When Brazilians contemplate the beauty of their country or the ability of their soccer team, they like to joke, "God is Brazilian." It seems foreign investors have taken the joke seriously.
No emerging nation has attracted portfolio flows the way Brazil has in recent years. Charts tracking the money pouring into the country this year have shown a near vertical line to surpass the totals for 2010, which itself was a record year. This has made the Brazilian real one of the most expensive currencies in the world, and it sure feels that way on a visit to the country.
When Brazilians contemplate the beauty of their country or the ability of their soccer team, they like to joke, "God is Brazilian." It seems foreign investors have taken the joke seriously.
No emerging nation has attracted portfolio flows the way Brazil has in recent years. Charts tracking the money pouring into the country this year have shown a near vertical line to surpass the totals for 2010, which itself was a record year. This has made the Brazilian real one of the most expensive currencies in the world, and it sure feels that way on a visit to the country.
When people write on Chinese websites that they "love the future," it should be a sentiment the government can get behind. After all, the authorities in Beijing have pressed their subjects to embrace the country's bright economic prospects.
ここでのpressed their subjects to embrace the country's bright economic prospectsにおけるembraceが、英和辞典の一番最初に出てくる「抱擁する」ではなく「受け入れる」という意味なのはニュース英語を読み慣れていればすぐわかります。subjectはここで「臣民」という意味です。「北京の権力者は臣民が国の明るい経済展望を受け入れるよう押しつけてきた」ということで、北京の権力者がこの記事を読めば苦々しい思いをするはずです。しかし実際、「中華人民共和国」ならぬ「中華臣民共和国」的なやり方で反体制勢力を弾圧してきた以上、皮肉られても文句は言えないと思います。
When people write on Chinese websites that they "love the future," it should be a sentiment the government can get behind. After all, the authorities in Beijing have pressed their subjects to embrace the country's bright economic prospects.
ここでのpressed their subjects to embrace the country's bright economic prospectsとはどういう意味かおわかりでしょうか?思考時間の目安は辞書なしで5分としてみます。
フランス料理のシェフによる新しい試みについて報じたSpice of Life というTIME誌の記事の冒頭に以下のようなくだりがあります。
Chef Olivier Roellinger shocked the French culinary establishment in 2008 when, citing a weakening constitution, he handed back his three Michelin stars and shut down his celebrated restaurant at Les Maisons de Bricourt, on Brittany's northern coast.
フランス料理のシェフによる新しい試みについて報じたSpice of Life というTIME誌の記事の冒頭に以下のようなくだりがあります。
Chef Olivier Roellinger shocked the French culinary establishment in 2008 when, citing a weakening constitution, he handed back his three Michelin stars and shut down his celebrated restaurant at Les Maisons de Bricourt, on Brittany's northern coast.
If you take someone on, you fight them or compete against them, especially when they are bigger or more powerful than you are.
Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high...
I knew I couldn't take him on.
1 [countable] a removable cover for holding loose sheets of paper, magazines etc
2 [countable] a person or machine that fastens the parts of a book together
3 [uncountable and countable] a substance that makes things stick together