to something else


①receive【risíːv】(Ex: I *received a letter from her. )(073)
②stress【strés】(Ex: She *stressed the importance of daily exercise.)(074)
③confirm【kənfə'ːrm】(Ex: I'm calling to *confirm my booking.)(075)
④contain【kəntéin】(Ex: This drink doesn't *contain any alcohol.)(076)
(A)to have or include something
(B)to be given something
(C)to make an arrangement more certain or official
(D)to give special attention to something such as an idea or fact


①necessary【nésəsèri】(Ex: A passport is *necessary when you travel overseas.)(077)
②capable【kéipəbl】(Ex: He is *capable of teaching English.)(078)
③frequent【fríːkwənt】(Ex: Rains are *frequent here in early summer.)(079)
④busy【bízi】(Ex: Since this restaurant is always *busy, consider making reservations.)(080)
(A)having the ability that is needed to do something
(B)important or needed in order to do something
(C)full of people
(D)happening often


(065) US officials have confirmed that all passengers and c------ died when the plane crashed.
【a group of people with special skills who work together】

(066) Have you made all the a------ for your trip?
【plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen】

(067) The flight's estimated time of a------ is 9:30.
【the act of reaching a place】

(068) Doctors use medical e------ .
【the things that are needed for a particular job or activity】


(069) The doctors are conducting medical r------ .
【the activity of discovering information about something】

(070) The c------ is based in Tokyo.
【a business organization that produces or sells goods or services for money】

(071) She put the book on the s------ .
【a flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., used for putting things on】

(072) I had no r------ to my letter.
【something that is done as a reaction to something else】


(073) I r------ a letter from her.
【to be given something】

(074) She s------ the importance of daily exercise.
【to give special attention to something such as an idea or fact】

(075) I'm calling to c------ my booking.
【to make an arrangement more certain or official】

(076) This drink doesn't c------ any alcohol.
【to have or include something】


(077) A passport is n------ when you travel overseas.
【important or needed in order to do something】

(078) He is c------ of teaching English.
【having the ability that is needed to do something】

(079) Rains are f------ here in early summer.
【happening often】

(080) Since this restaurant is always b------ , consider making reservations.
【full of people】

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。
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2023年11月20日 | TOEIC240第5章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第5章は日本語の介在しない構成になっています。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第5章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を退屈せずに解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。
①fasten【fǽsn】(Ex: Please *fasten seat belt while you are seated.)(081)
②preserve【prizə'ːrv】(Ex: How can we *preserve the earth and its resources? )(082)
③apply【əplái】(Ex: Why are you *applying for this position?)(083)
④announce【ənáuns】(Ex: The government *announced tax hikes.)(084)
(A)to keep something in good condition
(B)to put something in a position so that it will not move
(C)to make an official statement about a plan or a decision
(D)to make a formal request for a job


①familiar【fəmíljər】(Ex: I am not *familiar with this neighborhood.)(085)
②successful【səksésfəl】(Ex: She was *successful in business.)(086)
③entire【intáiər】(Ex: He had spent his *entire life in Africa as a doctor.)(087)
④vacant【véikənt】(Ex: This hotel has no *vacant rooms.)(088)
(A)including everything, with nothing missing
(B)achieving the results you intended
(C)knowing something very well
(D)not being used


①article【ɑ'ːrtikl】(Ex: The *article was written in English.)(089)
②popularity【pɑ`pjulǽrəti】(Ex: The TV program has lost *popularity in recent years.)(090)
③opportunity【ɑ`pərtjúːnəti】(Ex: He missed the *opportunity for a promotion.)(091)
④refund【rifʌ'nd】(Ex: For a *refund, you must return the item unopened.)(092)
(A)a situation in which someone or something is liked or enjoyed by many people
(B)an amount of money that is given back to you if you have returned a product, paid too much, etc.
(C)a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine
(D)a chance to do something


①arrange【əréindʒ】(Ex: They *arranged the books according to size.)(093)
②advertise【ǽdvərtàiz】(Ex: Many studies show that *advertising is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.)(094)
③import【impɔ'ːt】(Ex: This is a car *imported from Germany.)(095)
④operate【ɑ'pərèit】(Ex: The costs of *operating a private school vary widely.)(096)
(A)to put things in a particular order or position
(B)to have control of something
(C)to buy products or materials from another country
(D)to make the public aware of a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it


(081) Please f------ seat belt while you are seated.
【to put something in a position so that it will not move】

(082) How can we p------ the earth and its resources?
【to keep something in good condition】

(083) Why are you a------ for this position?
【to make a formal request for a job】

(084) The government a------ tax hikes.
【to make an official statement about a plan or a decision】


(085) I am not f------ with this neighborhood.
【knowing something very well】

(086) She was s------ in business.
【achieving the results you intended】

(087) He had spent his e------ life in Africa as a doctor.
【including everything, with nothing missing】

(088) This hotel has no v------ rooms.
【not being used】


(089) The a------ was written in English..
【a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine】

(090) The TV program has lost p------ in recent years.
【a situation in which someone or something is liked or enjoyed by many people】

(091) He missed the o------ for a promotion.
【a chance to do something】

(092) For a r------ , you must return the item unopened.
【an amount of money that is given back to you if you have returned a product, paid too much, etc.】


(093) They a------ the books according to size.
【to put things in a particular order or position】

(094) Many studies show that a------ is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.
【to make the public aware of a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it】

(095) This is a car i------ from Germany.
【to buy products or materials from another country】

(096) The costs of o------ a private school vary widely.
【to have control of something】


①maintain【meintéin】(Ex: It is important to *maintain the same high level of productivity.)(097)
②raise【réiz】(Ex: How can we *raise money for a person or family in need? )(098)
③found【fáund】(Ex: She *founded the company five years ago.)(099)
④maximize【mǽksəmàiz】(Ex: How do I *maximize my profit and minimize loss?)(100)
(A)to start something such as an organization, company, political party etc.
(B)to collect money from people for a particular purpose
(C)to keep something in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly
(D)to increase something as much as possible


①regular【régjulər】(Ex: Complimentary *regular shuttle bus service is available. )(101)
②modern【mɑ'dərn】(Ex: *Modern technology has made our lives more comfortable.)(102)
③accurate【ǽkjurət】(Ex: Her novel is not historically *accurate.)(103)
④strict【stríkt】(Ex: There is a very *strict rule forbidding smoking on the street. )(104)
(A)relating to the present time
(B)arranged so that there is an equal amount of time between events
(C)must be obeyed completely
(D)correct in every detail


①predict【pridíkt】(Ex: Why is it so hard to *predict earthquakes?)(105)
②repair【ripéər】(Ex: It isn't worth *repairing this car. )(106)
③obtain【əbtéin】(Ex: To be able to drive in Japan, you must *obtain a Japanese driver's license.)(107)
④consider【kənsídər】(Ex: I am seriously *considering changing careers. )(108)
(A)to think carefully about someone or something
(B)to get something that you want, usually by effort
(C)to say that something will happen in the future
(D)to put something that is broken or damaged back into good condition


①judge【dʒʌ'dʒ】(Ex: We shouldn't *judge others by their appearances.)(109)
②appoint【əpɔ'int】(Ex: He was *appointed to the president of the company in 2020.)(110)
③reflect【riflékt】(Ex: She saw herself *reflected in the water.)(111)
④forward【fɔ'ːrwərd】(Ex: How do I automatically *forward email to another address?)(112)
(A)to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully
(B)to show the image of someone or something on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water
(C)to send a letter, parcel, email etc. to someone else at another address
(D)to choose someone for a job or position


(097) It is important to m------ the same high level of productivity.
【to keep something in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly】

(098) How can we r------ money for a person or family in need?
【to collect money from people for a particular purpose】

(099) She f------ the company five years ago.
【to start something such as an organization, company, political party etc.】

(100) How do I m------ my profit and minimize loss?
【to increase something as much as possible】


(101) Complimentary r------ shuttle bus service is available.
【arranged so that there is an equal amount of time between events】

(102) M------ technology has made our lives more comfortable.
【relating to the present time】

(103) Her novel is not historically a------ .
【correct in every detail】

(104) There is a very s------ rule forbidding smoking on the street.
【must be obeyed completely】


(105) Why is it so hard to p------ earthquakes?
【to say that something will happen in the future】

(106) It isn't worth r------ this car.
【to put something that is broken or damaged back into good condition】

(107) To be able to drive in Japan, you must o------ a Japanese driver's license.
【to get something that you want, usually by effort】

(108) I am seriously c------ changing careers.
【to think carefully about someone or something】


(109) We shouldn't j------ others by their appearances.
【to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully】

(110) He was a------ to the president of the company in 2020.
【to choose someone for a job or position】

(111) She saw herself r------ in the water.
【to show the image of someone or something on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water】

(112) How do I automatically f------ email to another address?
【to send a letter, parcel, email etc. to someone else at another address】


①suburb【sʌ'bəːrb】(Ex: Do you need a car to live in the Chicago *suburbs?)(113)
②capacity【kəpǽsəti】(Ex: Manufacturing *capacity is the maximum production that a factory is capable of.)(114)
③permission【pərmíʃən】(Ex: Do I need *permission to park here?)(115)
④material【mətíəriəl】(Ex: Consumers have a positive attitude towards products made from recycled *materials.)(116)
(A)the right to do something that is given to you by someone who has power
(B)a substance for making something
(C)an area where people live that is away from the center of a city
(D)the amount of goods that a factory, machine etc. can produce


①wealth【wélθ】(Ex: Health is more important than *wealth.)(117)
②assistance【əsístəns】(Ex: If it had not been for your *assistance, I would have failed.)(118)
③environment【inváiərənmənt】(Ex: Does the *environment of a business impact its productivity?)(119)
④means【míːnz】(Ex: For me, money is only the *means to an end.)(120)
(A)the people and things around you that influence your life
(B)the act of helping or supporting someone
(C)a method of doing or achieving something
(D)a large amount of money, property, or other valuable things


①allow【əláu】(Ex: Swimming is not *allowed in this river.)(121)
②praise【préiz】(Ex: My boss *praised me for my diligence.)(122)
③adjust【ədʒʌ'st】(Ex: You can *adjust the screen color and brightness manually or automatically. )(123)
④manage【mǽnidʒ】(Ex: We *managed to deliver the products on time.)(124)
(A)to succeed in doing something difficult
(B)to change something slightly so that it works better
(C)to express your approval or admiration for someone or something
(D)to let someone do something


①crowded【kráudid】(Ex: The train was very *crowded.)(125)
②basic【béisik】(Ex: Freedom of expression is a *basic human right.)(126)
③close【klóuz】(Ex: This hotel is *close to the station.)(127)
④missing【mísiŋ】(Ex: We searched everywhere for the *missing child.)(128)
(A)forming the most important part of something
(B)having a lot of people, especially too many
(C)unable to be found in its usual place
(D)not far in distance or time


(113) Do you need a car to live in the Chicago s------ ?
【an area where people live that is away from the center of a city】

(114) Manufacturing c------ is the maximum production that a factory is capable of.
【the amount of goods that a factory, machine etc. can produce】

(115) Do I need p------ to park here?
【the right to do something that is given to you by someone who has power】

(116) Consumers have a positive attitude towards products made from recycled m---- .
【a substance for making something】


(117) Health is more important than w------ .
【a large amount of money, property, or other valuable things】

(118) If it had not been for your a------ , I would have failed.
【the act of helping or supporting someone】

(119) Does the e------ of a business impact its productivity?
【the people and things around you that influence your life】

(120) For me, money is only the m------ to an end.
【a method of doing or achieving something】


(121) Swimming is not a------ in this river.
【to let someone do something】

(122) My boss p------ me for my diligence.
【to express your approval or admiration for someone or something】

(123) You can a------ the screen color and brightness manually or automatically.
【to change something slightly so that it works better】

(124) We m------ to deliver the products on time.
【to succeed in doing something difficult】


(125) The train was very c------ .
【having a lot of people, especially too many】

(126) Freedom of expression is a b------ human right.
【forming the most important part of something】

(127) This hotel is c------ to the station.
【not far in distance or time】

(128) We searched everywhere for the m------ child.
【unable to be found in its usual place】


①duty【djúːti】(Ex: She has to carry out her *duties.)(129)
②form【fɔ'ːrm】(Ex: Please fill in the application *form, all of the items.)(130)
③solution【səlúːʃən】(Ex: He came up with a *solution to the problem.)(131)
④expense【ikspéns】(Ex: The company is trying to cut down on *expenses. )(132)
(A)an amount of money that you spend on something
(B)a way of dealing with a difficult problem
(C)an official document that has spaces where you write information
(D)something that you have to do because it is your responsibility


①remain【riméin】(Ex: Please *remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.)(133)
②inform【infɔ'ːrm】(Ex: We regret to *inform you that the position has now been filled.)(134)
③conduct【kənˈdʌkt】(Ex: Police are responsible for *conducting criminal investigations.)(135)
④combine【kɑ'mbain】(Ex: How does hydrogen and oxygen *combine to form water?)(136)
(A)to stay in the same state or condition
(B)to organize something and carry it out
(C)to cause two or more things to be together
(D)to give information to someone officially


①flight【fláit】(Ex: All *flights to London are delayed because of bad weather. )(137)
②invitation【ìnvətéiʃən】(Ex: I am glad to accept your *invitation to the banquet.)(138)
③profit【prɑ'fit】(Ex: Stock investments do not always yield *profit.)(139)
④method【méθəd】(Ex: They adopted a new *method of teaching English.)(140)
(A)the money that you make from your business
(B)a journey on an airplane
(C)a particular way of doing something
(D)a written or spoken request asking someone to go somewhere or to do something


①serve【sə'ːrv】(Ex: The restaurant *serves excellent Indian cuisine.)(141)
②accompany【əkʌ'mpəni】(Ex: All children under the age of 13 must be *accompanied by an adult.)(142)
③develop【divéləp】(Ex: We need to *develop renewable energy sources.)(143)
④distinguish【distíŋgwiʃ】(Ex: She is old enough to *distinguish between fact and fantasy.)(144)
(A)to recognize a difference between people or things
(B)to go a place or event with someone
(C)to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc.
(D)to provide someone food or drink, especially in a restaurant or bar


(129) She has to carry out her d------ .
【something that you have to do because it is your responsibility】

(130) Please fill in the application f------ , all of the items.
【an official document that has spaces where you write information】

(131) He came up with a s------ to the problem.
【a way of dealing with a difficult problem】

(132) The company is trying to cut down on e------ .
【an amount of money that you spend on something】


(133) Please r----- seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.
【to stay in the same state or condition】

(134) We regret to i----- you that the position has now been filled.
【to give information to someone officially】

(135) Police are responsible for c----- criminal investigations.
【to organize something and carry it out】

(136) How does hydrogen and oxygen c----- to form water?
【to cause two or more things to be together】


(137) All f------ to London are delayed because of bad weather.
【a journey on an airplane】

(138) I am glad to accept your i------ to the banquet.
【a written or spoken request asking someone to go somewhere or to do something】

(139) Stock investments do not always yield p------ .
【the money that you make from your business】

(140) They adopted a new m------ of teaching English.
【a particular way of doing something】


(141) The restaurant s------ excellent Indian cuisine.
【to provide someone food or drink, especially in a restaurant or bar】

(142) All children under the age of 13 must be a------ by an adult.
【to go a place or event with someone】

(143) We need to d------ renewable energy sources.
【to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc.】

(144) She is old enough to d------ between fact and fantasy.
【to recognize a difference between people or things】


①pour【pɔ'ːr】(Ex: She *poured some wine into a glass.)(145)
②describe【diskráib】(Ex: The police officer asked the witness to *describe the situation as accurately as possible.)(146)
③organize【ɔ'ːrgənàiz】(Ex: I asked Tom to help me *organize a farewell party for Mary.)(147)
④search【sə'ːrtʃ】(Ex: The police *searched the woods for the missing child.)(148)
(A)to say what something or someone is like
(B)to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container
(C)to try to find someone or something by looking carefully
(D)to make arrangements for an activity or event


①postpone【poustpóun】(Ex: They *postponed their departure because of the storm.)(149)
②object【ɑ'bdʒikt】(Ex: Almost all the workers *objected to working on holidays)(150)
③establish【istǽbliʃ】(Ex: Harvard University was *established in 1636.)(151)
④negotiate【nigóuʃièit】(Ex: *Negotiating price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.)(152)
(A)to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement
(B)to express your opposition to something
(C)to create something that is intended to exist for a long time
(D)to delay the date or time of a planned event


①suggestion【səgdʒéstʃən】(Ex: I appreciate your *suggestion.)(153)
②president【prézədənt】(Ex: The owner of a company can choose to appoint a *president.)(154)
③factor【fǽktər】(Ex: What *factors contribute to climate change?)(155)
④background【bǽkgrɑùnd】(Ex: Do you know her *background?)(156)
(A)something that causes or influences a result
(B)an idea or plan that you offer for someone to think about
(C)the experiences, knowledge, education, etc. that someone has had
(D)the person who has the highest position in a company or organization


①determine【ditə'ːrmin】(Ex: Our lives are *determined by our environment.)(157)
②experience【ikspíəriəns】(Ex: She has *experienced many hardships so far.)(158)
③participate【pɑːrtísəpèit】(Ex: I wanted to *participate in the discussion.)(159)
④prove【prúːv】(Ex: The advertisement *proved to be effective.)(160)
(A)to be the cause of something
(B)to take part in an activity or event
(C)to have a particular situation happen to you
(D)to show that someone or something has a particular quality


(145) She p------ some wine into a glass.
【to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container】

(146) The police officer asked the witness to d------ the situation as accurately as possible.
【to say what something or someone is like】

(147) I asked Tom to help me o------ a farewell party for Mary.
【to make arrangements for an activity or event】

(148) The police s------ the woods for the missing child.
【to try to find someone or something by looking carefully】


(149) They p------ their departure because of the storm.
【to delay the date or time of a planned event】

(150) Almost all the workers o------ to working on holidays.
【to express your opposition to something】

(151) Harvard University was e------ in 1636.
【to create something that is intended to exist for a long time】

(152) N------ price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.
【to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement】


(153) I appreciate your s------ .
【an idea or plan that you offer for someone to think about】

(154) The owner of a company can choose to appoint a p------ .
【the person who has the highest position in a company or organization】

(155) What f------ contribute to climate change?
【something that causes or influences a result】

(156) Do you know her b------ ?
【the experiences, knowledge, education, etc. that someone has had】


(157) Our lives are d------ by our environment.
【to be the cause of something】

(158) She has e------ many hardships so far.
【to have a particular situation happen to you】

(159) I wanted to p------ in the discussion.
【to take part in an activity or event】

(160) The advertisement p------ to be effective.
【to show that someone or something has a particular quality】

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2023年11月20日 | TOEIC240第5章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→600点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上500点以下の受験者がいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成しているのは早い段階から英英式で学んでいるからです。英和式の英語学習と英英式の英語学習では三輪車と自転車ほど学習効率の差が出ると言って過言ではなく、段階を踏んで学んでいけば英英定義を素早く正確に理解するのは難しくありません。
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第5章で、日本語の介在しない構成になっています。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第5章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を退屈せずに解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。
①benefit【bénəfit】(Ex: Do you know the *benefits of eating fish?)(161)
②vehicle【víːikl】(Ex: There are always a lot of *vehicles on this road.)(162)
③complaint【kəmpléint】(Ex: I think we should ignore Mary’s *complaints.)(163)
④policy【pɑ'ləsi】(Ex: What is your *policy towards customers satisfaction?)(164)
(A)a machine that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck
(B)an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done
(C)an advantage you get from something
(D)a statement that you are not satisfied with something


①report【ripɔ'ːrt】(Ex: A sales *report details all your business's sales activities. )(165)
②production【prədʌ'kʃən】(Ex: Mass *production reduced the price of many goods.)(166)
③practice【prǽktis】(Ex: Common *practice is not always evidence-based.)(167)
④population【pɑ`pjuléiʃən】(Ex: India has a *population of more than 1 billion.)(168)
(A)something that people do often
(B)the number of people living in a particular area
(C)a spoken or written description of an event or situation
(D)the process of making or growing goods in large quantities


①unique【juːníːk】(Ex: This custom is *unique to China.)(169)
②suitable【súːtəbl】(Ex: These shoes are not *suitable for walking.)(170)
③effective【iféktiv】(Ex: We find advertising on the television very *effective. )(171)
④logical【lɑ'dʒikəl】(Ex: He wasn't able to give me a *logical explanation for his behavior.) (172)
(A)connecting ideas in a reasonable way
(B)successful, and producing a result that is wanted
(C)acceptable or right for a particular purpose
(D)existing only in one place or situation


①convince【kənvíns】(Ex: I tried to *convince Mary to go home.)(173)
②acquire【əkwáiər】(Ex: He *acquired a large fortune when his uncle died.)(174)
③book【búk】(Ex: Should I *book a hotel online or call?)(175)
④transfer【trænsfə'ː】(Ex: She was *transferred to the headquarters in Tokyo.)(176)
(A)to persuade someone to do something
(B)to move someone or something from one place to another
(C)to make arrangements to use or do something at a particular time in the future
(D)to get something by buying it or being given it


(161) Do you know the b------ of eating fish?
【an advantage you get from something】

(162) There are always a lot of v------ on this road.
【a machine that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck】

(163) I think we should ignore Mary’s c------ .
【a statement that you are not satisfied with something】

(164) What is your p------ towards customers satisfaction?
【an officially accepted plan of action about what should be done】


(165) A sales r------ details all your business's sales activities.
【a spoken or written description of an event or situation】

(166) Mass p------ reduced the price of many goods.
【the process of making or growing goods in large quantities】

(167) Common p------ is not always evidence-based.
【something that people do often】

(168) India has a p------ of more than 1 billion.
【the number of people living in a particular area】


(169) This custom is u------ to China.
【existing only in one place or situation】

(170) These shoes are not s------ for walking.
【acceptable or right for a particular purpose】

(171) We find advertising on the television very e------ .
【successful, and producing a result that is wanted】

(172) He wasn't able to give me a l------ explanation for his behavior.
【connecting ideas in a reasonable way】


(173) I tried to c------ Mary to go home.
【to persuade someone to do something】

(174) He a------ a large fortune when his uncle died.
【to get something by buying it or being given it】

(175) Should I b------ a hotel online or call?
【to make arrangements to use or do something at a particular time in the future】

(176) She was t------ to the headquarters in Tokyo.
【to move someone or something from one place to another】


①receptionist【risépʃənist】(Ex: The *receptionist recognized her at once.) (177)
②experiment【ekspérəmənt】(Ex: She is carrying out *experiments in her laboratory.)(178)
③shortage【ʃɔ'ːrtidʒ】(Ex: There's a *shortage of housing in the region. )(179)
④function【fʌ'ŋkʃən】(Ex: The *function of the heart is to pump blood. )(180)
(A)a situation in which there is not enough of something that is needed
(B)what something does or what it is used for
(C)a scientific test done to find out what happens under certain conditions
(D)a person whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving in a place such as a hotel, office, or hospital


①gain【géin】(Ex: The country *gained its independence in 1776.)(181)
②schedule【skédʒuːl】(Ex: What time is her plane *scheduled to leave?)(182)
③replace【ripléis】(Ex: Can solar energy *replace fossil fuels?)(183)
④solve【sɑ'lv】(Ex: She assured us of her ability to *solve the problem.)(184)
(A)to find a way to deal with a problem
(B)to get something you need
(C)to arrange that something will happen at a particular time
(D)to do something instead of someone or something


①advantage【ædvǽntidʒ】(Ex: He had the *advantage of a good education.)(185)
②forecast【fɔ'ɚkæ`st】(Ex: According to the weather *forecast, it will snow tomorrow.)(186)
③anniversary【æ`nəvə'ːrsəri】(Ex: We celebrate our wedding *anniversary annually.)(187)
④market【mɑ'ːrkit】(Ex: The real estate *market situation is difficult to predict.)(188)
(A)a statement about what is going to happen in the future
(B)something that puts you in a better position
(C)trade in a particular type of goods
(D)a date when you celebrate something important that happened in a previous year


①behave【bihéiv】(Ex: I can’t put up with the way he *behaves.)(189)
②install【instɔ'ːl】(Ex: Tom *installed an alarm system in his office.)(190)
③ban【bǽn】(Ex: Smoking is *banned in the building.)(191)
④issue【íʃuː】(Ex: Japanese driver's licenses are *issued by the prefectural government's public safety commissions. )(192)
(A)to say officially that something must not be done
(B)to put a piece of equipment somewhere so that it can be used
(C)to officially give something to someone
(D)to act in a particular way


(177) The r------ recognized her at once.
【a person whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving in a place such as a hotel, office, or hospital】

(178) She is carrying out e------ in her laboratory.
【a scientific test done to find out what happens under certain conditions】

(179) There's a s------ of housing in the region.
【a situation in which there is not enough of something that is needed】

(180) The f------ of the heart is to pump blood.
【what something does or what it is used for】


(181) The country g------ its independence in 1776.
【to get something you need】

(182) What time is her plane s------ to leave?
【to arrange that something will happen at a particular time】

(183) Can solar energy r------ fossil fuels?
【to do something instead of someone or something】

(184) She assured us of her ability to s------ the problem.
【to find a way to deal with a problem】


(185) He had the a------ of a good education.
【something that puts you in a better position】

(186) According to the weather f------ , it will snow tomorrow.
【a statement about what is going to happen in the future】

(187) We celebrate our wedding a------ annually.
【a date when you celebrate something important that happened in a previous year】

(188) The real estate m------ situation is difficult to predict.
【trade in a particular type of goods】


(189) I can’t put up with the way he b------ .
【to act in a particular way】

(190) Tom i------ an alarm system in his office.
【to put a piece of equipment somewhere so that it can be used】

(191) Smoking is b------ in the building.
【to say officially that something must not be done】

(192) Japanese driver's licenses are i------ by the prefectural government's public safety commissions.
【to officially give something to someone】


①supply【səplái】(Ex: Let's conserve our limited water *supply.)(193)
②aisle【áil】(Ex: Which type of people prefer to use an *aisle seat on a plane?)(194)
③border【bɔ'ːrdər】(Ex: Germany shares a *border with France.)(195)
④wage【wéidʒ】(Ex: A minimum *wage is the lowest wage per hour that a worker may be paid.)(196)
(A)a passage between rows of seats in a church, theater, plane, etc.
(B)the amount of something that is available to be used
(C)an amount of money that you earn for working
(D)the official line that divides one country from another


①process【prɑ'ses】(Ex: How long will it take to *process my order?)(197)
②appreciate【əpríːʃièit】(Ex: I really *appreciate your help.)(198)
③direct【dirékt】(Ex: Please refrain from *directing your inquiries directly to the event venue.) (199)
④invent【invént】(Ex: Thomas Edison *invented the light bulb.)(200)
(A)to aim something at a particular person
(B)to deal with a document or request
(C)to be grateful for something
(D)to design or produce something useful for the first time


①separate【sépərèit】(Ex: The trend of wealthy couples opting for *separate bedrooms is nothing new .)(201)
②obvious【ɑ'bviəs】(Ex: It's *obvious that Mary is just pretending to be asleep.)(202)
③current【kə'ːrənt】(Ex: I want to quit my *current job.)(203)
④worth【wə'ːrθ】(Ex: Not all the books are *worth reading.)(204)
(A)easy to recognize or understand
(B)happening or existing now
(C)to be useful, valuable or interesting enough to receive a particular action
(D)not joined to something else


①seek【síːk】(Ex: The company is *seeking a salesperson. )(205)
②submit【səbmít】(Ex: Applicants are requested to *submit their resumes.)(206)
③introduce【ìntrədjúːs】(Ex: Would you *introduce me to your boss?)(207)
④address【ədrés】(Ex: *Addressing climate change will require radical changes in lifestyles. )(208)
(A)to search for someone or something
(B)to try to deal with a problem or task
(C)to tell someone another person's name for the first time when they meet
(D)to give something to someone in authority so that they can make a decision about it


(193) Let's conserve our limited water s------ .
【the amount of something that is available to be used】

(194) Which type of people prefer to use an a------ seat on a plane?
【a passage between rows of seats in a church, theater, plane, etc.】

(195) Germany shares a b------ with France.
【the official line that divides one country from another】

(196) A minimum w------ is the lowest w------ per hour that a worker may be paid.
【an amount of money that you earn for working】


(197) How long will it take to p------ my order?
【to deal with a document or request】

(198) I really a------ your help.
【to be grateful for something】

(199) Please refrain from d------ your inquiries directly to the event venue.
【to aim something at a particular person】

(200) Thomas Edison i------ the light bulb.
【to design or produce something useful for the first time】 


(201) The trend of wealthy couples opting for s------ bedrooms is nothing new .
【not joined to something else】

(202) It's o------ that Mary is just pretending to be asleep.
【easy to recognize or understand】

(203) I want to quit my c------ job.
【happening or existing now】

(204) Not all the books are w------ reading.
【to be useful, valuable or interesting enough to receive a particular action】


(205) The company is s------ a salesperson.
【to search for someone or something】

(206) Applicants are requested to s------ their resumes.
【to give something to someone in authority so that they can make a decision about it】

(207) Would you i------ me to your boss?
【to tell someone another person's name for the first time when they meet】

(208) A------ climate change will require radical changes in lifestyles.
【to try to deal with a problem or task】


①load【lóud】(Ex: She *loaded the truck with sand.)(209)
②recognize【rékəgnàiz】(Ex: He wasn't *recognized as a great writer until after his death.)(210)
③surround【səráund】(Ex: Japan is a country that is completely *surrounded by oceans.)(211)
④remove【rimúːv】(Ex: Trees help to *remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.)(212)
(A)to think of someone or something as being good or important
(B)to put a large quantity of things into something such as a vehicle or container
(C)to take something away from a place
(D)to be on every side of someone or something


①degree【digríː】(Ex: Does Harvard offer a *degree in architecture?)(213)
②opinion【əpínjən】(Ex: Her *opinion is similar to mine.)(214)
③medicine【médəsin】(Ex: The doctor prescribed *medicine for the patient. )(215)
④region【ríːdʒən】(Ex: Rainfall is abundant in this *region.)(216)
(A)a substance that is used for treating illness
(B)the qualification that you get after completing a course of study at a university or college
(C)a part of land that is different from other parts in some way
(D)your feelings or ideas about someone or something


①generate【dʒénərèit】(Ex: What is the easiest way to *generate electricity?)(217)
②check【tʃék】(Ex: The doctor *checked the patient's eyes.)(218)
③present【préznt】(Ex: In *presenting data effectively, you should focus on conveying key ideas or insights.)(219)
④rent【rént】(Ex: *Renting a car gives you the flexibility to drive to a nearby city or attraction outside of Tokyo.)(220)
(A)to pay money to use something that belongs to someone else
(B)to produce something
(C)to do something in order to find out whether something is correct
(D)to show something for people to consider or judge


①construction【kənstrʌ'kʃən】(Ex: A new bridge is under *construction.)(221)
②destination【dèstənéiʃən】(Ex: We arrived at our *destination ahead of schedule.)(222)
③payment【péimənt】(Ex: We give 10 % discount for cash *payment.)(223)
④view【vjúː】(Ex: People vary greatly in their *views of life.)(224)
(A)the place where someone is going
(B)the act of paying money for something
(C)the act of building something
(D)a personal opinion or way of thinking about something


(209) She l------ the truck with sand.
【to put a large quantity of things into something such as a vehicle or container】

(210) He wasn't r------ as a great writer until after his death.
【to think of someone or something as being good or important】

(211) Japan is a country that is completely s------ by oceans.
【to be on every side of someone or something】

(212) Trees help to r------ carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
【to take something away from a place】


(213) Does Harvard offer a d------ in architecture?
【the qualification that you get after completing a course of study at a university or college】

(214) Her o------ is similar to mine.
【your feelings or ideas about someone or something】

(215) The doctor prescribed m------ for the patient.
【a substance that is used for treating illness】

(216) Rainfall is abundant in this r------ .
【a part of land that is different from other parts in some way】


(217) What is the easiest way to g------ electricity?
【to produce something】

(218) The doctor c------ the patient's eyes.
【to do something in order to find out whether something is correct】

(219) In p------ data effectively, you should focus on conveying key ideas or insights.
【to show something for people to consider or judge】

(220) R------ a car gives you the flexibility to drive to a nearby city or attraction outside of Tokyo.
【to pay money to use something that belongs to someone else】


(221) A new bridge is under c------ .
【the act of building something】

(222) We arrived at our d------ ahead of schedule.
【the place where someone is going】

(223) We give 10 % discount for cash p------ .
【the act of paying money for something】

(224) People vary greatly in their v------ of life.
【a personal opinion or way of thinking about something】


①produce【prədjúːs】(Ex: This factory *produces 800 automobiles a day.)(225)
②discuss【diskʌ's】(Ex: He *discussed the plan with several colleagues.)(226)
③note【nóut】(Ex: Please *note that prices and specifications may change in the future.)(227)
④regard【rigɑ'ːrd】(Ex: Everyone *regarded her as a great singer.)(228)
(A)to think of someone or something in a particular way
(B)to pay attention to something
(C)to make things in large quantities to be sold
(D)to talk about something with someone in order to decide something


①engineer【èndʒiníər】(Ex: He is studying to be a mechanical *engineer.)(229)
②interview【íntərvjùː】(Ex: The *interview is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.)(230)
③measure【méʒər】(Ex: There are numerous *measures to prevent traffic accidents. )(231)
④evidence【évədəns】(Ex: There is no *evidence of life beyond Earth.)(232)
(A)an action that is intended to achieve a particular aim
(B)a meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out whether you are suitable for a job or course
(C)someone who designs or builds roads, bridges, or machines etc.
(D)facts or signs which shows that something exists or is true


①mention【ménʃən】(Ex: He didn't *mention the reason for being late. )(233)
②prefer【prifə'ːr】(Ex: I *prefer to buy food produced in their local area.)(234)
③recommend【rèkəménd】(Ex: Could you *recommend a good hotel in London? )(235)
④reduce【ridjúːs】(Ex: Prices have been *reduced by 10 to 20 percent.)(236)
(A)to make something less or smaller in size, amount, number, etc.
(B)to talk or write about something or someone briefly
(C)to advise someone that something is good or useful
(D)to like someone or something more than someone or something else


①absent【ǽbsnt】(Ex: Do you know why she is *absent from school?)(237)
②similar【símələr】(Ex: The climate here is very *similar to that of Japan.)(238)
③reasonable【ríːzənəbl】(Ex: I bought this secondhand car for a *reasonable price.)(239)
④financial【finǽnʃəl】(Ex: The new government is in *financial difficulties.)(240)
(A)not in a place where you are expected to be
(B)sharing some features but not exactly the same
(C)relating to money
(D)not too expensive


(225) This factory p------ 800 automobiles a day.
【to make things in large quantities to be sold】

(226) He d------ the plan with several colleagues.
【to talk about something with someone in order to decide something】

(227) Please n------ that prices and specifications may change in the future.
【to pay attention to something】

(228) Everyone r------ her as a great singer.
【to think of someone or something in a particular way】


(229) He is studying to be a mechanical e------ .
【someone who designs or builds roads, bridges, or machines etc.】

(230) The i------ is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.
【a meeting in which someone asks you questions to find out whether you are suitable for a job or course】

(231) There are numerous m------ to prevent traffic accidents.
【an action that is intended to achieve a particular aim】

(232) There is no e------ of life beyond Earth.
【facts or signs which shows that something exists or is true】


(233) He didn't m------ the reason for being late.
【to talk or write about something or someone briefly】

(234) I p------ to buy food produced in their local area.
【to like someone or something more than someone or something else】

(235) Could you r------ a good hotel in London?
【to advise someone that something is good or useful】

(236) Prices have been r------ by 10 to 20 percent.
【to make something less or smaller in size, amount, number, etc.】


(237) Do you know why she is a------ from school?
【not in a place where you are expected to be】

(238) The climate here is very s------ to that of Japan.
【sharing some features but not exactly the same】

(239) I bought this secondhand car for a r------ price.
【not too expensive】

(240) The new government is in f------ difficulties.
【relating to money】

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