


2022年04月09日 | センター英語の四か所整序問題(和訳ヒントつき)
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。全英語音声とキーワードの和訳が字幕表示できるため、字幕を見ながらのシャドウイングで面白いほど重要語彙が覚えられます。

①cruel【krúːəl】(Ex:It is *cruel to *hunt animals for sport.)(257)
②bare【béər】(Ex:Gloves are a great *solution for *avoiding *bare hand *contact, but they can be *inconvenient.)(258)
③rural【rúərəl】(Ex:When you travel to *rural Japan, the *impacts of *population *decline become *apparent.)(259)
④intelligent【intélədʒənt】(Ex:*Human *skulls *contain *brains around three times as large as those of even the most *intelligent *apes.)(260)
(A)not covered by clothes
(B)far away from large cities
(C)*causing pain and *suffering to people or animals on purpose
(D)having the *ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well


(257)It is cru------ to hunt animals for sport.
【causing pain and suffering to people or animals on purpose】

(258)Gloves are a great solution for avoiding bar------ hand contact, but they can be inconvenient.
【not covered by clothes】

(259)When you travel to rur------ Japan, the impacts of population decline become apparent.
【far away from large cities】

(260)Human skulls contain brains around three times as large as those of even the most
int------ apes.
【having the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well】

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(257)~(272)

(257) (       )起こす pain and (        )苦しみ
to people or animals (   )(       )わざと=(      )残酷な
It is *(      ) to (    )狩る animals for sport.

(258)not (   )(   ) clothes=(   )むき出しの
Gloves are a great (      )解決策 for (      )避ける*(   ) hand contact, but they can be (      )不便な.

(259) (  )(   ) from large cities=(      )田舎の
When you travel to *(      ) Japan,
the (      )影響 of population (    )減少 become (      )明らかな.

(260) (   ) the (      )能力 to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well
=(         )頭のいい
Human skulls (      )内蔵する(      )脳 around three times as large as those of even the most *(          ) apes.

(261)to (     ) something (   ) good condition=(        )保存する
Before refrigerators became (      )一般的な, vinegar was (       )きわめて important
in *(        ) food in the form of pickles.

(262)to (   )(   ) because of old age=(      )引退する
Employees are (      ) to *(      ) at the age of sixty in our company.

(263)to ( ) that something is not (       )満足できる=(       )苦情を言う
So far as I am (      ), I have nothing to *(       ) about.

(264)to (      ) to (   ) in spite of difficult (          )状況
=(         )生き残る
Human beings have *(       ) so far but could now be (      ) their future.

(265)to (   ) hello to someone or to (      ) them=(      )挨拶する
Manners of *(      )(     )さまざまである from country to country.

(266)to (   ) something (      )わずかに to (   ) it (   ) better
=(      )調節する
(      )(     ) all the steps to *(      ) the brightness of my computer screen is a real nuisance.

(267)to (   ) an (           )組織 or company
in such a way that it is likely to (      )長続きする for a long time=(      )設立する
Japan (       )貢献する greatly toward *(      ) the International Year of the Volunteer.

(268)to (      )認める that you have done something (   ) or (      )違法な
=(      )自白する
When the police questioned him, he broke down and *(     ).

(269)a (      )薄い paper (      )容器 used for sending letters=(      )封筒
Postcards are usually (     ) without an *(       ).

(270)the (      )額 of money that you (     )稼ぐ(   ) the work that you do
=(    )賃金
In Japan, the (        )最低*(    )
(      ) on the (   )産業 and the (     )地域.

(271)a large (   ) of rock with a very (     )急な side=(      )崖
Mr. Brown looked over the *(   ) and found he was standing at the edge of a (      )垂直の drop.

(272)the (      )安定した and (       )継続した movement of goods, people, or information from one place to another=(      )流れ
Europe has long been a popular (      ) 目的地in global (      )移住 *(    ).

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(273)~(288)

(273)the line ( )(   )(      )遠くに where the sky (      ) to (      ) the earth or the sea=(       )地[水]平線
Why does the Sun (      )見える larger on the *(     ) than overhead?

(274)the (      )研究 and (        )実践 of designing buildings
=(         )建築
He graduated at the top of his class with (      )学位 in *(      ) and city planning.

(275)the (      )規則的な(   ) and (   ) in the level of the sea on the (      )
=(      )潮流
Understanding *(      ) and (      ) 海流will help you stay safe if you like to go swimming in the sea.

(276)a great (      )成功, (        )達成 or victory=(      )大勝利
Let me (         )祝福する you ( ) your *(       ) in the tournament.

(277)(   )基づくonly on (   ) and not (      )影響される by feelings or opinions
=(         )客観的な
Do you think *(         ) journalism (      )存在する?

(278)(     ) damaged or broken=(       )繊細な
Ecosystems must (        )維持する a *(        ) balance in order to stay (      ).

(279)to a (   ) country=(       )外国に
Bill had to (     ) his family (     ) when he went *(       ) to work.

(280) (      )(     ) importance or (     )価値=(      )些細な
There are so many reasons why people fight (   )…をめぐって*(      ) things.

(281)to (     ) something (       )一時的に=(        )中断する
The game on the main court was *(         ) by a brief shower.

(282)to (     )(    )送信する radio or television programmes=(       )放送する
The (       )演説 will be *(      )(    )生で on ABC.

(283)to (   )(     ) about someone or something on an (        )公式の list
=(       )登録する
All vehicles, new and used, must be *(      ) before (        ) them.

(284)to (    )(         )集まる to form something=(       )構成する
A water (      )分子 is *(         ) of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

(285)to (   ) food or (      )液体(     ) a spoon or something (       )類似した
=(     )かき混ぜる
She *(      ) the (         )混合物 until it got to the boiling point.

(286)to (   )(     ) something=(       )由来する
Most of the English words *(      ) from Latin and Greek roots.

(287)to (   ) air (   ) your lungs and (   ) it (   ) again=(      )呼吸する
Certain individuals, (   ) children or adults,
have a (        )傾向 to *(   ) through the mouth instead of the nose.

(288)to (       )消える(   ) the (     )表面of water=(     )沈む
(    ) a hundred years ago, the Titanic *(       ) to the (     )底 of the Atlantic Ocean in less than three hours.
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2019年12月14日 | センター英語の四か所整序問題(和訳ヒントつき)
  センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版には第一章、第二章1600問を収録し、有料版センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版には第三章、第四章、第五章2400問を収録しました。

(351)*Located 30 km from Paris,
the theme park (*entertain / many *attractions / offers you / that will) your family.

(352)A meeting of the two nations' foreign (finally put / *ministers / to the *dispute / an end).

(353)A *conference was held to *discuss the (*insects / of using / as / *various *benefits)
an *alternative *source of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.

(354)My grandmother always said you should sweat to (you / *reduce / when / the *fever) have the flu.

(355)The (made / for / *representatives / a plan) the school festival,
and the other (it / students / out / carried).

(356)To *improve business *performance,
(decided to / the *company / *drastic *measures / resort to).

(357)Trains in (*punctual / are / Japan / *incredibly).

(358)Bruce was terribly (his girlfriend / when / left him / *upset), but he soon got over it.

(359)The story was *outstanding, but his (was / acting / *excellent / anything but).

(360)*Thick eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like (the world / of / is / the *weight) on your nose.

(361)Some (their own / are apt to / people / consider) way of life as being the *normal one and to (life-styles / from it / look down on / that *differ).

(362)*Permanent (until / *remain *employed / they are / *employees) *fired or choose to *quit.

(363)Not even (today's *rainforests / one percent / in / of the *species) have been *investigated by researchers.

(364)It never occured (had *worried / to me / my actions / that) my parents.

(365)Watching TV programs can be good for the education
(it is / if / carefully *monitored / of children).

(366)This picture (a *method / *utilized / *illustrates / of *protection) by many animals.

(367)Although he had a lot of experience in teaching,
John's (the position of / for / full-time professor / *application ) was *rejected.

(368)Is it (for / child *abuse / to *spoil / parents) their children too much?

(369)Three of five people in the world still do not (the Internet / *access / have / to).

(370)Can (an *inborn *genius / *beat / and *sincere *effort / hard work)?

(371)*Fierce *competition between companies in the airline *industry
had (and *improved / lower prices / services / led to).

(372)Throughout history, many (have / *individuals / *justice / fought for) and *equality.

(373)He was a member of the (to choose / whose *duty / *committee / was) the winner of the *competition.

(374)Police are appealing for (after / *witnesses / *cash / a large *sum of) was stolen.

(375)He *struggled (*committed / he / with his *conscience / after) the *crime.

(376)The ozone *layer is (*protective *layer / gas / a *thin / of) 10km-50km above the earth.

(377)The detective thinks the man (is / he / *suspicious / *interviewed today).

(378)More and more companies have (*temporary workers / to / tried / *hire) lately.

(379)The (a *loyal dog / between / and / *bond) a caring owner is unbreakable,
(and death / between / even / life).

(380)The (became / *soldiers / in the heat / *desperately *thirsty).

(381)Michael (on a daily basis / *tough / *tackles / problems), but he always finds *solutions.

(382)Skin may (a person's / *reflect / *state / *mental).

(383)Of all *preserved foods, (*resemble / most / fresh foods / frozen foods) .

(384)He (*violent / for / was *punished / selling) video games to *minors.

(385)Video games may (children / make / *improper *behavior / *imitate).

(386)It is *common (and opinion / to *confuse / for people / fact) .

(387)She (the first woman / became / to / *appointed) the U.S. Supreme Court.

(388)The *ability (the signals / to / given by / *interpret) other people,
and to *respond *effectively, is clearly (for / in life / important / *success).

(389)Many *studies point to the (social media / *negative / on / *impacts of) mental health.

(390)Many (or see / *forbid / *religions / alcoholic *consumption) it sinful.

(391)Would (*prefer / in the city / you / living), *suburbs or country?

(392)Whether or not (the *individual / is *pleasant / a *task / depends on).

(393)As is often the case with *literature,
Herman Melville was (for his / *recognized / long after / best work) it was written.

(394)A job *interview can make
even the most (with / *confident person / *anxiety / *tremble).

(395)There is a large *movement (*race / against / on the basis of / *discrimination) in that country.
(396)International *trade (countries / what / to buy / *allows) we want from other countries.

(397)Electric cars do away with many of the mechanical systems
(*consumer *complaints / that *prompt / *conventional cars / about).

(398)*Despite *similarities, there are (cult and *religion / *subtle / between / *differences).

(399)Recent rise in the price of land have meant that
*ordinary people (to buy / *afford / houses / can no longer) of their own.

(400)Sailors from all around the world
have (ocean phenomena / *incredible / a variety of / *witnessed).

 和訳と解答は以下のようなセンター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版でご確認ください。

(351)*Located 30 km from Paris,
the theme park (*entertain / many *attractions / offers you / that will) your family.
*locate : 位置する *entertain : 楽しませる *attraction : アトラクション

*Located 30 km from Paris,
the theme park (offers you many *attractions that will *entertain) your family.

(352)A meeting of the two nations' foreign (finally put / *ministers / to the *dispute / an end).
minister : 大臣 *dispute : 紛争 put an end to : …を終わらせる

A meeting of the two nations' foreign (*ministers finally put an end to the *dispute).

(353)A *conference was held to *discuss the (*insects / of using / as / *various *benefits) an *alternative *source of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.
*conference : 会議 *discuss : 議論する *insect : 昆虫 *various : さまざまな *benefit : 利点 *alternative : 代替の *source : 源

A *conference was held to *discuss the (*various *benefits of using *insects as) an *alternative *source of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.

(354)My grandmother always said you should sweat to (you / *reduce / when / the *fever) have the flu.
*reduce : 下げる *fever : 熱

My grandmother always said you should sweat to (*reduce the *fever when you) have the flu.

(355)The (made / for / *representatives / a plan) the school festival,
and the other (it / students / out / carried).
*representative : 代表 carry out : 実行する

The (*representatives made a plan for) the school festival,
and the other (students carried it out).

(356)To *improve business *performance,
(decided to / the *company / *drastic *measures / resort to).
*improve : 向上させる *performance : 実績 *company : 会社 *drastic : 劇的な resort to : 訴える *measure : 手段

To *improve business *performance,
(the *company decided to resort to *drastic *measures).

(357)Trains in (*punctual / are / Japan / *incredibly).
*punctual : 時間に正確な *incredibly : 信じられないほど

Trains in (Japan are *incredibly *punctual).

(358)Bruce was terribly (his girlfriend / when / left him / *upset), but he soon got over it.
*upset : 落ち込んだ get over : 克服する

Bruce was terribly (*upset when his girlfriend left him), but he soon got over it.

(359)The story was *outstanding, but his (was / acting / *excellent / anything but).
*outstanding : 傑出した *excellent : 素晴らしい anything but : 決して~ではない

The story was *outstanding, but his (acting was anything but *excellent).

(360)*Thick eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like (the world / of / is / the *weight) on your nose.
*thick : 厚い *weight : 重さ

*Thick eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like (the *weight of the world is) on your nose.

(361)Some (their own / are apt to / people / consider) way of life as being the *normal one and to (life-styles / from it / look down on / that *differ).
be apt to : ~する傾向がある *normal : 正常な look down on : 見下す *differ : 異なる

Some (people are apt to consider their own) way of life as being the *normal one
and to (look down on life-styles that *differ from it).

(362)*Permanent (until / *remain *employed / they are / *employees) *fired or choose to *quit.
*permanent : 常勤の *remain : とどまる *employ : 雇用する *employee : 従業員 *fire : 解雇する *quit : やめる

*Permanent (*employees *remain *employed until they are) *fired or choose to *quit.

(363)Not even (today's *rainforests / one percent / in / of the *species) have been *investigated by researchers.
*species : 種 *rainforest : 熱帯雨林 *investigate : 調査する

Not even (one percent of the *species in today's *rainforests) have been *investigated by researchers.

(364)It never occured (had *worried / to me / my actions / that) my parents.
*worry : 心配させる

It never occured (to me that my actions had *worried) my parents.

(365)Watching TV programs can be good for the education
(it is / if / carefully *monitored / of children).
*monitor : 監視する

Watching TV programs can be good for the education
(of children if it is carefully *monitored).

(366)This picture (a *method / *utilized / *illustrates / of *protection) by many animals.
*method : 方法 *utilize : 利用する *illustrate : 説明する *protection : 防御

This picture (*illustrates a *method of *protection *utilized) by many animals.

(367)Although he had a lot of experience in teaching,
John's (the position of / for / full-time professor / *application ) was *rejected.
*application : 応募 *reject : 拒絶する

Although he had a lot of experience in teaching,
John's (*application for the position of full-time professor) was *rejected.

(368)Is it (for / child *abuse / to *spoil / parents) their children too much?
*abuse : 虐待 *spoil : 甘やかす

Is it (child *abuse for parents to *spoil) their children too much?

(369)Three of five people in the world still do not (the Internet / *access / have / to).
*access : アクセス

Three of five people in the world still do not (have *access to the Internet).

(370)Can (an *inborn *genius / *beat / and *sincere *effort / hard work)?
*inborn : 生まれついての *genius : 天才 *beat : 打ち負かす *sincere : 誠実な *effort : 努力

Can (hard work and *sincere *effort *beat an *inborn *genius)?

(371)*Fierce *competition between companies in the airline *industry
had (and *improved / lower prices / services / led to).
*fierce : 激しい *competition : 競争 *industry : 産業 *improve : 改善する

*Fierce *competition between companies in the airline *industry
had (led to lower prices and *improved services).

(372)Throughout history, many (have / *individuals / *justice / fought for) and *equality.
*individual : 個人 *justice : 正義 *equality : 平等

Throughout history, many (*individuals have fought for *justice) and *equality.

(373)He was a member of the (to choose / whose *duty / *committee / was) the winner of the *competition.
*duty : 任務 *committee : 委員会 *competition : 競争

He was a member of the (*committee whose *duty was to choose) the winner of the *competition.

(374)Police are appealing for (after / *witnesses / *cash / a large *sum of) was stolen.
*witnesses : 目撃者 *cash : 現金 *sum : 額

Police are appealing for (*witnesses after a large *sum of *cash) was stolen.

(375)He *struggled (*committed / he / with his *conscience / after) the *crime.
*struggle : 苦しむ *commit : 犯す *conscience : 良心 *crime : 犯罪

He *struggled (with his *conscience after he *committed) the *crime.

(376)The ozone *layer is a (*protective *layer / gas / *thin / of) 10km-50km above the earth.
*layer : 層 *protective : 保護の *thin : 薄い

The ozone *layer is a (*thin *protective *layer of gas) 10km-50km above the earth.

(377)The detective thinks the man (is / he / *suspicious / *interviewed today).
*suspicious : 疑わしい *interview : 面接する

The detective thinks the man (he *interviewed today is *suspicious).

(378)More and more companies have (*temporary workers / to / tried / *hire) lately.
*temporary : 臨時の *hire : 雇用する

More and more companies have (tried to *hire *temporary workers) lately.

(379)The (a *loyal dog / between / and / *bond) a caring owner is unbreakable,
(and death / between / even / life).
*loyal : 忠実な *bond : 絆

The (*bond between a *loyal dog and) a caring owner is unbreakable,
(even between life and death).

(380)The (became / *soldiers / in the heat / *desperately *thirsty).
*soldier : 兵士 *desperately : ひどく *thirsty : 喉が渇いた

The (*soldiers became *desperately *thirsty in the heat).

(381)Michael (on a daily basis / *tough / *tackles / problems), but he always finds *solutions.
on a daily basis : 日常的に *tough : 難しい *tackle : 取り組む *solution : 解決策

Michael (*tackles *tough problems on a daily basis), but he always finds *solutions.

(382)Skin may (a person's / *reflect / *state / *mental).
*reflect : 反映する *state : 状態 *mental : 心理の

Skin may (*reflect a person's *mental *state).

(383)Of all *preserved foods, (*resemble / most / fresh foods / frozen foods) .
*preserve : 保存する *resemble : 似ている

Of all *preserved foods, (frozen foods most *resemble fresh foods).

(384)He (*violent / for / was *punished / selling) video games to *minors.
*violent : 暴力的な *punish : 罰する *minors : 未成年者

He (was *punished for selling *violent) video games to *minors.

(385)Video games may (children / make / *improper *behavior / *imitate).
*improper : 不適切な *behavior : 行動 *imitate : 真似する

Video games may (make children *imitate *improper *behavior).

(386)It is *common (and opinion / to *confuse / for people / fact) .
*confuse : 混同する *common : よくある

It is *common (for people to *confuse fact and opinion).

(387)She (the first woman / became / to / *appointed) the U.S. Supreme Court.
*appoint : 任命する

She (became the first woman *appointed to) the U.S. Supreme Court.

(388)The *ability (the signals / to / given by / *interpret) other people,
and to *respond *effectively, is clearly (for / in life / important / *success).
*ability : 能力 *interpret : 解釈する *respond : 反応する *effectively : 効果的に *success : 成功

The *ability (to *interpret the signals given by) other people,
and to *respond *effectively, is clearly (important for *success in life).

(389)Many *studies point to the (social media / *negative / on / *impacts of) mental health.
*study : 研究 *negative : 悪い *impact : 影響

Many *studies point to the (*negative *impacts of social media on) mental health.

(390)Many (or see / *forbid / *religions / alcoholic *consumption) it sinful.
*forbid : 禁止する *religion : 宗教 *consumption : 消費

Many (*religions *forbid alcoholic *consumption or see) it sinful.

(391)Would (*prefer / in the city / you / living), *suburbs or country?
*prefer : 好む *suburb : 郊外

Would (you *prefer living in the city), *suburbs or country?

(392)Whether or not (the *individual / is *pleasant / a *task / depends on).
*individual : 個人 *pleasant : 楽しい *task : 仕事 depend on : …次第である

Whether or not (a *task is *pleasant depends on the *individual).

(393)As is often the case with *literature,
Herman Melville was (for his / *recognized / long after / best work) it was written.
as is often the case with : …によくあることだが *literature : 文学 *recognize : 認める

As is often the case with *literature,
Herman Melville was (*recognized for his best work long after) it was written.

(394)A job *interview can make
even the most (with / *confident person / *anxiety / *tremble).
*interview : 面接 *confident : 自信のある *anxiety : 不安 *tremble : 震える

A job *interview can make
even the most (*confident person *tremble with *anxiety).

(395)There is a large *movement (*race / against / on the basis of / *discrimination) in that country.
*movement : 運動 *race : 人種 on the basis of : …に基づく*discrimination : 差別

There is a large *movement (against *discrimination on the basis of *race) in that country.

(396)International *trade (countries / what / to buy / *allows) we want from other countries.
*trade : 貿易 *allow : 可能にする

International *trade (*allows countries to buy what) we want from other countries.

(397)Electric cars do away with many of the mechanical systems
(*consumer *complaints / that *prompt / *conventional cars / about).
do away with : …を廃止する *prompt : 引き起こす *consumer : 消費者 *complaint : 苦情 *conventional : 従来の

Electric cars do away with many of the mechanical systems
(that *prompt *consumer *complaints about *conventional cars).

(398)*Despite *similarities, there are (cult and *religion / *subtle / between / *differences).
*despite : かかわらず *similarity : 類似性 *religion : 宗教 *subtle : 微妙な *difference : 相違

*Despite *similarities, there are (*subtle *differences between cult and *religion).

(399)Recent rise in the price of land have meant
that *ordinary people (to buy / *afford / houses / can no longer) of their own.
*ordinary : 普通の *afford : 余裕がある no longer : もはや~でない

Recent rise in the price of land have meant
that *ordinary people (can no longer *afford to buy houses) of their own.

(400)Sailors from all around the world
have (ocean phenomena / *incredible / a variety of / *witnessed).
*incredible : 信じられない a variety of : さまざまな *witness : 目撃する

Sailors from all around the world
have (*witnessed a variety of *incredible ocean phenomena).

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2018年10月29日 | センター英語の四か所整序問題(和訳ヒントつき)

(1)Before you rent an apartment, find out as much about it (in order that / as possible / no / there will be) misunderstanding.(1993)アパートを賃借する前に、誤解が起きないようアパートについてできるだけ多くのことを知っておきなさい。

(2)There is no good reason for (less than men / paying women / the same / if they do) job.(1993)同じ仕事をしているのなら、女性に男性より少なく賃金を払う正当な理由はない。

(3)In recent years, people have become more health-conscious and consequently (fat / have reduced / the amount of / they) eat.近年、人々は健康を意識するようになり、その結果脂肪の摂取量が減った。

(4)When learners of a foreign language first visit the country where it is spoken,(surprised to find / they are very often / they hear / how little they understand the language).(1994)外国語の学習者が初めてその言語が話されている国を訪れると、聞こえてくる言語がいかに理解できないかわかって驚くことが非常にしばしばある。

(5)When I'm in Madrid, I would (advantage of / like / the opportunity to visit / to take) the famous Prado Museum.(1994)マドリードにいる間、その機会を利用して有名なプラド美術館を訪れたい。

(6)When hunting, a snake is very careful (so as not to attract / of movement / with a minimum / to advance) the attention of its victim.(1994)獲物を狩るとき、蛇は獲物の注意を引かないよう、最小限の動きで非常に注意深く前進する。

(7)Children (how / human relationships / language influences / learn) while they are playing with other children.(1995)子どもは、他の子供たちと遊んでいる間に、言葉がどのように人間関係に影響するかを学ぶ。

(8)Science would make (to exchange / without the computer networks / much less progress / used by many scientists) ideas.(1995)多くの科学者が意見交換に用いるコンピュータネットワークがなければ、科学の進歩はずっと遅れるだろう。

(9)It was the control of fire and (allowed humans / that / the use of clothing / to settle) in the cold northern areas.(1996)火の制御と衣服の使用が、人類を寒冷な北部地域に定住することを可能にした。

(10)Speech, as a means of communication, is (culture is shared / because it is the chief way / of major importance / through which) and passed on.(1996)意思疎通の手段としての言語は、文化を共有し継承していく主要な方法であるがゆえに大変重要である。

(11)Biotechnology could offer great advantage to the whole world. If this new technology works, (will be / and food production / population increase / the gap between) narrowed.(1996)バイオテクノロジーは世界中に莫大な利益をもたらし得る。この新しいテクノロジーがうまく機能すれば、人口増加と食糧生産の間のギャップは縮まるだろう。

(1)Before you rent an apartment, find out as much about it (as possible in order that there will be no) misunderstanding.

(2)There is no good reason for (paying women less than men if they do the same ) job.

(3)In recent years, people have become more health-conscious and consequently (have reduced the amount of fat they) eat.

(4)When learners of a foreign language first visit the country where it is spoken,(they are very often surprised to find how little they understand the language they hear).

(5)When I'm in Madrid, I would (like to take advantage of the opportunity to visit) the famous Prado Museum.

(6)When hunting, a snake is very careful (to advance with a minimum of movement so as not to attract) the attention of its victim.

(7)Children (learn how language influences human relationships) while they are playing with other children.

(8)Science would make (much less progress without the computer networks used by many scientists to exchange) ideas.

(9)It was the control of fire and (the use of clothing that allowed humans to settle) in the cold northern areas.

(10)Speech, as a means of communication, is (of major importance because it is the chief way through which culture is shared) and passed on.

(11)Biotechnology could offer great advantage to the whole world. If this new technology works, (the gap between population increase and food production will be) narrowed.
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2018年10月16日 | センター英語の四か所整序問題(和訳ヒントつき)

(1)Soon, more Japanese people will have a five-day workweek.
The increase in leisure time (more opportunities to enjoy / them / will provide / with) outdoor activities.(1990)まもなく、より多くの日本人が週休2日制になるだろう。余暇の増加で野外活動を楽しむ機会がもっと増えるだろう。

(2)Recent rise in the price of land have meant that many people can no longer (to buy / afford / of / houses) their own.(1990)最近の土地価格の上昇は多くの人々がもはや自分の家を買うことができなくなったことを意味した。

(3)Some people are apt to consider their own way of life as being the normal one
and to (differ from it / life-styles / look down on / that).(1990)一部の人々は自身の生活様式を普通の生活様式とみなしがちで、それと異なるライフスタイルを見下しがちである。

(4)You want to make a telephone call from your friend's house.
You say : “Do you (if I / mind / your telephone / use)?”(1990)あなたは友人の家で電話をかけたい。あなたは言う。「電話を使ってよろしいでしょうか」

(5)You want to ask your sister her opinion of a new shop around the corner.
You say:"What do you (has just opened / the new shop / think of / which) around the corner?"(1990)あなたは、姉(妹)に角を曲がった所の新しい店について彼女の意見を聞きたい。

(6)Despite years of study, many Japanese students find (it difficult / themselves / to make / understood) in English.(1991)長年勉強しているにもかかわらず、多くの日本人学生は英語で自分を理解してもらうのが難しいと感じる。

(7)We had a flat tire on the way here, but a truck driver (be passing us / change / helped / who just happened to) it.(1991) ここに来る途中でタイヤがパンクしたが、たまたま通りかかったトラックの運転手がタイヤを交換するのを手伝ってくれた。

(8)I don't think my father is willing to lend us the car, but I'll see (I can / if / into it / talk him).(1991)父はわれわれにクルマを貸したがらないと思うが、説得できるかどうかやってみよう。

(9)When we meet someone for the first time, we usually form (is / an opinion as to / that person / what) like. (1991)われわれは誰かに初めて会うとき、通常その人がどのような人かについての意見を持つ。

(10)“Mr Smith's talking on another phone.
Please (and I'll / as soon as he's free / hold on a minute / put you through).”(1992)スミス氏はただいま別の電話に出ています。少々お待ちいただければ、終わり次第おつなぎします。

(11)I went to the new shop to buy a sweater, but they had (I was / so many / that / to choose from) completely at a loss.(1992)私は新しく開店した店にセーターを買いに行ったのだが、あまりにも選択する余地があって、全く途方に暮れてしまった。

(12)In Japan people often perform activities in groups,
and (Japanese people travel / more clearly than / nothing shows this / the way in which).(1992) 日本人はしばしば団体で活動することが多く、日本人の旅行の仕方ほどこれをはっきり示すものはない。

(1)The increase in leisure time (will provide them with more opportunities to enjoy) outdoor activities.

(2)Recent rise in the price of land have meant that many people can no longer (afford to buy houses of )their own.

(3)Some people are apt to consider their own way of life as being the normal one and to (look down on life-styles that differ from it).

(4)You want to make a telephone call from your friend's house. You say : “Do you (mind if I use your telephone)?”

(5)You want to ask your sister her opinion of a new shop around the corner.You say:"What do you (think of the new shop which has just opened) around the corner?"

(6)Despite years of study, many Japanese students find (it difficult to make themselves understood) in English.

(7)We had a flat tire on the way here, but a truck driver (who just happened to be passing us helped change) it.

(8)I don't think my father is willing to lend us the car, but I'll see (if I can talk him into it).

(9)When we meet someone for the first time, we usually form (an opinion as to what that person is) like.

(10)“Mr Smith's talking on another phone. Please (hold on a minute and I'll put you through as soon as he's free).”

(11)I went to the new shop to buy a sweater, but they had (so many to choose from that I was) completely at a loss.

(12)In Japan people often perform activities in groups, and (nothing shows this more clearly than the way in which Japanese people travel).
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