


2022年10月31日 | 大学入試共通テスト英英直読単熟語
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語の作成にあたってはセンター試験英語過去問、共通テスト試行問題のみならず英検2級、準2級の過去問からキーワードを徹底調査しました。

Bats have a rem------ homing instinct.
【unusual or surprising in a way that deserves attention】

※正解はremarkable : 注目すべき

There is no doubt the Internet is a mar------ invention.
【extremely good】

正解はmarvelous: 驚くべき

Taking simple steps to res------ conflict immediately can prevent many workplace conflicts from escalating.
【to find a solution to a problem, argument, or difficulty】


By coi------ , I was present on occasions when it was raining and so gained a“rainy reputation.”
【a situation in which separate things happen at the same time without any planning】


語彙問題【1】ー(6)で的中Scientists have speculated that the destruction of Earth's ozone layer would exp------ us to damaging ultraviolet rays.
【to put someone or something in a place or situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant】


When a wound hea------ , it may eventually turn into a scar.
【to become healthy and normal again】


Are fle------ working hours practical for small businesses?
【able to change to adapt to new conditions or situations】


The vast majority of aba- pets never make it out of shelters alive.
【to leave someone or something you are responsible for permanently or for a long time】


Emotional and physical hunger are both signals of emptiness which you try to eli- with food.
【to get rid of something】


Unless people ref------ from activities that pollute the environment, global warming could pose a threat to life on the earth.
【to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do】

※英検語彙は語彙問題より長文問題語彙の方がやさしめで、後半の長文問題語彙を大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は以下のようにカバーしています。

2022-2英検2級長文[2]に登場した大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語収録語彙

a wide variety of, estimate, produce, design, waste, bury, according to, conservation, cause, wildlife, species, environmental, protection, organization, effort, government, diversity, law, control, pollution, educate, continue, increase

※throw away, landfill, break downのような未収録語彙も若干あるとはいえ、上記のキーワードがわかっていれば文脈と字面から容易に語義を推測できます。
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2022年09月15日 | 大学入試共通テスト英英直読単熟語
 センター試験英語および共通テスト英語に登場するキーワードは、英検準2級および英検2級のキーワードとほぼ重なっています。そのため、大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語の制作に際してはセンター試験英語および共通テスト英語試行問題なみならず、英検準2級および英検2級の過去問を20年分近く徹底調査しました。
 英検の出題傾向に大きな変化はなく、キーワードを例文の中で覚えると非常に有効な英検対策になります。以下に紹介する例文は大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された英検準2級頻出語彙を含む例文の一部で、英検2級以上の語彙には和訳を付けました。*は重要度の目安です。

(1)Our company ***provides our customers with clothing at reasonable prices.

(2)When **escaping from fires, smoke and gases should be ***avoided.

(3)There are many websites dedicated専念した to matching合わせる volunteers with ***opportunities.

(4)Physical ***activity in your childhood, such as playing sports and *exercising, can greatly *benefit your health when you are older.

(5)You should know better than to ***judge by appearance外見.

(6)The story ***describes a young woman who moves to the countryside with her husband.

(7)Animals rely on the sense of smell to ***recognize their *enemies.

(8)To ***recover his strength, the **patient was made to *raise his arms above his head many times every day.

(9)Some **diseases can be ***spread only by *direct physical肉体的な contact接触.

(10)I **guess listening to the boring **lecture made me tired.

(11)A bowl of steamed rice is ***included in *typical Japanese meals.

(12)I had no *choice but to put up with我慢する the guest's rude **behavior.

(13)So far as I am concerned, I have nothing to **complain of.

(14)In an increasinglyますます connected world, many people can't ***imagine life without the Internet.

(15)Local ***rumor has it that he was secretly秘密に burried埋葬された in that church.

(16)Workers with college degrees学位 ***earn significantly大幅に more than those without.

(17)The *company wants to sell its *ability to *remove *carbon dioxide二酸化炭素 from the **atmosphere and *store貯蔵する it underground.

(18)The costs of not *conserving *biodiversity生物多様性 will be substantial大きな for present今の and future ***generations.

(19)It is mainly the *rapid ***increase of *population which ***causes the *poverty in that country.

(20)There was some ***exchange of *opinions, but the ***decision was put off延期する until next time.

(21)The *lure魅力 of *huge ***profits *drove them into a **crime which eventually最終的に led them into prison刑務所.

(22)Elevator mechanics are *responsible for ***repairing elevators when they are out of order.

(23)The best way to ***avoid air *pollution is to stay away from car *traffic.

(24)The *majority of the **regions with Mediterranean ***climates have relatively相対的に mild winters and very warm summers.

(25)All the students who are interested in studying *abroad should **attend next week's meeting.

(26)He **graduated at the top of his class with degrees学位 in architecture建築 and city planning.

(27)There are several *tax *payment *options選択肢, whether you can pay in full right away or you need more time to come up with調達する the money.

(28)Both children and adults *alike ***wonder about the *existence of *ghosts.

(29)Vinegar was an important **discovery for **ancient *civilizations which ***remains **useful even today.

(30)**Spending less time outside the home ***searching for food **reduces the risk of being killed by other animals.

(31)Bears *rarely **attack humans unless they feel *threatened脅かされた.

(32)***Expressing gratitude感謝 can make all the *difference in your *relationship.

(33)The *application応用 of scientific knowledge helps ***satisfy many *basic *human needs.

(34)Heavy ***industry is moving in the **direction of more automated machines and less manpower.

(35)Having read several magazine ***articles on the **theme, I was able to understand the *presentation発表 *perfectly.

(36)Permanent employees常勤従業員 *remain *employed until they are fired解雇される or choose to **quit.

(37)Today, the *vast *majority of ***governments around the world do not ***allow couples of the same sex to *marry.

(38)The teacher let Tim go after ***warning him not to read comics in class.

(39)Scientists believe that the Milky Way galaxy **contains *approximatelyおおよそ 100 billion stars.

(40)A *conference会議 was held to **discuss the *various *benefits of using *insects as an *alternative代替の *source of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.

(41)My aunt often ***translates ***articles *submitted to international *medical *journals.

(42)In most cases, students can *determine what closing is **acceptable to wear to school.

(43)To **criticize does not *necessarily *imply含意する "to find faultあら捜しをする".

(44)European heat wave is one of the *horrible natural ***disasters happened in the world.

(45)Someone pulling an *injured person out of a crashed car after an accident is *considered *brave.

(46)Did you *call the *dentist and make an ***appointment for the **treatment?

(47)I'm afraid I am not **prepared to take the risk of losing all my money.

(48)In my school, when a *regular teacher is **absent, another teacher teaches the class *instead.

(49)By around a million years ago human *ancestors had a *brain size not very different from ours today.

(50)I **suggested to Mary that she come with me to **collect **empty cans on the street.

(51)*Hiding cash and *valuables at home can be risky business.

(52)Strong *will意志 is the most *essential必須の *quality資質 for anyone that wants to **achieve **success.

(53)Over a hundred years ago, the Titanic *sank to the *bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in less than three hours.

(54)It has been hard to *concentrate on my studies lately because a road is being built in front of my house.

(55)It seems that there is an unspoken rule that you can't *scold another person's child.

(56)The mountains of North Carolina *boast誇る *magnificent壮麗な **views.

(57)A ***secret that you carry to the *grave墓場 is something you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.

(58)Men say they are willing to ***share the *burden負担 of domestic家庭内の work.

(59)Getting your biography伝記 **published **requires you to have a marketable売り物になる story.

(60)All countries that are *contributing加担する to the **destruction of rainforests should begin their own *efforts to ***protect them.

(61)We cannot *satisfy *consumer **demand without *importing *goods and services.

(62)The microscope顕微鏡 was ***developed using *principles原理 ***similar to the *telescope望遠鏡.

(63)Have you ever ***noticed the different approachesやり方 people use to deal with対処する problems?

(64) ***Weather **permitting, we ****encourage outdoor play as often as possible.

(65) To our surprise, the mayor市長 suddenly *announced her resignation辞任 in spite of her high *popularity.

(66) After he joined the travel agency, he worked hard to ***improve his English in order to carry out his **duties more ***effectively.

(67) *Eventually, the 20 primary teeth乳歯 are ***replaced by 32 permanent teeth永久歯.

(68) In ***accepting a *formal *invitation, it is important to *respond appropriately.適切に

(69) My friend Maria ***recommended a movie based on a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.

(70) Although I was *extremely ***familiar with the book, watching the movie *increased my appreciation理解 of the *original story.

(71) We ***delayed our ***departure on account of bad ***weather.

(72) The Nagasaki Port is a natural harbor港 that is ***surrounded by mountains on three sides.

(73) When you try on shoes, pay ***attention not only to their *length but also to their *depth深さ and *width幅.

(74) I could tell he was only **pretending to read, because his book was upside down.

(75) The ***researchers carried out a ***survey **intended to *measure the number of calories children get from *regular meals each day.

(76) Who is credited功績を認められた with ***inventing the telephone?

(77)There were two *vehicles on the road **approaching the signal.

(78)***Compared with the same *period last year, *industrial **production *rose by one percent this year.

(79)The engineer ***explained how to *operate the *sophisticated system.

(80)I am extremely fond of animals, and I can't stand我慢する anyone ***treating them with cruelty残酷さ.

 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語はひとつの例文の中に複数のキーワードを収録しただけの単語集ではなく、以下のような例文中の単語に意味に合う英英定義を選択する練習問題に取り組みます。

①approach【əpróutʃ】(Ex:There were two *vehicles on the road *approaching the signal.)
②compare【kəmpéər】(Ex:*Compared with the same *period last year, *industrial *production *rose by one percent this year.)
③explain【ikspléin】(Ex:The engineer *explained how to *operate the *sophisticated system.)
④treat【tríːt】(Ex:I am *extremely fond of animals, and I can't *stand anyone *treating them with *cruelty.)
(A)to deal with someone or something in a *particular way
(B)to *examine how things or people are similar or different
(C)to tell someone about something in a way that helps them understand it better
(D)to come near to someone or something




①There were two vehicles on the road app------- the signal.
【to come near to someone or something】

②Com------- with the same period last year, industrial production rose by one percent this year.
【to examine how things or people are similar or different】

③The engineer exp------- how to operate the sophisticated system.
【to tell someone about something in a way that helps them understand it better】

④I am extremely fond of animals, and I can't stand anyone tre------- them with cruelty.
【to deal with someone or something in a particular way】


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語の問題を独力で解くには英検準2級合格程度の基礎力が必要です。
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