


2023年11月02日 | TOEIC800
TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→800点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上700点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成していて、中には100時間の勉強時間でTOEIC500点台後半からTOEIC800点台前半まで一気にスコアを伸ばした例もあります。
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 冒頭の

①plans and preparations準備 whichそれを you make so that~のように something will happen
②the things that are needed必要な for…のために a particular特定の job or activity活動
③a group of people with special特別な skills技能 who work together
④the act行為 of reaching至る a place



①plans and preparations準備 whichそれを you make so that~のように something will happen
②the things that are needed必要な for…のために a particular特定の job or activity活動
③a group of people with special特別な skills技能 who work together
④the act行為 of reaching至る a place


①plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen
②the things that are needed for a particular job or activity
③a group of people with special skills who work together
④the act of reaching a place



①plans and preparations準備 whichそれを you make so that~のように something will happen
②the things that are needed必要な for…のために a particular特定の job or activity活動
③a group of people with special特別な skills技能 who work together
④the act行為 of reaching至る a place


①crew【krúː】(Ex: Shinkansen cleaning *crews have just seven minutes to get the train ready.)(017)
②arrangement【əréindʒmənt】(Ex: We have made plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip.)(018)
③arrival【əráivəl】(Ex: The flight's estimated推定される time of arrival is 9:30.)(019)
④equipment【ikwípmənt】(Ex: Taking care of…を手入れする your lawn芝生 requires必要とする the right *equipment.)(020)
(A)plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen
(B)the things that are needed for a particular job or activity
(C)a group of people with special skills who work together
(D)the act of reaching a place



①crew:スタッフ(Ex: 新幹線の清掃スタッフは列車を準備するのにたった七分しかない)
②arrangement:手配(Ex: ご旅行のための飛行機とホテルの手配を行いました)
③arrival:到着(Ex: その便の推定到着時刻は9:30です)
④equipment:器具(Ex: 芝生の手入れをするには適切な器具が必要だ)


(017)Shinkansen cleaning cre------ have just seven minutes to get the train ready.
【a group of people with special skills who work together】

(018)We have made plane and hotel arr------ for your trip.
【plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen】

(019) The flight's estimated time of arr------ is 9:30.
【the act of reaching a place】

(020)Taking care of your lawn requires the right equ------ .
【the things that are needed for a particular job or activity】








①plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen
②the things that are needed for a particular job or activity
③a group of people with special skills who work together
④the act of reaching a place
(A)crew【krúː】(Ex: Shinkansen cleaning *crews have just seven minutes to get the train ready.)(017)
(B)arrangement【əréindʒmənt】(Ex: We have made plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip.)(018)
(C)arrival【əráivəl】(Ex:The flight's estimated time of arrival is 9:30.)(019)
(D)equipment【ikwípmənt】(Ex: Taking care of your lawn requires the right *equipment.)(020)



(A)crew:スタッフ(Ex: 新幹線の清掃スタッフは列車を準備するのにたった七分しかない)
(B)arrangement:手配(Ex: ご旅行のための飛行機とホテルの手配を行いました)
(C)arrival:到着(Ex: その便の推定到着時刻は9:30です)
(D)equipment:器具(Ex: 芝生の手入れをするには適切な器具が必要だ)


(017)Shinkansen cleaning cr------ have just seven minutes to get the train ready.
【a group of people with special skills who work together】

(018)We have made plane and hotel ar------ for your trip.
【plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen】

(019) The flight's estimated time of ar------ is 9:30.
【the act of reaching a place】

(020)Taking care of your lawn requires the right eq------ .
【the things that are needed for a particular job or activity】








①crew【krúː】(Ex: Shinkansen cleaning *crews have just seven minutes to get the train ready.)(065)
②arrangement【əréindʒmənt】(Ex: We have made plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip.)(066)
③arrival【əráivəl】(Ex:The snowstorm delayed her *arrival. )(067)
④equipment【ikwípmənt】(Ex: Taking care of your lawn requires the right *equipment.)(068)
(A)plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen
(B)the things that are needed for a particular job or activity
(C)a group of people with special skills who work together
(D)the act of reaching a place

(065)Shinkansen cleaning c------ have just seven minutes to get the train ready.
【a group of people with special skills who work together】

(066)We have made plane and hotel a------ for your trip.
【plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen】

(067)The snowstorm delayed her a------.
【the act of reaching a place】

(068)Taking care of your lawn requires the right e------ .
【the things that are needed for a particular job or activity】

以下にTOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 後半に収録された四語を紹介します。


①having suitableふさわしい knowledge or skills技術 to do something
②relating関係した to the management管理 of a company会社 or organization組織
③exact and accurate
④extremely非常に crowded and it is difficult to move around



①having suitableふさわしい knowledge or skills技術 to do something
②relating関係した to the management管理 of a company会社 or organization組織
③exact and accurate
④extremely非常に crowded and it is difficult to move around


①having suitable knowledge or skills to do something
②relating to the management of a company or organization
③exact and accurate
④extremely crowded and it is difficult to move around



①having suitableふさわしい knowledge or skills技術 to do something
②relating関係した to the management管理 of a company会社 or organization組織
③exact and accurate
④extremely非常に crowded and it is difficult to move around


①precise【prisáis】(Ex: NASA's telescopes have made the most *precise measurement計測 yet of the size of a planet beyond our solar system.)(617)
②administrative【ædmínəstrèitiv】(Ex: An *administrative assistant earns稼ぐ an average wage of $14.72 per hour.)(618)
③congested【kəndʒéstid】(Ex: Nearly a third of the world's 50 most *congested cities are in China.)(619)
④qualified【kwɑ'ləfàid】(Ex: In order to find the best *qualified candidate候補者, applicants志願者 must be measured by using clearly defined定義された standards基準.)(620)
(A)having suitable knowledge or skills to do something
(B)relating to the management of a company or organization
(C)exact and accurate
(D)extremely crowded and it is difficult to move around



①precise:正確な(Ex: NASAの望遠鏡が太陽系の外の惑星の大きさの今までで最も正確な計測を行った)
②administrative:管理の(Ex: 管理アシスタントは平均で一時間に14.72ドル稼ぐ)
③congested:混雑した(Ex: 世界で最も混雑した50の都市の三分の一は中国にある)
④qualified:適任の(Ex: もっとも適任の候補者を選ぶために、志願者は明確に定義された基準で評価されなければならない)


(617)NASA's telescopes have made the most pre------ measurement yet of the size of a planet beyond our solar system.
【exact and accurate】

(618)An adm------ assistant earns an average wage of $14.72 per hour.
【relating to the management of a company or organization】

(619)Nearly a third of the world's 50 most con------ cities are in China.
【extremely crowded and it is difficult to move around】

(620)In order to find the best qua------ candidate, applicants must be measured by using clearly defined standards.
【having suitable knowledge or skills to do something】








①having suitable knowledge or skills to do something
②relating to the management of a company or organization
③exact and accurate
④extremely crowded and it is difficult to move around
(A)precise【prisáis】(Ex: NASA's telescopes have made the most *precise measurement yet of the size of a planet beyond our solar system.)(617)
(B)administrative【ædmínəstrèitiv】(Ex: An *administrative assistant earns an average wage of $14.72 per hour.)(618)
(C)congested【kəndʒéstid】(Ex: Nearly a third of the world's 50 most *congested cities are in China.)(619)
(D)qualified【kwɑ'ləfàid】(Ex: In order to find the best *qualified candidate, applicants must be measured by using clearly defined standards.)(620)




(A)precise:正確な(Ex: NASAの望遠鏡が太陽系の外の惑星の大きさの今までで最も正確な計測を行った)
(B)administrative:管理の(Ex: 管理アシスタントは平均で一時間に14.72ドル稼ぐ)
(C)congested:混雑した(Ex: 世界で最も混雑した50の都市の三分の一は中国にある)
(D)qualified:適任の(Ex: もっとも適任の候補者を選ぶために、志願者は明確に定義された基準で評価されなければならない)


(617)NASA's telescopes have made the most pr------ measurement yet of the size of a planet beyond our solar system.
【exact and accurate】

(618)An ad------ assistant earns an average wage of $14.72 per hour.
【relating to the management of a company or organization】

(619)Nearly a third of the world's 50 most co------ cities are in China.
【extremely crowded and it is difficult to move around】

(620)In order to find the best qu------ candidate, applicants must be measured by using clearly defined standards.
【having suitable knowledge or skills to do something】








①precise【prisáis】(Ex: NASA's telescopes have made the most *precise measurement yet of the size of a planet beyond our solar system.)(537)
②administrative【ædmínəstrèitiv】(Ex: An *administrative assistant earns an average wage of $14.72 per hour.)(538)
③congested【kəndʒéstid】(Ex: Nearly a third of the world's 50 most *congested cities are in China.)(539)
④qualified【kwɑ'ləfàid】(Ex: In order to find the best *qualified candidate, applicants must be measured by using clearly defined standards.)(540)
(A)having suitable knowledge or skills to do something
(B)relating to the management of a company or organization
(C)exact and accurate
(D)extremely crowded and it is difficult to move around

(537)NASA's telescopes have made the most p------ measurement yet of the size of a planet beyond our solar system.
【exact and accurate】

(538)An a------ assistant earns an average wage of $14.72 per hour.
【relating to the management of a company or organization】

(539)Nearly a third of the world's 50 most c------ cities are in China.
【extremely crowded and it is difficult to move around】

(540)In order to find the best q------ candidate, applicants must be measured by using clearly defined standards.
【having suitable knowledge or skills to do something】

一番難しい上記の1文字ヒント英英挟み撃ち問題が800問すらすらできるようになって、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 に収録された800組の英英定義と例文を全部マスターしてもTOEIC800点を越えないというケースはまず考えられないです。

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2023年11月01日 | TOEIC800
TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→800点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上700点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成していて、

以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 後半の


①an important job thatそれを a person or group of people has to do
②special importance重要性 or attention注目 thatそれは is given to something
③the process過程 or a period期間 of changing from one form形態 or state状態 to another
④the feeling of comfort安心 when something unpleasant不快な stops or does not happen



①an important job thatそれを a person or group of people has to do
②special importance重要性 or attention注目 thatそれは is given to something
③the process過程 or a period期間 of changing from one form形態 or state状態 to another
④the feeling of comfort安心 when something unpleasant不快な stops or does not happen


①an important job that a person or group of people has to do
②special importance or attention that is given to something
③the process or a period of changing from one form or state to another
④the feeling of comfort when something unpleasant stops or does not happen


①an important job thatそれを a person or group of people has to do
②special importance重要性 or attention注目 thatそれは is given to something
③the process過程 or a period期間 of changing from one form形態 or state状態 to another
④the feeling of comfort安心 when something unpleasant不快な stops or does not happen


①transition【trænzíʃən】(Ex: The *transition to an industrial society産業社会 started in the 18th century, largely driven by advances進歩 in science and technology.)(613)
②relief【rilíːf】(Ex: Cooler temperatures気温 brought *relief after the heat wave killed hundreds.)(614)
③mission【míʃən】(Ex: By simplifying operations, emerging新興の technologies allow organizations to concentrate集中する more fully on their core *mission.)(615)
④emphasis【émfəsis】(Ex: We put *emphasis on finding ways to reduce the cost of production.)(616)
(A)an important job that a person or group of people has to do
(B)special importance or attention that is given to something
(C)the process or a period of changing from one form or state to another
(D)the feeling of comfort when something unpleasant stops or does not happen



①reverse:裏の(Ex: コインの裏側は通常、コインの価値に関する情報を含む)
②quality:質の高い(Ex: この列車は乗客にさまざまな高品質の食品と飲み物のサービスを提供します)
③multiple:複数の(Ex: ウインドウズのデスクトップに複数のウィンドウを素早く簡単に並べることができる)
④innovative:革新的な(Ex: まだ実現されていない革新的なアイディアは何ですか)


(613)The tra------ to an industrial society started in the 18th century, largely driven by advances in science and technology.
【the process or a period of changing from one form or state to another】

(614)Cooler temperatures brought rel------ after the heat wave killed hundreds.
【the feeling of comfort when something unpleasant stops or does not happen】

(615)By simplifying operations, emerging technologies allow organizations to concentrate more fully on their core mis------ .
【an important job that a person or group of people has to do】

(616)We put emp------ on finding ways to reduce the cost of production.
【special importance or attention that is given to something】








①an important job that a person or group of people has to do
②special importance or attention that is given to something
③the process or a period of changing from one form or state to another
④the feeling of comfort when something unpleasant stops or does not happen
(A)transition【trænzíʃən】(Ex: The *transition to an industrial society started in the 18th century, largely driven by advances in science and technology.)(613)
(B)relief【rilíːf】(Ex: Cooler temperatures brought *relief after the heat wave killed hundreds.)(614)
(C)mission【míʃən】(Ex: By simplifying operations, emerging technologies allow organizations to concentrate more fully on their core *mission.)(615)
(D)emphasis【émfəsis】(Ex: We put *emphasis on finding ways to reduce the cost of production.)(616)



(A)transition:移行(Ex: 産業社会への移行は、主に科学技術の進歩に牽引されて18世紀に始まった)
(B)relief:安堵(Ex: 熱波が何百人も死なせた後、低い気温は安堵をもたらした)
(C)mission:任務(Ex: 操業を単純化することで、新興技術は組織が基幹的な任務にもっと本格的に集中することを可能にする)
(D)emphasis:重点(Ex: われわれは生産費を削減する方法を見いだすことに重点を置いている)


(613)The tr------ to an industrial society started in the 18th century, largely driven by advances in science and technology.
【the process or a period of changing from one form or state to another】

(614)Cooler temperatures brought re------ after the heat wave killed hundreds.
【the feeling of comfort when something unpleasant stops or does not happen】

(615)By simplifying operations, emerging technologies allow organizations to concentrate more fully on their core mi------ .
【an important job that a person or group of people has to do】

(616)We put em------ on finding ways to reduce the cost of production.
【special importance or attention that is given to something】








①transition【trænzíʃən】(Ex: The *transition to an industrial society started in the 18th century, largely driven by advances in science and technology.)(533)
②relief【rilíːf】(Ex: Cooler temperatures brought *relief after the heat wave killed hundreds.)(534)
③mission【míʃən】(Ex: By simplifying operations, emerging technologies allow organizations to concentrate more fully on their core *mission.)(535)
④emphasis【émfəsis】(Ex: We put *emphasis on finding ways to reduce the cost of production.)(536)
(A)an important job that a person or group of people has to do
(B)special importance or attention that is given to something
(C)the process or a period of changing from one form or state to another
(D)the feeling of comfort when something unpleasant stops or does not happen

(533)The t------ to an industrial society started in the 18th century, largely driven by advances in science and technology.
【the process or a period of changing from one form or state to another】

(534)Cooler temperatures brought r------ after the heat wave killed hundreds.
【the feeling of comfort when something unpleasant stops or does not happen】

(535)By simplifying operations, emerging technologies allow organizations to concentrate more fully on their core m------ .
【an important job that a person or group of people has to do】

(536)We put e------ on finding ways to reduce the cost of production.
【special importance or attention that is given to something】

上記の4語はTOEIC700~800レベルを目指す上級語彙で、TOEIC300台からのスコアアップには以下のようなTOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 前半に収録された基本語彙から入るのがおすすめです。


①an arrangement 手配to meet someone at a particular特定の time
②an opinion意見 about what someone should do in a particular situation状況
③work, especially特に physical肉体的な work
④an official公式な paper書類 thatそれは contains含む information情報 about something



①an arrangement 手配to meet someone at a particular特定の time
②an opinion意見 about what someone should do in a particular situation状況
③work, especially特に physical肉体的な work
④an official公式な paper書類 thatそれは contains含む information情報 about something

①an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time
②an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation
③work, especially physical work
④an official paper that contains information about something



①an arrangement 手配to meet someone at a particular特定の time
②an opinion意見 about what someone should do in a particular situation状況
③work, especially特に physical肉体的な work
④an official公式な paper書類 thatそれは contains含む information情報 about something


①advice【ædváis】(Ex: Doctors are asked for *advice about medical医療の matters問題 by friends and acquaintances知人.)(013)
②appointment【əpɔ'intmənt】(Ex: If you're experiencing経験する pain in your teeth, make an *appointment with your dentist歯科医 as soon as possible.)(014)
③document【dɑ'kjumənt】(Ex: The *document shows that the company会社 recalled回収した about 8,000 defective欠陥のある vehicles車両.)(015)
④labor【léibər】(Ex: A simple way to reduce削減する *labor costs is to lay off解雇する employees従業員.)(016)
(A)an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time
(B)an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation
(C)work, especially physical work
(D)an official paper that contains information about something



①advice:助言(Ex: 医師は医療に関して友人や知人から助言を求められる)
②appointment:予約(Ex: 歯の痛みを経験しているのなら、できるだけ早く歯科医の予約を取りなさい)
③document:文書(Ex:文書はその会社が約8,000台の欠陥車を回収したことを示している )
④labor:労働(Ex: 労賃を削減する簡単な方法は従業員を解雇することだ)


(013)Doctors are asked for adv------ about medical matters by friends and acquaintances.
【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(014)If you're experiencing pain in your teeth, make an app------ with your dentist as soon as possible.
【an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time】

(015)The doc------ shows that the company recalled about 8,000 defective vehicles.
【an official paper that contains information about something】

(016)A simple way to reduce lab------ costs is to lay off employees.
【work, especially physical work】








①an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time
②an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation
③work, especially physical work
④an official paper that contains information about something
(A)advice【ædváis】(Ex: Doctors are asked for *advice about medical matters by friends and acquaintances.)(013)
(B)appointment【əpɔ'intmənt】(Ex: If you're experiencing pain in your teeth, make an *appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.)(014)
(C)document【dɑ'kjumənt】(Ex: The *document shows that the company recalled about 8,000 defective vehicles.)(015)
(D)labor【léibər】(Ex: A simple way to reduce *labor costs is to lay off employees.)(016)



(A)advice:助言(Ex: 医師は医療に関して友人や知人から助言を求められる)
(B)appointment:予約(Ex: 歯の痛みを経験しているのなら、できるだけ早く歯科医の予約を取りなさい)
(C)document:文書(Ex:文書はその会社が約8,000台の欠陥車を回収したことを示している )
(D)labor:労働(Ex: 労賃を削減する簡単な方法は従業員を解雇することだ)


(013)Doctors are asked for ad------ about medical matters by friends and acquaintances.
【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(014)If you're experiencing pain in your teeth, make an ap------ with your dentist as soon as possible.
【an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time】

(015)The do------ shows that the company recalled about 8,000 defective vehicles.
【an official paper that contains information about something】

(016)A simple way to reduce la------ costs is to lay off employees.
【work, especially physical work】








①advice【ædváis】(Ex: Doctors are asked for *advice about medical matters by friends and acquaintances.)(045)
②appointment【əpɔ'intmənt】(Ex: If you're experiencing pain in your teeth, make an *appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.)(046)
③document【dɑ'kjumənt】(Ex: The *document shows that the company recalled about 8,000 defective vehicles.)(047)
④labor【léibər】(Ex: A simple way to reduce *labor costs is to lay off employees.)(048)
(A)an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time
(B)an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation
(C)work, especially physical work
(D)an official paper that contains information about something

(045)Doctors are asked for a------ about medical matters by friends and acquaintances.
【an opinion about what someone should do in a particular situation】

(046)If you're experiencing pain in your teeth, make an a------ with your dentist as soon as possible.
【an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time】

(047)The d------ shows that the company recalled about 8,000 defective vehicles.
【an official paper that contains information about something】

(048)A simple way to reduce l------ costs is to lay off employees.
【work, especially physical work】

一番難しい上記の1文字ヒント英英挟み撃ち問題が800問すらすらできるようになって、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 に収録された800組の英英定義と例文を全部マスターしてもTOEIC800点を越えないというケースはまず考えられないです。

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  • Facebookでシェアする
  • はてなブックマークに追加する
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2023年10月31日 | TOEIC800
TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→800点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上700点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成していて、中には100時間の勉強時間でTOEIC500点台後半からTOEIC800点台前半まで一気にスコアを伸ばした例もあります。
 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 冒頭の

①having a duty義務 of dealing with対処する or looking after面倒を見る someone or something
②not busy and thereforeそのため able to see or talk to people
③having no doubt疑い about something
④worth値する a lot of money



①having a duty義務 of dealing with対処する or looking after面倒を見る someone or something
②not busy and thereforeそのため able to see or talk to people
③having no doubt疑い about something
④worth値する a lot of money


①having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something
②not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people
③having no doubt about something
④worth a lot of money



①having a duty義務 of dealing with対処する or looking after面倒を見る someone or something
②not busy and thereforeそのため able to see or talk to people
③having no doubt疑い about something
④worth値する a lot of money


①certain【sə'ːrtn】(Ex: I am *certain of your success成功.)(009)
②available【əvéiləbl】(Ex: I am afraid恐れ入りますが I am not *available at the moment現時点で.)(010)
③responsible【rispɑ'nsəbl】(Ex: Parents are *responsible for their children's education教育.)(011)
④valuable【vǽljuəbl】(Ex: Please don't leave残す anything *valuable in your room. )(012)
(A)having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something
(B)not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people
(C)having no doubt about something
(D)worth a lot of money



②available【都合がつく】(Ex: 恐れ入りますが私はいま都合がつかないです。)(010)


(009)I am cer------ of your success.
【having no doubt about something】

(010)I am afraid I am not ava------ at the moment.
【not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people】

(011)Parents are res------ for their children's education.
【having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something】

(012)Please don't leave anything val------ in your room.
【worth a lot of money】








①having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something
②not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people
③having no doubt about something
④worth a lot of money
(A)certain【sə'ːrtn】(Ex: I am *certain of your success.)(009)
(B)available【əvéiləbl】(Ex: I am afraid I am not *available at the moment.)(010)
(C)responsible【rispɑ'nsəbl】(Ex: Parents are *responsible for their children's education.)(011)
(D)valuable【vǽljuəbl】(Ex: Please don't leave anything *valuable in your room. )(012)



(B)available【利用できる】(Ex: 恐れ入りますが私はいま都合がつかないです。)(010)


(009)I am ce------ of your success.
【having no doubt about something】

(010) I am afraid I am not av------ at the moment.
【not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people】

(011)Parents are re------ for their children's education.
【having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something】

(012)Please don't leave anything va------ in your room.
【worth a lot of money】








①certain【sə'ːrtn】(Ex: I am *certain of your success.)(057)
②available【əvéiləbl】(Ex: I am afraid I am not *available at the moment.)(058)
③responsible【rispɑ'nsəbl】(Ex: Parents are *responsible for their children's education.)(059)
④valuable【vǽljuəbl】(Ex: Please don't leave anything *valuable in your room. )(060)
(A)having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something
(B)not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people
(C)having no doubt about something
(D)worth a lot of money

(057) I am c------ of your success.
【having no doubt about something】

(058) I am afraid I am not a------ at the moment.
【not busy and therefore able to see or talk to people】

(059) Parents are r------ for their children's education.
【having a duty of dealing with or looking after someone or something】

(060) Please don't leave anything v------ in your room.
【worth a lot of money】

以下にTOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 後半に収録された四語を紹介します。


①to change something from one form形態 to another
②to begin to exist存在する
③to start doing something again after stopping temporarily一時的に
④to limit限定する the actions行動 of someone



①to change something from one form形態 to another
②to begin to exist存在する
③to start doing something again after stopping temporarily一時的に
④to limit限定する the actions行動 of someone


①to change something from one form to another
②to begin to exist
③to start doing something again after stopping temporarily
④to limit the actions of someone



①to change something from one form形態 to another
②to begin to exist存在する
③to start doing something again after stopping temporarily一時的に
④to limit限定する the actions行動 of someone


①convert【kənvɚ'ːt】(Ex: This software allows可能にする you to *convert scanned PDF into Word.)(609)
②resume【rizúːm】(Ex: After a temporary一時的な closure閉鎖 to repair damages, the hotel *resumed full hotel operation営業.)(610)
③arise【əráiz】(Ex: Questions occasionally *arise about the use of pictures on the web.)(611)
④restrict【ristríkt】(Ex: There are many reasons to *restrict Internet access in businesses, educational institutions機関 and even at home.)(612)
(A)to change something from one form to another
(B)to begin to exist
(C)to start doing something again after stopping temporarily
(D)to limit the actions of someone



①convert:変換する(Ex: このソフトはスキャンしたPDFをワードに変換することを可能にする)
②resume:再開する(Ex: 損傷を修復するための一時的な休業の後、そのホテルは全面的な営業を開始した)
③arise:発生する(Ex: ウェブ上の画像の使用を巡って疑問が時として発生する)
④restrict:制限する(Ex: 会社、教育機関そして家庭でさえ、インターネットアクセスを制限するたくさんの理由がある)


(609)This software allows you to con------ scanned PDF into Word.
【to change something from one form to another】

(610)After a temporary closure to repair damages, the hotel res------ full hotel operation.
【to start doing something again after stopping temporarily】

(611)Questions occasionally ari------ about the use of pictures on the web.
【to begin to exist】

(612)There are many reasons to res------ Internet access in businesses, educational institutions and even at home.
【to limit the actions of someone】








①to change something from one form to another
②to begin to exist
③to start doing something again after stopping temporarily
④to limit the actions of someone
(A)convert【kənvɚ'ːt】(Ex: This software allows you to *convert scanned PDF into Word.)(609)
(B)resume【rizúːm】(Ex: After a temporary closure to repair damages, the hotel *resumed full hotel operation.)(610)
(C)arise【əráiz】(Ex: Questions occasionally *arise about the use of pictures on the web.)(611)
(D)restrict【ristríkt】(Ex: There are many reasons to *restrict Internet access in businesses, educational institutions and even at home.)(612)



(A)convert:変換する(Ex: このソフトはスキャンしたPDFをワードに変換することを可能にする)
(B)resume:再開する(Ex: 損傷を修復するための一時的な休業の後、そのホテルは全面的な営業を開始した)
(C)arise:発生する(Ex: ウェブ上の画像の使用を巡って疑問が時として発生する)
(D)restrict:制限する(Ex: 会社、教育機関そして家庭でさえ、インターネットアクセスを制限するたくさんの理由がある)


(609)This software allows you to co------ scanned PDF into Word.
【to change something from one form to another】

(610)After a temporary closure to repair damages, the hotel re------ full hotel operation.
【to start doing something again after stopping temporarily】

(611)Questions occasionally ar------ about the use of pictures on the web.
【to begin to exist】

(612)There are many reasons to re------ Internet access in businesses, educational institutions and even at home.
【to limit the actions of someone】








①convert【kənvɚ'ːt】(Ex: This software allows you to *convert scanned PDF into Word.)(529)
②resume【rizúːm】(Ex: After a temporary closure to repair damages, the hotel *resumed full hotel operation.)(530)
③arise【əráiz】(Ex: Questions occasionally *arise about the use of pictures on the web.)(531)
④restrict【ristríkt】(Ex: There are many reasons to *restrict Internet access in businesses, educational institutions and even at home.)(532)
(A)to change something from one form to another
(B)to begin to exist
(C)to start doing something again after stopping temporarily
(D)to limit the actions of someone

(529)This software allows you to c------ scanned PDF into Word.
【to change something from one form to another】

(530)After a temporary closure to repair damages, the hotel r------ full hotel operation.
【to start doing something again after stopping temporarily】

(531)Questions occasionally a------ about the use of pictures on the web.
【to begin to exist】

(532)There are many reasons to r------ Internet access in businesses, educational institutions and even at home.
【to limit the actions of someone】

一番難しい上記の1文字ヒント英英挟み撃ち問題が800問すらすらできるようになって、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 に収録された800組の英英定義と例文を全部マスターしてもTOEIC800点を越えないというケースはまず考えられないです。

  • X
  • Facebookでシェアする
  • はてなブックマークに追加する
  • LINEでシェアする


2023年10月30日 | TOEIC800
TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はおおむねTOEIC300点台→800点台へのスコアアップを可能にする本で、「TOEICスコアを100点アップするには、200〜300時間の勉強時間が必要」と言われる中、試作品を使用したTOEIC300点以上700点以下の受験者はいずれも100時間の勉強時間で100点以上のスコアアップを達成していて、

 以下にお示しするのは、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 後半の


①of a high standard
②introducing導入する or using new methods方法 or ideas
③involving含む many different people or things
④opposite反対の to the front of something



①of a high standard
②introducing導入する or using new methods方法 or ideas
③involving含む many different people or things
④opposite反対の to the front of something


①of a high standard
②introducing or using new methods or ideas
③involving many different people or things
④opposite to the front of something



①of a high standard
②introducing導入する or using new methods方法 or ideas
③involving含む many different people or things
④opposite反対の to the front of something


①reverse【rivə'ːrs】(Ex: The *reverse side of a coin usually contains含む information relating to the value価値 of the coin.)(605)
②quality【kwɑ'ləti】(Ex: This train provides passengers with a variety of *quality food and beverage飲み物 services.)(606)
③multiple【mʌ'ltəpl】(Ex: You can arrange並べる *multiple windows side by side on your desktop in Windows very quickly and easily.)(607)
④innovative【ínəvətiv】(Ex: What are some *innovative ideas that have yet to be implemented実現された?)(608)
(A)of a high standard
(B)introducing or using new methods or ideas
(C)involving many different people or things
(D)opposite to the front of something



①reverse:裏の(Ex: コインの裏側は通常、コインの価値に関する情報を含む)
②quality:質の高い(Ex: この列車は乗客にさまざまな高品質の食品と飲み物のサービスを提供します)
③multiple:複数の(Ex: ウインドウズのデスクトップに複数のウィンドウを素早く簡単に並べることができる)
④innovative:革新的な(Ex: まだ実現されていない革新的なアイディアは何ですか)


(605)The rev------ side of a coin usually contains information relating to the value of the coin.
【opposite to the front of something】

(606)This train provides passengers with a variety of qua------ food and beverage services.
【of a high standard】

(607)You can arrange mul------ windows side by side on your desktop in Windows very quickly and easily.
【involving many different people or things】

(608)What are some inn------ ideas that have yet to be implemented?
【introducing or using new methods or ideas】








①of a high standard
②introducing or using new methods or ideas
③involving many different people or things
④opposite to the front of something
(A)reverse【rivə'ːrs】(Ex: The *reverse side of a coin usually contains information relating to the value of the coin.)(605)
(B)quality【kwɑ'ləti】(Ex: This train provides passengers with a variety of *quality food and beverage services.)(606)
(C)multiple【mʌ'ltəpl】(Ex: You can arrange *multiple windows side by side on your desktop in Windows very quickly and easily.)(607)
(D)innovative【ínəvətiv】(Ex: What are some *innovative ideas that have yet to be implemented?)(608)



(A)reverse:裏の(Ex: コインの裏側は通常、コインの価値に関する情報を含む)
(B)quality:質の高い(Ex: この列車は乗客にさまざまな高品質の食品と飲み物のサービスを提供します)
(C)multiple:複数の(Ex: ウインドウズのデスクトップに複数のウィンドウを素早く簡単に並べることができる)
(D)innovative:革新的な(Ex: まだ実現されていない革新的なアイディアは何ですか)


(605)The re------ side of a coin usually contains information relating to the value of the coin.
【opposite to the front of something】

(606)This train provides passengers with a variety of qu------ food and beverage services.
【of a high standard】

(607)You can arrange mu------ windows side by side on your desktop in Windows very quickly and easily.
【involving many different people or things】

(608)What are some in------ ideas that have yet to be implemented?
【introducing or using new methods or ideas】








①reverse【rivə'ːrs】(Ex: The *reverse side of a coin usually contains information relating to the value of the coin.)(509)
②quality【kwɑ'ləti】(Ex: This train provides passengers with a variety of *quality food and beverage services.)(510)
③multiple【mʌ'ltəpl】(Ex: You can arrange *multiple windows side by side on your desktop in Windows very quickly and easily.)(511)
④innovative【ínəvətiv】(Ex: What are some *innovative ideas that have yet to be implemented?)(512)
(A)of a high standard
(B)introducing or using new methods or ideas
(C)involving many different people or things
(D)opposite to the front of something

(509)The r------ side of a coin usually contains information relating to the value of the coin.
【opposite to the front of something】

(510)This train provides passengers with a variety of q------ food and beverage services.
【of a high standard】

(511)You can arrange m------ windows side by side on your desktop in Windows very quickly and easily.
【involving many different people or things】

(512)What are some i------ ideas that have yet to be implemented?
【introducing or using new methods or ideas】

上記の四語はTOEIC700~800レベルを目指す上級語彙で、TOEIC300台からのスコアアップには以下のようなTOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 前半に収録された基本語彙から入るのがおすすめです。


①to make yourself ready備えができた for something
②to give or deliver届ける something to a group of people
③to succeed成功する in…において reaching到達する a particular特定の goal目標
by…によって working hard
④to use something thatそれは belongs属する to someone else with…をもって the intention意図 of giving it back laterあとで



①to makeさせる yourself ready備えができた for something
②to give or deliver届ける something to a group of people
③to succeed成功する in…において reaching到達する a particular特定の goal目標
by…によって working hard
④to use something thatそれは belongs属する to someone else with…をもって the intention意図 of giving it back laterあとで

①to make yourself ready for something
②to give or deliver something to a group of people
③to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard
④to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later


①to makeさせる yourself ready備えができた for something
②to give or deliver届ける something to a group of people
③to succeed成功する in…において reaching到達する a particular特定の goal目標
by…によって working hard
④to use something thatそれは belongs属する to someone else with…をもって the intention意図 of giving it back laterあとで


①achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex: *Achieving your sales target目標 is an important goal of all sales organizations組織.)(005)
②prepare【pripéər】(Ex: The best way to *prepare for a debate is by researching調査する your topic.)(006)
③distribute【distríbjuːt】(Ex: In many countries, meeting materials資料 are typically通常は *distributed at the outset始まり of the meeting, and not beforehand事前に.)(007)
④borrow【bɑ'rou】(Ex: Can all the books in the library be *borrowed and taken out of the library?)(008)
(A)to make yourself ready for something
(B)to give or deliver something to a group of people
(C)to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard
(D)to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later



④borrow:借りる(Ex: 図書館の全ての本は借りて館外に持ち出せますか)


(005)Ach------ your sales target is an important goal of all sales organizations.
【to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard】

(006)The best way to pre------ for a debate is by researching your topic.
【to make yourself ready for something】

(007)In many countries, meeting materials are typically dis------ at the outset of the meeting, and not beforehand.
【to give or deliver something to a group of people】

(008)Can all the books in the library be bor------ and taken out of the library?
【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】








①to make yourself ready for something
②to give or deliver something to a group of people
③to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard
④to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later
(A)achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex: *Achieving your sales target is an important goal of all sales organizations.)(005)
(B)prepare【pripéər】(Ex: The best way to *prepare for a debate is by researching your topic.)(006)
(C)distribute【distríbjuːt】(Ex: In many countries, meeting materials are typically *distributed at the outset of the meeting, and not beforehand.)(007)
(D)borrow【bɑ'rou】(Ex: Can all the books in the library be *borrowed and taken out of the library?)(008)



(D)borrow:借りる(Ex: 図書館の全ての本は借りて館外に持ち出せますか)


(005)Ac------ your sales target is an important goal of all sales organizations.
【to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard】

(006)The best way to pr------ for a debate is by researching your topic.
【to make yourself ready for something】

(007)In many countries, meeting materials are typically di------ at the outset of the meeting, and not beforehand.
【to give or deliver something to a group of people】

(008)Can all the books in the library be bo------ and taken out of the library?
【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】







①achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex: *Achieving your sales target is an important goal of all sales organizations.)(037)
②prepare【pripéər】(Ex: The best way to *prepare for a debate is by researching your topic.)(038)
③distribute【distríbjuːt】(Ex: In many countries, meeting materials are typically *distributed at the outset of the meeting, and not beforehand.)(039)
④borrow【bɑ'rou】(Ex: Can all the books in the library be *borrowed and taken out of the library?)(040)
(A)to make yourself ready for something
(B)to give or deliver something to a group of people
(C)to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard
(D)to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later

(037)A------ your sales target is an important goal of all sales organizations.
【to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard】

(038)The best way to p------ for a debate is by researching your topic.
【to make yourself ready for something】

(039)In many countries, meeting materials are typically d------ at the outset of the meeting, and not beforehand.
【to give or deliver something to a group of people】

(040)Can all the books in the library be b------ and taken out of the library?
【to use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later】

一番難しい上記の1文字ヒント英英挟み撃ち問題が800問すらすらできるようになって、TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 に収録された800組の英英定義と例文を全部マスターしてもTOEIC800点を越えないというケースはまず考えられないです。

  • X
  • Facebookでシェアする
  • はてなブックマークに追加する
  • LINEでシェアする