


2015年09月11日 | TOEIC攻略メルマガサンプル
 英英辞典が使いにくければenglish x englishをお試しください。
 以下の問題は、Researchers, Aid Group Win Lasker Awardsという記事から作成しました。


Three researchers and an international aid group have won Lasker Awards, among the most (1)(      ) prizes for excellence in medical research.

(A) faithful
(B) prestigious
(C) motivated
(D) skeptical

The awards, sometimes called "America's Nobels," are given in three categories with prizes of $250,000 in each of them. They will be presented in Manhattan on September 18. The awards program is (2)(      ) by the Lasker Foundation, which promotes medical research.

(A) administered
(B) cooperated
(C) described
(D) enabled

Scientists Evelyn Witkin and Stephen Elledge shared the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for their work in unraveling how cells (3)(      ) and respond to DNA damage.

(A) examine
(B) inspect
(C) detect
(D) protect

James Allison, a scientist whose discoveries have led to transformative new therapies that unleash the immune system against cancer, won the Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award.

The physicians aid group Doctors Without Borders won the Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award for “bold leadership” in fighting the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, “and for sustained and effective front-line responses to health (4)(      ),” the Lasker Foundation said in a statement.

(A) emergencies
(B) insurance
(C) assurance
(D) establishments

Doctors Without Borders, also called Médecins Sans Frontières, provides medical assistance and humanitarian aid in response to war, famine, infectious disease and natural disasters. It was (5)( ) in France in 1971 and now consists of 24 national or regional associations.

(A) proved
(B) noticed
(C) renewed
(D) founded

※解答(1)(B) prestigious(栄誉ある) (2)(A) administered(運営する) (3)(C) detect(検知する) (4)(A) emergencies(緊急事態) (5)(D) founded(創設する)

Researchers, Aid Group Win Lasker Awards

Three *researchers and an international aid group have won Lasker Awards,

among the most *prestigious prizes for excellence in medical *research.

The *awards, sometimes called "America's Nobels," are given in three categories with prizes of $250,000 in each of them.

They will be *presented in Manhattan on September 18.

The *awards program is *administered by the Foundation,

which *promotes medical *research.

Scientists Evelyn Witkin and Stephen Elledge *shared the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award
科学者のEvelyn WitkinとStephen ElledgeはAlbert Lasker Basic Medical Research Awardを共同受賞した。

for their work in unraveling how cells *detect and *respond to DNA damage.

James Allison, a scientist whose *discoveries have led to transformative new therapies
James Allisonは科学者で彼の発見は変化をもたらす新しい治療法につながった

that unleash the immune system against cancer,

won the Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award.
Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Awardを受賞した。

The physicians aid group Doctors Without Borders won the Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award
医師の援助グループ国境なき医師団はLasker-Bloomberg Public Service Awardを受賞した

for “bold leadership” in fighting the Ebola epidemic in West Africa,

“and for sustained and *effective front-line responses to health *emergencies,”

the Lasker Foundation said in a *statement.

Doctors Without Borders, also called Médecins Sans Frontières, *provides medical assistance and humanitarian aid
国境なき医師団はMédecins Sans Frontièresとも呼ばれ、医療援助と人道支援を提供する

in response to war, famine, infectious disease and natural disasters.

It was *founded in France in 1971 and now *consists of 24 national or regional associations.


Three researchers and an international aid group have won Lasker Awards, among the most (1)pre…【admired and respected as very important】 prizes for excellence in medical research.

The awards, sometimes called "America's Nobels," are given in three categories with prizes of $250,000 in each of them. They will be presented in Manhattan on September 18. The awards program is (2)adm…【to manage the affairs of a company, organization, or institution】 by the Lasker Foundation, which promotes medical research.

Scientists Evelyn Witkin and Stephen Elledge shared the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for their work in unraveling how cells (3)det…【to discover or notice the presence of something】 and respond to DNA damage.

James Allison, a scientist whose discoveries have led to transformative new therapies that unleash the immune system against cancer, won the Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award.

The physicians aid group Doctors Without Borders won the Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award for “bold leadership” in fighting the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, “and for sustained and effective front-line responses to health (4)eme…es【an unexpected and dangerous event or situation which needs immediate action】,” the Lasker Foundation said in a statement.

Doctors Without Borders, also called Médecins Sans Frontières, provides medical assistance and humanitarian aid in response to war, famine, infectious disease and natural disasters. It was (5)fou…【to start something such as an organization, company, political party etc】 in France in 1971 and now consists of 24 national or regional associations.

※解答(1)prestigious(栄誉ある) (2)administered(運営する) (3)detect(検知する) (4)emergencies(緊急事態) (5)founded(創設する)
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2015年09月09日 | TOEIC攻略メルマガサンプル
 英英辞典が使いにくければenglish x englishをお試しください。
 以下の問題は、Roaster Aims to Develop Nigeria’s Coffee Crop and Cultureという記事から作成しました。


Like many of its cash crops, Nigeria's coffee sector has been neglected for years in favor of more lucrative (1)(      ) like oil. But one of the few commercial coffee roasters in the country plans to change that.

(A) benefits
(B) commodities
(C) souvenirs
(D) means

The coffee found on the streets and supermarkets of Nigeria is mostly of the instant sort, and almost always (2(      ) . But Nasra Ali thinks Nigerians are ready for something different.

(A) imported
(B) expressed
(C) recalled
(D) installed

A daughter of a Kenyan coffee family, she (3)(      ) Kaldi Africa, which takes beans grown in eastern Taraba state and roasts them in a warehouse in the commercial capital Lagos to make perhaps Nigeria’s only local blend.

(A) recognized
(B) offers
(C) leaves
(D) runs

Homegrown brew

Ali is counting on the country's rising consumer class to shun imports in favor of her homegrown brew.

“We are trying to see how to be able to be part of that growth, with our value addition and (4)(      ) that we really are able to appreciate good coffee in Nigeria,” said Ali.

(A) acquiring
(B) imposing
(C) ensuring
(D) shipping

Agriculture was once a major part of Nigeria's economy, but it fell by the wayside as oil production began (5)(      ) the economy in the 1960s.

(A) dominating
(B) exceeding
(C) challenging
(D) awarding

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said he wants to build up the agriculture sector, (6)(      ) he has yet to appoint ministers to carry that out.

(A) when
(B) unless
(C) although
(D) because

Head of operations Alfred Mwai said one of Kaldi Africa's goals is to work with farmers to (7)(      ) the quality of Nigeria's beans.

(A) estimate
(B) facilitate
(C) improve
(D) celebrate

“Are you able to bring up practices that will really be able to process the coffee to ... a quite clean level. Which will of course go to the next level of specialty coffee,” said Mwai.

In the meantime, the company hopes to not just win over customers, but to make good coffee a part of Nigerians' morning ritual.

※解答(1)commodities(商品) (2)imported(輸入する) (3)runs(経営する) (4)ensuring(保証する) (5)dominating(支配する) (6)although(~だけれども) (7)improve(改良する)

Roaster Aims to *Develop Nigeria's Coffee *Crop and Culture

Like many of its cash *crops,

Nigeria's coffee sector has been *neglected for years

in favor of more *lucrative *commodities like oil.

But one of the few *commercial coffee roasters in the country plans to change that.

The coffee found on the streets and supermarkets of Nigeria is mostly of the instant sort, and almost always *imported.

But Nasra Ali thinks Nigerians are ready for something different.
しかしNasra Aliは違ったものの準備ができている。

A daughter of a Kenyan coffee family, she *runs Kaldi Africa,
ケニアのコーヒー家族の娘で、彼女はKaldi Africaを経営している

which takes beans grown in eastern Taraba state and roasts them in a *warehouse in the *commercial capital Lagos

to make perhaps Nigeria's only local blend.

Homegrown brew

Ali is counting on the country's rising *consumer class to shun imports in favor of her homegrown brew.

“We are trying to see how to be able to be part of that growth,

with our value addition and *ensuring that we really are able to *appreciate good coffee in Nigeria,” said Ali.

Agriculture was once a major part of Nigeria's economy,

but it fell by the wayside

as oil production began *dominating the economy in the 1960s.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said he wants to build up the agriculture sector,
ナイジェリアの大統領Muhammadu Buhariは農業部門を増強したいと言った

although he has yet to *appoint ministers to carry that out.

Head of operations Alfred Mwai said
操業の長であるAlfred Mwaiは言った。

one of Kaldi Africa's goals is to work with farmers
Kaldi Africaの目標のひとつは農民と共に取り組むことである

to *improve the quality of Nigeria's beans.

“Are you able to bring up *practices that will really be able to *process the coffee to ... a quite clean level.

Which will of course go to the next level of specialty coffee,” said Mwai.

In the meantime, the company hopes to not just win over customers, but to make good coffee a part of Nigerians' morning ritual.


Like many of its cash crops, Nigeria's coffee sector has been neglected for years in favor of more lucrative (1)com…ies【a product or a raw material that is bought and sold】 like oil. But one of the few commercial coffee roasters in the country plans to change that.

The coffee found on the streets and supermarkets of Nigeria is mostly of the instant sort, and almost always (2)imp…【 to buy products or materials from another country 】. But Nasra Ali thinks Nigerians are ready for something different.

A daughter of a Kenyan coffee family, she runs Kaldi Africa, which takes beans grown in eastern Taraba state and roasts them in a warehouse in the commercial capital Lagos to make perhaps Nigeria’s only local blend.

Homegrown brew

Ali is counting on the country’s rising consumer class to shun imports in favor of her homegrown brew.

“We are trying to see how to be able to be part of that growth, with our value addition and (3)ens…【to make certain that something happens】 that we really are able to appreciate good coffee in Nigeria,” said Ali.

Agriculture was once a major part of Nigeria’s economy, but it fell by the wayside as oil production began (4)dom…【to control someone or something】 the economy in the 1960s.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said he wants to build up the agriculture sector, although he has yet to (5)app…【to choose someone for a job or position】 ministers to carry that out.

Head of operations Alfred Mwai said one of Kaldi Africa's goals is to work with farmers to (6)imp…【to make something better】 the quality of Nigeria's beans.

“Are you able to bring up practices that will really be able to process the coffee to ... a quite clean level. Which will of course go to the next level of specialty coffee,” said Mwai.

In the meantime, the company hopes to not just win over customers, but to make good coffee a part of Nigerians' morning ritual.

※解答(1)commodities (商品) (2)imported(輸入する) (3)ensuring(保証する) (4)dominating(支配する) (5)appoint(任命する) (6)improve(改良する)
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2015年09月08日 | TOEIC攻略メルマガサンプル
 TOEICリーディングパートでPart6は一番問題量が少ないものの、語彙、文法、読解のバランスが取れた良問です。TOEICPart6(長文適語補充問題)ができればPart5(短文適語補充問題)は楽に解けるようになり、Part7(長文読解問題)も苦にならなくなります。 「選択肢の周辺だけ読んで解答する」といったテクニックに走らずにPart6を丁寧に解く訓練を重ねればTOEICスコアアップは難しくありません。
 わからない単語があれば英英辞典で調べると学習効果倍増です。英英辞典が使いにくければenglish x englishをお試しください。

August 28, 2015
Twitter Sets Goals for Increasing Workforce Diversity

Social media giant Twitter is setting modest goals to increase the number of female employees at the company from 34 percent to 35 percent by the end of next year.

The company (1)(       ) the hiring targets Friday with data showing that Twitter, like most other major U.S. tech companies, employs primarily white and Asian men.

(A) rejected
(B) delayed
(C) released
(D) preserved

The San Francisco company said it would hire more underrepresented minorities, boosting their numbers from 10 percent to 11 percent.

Twitter also said it planned to boost the number of women and underrepresented minorities in tech roles and leadership positions.

Janet Van Huysse, Twitter's vice president of diversity and inclusion, said in a blog post Friday, "We want the makeup of our company to (2)(       ) the vast range of people who use Twitter."

(A) reflect
(B) correct
(C) post
(D) mention

"(3)(       ) we have already been working toward internal diversity goals at different levels of the company, I am very pleased to report that we are now setting companywide diversity goals, and we are sharing them publicly," she said.

(A) Before
(B) While
(C) Unless
(D) After

To help achieve its aims, Twitter said it would partner with organizations that offer career guidance to underrepresented minorities and would (4)(       ) employees from historically black colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions this fall.

Twitter employs about 4,100 people around the world.

(A) dismiss
(B) analyze
(C) approve
(D) recruit

※解答(1)(C) released(公表する) (2)(A) reflect(反映する) (3)(B) While(~だけれども) (4)(D) recruit(募集する)

Social media giant Twitter is setting modest goals

to increase the number of female employees at the company from 34 percent to 35 percent by the end of next year.

The company released the hiring targets Friday

with data showing that Twitter, like most other major U.S. tech companies, employs primarily white and Asian men.

The San Francisco company said it would hire more underrepresented minorities,

boosting their numbers from 10 percent to 11 percent.←分詞構文

Twitter also said

it planned to boost the number of women and underrepresented minorities in tech roles and leadership positions.

Janet Van Huysse, Twitter's vice president of diversity and inclusion, said in a blog post Friday,

多様性と包括を担当するツイッターの副社長のJanet Van Huysseはブログで金曜日に述べた。

"We want the makeup of our company to reflect the vast range of people who use Twitter."

"While we have already been working toward internal diversity goals at different levels of the company,

I am very pleased to report that

we are now setting companywide diversity goals,

and we are sharing them publicly," she said.

To help achieve its aims,

Twitter said

it would partner with organizations that offer career guidance to underrepresented minorities

and would recruit employees from historically black colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions this fall.

Twitter employs about 4,100 people around the world.


Social media giant Twitter is setting modest goals to increase the number of female employees at the company from 34 percent to 35 percent by the end of next year.

The company (1)rel…【to make information or documents available to the public】 the hiring targets Friday with data showing that Twitter, like most other major U.S. tech companies, employs primarily white and Asian men.

The San Francisco company said it would hire more underrepresented minorities, boosting their numbers from 10 percent to 11 percent.

Twitter also said it planned to (2)boo…【to increase or improve something】 the number of women and underrepresented minorities in tech roles and leadership positions.

Janet Van Huysse, Twitter's vice president of diversity and inclusion, said in a blog post Friday, "We want the makeup of our company to (3)ref…【to show or be a sign of something】 the vast range of people who use Twitter."

"While we have already been working toward internal diversity goals at different levels of the company, I am very pleased to report that we are now setting companywide diversity goals, and we are sharing them publicly," she said.

To help (4)ach…【to succeed in reaching a particular goal by working hard】 its aims, Twitter said it would partner with organizations that offer career guidance to underrepresented minorities and would recruit employees from historically black colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions this fall.

Twitter (5)emp…s【to pay someone to do a job for you】 about 4,100 people around the world.

※解答(1)released(公表する) (2)boost(高める) (3)reflect(反映する) (4)achieve(達成する) (5)employs(雇用する)

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