


2010年12月15日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 イスラム政党Muslim Brotherhoodがエジプトで受けてきた弾圧と抵抗について伝えたWhat's So Scary About Egypt's Islamists?

If Ghania were campaigning for one of Egypt's mainstream secular parties, her progressive platform would hardly merit notice.

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2010年12月14日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 イスラム政党Muslim Brotherhoodがエジプトで受けてきた弾圧と抵抗について伝えたWhat's So Scary About Egypt's Islamists?

If Ghania were campaigning for one of Egypt's mainstream secular parties, her progressive platform would hardly merit notice.

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2010年12月01日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 年金制度改革を目指すサルゴジ大統領の人気低迷を報じたSarkozy Under Pressure as French Strikes ContinueというTIME誌の記事の2頁目、結論部分に以下のようなくだりがあります。

True, polls indicate that were the election held today, Sarkozy would lose to either Socialist Party leader Marine Aubry or Dominique Strauss-Kahn, now head of the International Monetary Fund and once a leading Socialist minister. On the right, he might be challenged by his archenemy, Dominique de Villepin, Prime Minister under Chirac. But it isn't in Sarkozy's makeup to back down.


On the other hand, for all the things that the French say they don't like about him today, Sarkozy has shown himself to be a formidable political talent. It's way too early to write him off.

makeupの意味は「性質」、write him offの意味は、あきらめる、ここでは「(サルゴジ大統領を)死に体と見なす」くらいの意味になります。makeup「化粧」、write off「帳消しにする」という意味も辞書に出ていて、前者は日本語化しています。ただこの文脈には全然合いません。大切なのは知っている意味を強引に文脈に合わせるのではなく、文脈に合った自然な意味を推測してから辞書で確認することです。
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2010年11月30日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 年金制度改革を目指すサルゴジ大統領の人気低迷を報じたSarkozy Under Pressure as French Strikes ContinueというTIME誌の記事の2頁目、結論部分に以下のようなくだりがあります。

True, polls indicate that were the election held today, Sarkozy would lose to either Socialist Party leader Marine Aubry or Dominique Strauss-Kahn, now head of the International Monetary Fund and once a leading Socialist minister. On the right, he might be challenged by his archenemy, Dominique de Villepin, Prime Minister under Chirac. But it isn't in Sarkozy's makeup to back down.


On the other hand, for all the things that the French say they don't like about him today, Sarkozy has shown himself to be a formidable political talent. It's way too early to write him off.

makeupwrite him offの意味がおわかりでしょうか?解説は次回。全文が長いので思考時間の目安は20分としてみます。
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2010年11月29日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 現在の中国と19世紀のアメリカ合衆国の類似性について論じたHow China Is like 19th Century AmericaというTIME誌の記事に以下のようなくだりがあります。

Just as the U.S. struggled throughout the 19th century to resolve its contradictions, so will China in coming years. It needs both tighter regulation of the economy and looser control of society, and while the Chinese have ever greater choices to make and spend money, they still do not have sufficient say about how they are governed.

The analogy outlined here is far from perfect. But imperfect historical analogies have value — if they help us see the present in a new light.

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2010年11月28日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 現在の中国と19世紀のアメリカ合衆国の類似性について論じたHow China Is like 19th Century AmericaというTIME誌の記事に以下のようなくだりがあります。

Just as the U.S. struggled throughout the 19th century to resolve its contradictions, so will China in coming years. It needs both tighter regulation of the economy and looser control of society, and while the Chinese have ever greater choices to make and spend money, they still do not have sufficient say about how they are governed.

The analogy outlined here is far from perfect. But imperfect historical analogies have value — if they help us see the present in a new light.

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2010年11月26日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 オバマ大統領のアジア歴訪を伝えるObama Arrives in South KoreaというTIMEFORKIDSの記事に以下のようなくだりがあります。

①They meet twice a year to address challenges that affect the global economy.

②Obama lived in the Southeast Asian island nation for four years as a child. "Let me begin with a simple statement: Indonesia is part of me," the President said in the native language as he addressed the cheering crowd.

③He urged the Islamic world to stand united with the U.S. against terrorist acts committed by Muslim extremists.

④"We can be defined by our differences and give in to a future of suspicion and mistrust . . . or commit ourselves to the steady pursuit of progress."

4 say you will do something[intransitive and transitive] to say that someone will definitely do something or must do something


commit yourself to (doing) something
The banks have committed themselves to boosting profits by slashing costs.
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2010年11月25日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 オバマ大統領のアジア歴訪を伝えるObama Arrives in South KoreaというTIMEFORKIDSの記事に以下のようなくだりがあります。

①They meet twice a year to address challenges that affect the global economy.

②Obama lived in the Southeast Asian island nation for four years as a child. "Let me begin with a simple statement: Indonesia is part of me," the President said in the native language as he addressed the cheering crowd.

③He urged the Islamic world to stand united with the U.S. against terrorist acts committed by Muslim extremists.

④"We can be defined by our differences and give in to a future of suspicion and mistrust . . . or commit ourselves to the steady pursuit of progress."

 ①②のaddress,③④のcommitの意味がおわかりでしょうか? やさしい問題ですので思考時間の目安は辞書なしで5分としてみます。
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2010年11月19日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 現在の中国と19世紀のアメリカ合衆国の類似性について論じたHow China Is like 19th Century AmericaというTIME誌の記事中第2段落に以下のようなくだりがあります。

While we're too aware of how regularly — and speedily — bold forecasts about China are proved wrong to offer one of our own, our research into 19th century America and contemporary China, respectively, leads us to flag a third possibility: China could stumble but keep climbing upward, much like the U.S. did about a century and a half ago.

 leads us to flagという部分におけるflagの意味は、「〈・・・ということを〉伝える」という研究社新英和大辞典の意味が合います。
3. indicate something: to draw somebody's attention to something
The report flagged items for concern.
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2010年11月18日 | 英語思考力を鍛える多義語
 現在の中国と19世紀のアメリカ合衆国の類似性について論じたHow China Is like 19th Century AmericaというTIME誌の記事中第2段落に以下のようなくだりがあります。

While we're too aware of how regularly — and speedily — bold forecasts about China are proved wrong to offer one of our own, our research into 19th century America and contemporary China, respectively, leads us to flag a third possibility: China could stumble but keep climbing upward, much like the U.S. did about a century and a half ago.

 leads us to flagという部分におけるflagの意味がおわかりでしょうか? 記事全体が面白く20分位かけて味読する価値があります。解説は次回。
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