


2021年09月06日 | 共通テスト英語攻略のための整序&英英挟み撃ち問題
 センター試験の過去問から共通テスト英語攻略のための整序&英英挟み撃ち問題をお届けします。整序問題は文意が通じるように並べて、英英挟み撃ち問題は青字の英英定義を参照して単語を文脈に合う形に完成させてください。青字の英英定義はすべて大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に収録されたものです。

□Old Fred Ford had gone to live with his daughter, Kate, and her family shortly after his wife, Mary, died. Kate was an energetic woman who ①exp---- 【to think that someone should do something】 people always to be doing something, and she found plenty of jobs for Fred to do. This ②(part / made / feel / him) of the household, but now he really wanted to be able to sit and ③(on / reflect / of / the events) his life. If he had continued to live alone, he would have had the time to do this to his heart's content.
□One afternoon he felt he simply had to get away from the house. “I'm going for a walk,”he said, ④(him / closing / behind / the door ).
□Leaving the town, he walked across the fields and followed a slow-moving stream toward the hills. After a while he came to a pool in the stream under some trees. Here, he thought, was a place he could come to when he ⑤(reflect / to / on / needed) the past. Although the stream seemed unlikely to have any fish, he would simply tell Kate he had found a place to go fishing.
□When he mentioned the stream that night, his son-in-law, Jim, said in disbelief, “There aren't any fish there. That stream runs dry half the summer.”The old man ⑥pre---- 【to behave in a particular way in order to deceive other people】 to be surprised. “You don't say! Well, I'll give it a try, anyway.”
□The next day he dug his old fishing rod out of the garage. It reminded him of the last time he had gone fishing, eight years back, with Mary.
□When he stopped to buy a fishing license and some ⑦equ---- 【the things that you need to do a particular job or activity】 at the store and mentioned the little stream, the owner looked surprised. “No fish in that. If you want my advice, drive down to Lake Henshaw.”
□Fred thanked him, ⑧(trying / something / said / about) the lake sometime, left the store, and made his way to the pool. No one else was there; it was just as he had left it. He found a comfortable place to sit, set up the rod and relaxed.
□During the following months he came to this spot frequently. Kate ⑨com---- 【to say that something is not satisfactory】that it was a waste of time: “If only he'd bring some fish home sometimes!” The men at the gas station would call out in a friendly way, “Come to Lake Henshaw with us sometime. We'll show you how to catch some real fish!” Sometimes boys on bicycles would ⑩(to / him / pause / watch) and he would overhear their judgement: “He must be crazy.”
□But he didn't let these comments spoil his visits to this quiet place, where he would sit gazing at the sky, the water, or the hills, almost motionless, ⑪(his life / the richness / remembering / of). He found contentment beside the slow-moving water, which, like himself, had left the steep, rocky days far behind.
□One day old Fred felt the rod jerk. Instantly wide awake, he saw a large trout jump from the water trying ⑫(shake / free / to / itself). His heart beating fast, he began to play the fish with all his former skill. Slowly it weakened, and finally he managed to bring it onto the bank where he stood looking victoriously at the beautiful trout. It was like honey in his mouth ⑬(to imagine what Kate) and all the others would say when they saw such a fine trout.
□Then he ⑭rea---- 【to know or understand a particular fact or situation】 word would soon get around and all those who had thought him foolish would invade his privacy, pole in hand, and fill it with the noise of feet and voices. No, he decided, his moment of sweet victory would not be worth that price.
□He reached down to the fish and removed the hook. The fish floated slowly away with the stream, then ⑮dis---- 【to stop existing】 into the depths. Then, with a quiet smile, the old man made ready to start for home.

解答) ①expected②(made him feel part)③(reflect on the events of)④(closing the door behind him)⑤(needed to reflect on)⑥pretended⑦equipment⑧(said something about trying) ⑨complained⑩(pause to watch him)⑪(remembering the richness of his life)⑫(to shake itself free)⑬(to imagine what Kate)⑭realized⑮disappeared

□ある日の午後、彼はどうしても家から離れなければならないと感た。 「散歩に行く」とだけ言って、彼は後ろのドアを閉めた。
□その夜、彼が小川について言及したとき、彼の義理の息子であるジムは、信じられない思いで言った。「あそこには魚なんて,全然いませんよ。流れは夏の半分に乾くんだから」老人は驚いたふりをしました。 「そう言うなって!とにかく、やってみる」
□店頭で釣り免許や備品を購入して小川に言及したところ、店主は驚いた様子だった。 「あそこに魚はいないよ。俺の言うことを聞いてヘンショー湖まで車で行くといい」

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語で意味を確認すると英語力は飛躍的に向上します。


 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(1)~(16)

(1)to (      )something that is (      )=(       )

In (      ) a (      )(        ), it is important to (      ) appropriately.
(2)to (     ) something to someone or (     ) it (         ) to them=(         )

Our (       )(      ) our customers (      ) clothing at (        ) prices

(3)to(     )something in a (        ) place (       ) people can see it easily=(      )
He is an artist (     ) paintings are (        ) in a (       )in Paris.

(4)to (     ) a picture of something in your mind=(       )

In an (         )(      ) world, many people can't (        )life (      )the Internet.

(5)to (       )something that is needed=(        )

We cannot (      ) consumer (       ) without (      )(      )and services.

(6)to have a (       ) of great (      ) for someone=(      )

Helen Keller, (       ) for her work (    )(      )(    ) people (      ) disabilities, visited Japan three times.

(7)to (       ) the (      ) or (      )of something=(      )

Dad, if my grades (       ) by the end of the (      ), would you (     )(      ) my allowance?

(8)to (      )(      ) of someone or something=(      )

Have you ever (      )the different (       ) people use to (      )(      ) problems?

(9)a large mass of land (        ) by sea=(          )

In the 1930s, flights (     ) the (         )were not (        ).

(010)the place that someone is going to=(        )

(       )(    )the good (       ),
we arrived at our (      ) an our (      )of (         ).

(11)the (       )(        ) that you have in a particular place=(         )

Many cafes try to (      ) a (     )(       ) so that customers can enjoy their tea break.

(12)the (      ) of making or (       ) something for sale in large (      )=(        )

(       )(    )seasonable (          ) patterns, the (       )of Mexico's oranges arrive in the US market (      ) December (       )June.

(013)an (         ) to meet with someone at a particular time=(           )

Did you (      ) the dentist and make an (         ) for the (         )?

(14)someone who has a (       ) skill or who knows a lot about something=(      )

In the past, the old (      )to be(      )(      )as(       )in (      )(      ) problems in life.

(15)a person who lives near you=(        )

I saw a cat sneaking into my (        ) yard.
(16)the (      ) of building something (      )(     ) houses, bridges, roads etc.=(          )

The (        )(    ) the new building is (      )(       ).

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(17)~(32)

(17)feeling (        ) and (         )about something that you have done=(        )

Graduating from university is a (    )(          )and you should be (        )of yourself.

(18)(        ) a lot of money=(            )

Making (     )-saving changes in the home can be (            ), but it will (     ) your money in the long run.

(19)not (        )at a usual or (        ) place=(          )

In my school, when a (       ) teacher is (       ), another teacher teaches the class (       ).

(20)having the (        )to do something=(          )

(       ) (    ) the newspaper,
even a teenager is (          ) of sailing a yacht around the world (      ).

(21)to (      ) someone to do something=(         )

Children of six and under are not (      ) to use the swimming pool (      ) they are with an adult.

(22)to (     )(     )(    ) something=(            )

The most important thing in the Olympics is (    ) to win (    )to (              ).

(23)to be liked or wanted by someone=(         )

Benjamin Day is remembered as a revolutionary (        ) who showed
that newspapers could (        ) to a mass (             ).

(24)to move something quickly=(        )

We (     ) our heads up-and-down for “yes” and (         ) them left-and-right for “no”.

(25)to come near to someone or something=(           )

There were two (           ) on the road (          ) the signal.

(26)to (           ) how things or people are (          )or different=(           )

(            ) with the same period last year,
(         )(           )rose by one percent this year.

(27)to tell someone about something in a way that helps them understand it better=(        )

The engineer (         ) how to (          ) the sophisticated system.

(28)to (      )(      )someone or something in a particular way=(        )

I am extremely (     )of animals, and I can't (      )anyone(      )them with (       ).

(29)the (         ) that good things will happen in the future=(            )

It's quite hard for new companies to (    )(    )(    ) customers' (            ).

(30)a (        )or an (         ) for why something happens or why someone does something
=(       )

The (      ) I (   )(    )(    )(    ) my best friend
is that we have many things in (           ).

(31)difficult situations that make you (     )(        )=(          )

We've been working (      ) so much (           ) lately in our office that we all need a holiday.

(32)the area of a town that (          ) your home=(            )

The leaves in my (            ) have recently (      ) yellow.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(33)~(48)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(49)~(64)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(65)~(80)
ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(81)~(96)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(97)~(112)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(113)~(128)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(129)~(144)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(145)~(160)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(161)~(176)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(177)~(192)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(193)~(208)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(209)~(224)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(225)~(240)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(241)~(256)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(257)~(272)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(273)~(288)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(289)~(304)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(305)~(320)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(321)~(336)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(337)~(352)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(353)~(368)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(369)~(384)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(385)~(400)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(401)~(416)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(417)~(432)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(433)~(448)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(449)~(464)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(465)~(480)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(481)~(496)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(497)~(496)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(497)~(512)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(513)~(528)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(529)~(544)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(545)~(560)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(561)~(576)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(577)~(592)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(593)~(608)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(609)~(624)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(625)~(640)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(641)~(656)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(657)~(672)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(673)~(688)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(689)~(704)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(705)~(720)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(721)~(736)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(737)~(752)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(753)~(768)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(769)~(784)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(785)~(800)

①proud【práud】(Ex:*Graduating from university is a *huge *accomplishment and you should be *proud of yourself.)(017)
②expensive【ikspénsiv】(Ex:Making energy-saving changes in the home can be *expensive, but it will *save your money in the long run.)(018)
③absent【ǽbsnt】(Ex:In my school, when a *regular teacher is *absent, another teacher teaches the class *instead.)(019)
④capable【kéipəbl】(Ex:According to the newspaper, even a teenager is *capable of *sailing a yacht around the world alone.)(020)
(A)costing a lot of money
(B)not *present at a usual or expected place
(C)feeling *pleased and *satisfied about something that you have done
(D)having the *ability to do something

(017)Graduating from university is a huge accomplishment and you should be pro------- of yourself.【feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you have done】

(018)Making energy-saving changes in the home can be exp------- , but it will save your money in the long run.【costing a lot of money】

(019)In my school, when a regular teacher is abs------- , another teacher teaches the class instead.【not present at a usual or expected place】

(020)According to the newspaper, even a teenager is cap------- of sailing a yacht around the world alone.【having the ability to do something】

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Unknown (kid山本)
2021-12-19 22:30:51
Unknown (鈴木康)
2022-02-28 15:41:40

