


2019年06月16日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワード1680語を含む例文800文から作成した整序問題4000問を演習できます。
kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。


(751)The United Nations was set up after (*tragedies / *prevent / World War II / future / to).(2016東京電機大)

(752)Japan's Supreme *Court has (*requires / a *law / *married couples / *upheld / that) to have the same last name.

(753)She received a lot of (the film / after / *publicity / in / her *performance).(2017青山学院大)

(754)Using the (our town / *scenery / beautiful / in / of) more *creative ways would *encourage people to come and live here.(2017センター)

(755)*Antarctica is (*native / *continent / without / the only / on Earth) human *inhabitants.

(756)The *proportion of Americans who do not (less than / *estimated / tip in restaurants / to be / is) 2 percent.(2017白百合女子大)

(757)It would have been more (money / to *spend / *sensible / than / to save) it all on clothes.(2004中央大)

(758)The mountains (*views / *magnificent / of / *boast / North Carolina).

(759)(taken / he was / *aliens / by / he says), but no one believes such a *ridiculous story.(2016武庫川女子大)

(760)Two (*pollution / are / of / *prominent *sources / noise) *construction and *transportation.(2012北海道大)

(761)A (*parliament / has *exploded / the Greek / *bomb / outside) in Athens.

(762)(a copyright / *summarizing / *violation / is / books)?

(763)*Emotional and *physical hunger are both signals of emptiness (*eliminate / to / which / with food / you try).(2016センター)

(764)Further *increase in the price of gasoline would (from / *discourage / his car / driving / him).(2017東北医科薬科大)

(765)The need to *ensure and (no business / a *reality / *employee *productivity / *enhance / is) can *ignore.

(766)*Occupations (*dominate / rank / women workers / in which / tend to) lower in terms of *earnings.

(767)It is *necessary that teachers (from / *evaluate / *multiple *aspects / *ability / a student's).(2015獨協大)

(768)I am studying hard (public accountant / a *certified / *qualify / to / as).(2008中央大)

(769)*Indigenous (*vowed / fight / has / *tribe / to) the mining companies (home / their / are / which / *threatening) deep in the Amazon rainforest.

(770)It has long been thought that one of (which / the *characteristics / *separate / from / humans) other animals is the *ability to *reason.(2014北海道大)

(771)Our program always (*priority / on / the highest / the health / places), safety and *security of our students.(2012立教大)

(772)The (in / started / *transition / an *industrial society / to) the 18th century, largely (*advances / by / driven / science / in) and technology.

(773)If the train you are travelling on is *delayed, (to / have / you / *compensation / the *right).

(774)Men and women have different ideas (a *quarrel / how to / after / of / *reconcile).

(775)God (*reward *virtue / will / *punish / *certainly / and) *vice.

(776)*Muscle (of / a *normal / *fatigue / *side effect / is) *exercise.

(777)Japan used to be (its *abundant / of / for / famous / *supplies) clean, *fresh water.

(778)New information about diet (what / *incorrect / is / many people think / shows us that). (2006センター)

(779)Students must be able (information / *relevant / a *lecture / from / to *select) or text.

(780)I believe (a computer / enough / *mature / we're / to use) *appropriately.(2009センター追試)

(781)(the *products / *anticipating / and services / for / the *demand) that your (*factors / *involves / business / many / offers).

(782)Many communities and schools have (kids / have *divorced / support groups / whose parents / for).

(783)*Genetically *modified food (or GM food) is food *produced from plants or animals (has been / *genetic engineering / whose DNA / through / *altered) .

(784)*Prolonged (*extreme / *exposure / can harm / heat or cold / to) the body and even cause death.(2006東北学院大)

(785)The main *income (selling / newspapers / *advertising / of / comes from) space, (from / selling / itself / not / the paper).(2016獨協大)

(786)Some have (can never / under / *lying / be *excused / *argued that) any *circumstances.(1999センター)

(787)(his *hostage / *released / finally *surrendered / the *robber / and).

(788)The role of (*communication / is / the *interpreter / *accurate / to *facilitate) between people who use different languages.

(789)The *opposition party should (*solve / way / *propose / to / an *alternative) the *financial *crisis we are *facing now.(2011立教大)

(790)People in mild *climates in the (*hemisphere / of / northern / periods / sometimes experience) very hot and *humid weather.(2003センター)

(791)Going to church on Sunday is a (Christians / *religious *ritual / around / *common / for) the world.

(792)(or a movie / it's / still shot / a / whether), camera *angles *influence the look, feel and mood of that story.

(793)*Conducting (like / a *hypothesis / an *experiment / is / without) starting a road trip just for the sake of driving.

(794)It was such an (received / movie / the director / *excellent / that) thunderous *applause from the *audience.(2015共立女子大)

(795)No matter how *security *conscious you are, (*thieves / of / into / breaking / the *prospect) your home is always a *worrying *possibility.

(796)In a *press conference, White House Press Secretary (buying / the *phenomenon / people / *described / of) guns after shooting *attacks as a“*tragic *irony.”

(797)Taxi drivers in Japan have a (very *competent / for / *reputation / *treating / and) their *passengers very well.(2013センター追試)

(798)The most *successful *civilizations in history have taken good care of (*sustainable / food *production / so that / was / the *soil).

(799)Even smart, educated, *emotionally *stable adults believe (that / *rational / are not / they *recognize / *superstitions).

(800)Our coach (and often / is / new plans / *imaginative / comes up with).(2016高知大)


(751)The United Nations was set up after (World War II to *prevent future *tragedies).

(752)Japan's Supreme *Court has (*upheld a *law that *requires *married couples) to have the same last name.

(753)She received a lot of (*publicity after her *performance in the film).

(754)Using the (beautiful *scenery of our town in) more *creative ways would *encourage people to come and live here.

(755)*Antarctica is (the only *continent on Earth without *native) human *inhabitants.

(756)The *proportion of Americans who do not (tip in restaurants is *estimated to be less than) 2 percent.

(757)It would have been more (*sensible to save money than to *spend) it all on clothes.

(758)The mountains (of North Carolina *boast *magnificent *views).

(759)(He says he was taken by *aliens), but no one believes such a *ridiculous story.

(760)Two (*prominent *sources of noise *pollution are) *construction and *transportation.

(761)A (*bomb has *exploded outside the Greek *parliament) in Athens.

(762)(Is *summarizing books a copyright *violation)?

(763)*Emotional and *physical hunger are both signals of emptiness (which you try to *eliminate with food).

(764)Further *increase in the price of gasoline would (*discourage him from driving his car).

(765)The need to *ensure and (*enhance *employee *productivity is a *reality no business) can *ignore.

(766)*Occupations (in which women workers *dominate tend to rank) lower in terms of *earnings.

(767)It is *necessary that teachers (*evaluate a student's *ability from *multiple *aspects).

(768)I am studying hard (to *qualify as a *certified public accountant).

(769)*Indigenous (*tribe has *vowed to fight) the mining companies (which are *threatening their home) deep in the Amazon rainforest.

(770)It has long been thought that one of (the *characteristics which *separate humans from) other animals is the *ability to *reason.

(771)Our program always (places the highest *priority on the health), safety and *security of our students.

(772)The (*transition to an *industrial society started in) the 18th century, largely (driven by *advances in science) and technology.

(773)If the train you are travelling on is *delayed, (you have the *right to *compensation).

(774)Men and women have different ideas (of how to *reconcile after a *quarrel).

(775)God (will *certainly *reward *virtue and *punish) *vice.

(776)*Muscle (*fatigue is a *normal *side effect of) *exercise.

(777)Japan used to be (famous for its *abundant *supplies of) clean, *fresh water.

(778)New information about diet (shows us that what many people think is *incorrect).

(779)Students must be able (to *select *relevant information from a *lecture) or text.

(780)I believe (we're *mature enough to use a computer) *appropriately.

(781)(*Anticipating the *demand for the *products and services) that your (business offers *involves many *factors).

(782)Many communities and schools have (support groups for kids whose parents have *divorced).

(783)*Genetically *modified food (or GM food) is food *produced from plants or animals (whose DNA has been *altered through *genetic engineering).

(784)*Prolonged (*exposure to *extreme heat or cold can harm) the body and even cause death.

(785)The main *income (of newspapers comes from selling *advertising) space, (not from selling the paper itself).

(786)Some have (*argued that *lying can never be *excused) under any *circumstances.

(787)(The *robber finally *surrendered and *released his *hostage).

(788)The role of (the *interpreter is to *facilitate *accurate *communication) between people who use different languages.

(789)The *opposition party should (*propose an *alternative way to *solve) the *financial *crisis we are *facing now.

(790People in mild *climates in the (northern *hemisphere sometimes experience periods of) very hot and *humid weather.

(791)Going to church on Sunday is a (*common *religious *ritual for Christians around) the world.

(792)(Whether it's a still shot or a movie), camera *angles *influence the look, feel and mood of that story.

(793)*Conducting (an *experiment without a *hypothesis is like) starting a road trip just for the sake of driving.

(794)It was such an (*excellent movie that the director received) thunderous *applause from the *audience.

(795)No matter how *security *conscious you are, (the *prospect of *thieves breaking into)your home is always a *worrying *possibility.

(796)In a *press conference, White House Press Secretary (*described the *phenomenon of people buying) guns after shooting *attacks as a“*tragic *irony.”

(797)Taxi drivers in Japan have a (*reputation for very *competent and *treating) their *passengers very well.

(798)The most *successful *civilizations in history have taken good care of (the *soil so that food *production was *sustainable).

(799)Even smart, educated, *emotionally *stable adults believe (*superstitions that they *recognize are not *rational).

(800)Our coach (is *imaginative and often comes up with new plans).


(751)The United Nations was set up after (future *tragedies / World War II / to *prevent).(2016東京電機大)
set up : 設立する *tragedy : 悲劇 *prevent : 防ぐ

The United Nations was set up after (World War II to *prevent future *tragedies).

(752)Japan's Supreme *Court has (*upheld a *law / *married couples / that *requires) to have the same last name.
*court : 裁判所 *uphold : 支持する *law : 法律 *married : 結婚した *require : 要求する

Japan's Supreme *Court has (*upheld a *law that *requires *married couples) to have the same last name.

(753)She received a lot of (in / *publicity / after her *performance) the film.(2017青山学院大)
*publicity : 知名度 *performance : 演技

She received a lot of (*publicity after her *performance in) the film.

(754)Using the beautiful (of our town / *scenery / in) more *creative ways would (to come / *encourage / people) and live here.(2017センター)より創造的な方法で私たちの町の美しい景色を利用することは、人々はここに来て住むことを促進するだろう。
*scenery : 景色 *creative : 創造的な *encourage : 促進する

Using the beautiful (*scenery of our town in) more creative ways would (encourage people to come) and live here.

(755)*Antarctica is the only (*native / *continent on Earth / without) human *inhabitants.
*Antarctica : 南極 *native : 先住の *continent : 大陸 *inhabitant : 住民

*Antarctica is the only (*continent on Earth without *native) human *inhabitants.

(756)The *proportion of Americans who do not tip (in restaurants / to be / is *estimated) less than 2 percent.(2017白百合女子大)レストランでチップを置かないアメリカ人の割合は2パーセント未満と推定されている。
*proportion : 割合 *estimate : 推定する

The *proportion of Americans who do not tip (in restaurants is *estimated to be) less than 2 percent.

(757)It would have been more (to save money / *sensible / than) to *spend it all on clothes.(2004中央大)
*sensible : 賢明な

It would have been more (*sensible to save money than) to *spend it all on clothes.

(758)The mountains (*magnificent *views / *boast / of North Carolina).
*magnificent : 壮麗な *view : 景色 *boast : 誇る

The mountains (of North Carolina *boast *magnificent *views).

(759)(he was / taken by *aliens / he says), but no one believes such a *ridiculous story.(2016武庫川女子大)
*alien : 宇宙人 *ridiculous : ばかげた

(He says he was taken by *aliens), but no one believes such a *ridiculous story.

(760)Two (are / *prominent *sources / of noise *pollution) *construction and *transportation.(2012北海道大)
*prominent : 主な *source : 源 *pollution : 公害 *construction : 建設 *transportation : 輸送

Two (*prominent *sources of noise *pollution are) *construction and *transportation.

(761)以降の語注と和訳は電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版をご覧ください。

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2019年06月15日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (having ill *effects / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.
*concern : 懸念 *possibility : 可能性 *effect : 影響 *arise : 生じる

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / *arose / on health) in the mid-1990s.

*Concern about *possibility of mobile phones (ill *effects / having / in / *arose / on health) the mid-1990s.


 電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワード1680語を含む800例文から作成した整序問題4000問を演習できます。
kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。


(151)We have made (for your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel).
*arrangement : 手配

We have made (plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip).

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (that result in / short *period / *floods).
result in : …の結果になる *period : 期間 *flood : 洪水

Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (short *period that result in *floods).

(153)The *refund will (to *recycle / drink *containers / *encourage people).
*refund : 払い戻し金 *recycle : リサイクルする *encourage : 促す *container : 容器

The *refund will (*encourage people to *recycle drink *containers).

(154)The most important (is / to *mankind / *function of animals) probably as a *provider of food.
*mankind : 人類 *function : 機能 *provider : 提供者

The most important (*function of animals to *mankind is) probably as a *provider of food.

(155)A college education will (to get / a *broader *view / *enable you) of the world.(1996センター)
*broad : 広い *view : 見方 *enable : 可能にする

A college education will (*enable you to get a *broader *view) of the world.

(156)Strong *will is the most (for anyone / that wants / *essential *quality) to *achieve *success.
*will : 意志 *essential : 重要な *quality : 資質 *achieve : 達成する *success : 成功

Strong *will is the most (*essential *quality for anyone that wants) to *achieve *success.

(157)A role model is an *ideal (we *admire / whom / person).(2008センター)
role model : 手本 *ideal : 理想的な *admire : 称賛する

A role model is an *ideal (person whom we *admire).

(158)No (*previous *experience / for this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)
*previous : 以前の *experience : 経験 *necessary : 必要な

No (*previous *experience is *necessary for this job).

(159)A bowl of steamed rice (*typical / in / is *included) Japanese meals.
*typical : 典型的な *include : 含む

A bowl of steamed rice (is *included in *typical) Japanese meals.

(160)The meeting was *successful (even though / was reached / no clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)
*successful : 成功した even though : ~であるけれども*conclusion : 結論

The meeting was *successful (even though no clear *conclusion was reached).

(161)When driving near a school, (*crossing the road / children / watch out for).(1995センター追試)
*cross : 横断する watch out for : …に注意する

When driving near a school, (watch out for children *crossing the road).

(162)I (*expect / to be here / all of you) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.
*expect : 期待する without fail : 必ず

I (*expect all of you to be here) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

(163)I'm (*prepared to / afraid / I am not) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)
*prepare : 準備ができている take the risk of : …の危険を冒す

I'm (afraid I am not *prepared to) take the risk of losing all my money.

(164)My (started to *disappear / as a swimmer / *confidence) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)
*disappear : 消える *confidence : 自信

My (*confidence as a swimmer started to *disappear) the day Angela moved to our small town.

(165)You should (to *judge / by *appearance / know better than). (2015昭和大)
*judge : 判断する *appearance : 外見 know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない

You should (know better than to *judge by *appearance).

(166)The story (who moves / *describes / a young woman) to the countryside with her husband
when he (*escape / tries to / his busy life) in the city.(2013センター)
*describe : 描写する *escape : 逃れる

The story (*describes a young woman who moves) to the countryside with her husband
when he (tries to *escape his busy life) in the city.

(167)No one (by his *explanation / at / was *convinced) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)
*explanation : 説明 *convince : 納得させる *press conference : 記者会見

No one (was *convinced by his *explanation at) the *press conference.

(168)The high (*security at the *entrance / from / *prevented us) going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)
*security : セキュリティ *entrance : 入口 *prevent : 妨げる

The high (*security at the *entrance *prevented us from) going into the building.

(169)Those living in Tokyo (less *involved / in / seemed to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)
*involve : 関与する *volunteer : ボランティア

Those living in Tokyo (seemed to be less *involved in) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.

(170)You should not (your *personal *emotions / let / stand in) the way of making that important *decision.(2012センター)
*personal : 個人的な *emotion : 感情 *decision : 決定

You should not (let your *personal *emotions stand in) the way of making that important *decision.

(171)Today, the *vast (around / *majority of / *governments) the world
do not (couples of the same sex / to *marry / *allow).(2016慶応大)
*vast : 圧倒的な *majority : 多数 *government : 政府 *marry : 結婚する *allow : 許す

Today, the *vast (*majority of *governments around) the world do not (*allow couples of the same sex to *marry).

(172)The *company has (quite a few *inquiries / *received / from) its *customers.(2017福島大)
*company : 会社 quite a few : かなりの *inquiry : 問い合わせ *receive : 受ける *customer : 顧客

The *company has (*received quite a few *inquiries from) its *customers.

(173)Nearly half of (didn't turn in / the *assignment / the students). (2015芝浦工大)
turn in : 提出する *assignment : 宿題

Nearly half of (the students didn't turn in the *assignment).

(174)Giving (is / *effective *praise / students) an important part of teaching.
*effective : 効果的な *praise : 称賛

Giving (students *effective *praise is) an important part of teaching.

(175)The elevators are (for / *regular *maintenance / out of service). (2013白鷗大)
*regular : 定期の *maintenance : 保守点検

The elevators are (out of service for *regular *maintenance).

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world *resources / *consume / 86% of).(2009芝浦工大)
*population : 人口 *resource : 資源 *consume : 消費する

The richest 20% of the world's *population (*consume 86% of the world *resources).

(177)Getting the (right *amount / is important / of sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)
*amount : 量 *healthy : 健康に

Getting the (right *amount of sleep is important) for keeping ourselves *healthy.

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from him / too much / we don't expect).(2008芝浦工大)
by nature : 生来 *lazy : 怠惰な

He is by nature a *lazy person, so (we don't expect too much from him).

(179)Can I change seats after (a *vacant seat / *boarding / if there is )?
*vacant : 空きの *board : 搭乗する

Can I change seats after (*boarding if there is a *vacant seat)?

(180)We received a lot of (*positive / on the new plan / *feedback). (2017東海大)
*positive : 肯定的な *feedback : 感想

We received a lot of (*positive *feedback on the new plan).

(181)My friend (a movie based on / *recommended / Maria) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.(2012高認)
based on : …に基づく *recommend : 薦める *favorite : お気に入りの

My friend (Maria *recommended a movie based on) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (have *reduced / *consequently / the *amount of) fat they eat.(1993センター)
*conscious : 意識して *reduce : 減らす *consequently : 結果的に *amount : 量

In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (*consequently have *reduced the *amount of) fat they eat.

(183)*Hiding cash and (risky / can be / *valuables at home) business.
*hide : 隠す *valuable : 貴重品

*Hiding cash and (*valuables at home can be risky) business.

(184)There are many health (that can *arise / problems / if you) don't *wipe your sweat.
*arise : 発生する *wipe : 拭く

There are many health (problems that can *arise if you) don't *wipe your sweat.

(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / when *accompanied by / *receive) an adult.
*admission : 入場 *accompany : 同伴する *receive : 受ける

Children 11 years and younger (*receive free *admission when *accompanied by) an adult.

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (almost forever / that *lasts / sale).(2010センター)
*last : 長持ちする

There's a new type of light bulb for (sale that *lasts almost forever).

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow / *electricity / to *generate).
*electricity : 電気 *renewable : 再生可能な *energy : エネルギー *generate : 生産する

Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow to *generate *electricity).

(188)*Multiple homes (severely *damaged / have been / by fire).
*multiple : 複数の *damage : 損傷する

*Multiple homes (have been severely *damaged by fire).

(189)It's a (you were / *pity / unable) to join the party.(2014岩手医大)
*pity : 残念な

It's a (*pity you were unable) to join the party.

(190)The boss (because he makes / *regrets / *employing him) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)
*regret : 後悔する *employ : 雇用する *colleague : 同僚

The boss (*regrets *employing him because he makes) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.

(191)Tofu is an (in Japanese food / *extremely / *common *ingredient).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

Tofu is an (*extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).

(192)The *increase (in the *population / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

The *increase (in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.

(193)It is (against / to borrow / my *principles) money.
*principle : 主義

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.

(194)A (*bow / Japanese women / *study shows that) more often than men.(2000センター)
*bow : お辞儀する *study : 研究

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow) more often than men.

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (will *definitely / be eaten / they) by crocodiles, for sure.”
地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten) by crocodiles, for sure.”

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (to bring out / work is needed / its *flavor).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for / which *require / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *require : 必要とする *goods : 品物 *delivery : 配達

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's / to the *naked eye / *barely *visible).
*decent : まともな *naked eye : 肉眼 *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large groups / get *nervous / in front of).(2013金沢工大)
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).

(200)I had no choice but to (put up with / *rude *behavior / the guest's).(2016中部大)
put up with : 我慢する *rude : 無礼な *behavior : 振る舞い

I had no choice but to (put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).

(201)*Spending less time outside the home (*reduces / *searching for / food) the risk of being killed by other animals.(2011センター)巣の外で食べ物を探すことに時間をかけないことは他の動物に殺される危険性を減らす。
*spend : 費やす *reduce : 減らす *search : 探す

解答と以下の問題は電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版でご覧ください。


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2019年06月15日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワード1680語を含む例文800文から作成した整序問題4000問を演習できます。
kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。


(151)We have made (your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel / for).
*arrangement : 手配

We have made (plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip).

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (that / short *period / *floods / result in).
*period : 期間 *flood : 洪水 result in : …の結果になる

Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (short *period that result in *floods).

(153)The *refund will (to *recycle / *encourage / drink *containers / people).
*refund : 払い戻し金 *recycle : リサイクルする *encourage : 促す *container : 容器

The *refund will (*encourage people to *recycle drink *containers).

(154)The most important (is / *function / to *mankind / of animals) probably as a *provider of food.
*function : 機能 *mankind : 人類 *provider : 提供者

The most important (*function of animals to *mankind is) probably as a *provider of food.

(155)A college education will (a *broader / to get / *view / *enable you) of the world.(1996センター)
*broad : 広い *view : 見方 *enable : 可能にする

A college education will (*enable you to get a *broader *view) of the world.

(156)Strong *will is the most (for anyone / wants / *essential *quality / that) to *achieve *success.
*will : 意志 *essential : 重要な *quality : 資質 *achieve : 達成する *success : 成功

Strong *will is the most (*essential *quality for anyone that wants) to *achieve *success.

(157)A role model is an *ideal (*admire / whom / person / we).(2008センター)
role model : 手本 *ideal : 理想的な *admire : 称賛する

A role model is an *ideal (person whom we *admire).

(158)No (for / *previous *experience / this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)
*previous : 以前の *experience : 経験 *necessary : 必要な

No (*previous *experience is *necessary for this job).

(159)A bowl of steamed rice (*typical / is / in / *included) Japanese meals.
*typical : 典型的な *include : 含む

A bowl of steamed rice (is *included in *typical) Japanese meals.

(160)The meeting was *successful (no / even though / was reached / clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)
*successful : 成功した even though : ~であるけれども*conclusion : 結論

The meeting was *successful (even though no clear *conclusion was reached).

(161)When driving near a school, (the road / children / watch out for / *crossing).(1995センター追試)
watch out for : …に注意する *cross : 横断する

When driving near a school, (watch out for children *crossing the road).

(162)I (to be / *expect / here / all of you) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.
*expect : 期待する without fail : 必ず

I (*expect all of you to be here) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

(163)I'm (I / *prepared to / afraid / am not) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)
*prepare : 準備ができている take the risk of : …の危険を冒す

I'm (afraid I am not *prepared to) take the risk of losing all my money.

(164)My (to *disappear / as a swimmer / *confidence / started) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)
*disappear : 消える *confidence : 自信

My (*confidence as a swimmer started to *disappear) the day Angela moved to our small town.

(165)You should (to *judge / *appearance / know better than / by). (2015昭和大)
*judge : 判断する *appearance : 外見 know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない

You should (know better than to *judge by *appearance).

(166)The story (moves / *describes / who / a young woman) to the countryside with her husband
when he (*escape / tries / his busy life / to) in the city.(2013センター)
*describe : 描写する *escape : 逃れる

The story (*describes a young woman who moves) to the countryside with her husband
when he (tries to *escape his busy life) in the city.

(167)No one (his *explanation / by / at / was *convinced) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)
*explanation : 説明 *convince : 納得させる *press conference : 記者会見

No (one was *convinced by his *explanation at) the *press conference.

(168)The high (at the *entrance / from / *security / *prevented us) going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)
*entrance : 入口 *security : セキュリティ *prevent : 妨げる

The high (*security at the *entrance *prevented us) from going into the building.

(169)Those living in Tokyo (less *involved / seemed / in / to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)東京に住んでいる人は、国全体よりボランティア活動に関与していないようだった。
*involve : 関与する *volunteer : ボランティア

Those living in Tokyo (seemed to be less *involved in) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.

(170)You should not (in / your *personal *emotions / let / stand) the way of making that important *decision.(2012センター)あなたは、個人的な感情がその重要な決定をするあり方に立ち入らないようすべきだ。
*personal : 個人的な *emotion : 感情 *decision : 決定

You should not (let your *personal *emotions stand in) the way of making that important *decision.

(171)Today, the *vast (around / of / *majority / *governments) the world
do not (the same sex / couples of / to *marry / *allow).(2016慶応大)
*vast : 圧倒的な *majority : 多数 *government : 政府 *marry : 結婚する *allow : 許す

Today, the *vast (*majority of *governments around) the world do not (*allow couples of the same sex to *marry).

(172)The *company has (quite a few / *received / from / *inquiries) its *customers.(2017福島大)
*company : 会社 quite a few : かなりの *receive : 受ける *inquiry : 問い合わせ *customer : 顧客

The *company has (*received quite a few *inquiries from) its *customers.

(173)Nearly half of (turn in / didn't / the *assignment / the students). (2015芝浦工大)
turn in : 提出する *assignment : 宿題

Nearly half of (the students didn't turn in the *assignment).

(174)Giving (is / *effective / students / *praise) an important part of teaching.
*effective : 効果的な *praise : 称賛

Giving (students *effective *praise is) an important part of teaching.

(175)The elevators are (for / *maintenance / *regular / out of service). (2013白鷗大)
*maintenance : 保守点検 *regular : 定期の

The elevators are (out of service for *regular *maintenance).

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world / *consume / *resources / 86% of).(2009芝浦工大)
*population : 人口 *consume : 消費する *resource : 資源

The richest 20% of the world's *population (*consume 86% of the world *resources).

(177)Getting the (of / right *amount / is important / sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)
*amount : 量 *healthy : 健康に

Getting the (right *amount of sleep is important) for keeping ourselves *healthy.

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from him / too much / don't expect / we).(2008芝浦工大)
by nature : 生来 *lazy : 怠惰な

He is by nature a *lazy person, so (we don't expect too much from him).

(179)Can I change seats after (a *vacant seat / *boarding / there is / if)?
*vacant : 空きの *board : 搭乗する

Can I change seats after (*boarding if there is a *vacant seat)?

(180)We received a lot of (on / *positive / the new plan / *feedback). (2017東海大)
*positive : 肯定的な *feedback : 感想

We received a lot of (*positive *feedback on the new plan).

(181)My friend (a movie / *recommended / based on / Maria) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.(2012高認)
*recommend : 薦める based on : …に基づく *favorite : お気に入りの

My friend (Maria *recommended a movie based on) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (have *reduced / *consequently / of / the *amount) fat they eat.(1993センター)近年、人々の健康意識が高まり、結果的に食べる脂肪の量が減少した。
*conscious : 意識して *reduce : 減らす *consequently : 結果的に *amount : 量

In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (*consequently have *reduced the *amount of) fat they eat.

(183)*Hiding cash and (risky business / *valuables / can be / at home) .
*hide : 隠す *valuable : 貴重品

*Hiding cash and (*valuables at home can be risky business).

(184)There are many health (can *arise / problems / if you / that) don't *wipe your sweat.
*arise : 発生する *wipe : 拭く

There are many health (problems that can *arise if you) don't *wipe your sweat.

(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / *accompanied by / *receive / when) an adult.
*admission : 入場 *accompany : 同伴する *receive : 受ける

Children 11 years and younger (*receive free *admission when *accompanied by) an adult.

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (almost forever / *lasts / that / sale).(2010センター)
*last : 長持ちする

There's a new type of light bulb for (sale that *lasts almost forever).

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (uses airflow / *electricity / that / to *generate).
*electricity : 電気 *renewable : 再生可能な *energy : エネルギー *generate : 生産する

Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow to *generate *electricity).

(188)*Multiple homes (severely *damaged / have been / fire / by).
*multiple : 複数の *damage : 損傷する

*Multiple homes (have been severely *damaged by fire).

(189)It's a (to join / *pity / unable / you were) the party.(2014岩手医大)
*pity : 残念な

It's a (*pity you were unable to join) the party.

(190)The boss (he makes / *regrets / because / *employing him) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)
*regret : 後悔する *employ : 雇用する *colleague : 同僚

The boss (*regrets *employing him because he makes) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.

(191)Tofu is an (Japanese food / *extremely / in / *common *ingredient).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

Tofu is an (*extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).

(192)The *increase (the *population / in / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

The *increase (in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.

(193)It is (to / against / borrow / my *principles) money.お金を借りるのは私の主義に反する。
*principle : 主義

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.

(194)A (*bow / *study / Japanese women / shows that) more often than men.(2000センター)
*bow : お辞儀する *study : 研究

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow) more often than men.

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (will *definitely / eaten / they / be) by crocodiles, for sure.” 地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten) by crocodiles, for sure.”

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (to bring out / is needed / its *flavor / work).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (for / *suitable / which *require / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)空輸は高くつくかもしれないが、迅速な配達が必要な商品を運ぶのに適している。
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *require : 必要とする *goods : 品物 *delivery : 配達

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (to / it's / the *naked eye / *barely *visible).
*decent : まともな *naked eye : 肉眼 *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large groups / *nervous / get / in front of).(2013金沢工大)
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).

(200)I had no choice but to (*rude / put up with / *behavior / the guest's).(2016中部大)
*rude : 無礼な put up with : 我慢する *behavior : 振る舞い

I had no choice but to (put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).

(201)*Spending less time outside the home (*reduces / *searching for / the risk / food) of being killed by other animals.(2011センター)巣の外で食べ物を探すことに時間をかけないことは他の動物に殺される危険性を減らす。
*spend : 費やす *reduce : 減らす *search : 探す

解答と以下の問題は電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版でご覧ください。

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2019年06月15日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
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kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。


(151)We have made (your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel / for).
*arrangement : 手配

We have made (plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip).

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (that / short *period / *floods / result in).
*period : 期間 *flood : 洪水 result in : …の結果になる

Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (short *period that result in *floods).

(153)The *refund will (to *recycle / *encourage / drink *containers / people).
*refund : 払い戻し金 *recycle : リサイクルする *encourage : 促す *container : 容器

The *refund will (*encourage people to *recycle drink *containers).

(154)The most important (is / *function / to *mankind / of animals) probably as a *provider of food.
*function : 機能 *mankind : 人類 *provider : 提供者

The most important (*function of animals to *mankind is) probably as a *provider of food.

(155)A college education will (a *broader / to get / *view / *enable you) of the world.(1996センター)
*broad : 広い *view : 見方 *enable : 可能にする

A college education will (*enable you to get a *broader *view) of the world.

(156)Strong *will is the most (for anyone / wants / *essential *quality / that) to *achieve *success.
*will : 意志 *essential : 重要な *quality : 資質 *achieve : 達成する *success : 成功

Strong *will is the most (*essential *quality for anyone that wants) to *achieve *success.

(157)A role model is an *ideal (*admire / whom / person / we).(2008センター)
role model : 手本 *ideal : 理想的な *admire : 称賛する

A role model is an *ideal (person whom we *admire).

(158)No (for / *previous *experience / this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)
*previous : 以前の *experience : 経験 *necessary : 必要な

No (*previous *experience is *necessary for this job).

(159)A bowl of steamed rice (*typical / is / in / *included) Japanese meals.
*typical : 典型的な *include : 含む

A bowl of steamed rice (is *included in *typical) Japanese meals.

(160)The meeting was *successful (no / even though / was reached / clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)
*successful : 成功した even though : ~であるけれども*conclusion : 結論

The meeting was *successful (even though no clear *conclusion was reached).

(161)When driving near a school, (the road / children / watch out for / *crossing).(1995センター追試)
watch out for : …に注意する *cross : 横断する

When driving near a school, (watch out for children *crossing the road).

(162)I (to be / *expect / here / all of you) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.
*expect : 期待する without fail : 必ず

I (*expect all of you to be here) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

(163)I'm (I / *prepared to / afraid / am not) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)
*prepare : 準備ができている take the risk of : …の危険を冒す

I'm (afraid I am not *prepared to) take the risk of losing all my money.

(164)My (to *disappear / as a swimmer / *confidence / started) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)
*disappear : 消える *confidence : 自信

My (*confidence as a swimmer started to *disappear) the day Angela moved to our small town.

(165)You should (to *judge / *appearance / know better than / by). (2015昭和大)
*judge : 判断する *appearance : 外見 know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない

You should (know better than to *judge by *appearance).

(166)The story (moves / *describes / who / a young woman) to the countryside with her husband
when he (*escape / tries / his busy life / to) in the city.(2013センター)
*describe : 描写する *escape : 逃れる

The story (*describes a young woman who moves) to the countryside with her husband
when he (tries to *escape his busy life) in the city.

(167)No one (his *explanation / by / at / was *convinced) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)
*explanation : 説明 *convince : 納得させる *press conference : 記者会見

No (one was *convinced by his *explanation at) the *press conference.

(168)The high (at the *entrance / from / *security / *prevented us) going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)
*entrance : 入口 *security : セキュリティ *prevent : 妨げる

The high (*security at the *entrance *prevented us from) going into the building.

(169)Those living in Tokyo (less *involved / seemed / in / to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)
*involve : 関与する *volunteer : ボランティア

Those living in Tokyo (seemed to be less *involved in) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.

(170)You should not (in / your *personal *emotions / let / stand) the way of making that important *decision.(2012センター)
*personal : 個人的な *emotion : 感情 *decision : 決定

You should not (let your *personal *emotions stand in) the way of making that important *decision.

(171)Today, the *vast (around / of / *majority / *governments) the world do not (the same sex / couples of / to *marry / *allow).(2016慶応大)
*vast : 圧倒的な *majority : 多数 *government : 政府 *marry : 結婚する *allow : 許す

Today, the *vast (*majority of *governments around) the world do not (*allow couples of the same sex to *marry).

(172)The *company has (quite a few / *received / from / *inquiries) its *customers.(2017福島大)
*company : 会社 quite a few : かなりの *receive : 受ける *inquiry : 問い合わせ *customer : 顧客

The *company has (*received quite a few *inquiries from) its *customers.

(173)Nearly half of (turn in / didn't / the *assignment / the students). (2015芝浦工大)
turn in : 提出する *assignment : 宿題

Nearly half of (the students didn't turn in the *assignment).

(174)Giving (is / *effective / students / *praise) an important part of teaching.
*effective : 効果的な *praise : 称賛

Giving (students *effective *praise is) an important part of teaching.

(175)The elevators are (for / *maintenance / *regular / out of service). (2013白鷗大)
*maintenance : 保守点検 *regular : 定期の

The elevators are (out of service for *regular *maintenance).

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world / *consume / *resources / 86% of).(2009芝浦工大)
*population : 人口 *consume : 消費する *resource : 資源

The richest 20% of the world's *population (*consume 86% of the world *resources).

(177)Getting the (of / right *amount / is important / sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)
*amount : 量 *healthy : 健康に

Getting the (right *amount of sleep is important) for keeping ourselves *healthy.

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from him / too much / don't expect / we).(2008芝浦工大)
by nature : 生来 *lazy : 怠惰な

He is by nature a *lazy person, so (we don't expect too much from him).

(179)Can I change seats after (a *vacant seat / *boarding / there is / if)?
*vacant : 空きの *board : 搭乗する

Can I change seats after (*boarding if there is a *vacant seat)?

(180)We received a lot of (on / *positive / the new plan / *feedback). (2017東海大)
*positive : 肯定的な *feedback : 感想

We received a lot of (*positive *feedback on the new plan).

(181)My friend (a movie / *recommended / based on / Maria) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.(2012高認)
*recommend : 薦める based on : …に基づく *favorite : お気に入りの

My friend (Maria *recommended a movie based on) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (have *reduced / *consequently / of / the *amount) fat they eat.(1993センター)
*conscious : 意識して *reduce : 減らす *consequently : 結果的に *amount : 量

In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (*consequently have *reduced the *amount of) fat they eat.

(183)*Hiding cash and (risky business / *valuables / can be / at home).
*hide : 隠す *valuable : 貴重品

*Hiding cash and (*valuables at home can be risky business).

(184)There are many health (can *arise / problems / if you / that) don't *wipe your sweat.
*arise : 発生する *wipe : 拭く

There are many health (problems that can *arise if you) don't *wipe your sweat.

(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / *accompanied by / *receive / when) an adult.
*admission : 入場 *accompany : 同伴する *receive : 受ける

Children 11 years and younger (*receive free *admission when *accompanied by) an adult.

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (almost forever / *lasts / that / sale).(2010センター)
*last : 長持ちする

There's a new type of light bulb for (sale that *lasts almost forever).

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (uses airflow / *electricity / that / to *generate).
*electricity : 電気 *renewable : 再生可能な *energy : エネルギー *generate : 生産する

Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow to *generate *electricity).

(188)*Multiple homes (severely *damaged / have been / fire / by). *multiple : 複数の *damage : 損傷する

*Multiple homes (have been severely *damaged by fire).

(189)It's a (to join / *pity / unable / you were) the party.(2014岩手医大)
*pity : 残念な

It's a (*pity you were unable to join) the party.

(190)The boss (he makes / *regrets / because / *employing him) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)
*regret : 後悔する *employ : 雇用する *colleague : 同僚

The boss (*regrets *employing him because he makes) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.

(191)Tofu is an (Japanese food / *extremely / in / *common *ingredient).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

Tofu is an (*extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).

(192)The *increase (the *population / in / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

The *increase (in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.

(193)It is (to / against / borrow / my *principles) money.
*principle : 主義

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.

(194)A (*bow / *study / Japanese women / shows that) more often than men.(2000センター)
*bow : お辞儀する *study : 研究

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow) more often than men.

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (will *definitely / eaten / they / be) by crocodiles, for sure.”
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten) by crocodiles, for sure.”
地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (to bring out / is needed / its *flavor / work).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (for / *suitable / which *require / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *require : 必要とする *goods : 品物 *delivery : 配達

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (to / it's / the *naked eye / *barely *visible).
*decent : まともな *naked eye : 肉眼 *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large groups / *nervous / get / in front of).(2013金沢工大)
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).

(200)I had no choice but to (*rude / put up with / *behavior / the guest's).(2016中部大)
*rude : 無礼な put up with : 我慢する *behavior : 振る舞い

I had no choice but to (put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).

(201)*Spending less time outside the home (*reduces / *searching for / the risk / food) of being killed by other animals.(2011センター)
*spend : 費やす *reduce : 減らす *search : 探す

解答と以下の問題は電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版でご覧ください。

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2019年06月15日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
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kindleunlimited 読み放題で30日間、センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人に収録された整序問題4000問を無料体験できます。


(151)We have made (your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel / for).

We have made (plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip).
*arrangement : 手配

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (that / short *period / *floods / result in).

Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (short *period that result in *floods).
*period : 期間 result in : …の結果になる *flood : 洪水

(153)The *refund will (to *recycle / *encourage / drink *containers / people).

The *refund will (*encourage people to *recycle drink *containers).
*refund : 払い戻し金 *encourage : 促す *recycle : リサイクルする *container : 容器

(154)The most important (is / *function / to *mankind / of animals) probably as a *provider of food.

The most important (*function of animals to *mankind is) probably as a *provider of food.
*function : 機能 *mankind : 人類 *provider : 提供者

(155)A college education will (a *broader / to get / *view / *enable you) of the world.(1996センター)

A college education will (*enable you to get a *broader *view) of the world.
*enable : 可能にする *broad : 広い *view : 見方

(156)Strong *will is the most (for anyone / wants / *essential *quality / that) to *achieve *success.

Strong *will is the most (*essential *quality for anyone that wants) to *achieve *success.
*will : 意志 *essential : 重要な *quality : 資質 *achieve : 達成する *success : 成功

(157)A role model is an *ideal (*admire / whom / person / we).(2008センター)

A role model is an *ideal (person whom we *admire).
role model : 手本 *ideal : 理想的な *admire : 称賛する

(158)No (for / *previous *experience / this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)

No (*previous *experience is *necessary for this job).
*previous : 以前の *experience : 経験 *necessary : 必要な

(159)A bowl of steamed rice (*typical / is / in / *included) Japanese meals.

A bowl of steamed rice (is *included in *typical) Japanese meals.
*include : 含む *typical : 典型的な

(160)The meeting was *successful (no / even though / was reached / clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)

The meeting was *successful (even though no clear *conclusion was reached).
*successful : 成功した even though : ~であるけれども*conclusion : 結論

(161)When driving near a school, (the road / children / watch out for / *crossing).(1995センター追試)

When driving near a school, (watch out for children *crossing the road).
watch out for : …に注意する *cross : 横断する

(162)I (to be / *expect / here / all of you) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

I (*expect all of you to be here) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.
*expect : 期待する without fail : 必ず

(163)I'm (I / *prepared to / afraid / am not) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)

I'm (afraid I am not *prepared to) take the risk of losing all my money.
*prepare : 準備ができている take the risk of : …の危険を冒す

(164)My (to *disappear / as a swimmer / *confidence / started) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)

My (*confidence as a swimmer started to *disappear) the day Angela moved to our small town.
*confidence : 自信 *disappear : 消える

(165)You should (to *judge / *appearance / know better than / by). (2015昭和大)

You should (know better than to *judge by *appearance).
know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない *judge : 判断する *appearance : 外見

(166)The story (moves / *describes / who / a young woman) to the countryside with her husband when he (*escape / tries / his busy life / to) in the city.(2013センター)

The story (*describes a young woman who moves) to the countryside with her husband when he (tries to *escape his busy life) in the city.
*describe : 描写する *escape : 逃れる

(167)No one (his *explanation / by / at / was *convinced) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)

No one (was *convinced by his *explanation at) the *press conference.
*convince : 納得させる *explanation : 説明 *press conference : 記者会見

(168)The high (at the *entrance / from / *security / *prevented us) going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)

The high (*security at the *entrance *prevented us from) going into the building.
*security : セキュリティ *entrance : 入口 *prevent : 妨げる

(169)Those living in Tokyo (less *involved / seemed / in / to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)

Those living in Tokyo (seemed to be less *involved in) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.
*involve : 関与する *volunteer : ボランティア

(170)You should not (in / your *personal *emotions / let / stand) the way of making that important *decision.(2012センター)

You should not (let your *personal *emotions stand in) the way of making that important *decision.
*personal : 個人的な *emotion : 感情 *decision : 決定

(171)Today, the *vast (around / of / *majority / *governments) the world
do not (the same sex / couples of / to *marry / *allow).(2016慶応大)

Today, the *vast (*majority of *governments around) the world do not (*allow couples of the same sex to *marry).
*vast : 圧倒的な *majority : 多数 *government : 政府 *allow : 許す *marry : 結婚する

(172)The *company has (quite a few / *received / from / *inquiries) its *customers.(2017福島大)

The *company has (*received quite a few *inquiries from) its *customers.
*company : 会社 *receive : 受ける quite a few : かなりの *inquiry : 問い合わせ *customer : 顧客

(173)Nearly half of (turn in / didn't / the *assignment / the students). (2015芝浦工大)

Nearly half of (the students didn't turn in the *assignment).
turn in : 提出する *assignment : 宿題

(174)Giving (is / *effective / students / *praise) an important part of teaching.

Giving (students *effective *praise is) an important part of teaching.
*effective : 効果的な *praise : 称賛

(175)The elevators are (for / *maintenance / *regular / out of service). (2013白鷗大)

The elevators are (out of service for *regular *maintenance).
*regular : 定期の *maintenance : 保守点検

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world / *consume / *resources / 86% of).(2009芝浦工大)

The richest 20% of the world's *population (*consume 86% of the world *resources).
*population : 人口 *consume : 消費する *resource : 資源

(177)Getting the (of / right *amount / is important / sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)

Getting the (right *amount of sleep is important) for keeping ourselves *healthy.
*amount : 量 *healthy : 健康に

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from him / too much / don't expect / we).(2008芝浦工大)

He is by nature a *lazy person, so (we don't expect too much from him).
by nature : 生来 *lazy : 怠惰な

(179)Can I change seats after (a *vacant seat / *boarding / there is / if)?

Can I change seats after (*boarding if there is a *vacant seat)?
*vacant : 空きの *board : 搭乗する

(180)We received a lot of (on / *positive / the new plan / *feedback). (2017東海大)

We received a lot of (*positive *feedback on the new plan).
*positive : 肯定的な *feedback : 感想

(181)My friend (a movie / *recommended / based on / Maria) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.(2012高認)

My friend (Maria *recommended a movie based on) a best-selling novel, and she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it.
*recommend : 薦める based on : …に基づく *favorite : お気に入りの

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (have *reduced / *consequently / of / the *amount) fat they eat.(1993センター)

In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (*consequently have *reduced the *amount of) fat they eat.
*conscious : 意識して *consequently : 結果的に *reduce : 減らす *amount : 量

(183)*Hiding cash and (risky business / *valuables / can be / at home).

*Hiding cash and (*valuables at home can be risky business).
*hide : 隠す *valuable : 貴重品

(184)There are many health (can *arise / problems / if you / that) don't *wipe your sweat.

There are many health (problems that can *arise if you) don't *wipe your sweat.
*arise : 発生する *wipe : 拭く

(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / *accompanied by / *receive / when) an adult.

Children 11 years and younger (*receive free *admission when *accompanied by) an adult.
*receive : 受ける *admission : 入場 *accompany : 同伴する

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (almost forever / *lasts / that / sale).(2010センター)

There's a new type of light bulb for (sale that *lasts almost forever).
*last : 長持ちする

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (uses airflow / *electricity / that / to *generate).

Wind *electricity is a form of *renewable *energy (that uses airflow to *generate *electricity).
*electricity : 電気 *renewable : 再生可能な *generate : 生産する*energy : エネルギー

(188)*Multiple homes (severely *damaged / have been / fire / by).

*Multiple homes (have been severely *damaged by fire).
*multiple : 複数の *damage : 損傷する

(189)It's a (to join / *pity / unable / you were) the party.(2014岩手医大)

It's a (*pity you were unable to join) the party.
*pity : 残念な

(190)The boss (he makes / *regrets / because / *employing him) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)

The boss (*regrets *employing him because he makes) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.
*regret : 後悔する *employ : 雇用する *colleague : 同僚

(191)Tofu is an (Japanese food / *extremely / in / *common *ingredient).

Tofu is an (*extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

(192)The *increase (the *population / in / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)

The *increase (in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

(193)It is (to / against / borrow / my *principles) money.

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.
*principle : 主義

(194)A (*bow / *study / Japanese women / shows that) more often than men.(2000センター)

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow) more often than men.
*study : 研究 *bow : お辞儀する

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (will *definitely / eaten / they / be) by crocodiles, for sure.”

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten) by crocodiles, for sure.”
地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (to bring out / is needed / its *flavor / work).

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (for / *suitable / which *require / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *goods : 品物 *require : 必要とする *delivery : 配達

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (to / it's / the *naked eye / *barely *visible).

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).
*decent : まともな *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える *naked eye : 肉眼

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large groups / *nervous / get / in front of).(2013金沢工大)

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

(200)I had no choice but to (*rude / put up with / *behavior / the guest's).(2016中部大)

I had no choice but to (put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).
put up with : 我慢する *rude : 無礼な *behavior : 振る舞い

(201)*Spending less time outside the home (*reduces / *searching for / the risk / food) of being killed by other animals.(2011センター)

解答と以下の問題は電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版でご覧ください。

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2019年06月15日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワード1680語を含む例文800文から作成した整序問題4000問を演習できます。


(151)We have (your trip / *arrangements / plane and hotel / made / for).

We have (made plane and hotel *arrangements for your trip).
*arrangement : 手配

(152)Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (*period / that / short / *floods / result in).

Sometimes, there is heavy rain for a very (short *period that result in *floods).
*period : 期間 result in : …の結果になる *flood : 洪水

(153)The *refund will (to / *encourage / drink *containers / people / *recycle).

The *refund will (*encourage people to *recycle drink *containers).
*refund : 払い戻し金 *encourage : 促す *recycle : リサイクルする *container : 容器

(154)The most important (probably / is / *function / to *mankind / of animals) as a *provider of food.

The most important (*function of animals to *mankind is probably) as a *provider of food.
*function : 機能 *mankind : 人類 *provider : 提供者

(155)A college education will (to get / of the world / you / a *broader *view / *enable).(1996センター)

A college education will (*enable you to get a *broader *view of the world).
*enable : 可能にする *broad : 広い *view : 見方

(156)Strong *will is the most (anyone / for / wants / *essential *quality / that) to *achieve *success.

Strong *will is the most (*essential *quality for anyone that wants) to *achieve *success.
*will : 意志 *essential : 重要な *quality : 資質 *achieve : 達成する *success : 成功

(157)A role model (*admire / an *ideal person / whom / is / we).(2008センター)

A role model (is an *ideal person whom we *admire).
role model : 手本 *admire : 称賛する *ideal : 理想的な

(158)No (*experience / for / *previous / this job / is *necessary).(2016会津大)

No (*previous *experience is *necessary for this job).
*previous : 以前の *experience : 経験 *necessary : 必要な

(159)A bowl of steamed (*typical Japanese / is / rice / in / *included) meals.

A bowl of steamed (rice is *included in *typical Japanese) meals.
*include : 含む *typical : 典型的な

(160)The meeting was (no / even though / *successful / was reached / clear *conclusion).(2005中央大)

The meeting was (*successful even though no clear *conclusion was reached).
*successful : 成功した even though : ~であるけれども*conclusion : 結論

(161)When driving near a school, (for / the road / children / watch out / *crossing).(1995センター追試)

When driving near a school, (watch out for children *crossing the road).
watch out for : …に注意する *cross : 横断する

(162)I (you / to be / *expect / here / all of) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.

I (*expect all of you to be here) five minutes before the test begins, without fail.
*expect : 期待する without fail : 必ず

(163)(*prepared to / I / afraid / am not / I'm) take the risk of losing all my money.(2008センター)

(I'm afraid I am not *prepared to) take the risk of losing all my money.
*prepare : 準備ができている take the risk of : …の危険を冒す

(164)My (a swimmer / to *disappear / as / *confidence / started) the day Angela moved to our small town.(2004センター)

My (*confidence as a swimmer started to *disappear) the day Angela moved to our small town.
*confidence : 自信 *disappear : 消える

(165)You should (*judge / to / *appearance / know better than / by). (2015昭和大)

You should (know better than to *judge by *appearance).
know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない *judge : 判断する *appearance : 外見

(166)The story (to / moves / *describes / who / a young woman) the countryside with her husband when he (*escape / tries / in / his busy life / to) the city.(2013センター)

The story (*describes a young woman who moves to) the countryside with her husband when he (tries to *escape his busy life in) the city.
*describe : 描写する *escape : 逃れる

(167)No one (*convinced / his *explanation / by / at / was) the *press conference. (2016星薬科大)

No one (was *convinced by his *explanation at) the *press conference.
*convince : 納得させる *explanation : 説明 *press conference : 記者会見

(168)The high (us / at the *entrance / from / *security / *prevented)going into the building.(2017芝浦工大)

The high (*security at the *entrance *prevented us from) going into the building.
*security : セキュリティ *entrance : 入口 *prevent : 妨げる

(169)Those living in Tokyo (*involved / less / seemed / in / to be) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.(2006センター)

Those living in Tokyo (seemed to be less *involved in) *volunteer work than the nation as a whole.
*involve : 関与する *volunteer : ボランティア

(170)You should not (the way / in / your *personal *emotions / let / stand) of making that important *decision.(2012センター)

You should not (let your *personal *emotions stand in the way) of making that important *decision.
*personal : 個人的な *emotion : 感情 *decision : 決定

(171)Today, the (around / *vast / of / *majority / *governments) the world do not (the same sex / couples / to *marry / of / *allow).(2016慶応大)

Today, the (*vast *majority of *governments around) the world do not (*allow couples of the same sex to *marry).
*vast : 圧倒的な *majority : 多数 *government : 政府 *allow : 許す *marry : 結婚する

(172)The *company has (its / quite a few / *received / from / *inquiries) *customers.(2017福島大)

The *company has (*received quite a few *inquiries from its) *customers.
*company : 会社 *receive : 受ける quite a few : かなりの *inquiry : 問い合わせ *customer : 顧客

(173)Nearly half (turn in / of / didn't / the *assignment / the students).(2015芝浦工大)

Nearly half (of the students didn't turn in the *assignment).
turn in : 提出する *assignment : 宿題

(174)(is / *effective / students / *praise / giving) an important part of teaching.

(Giving students *effective *praise is) an important part of teaching.
*effective : 効果的な *praise : 称賛

(175)The elevators are (for / *maintenance / service / *regular / out of).(2013白鷗大)

The elevators are (out of service for *regular *maintenance).
*regular : 定期の *maintenance : 保守点検

(176)The richest 20% of the world's *population (the world / of / *consume / *resources / 86%).(2009芝浦工大)

The richest 20% of the world's *population (*consume 86% of the world *resources).
*population : 人口 *consume : 消費する *resource : 資源

(177)Getting the (important / of / right *amount / is / sleep) for keeping ourselves *healthy.(2014センター追試)

Getting the (right *amount of sleep is important) for keeping ourselves *healthy.
*amount : 量 *healthy : 健康に

(178)He is by nature a *lazy person, so (from / too much / don't expect / him / we).(2008芝浦工大)

He is by nature a *lazy person, so (we don't expect too much from him).
by nature : 生来 *lazy : 怠惰な

(179)Can I change seats (a *vacant seat / *boarding / there is / if / after)?

Can I change seats (after *boarding if there is a *vacant seat)?
*vacant : 空きの *board : 搭乗する

(180)We received (on / *positive / the new plan / *feedback / a lot of). (2017東海大)

We received (a lot of *positive *feedback on the new plan).
*positive : 肯定的な *feedback : 感想

(181)My (a movie / *recommended / friend / based on / Maria) a best-selling novel, and (in it / she / my *favorite actor / told me / was starring).(2012高認)

My (friend Maria *recommended a movie based on) a best-selling novel, and (she told me my *favorite actor was starring in it).
*recommend : 薦める based on : …に基づく *favorite : お気に入りの

(182)In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (fat / have *reduced / *consequently / of / the *amount) they eat.(1993センター)

In recent years, people have become more health-*conscious and (*consequently have *reduced the *amount of fat) they eat.
*conscious : 意識して *consequently : 結果的に *reduce : 減らす *amount : 量

(183)*Hiding cash and (home / risky / *valuables / can be / at ) business.

*Hiding cash and (*valuables at home can be risky) business.
*hide : 隠す *valuable : 貴重品

(184)There are many health (can *arise / don't *wipe / problems / if you / that) your sweat.

There are many health (problems that can *arise if you don't *wipe) your sweat.
*arise : 発生する *wipe : 拭く

(185)Children 11 years and younger (free *admission / by / *accompanied / *receive / when) an adult.

Children 11 years and younger (*receive free *admission when *accompanied by) an adult.
*receive : 受ける *admission : 入場 *accompany : 同伴する

(186)There's a new type of light bulb for (forever / almost / *lasts / that / sale).(2010センター)

There's a new type of light bulb for (sale that *lasts almost forever).
*last : 長持ちする

(187)Wind *electricity is a form of (uses airflow / *electricity / that / *renewable *energy / to *generate).

Wind *electricity is a form of (*renewable *energy that uses airflow to *generate *electricity).
*electricity : 電気 *renewable : 再生可能な *generate : 生産する*energy : エネルギー

(188)(severely *damaged / have been / *multiple homes / fire / by).

(*Multiple homes have been severely *damaged by fire).
*multiple : 複数の *damage : 損傷する

(189)It's a (were / *pity / to join / unable / you) the party.(2014岩手医大)

It's a (*pity you were unable to join) the party.
*pity : 残念な

(190)The boss (he makes / *regrets / him/ because / *employing) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.(2016防衛大学校)

The boss (*regrets *employing him because he makes) a lot of trouble with *colleagues.
*regret : 後悔する *employ : 雇用する *colleague : 同僚

(191)Tofu (Japanese food / an *extremely *common / in / *ingredient / is).

Tofu (is an *extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

(192)The (the *population / in / *increase / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)

The (*increase in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

(193)It is (*principles / to / against / borrow / my) money.

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.
*principle : 主義

(194)A (that / *bow more often / *study / Japanese women / shows) than men.(2000センター)

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow more often) than men.
*study : 研究 *bow : お辞儀する

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (by / will *definitely / eaten / they / be) crocodiles, for sure.”

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten by) crocodiles, for sure.”
地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (needed / to bring out / is / its *flavor / work).

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (for / *require / *suitable / which / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *goods : 品物 *require : 必要とする *delivery : 配達

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (*visible / to / it's / the *naked eye / *barely).

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).
*decent : まともな *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える *naked eye : 肉眼

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large / *nervous / get / groups / in front of).(2013金沢工大)

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

(200)I had (*rude *behavior / put up with / no choice / the guest's / but to).(2016中部大)

I had (no choice but to put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).
put up with : 我慢する *rude : 無礼な *behavior : 振る舞い

(201)*Spending less time outside the home (*reduces / for / *searching / the risk / food) of being killed by other animals.(2011センター)

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(81)Some (can be / only by / *diseases / *spread) *direct *physical *contact.(2009芝浦工大)
*disease : 病気 *spread : 広がる *direct : 直接的な *physical : 身体の *contact : 接触

Some (*diseases can be *spread only by) *direct *physical *contact.

(82)The *president (*reserve / had / a *flight / his *secretary) for New York.(2016駒沢大)
*president : 社長 *reserve : 予約する *flight : フライト *secretary : 秘書

The *president (had his *secretary *reserve a *flight) for New York.

(83)I *guess listening to the (tired / *boring *lecture / me / made). (2016センター追試)
*guess : 推測する *boring : 退屈な *lecture : 講義

I *guess listening to the (*boring *lecture made me tired).

(84)I (to *realize / came / to *manage / the need) my time more *effectively. (2016センター)
*realize : 認識する *manage : 管理する *effectively : 効果的に

I (came to *realize the need to *manage) my time more *effectively.

(85)Getting (*requires / your *autobiography / you / *published) to have a marketable story.
*require : 必要とする *autobiography : 自叙伝 *publish : 出版する

Getting (your *autobiography *published *requires you) to have a marketable story.

(86)Is it (to *contact / *via / possible / the police) the Internet if there is an *emergency?
*contact : 連絡する *via : …経由で *emergency: 緊急事態

Is it (possible to *contact the police *via) the Internet if there is an *emergency?

(87)Bears *rarely (they feel / unless / *threatened / *attack humans).
*rarely : めったに…しない *threatened : 脅かされている *attack : 攻撃する

Bears *rarely (*attack humans unless they feel *threatened).

(88)The short-tempered young man (said to / deeply *regretted / he had / what) his girlfriend as soon as he put the phone down. (2013中央大)
*regret : 後悔する

The short-tempered young man (deeply *regretted what he had said to) his girlfriend as soon as he put the phone down.

(89)We (*robbed of / were / by / our *energy) the *thin air and the *steep *paths in the mountain. (2018センター追試)
*rob : 奪う *energy : エネルギー *thin : 薄い *steep : 険しい *path : 小道

We (were *robbed of our *energy by) the *thin air and the *steep *paths in the mountain.

(90)Sylvia's (the *policy / *attitudes / don't / toward) make sense to me.(2012センター追試)
*policy : 方針 *attitude : 態度 make sense : 理解できる

Sylvia's (*attitudes toward the *policy don't) make sense to me.

(91)There was (*exchange / some / *opinions / of), but the (until next time / *decision / put off / was).
*exchange : 交換 *opinion : 意見 *decision : 決定 put off : 延期する

There was (some *exchange of *opinions), but the (*decision was put off until next time).

(92)Would you (keeping an eye on / mind / while I / my *luggage) make a phone call? (2004センター)
keep an eye on : …から目を離さない *luggage : 荷物

Would you (mind keeping an eye on my *luggage while I) make a phone call?

(93)Local (that / has it / he was / *rumor) *secretly *burried in that church.(2008中央大)
have it : と言っている *rumor : 噂 *secretly : 秘密に burry : 埋める

Local (*rumor has it that he was) *secretly *burried in that church.

(94)Today's best audio (almost recreates / *equipment / of / the sound *quality) a live concert.(2014センター)
*equipment : 機器 *quality : 質

Today's best audio (*equipment almost recreates the sound *quality of) a live concert.

(95)Heavy (is moving / the *direction / *industry / in) of more automated machines and less manpower.(1993センター)
*direction : 方向 *industry : 産業、工業

Heavy (*industry is moving in the *direction) of more automated machines and less manpower.

(96)*Modern scientific (*explains that / of / *study / the *brain) laughter is linked with important *brain *functions.(2010センター追試)
*modern : 現代の *explain : 説明する *study : 研究 *brain : 脳
be linked with : …と関連する *function : 機能

*Modern scientific (*study of the *brain *explains that) laughter is linked with important *brain *functions.

(97)A *curious (of / *gathered / *crowd / at the *site) the car accident and (*outstanding *performance / watched / of / the ) the *rescue team. (2016中央大)
*curious : 好奇心の強い *gather : 集まる *crowd : 群衆   *site : 場所 *outstanding : 見事な *performance : 仕事ぶり *rescue : 救助

A *curious (*crowd *gathered at the *site of) the car accident and (watched the *outstanding *performance of) the *rescue team.

(98)This (will *serve / an *introduction / *brief *explanation / as) to the book.(2013星薬科大)
*serve : 役立つ *introduction : 導入 *brief : 短い
*explanation : 説明

This (*brief *explanation will *serve as an *introduction) to the book.

(99)In the 21st century, we can *expect *scientific (than ever / to give / *advances / more people)the *means of *leading a *comfortable and easy life.(2002センター)
*expect : 期待する *scientific : 科学的な *advance : 進歩 *means : 手段 *lead : 送る *comfortable : 快適な

In the 21st century, we can *expect *scientific (*advances to give more people than ever) the *means of *leading a *comfortable and easy life.

(100)Jane was (*financially *independent / already / her parents / of) before she finished university.(2016共立女子大)
*financially : 財政的に *independent : 独立した

Jane was (already *financially *independent of her parents) before she finished university.

(101)The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (are *harmful / that / *insisted / all lies).(1999センター)
*philosopher : 哲学者 *harmful : 有害な *insist : 主張する

The 18th-century *philosopher Immanual Kant (*insisted that all lies are *harmful).

(102)It is likely that the *President (be *elected / will / another *term / for).(2010中央大)
*president : 大統領 *elect : 選出する *term : 任期

It is likely that the *President (will be *elected for another *term).

(103)All the students (studying / who are / *abroad / interested in) should *attend next week's meeting.(2005センター)
*abroad : 外国で *attend : 出席する

All the students (who are interested in studying *abroad) should *attend next week's meeting.

(104)In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph, (that / record / a new *device / could) and play back sound.(2014センター)
*invent : 発明する *device : 装置

In 1877, Thomas Edison *invented the phonograph, (a new *device that could record) and play back sound.

(105)Weather permitting, (outdoor play / we *encourage / as possible / as often).
weather permitting : 天気が良ければ *encourage : 奨励する

Weather permitting, (we *encourage outdoor play as often as possible).

(106)According to the law, you must be 18 years old or (a driver's *license / over / in / to *obtain) Japan.(2009芝浦工大)
according to : …によれば *license 免許 *obtain : 得る

According to the law, you must be 18 years old or (over to *obtain a driver's *license in) Japan.

(107)To our surprise, (in spite of / suddenly *announced / the *mayor / her *resignation) her high *popularity.(2017津田塾大)
in spite of : …にかかわらず *announce : 発表する *mayor : 市長 *resignation : 辞任 *popularity : 人気

To our surprise, (the *mayor suddenly *announced her *resignation in spite of) her high *popularity.

(108)The *company (to sell / wants / to *remove / its *ability) *carbon dioxide from the *atmosphere (it / and / underground / *store).
*company : 会社 *remove : 取り除く *ability : 能力
*carbon dioxide : 二酸化炭素 *atmosphere : 大気 *store : 貯蔵する

The *company (wants to sell its *ability to *remove) *carbon dioxide from the *atmosphere (and *store it underground).

(109)Before the exam (by / I *refreshed / reading / my *memory) some old notes.(1991センター)
*refresh : リフレッシュする *memory : 記憶

Before the exam (I *refreshed my *memory by reading) some old notes.

(110)As a member, you have (books / the *privilege / *purchasing / of) at a 20% *discount.(2017武庫川女子大)
*privilege : 特権 *purchase : 購入する *discount : 割引

As a member, you have (the *privilege of *purchasing books) at a 20% *discount.

(111)Especially (the / of / at / beginning) a new year, one question that *frequently comes up is (bad *habits / to / how / get rid of).
*frequently : 頻繁に *habit : 習慣 get rid of : 取り除く

Especially (at the beginning of) a new year, one question that *frequently comes up is (how to get rid of bad *habits).

(112)Biotechnology could (*advantages / great / to / *offer) the whole world.(1996センター)
*advantage : 利点 *offer : もたらす

Biotechnology could (*offer great *advantages to) the whole world.

(113)A *secret that you (to the *grave / something / is / carry) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.
*secret : 秘密 *grave : 墓 *entire : すべての

A *secret that you (carry to the *grave is something) you never tell anyone during your *entire lifetime.

(114)What (blueberries / eating / have to do with / does) good *eyesight?(2006センター追試)
have to do with : …と関係がある *eyesight : 視力

What (does eating blueberries have to do with) good *eyesight?

(115)We *delayed our (on account of / *departure / *weather / bad).
*delay : 遅らせる on account of : …のため *departure : 出発*weather : 天候

We *delayed our (*departure on account of bad *weather).

(116)Scientists are trying to (came into being / the *universe / figure out / how).
come into being : 出現する *universe : 宇宙 figure out : 解明する

Scientists are trying to (figure out how the *universe came into being).

(117)The museum was, as expected, (*struggling / *extremely *crowded / to see / with tourists) the Mona Lisa.(2016慶応大)
*struggle : 奮闘する *extremely : 非常に *crowded : 混雑した

The museum was, as expected, (*extremely *crowded with tourists *struggling to see) the Mona Lisa.

(118)He walked (*perfect / with / on / *balance) the wire between the two masts.(1990センター)
*perfect : 完璧な *balance : バランス

He walked (with *perfect *balance on) the wire between the two masts.

(119)We all know (are / that / *precious / friendships), but we also understand (*stable / that / are not / frienships).(2017センター)
*precious : 貴重な *stable : 安定した

We all know (that friendships are *precious), but we also understand (that frienships are not *stable).

(120)The *rapid *growth of fresh-fruit (has *affected / many *aspects / *imports / of) the US fresh-fruit *market.(2016センター)
*rapid : 急速な *growth : 成長 *affect : 影響する *aspect : 側面 *import : 輸入 *market : 市場

The *rapid *growth of fresh-fruit (*imports has *affected many *aspects of) the US fresh-fruit *market.
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2019年06月13日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
 電子書籍センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 五段階方式で楽々覚えるセンター試験キーワード Kindle版は、無料アプリを使ってパソコンやスマホにダウンロードしてセンター試験キーワードを含む整序問題四千問を演習できます。


(51)We made sure that the gate was locked so that no one could come (without / the *factory / *permission / into). (2001センター)
make sure : 確認する so that : ~のように *factory : 工場 *permission : 許可

We made sure that the gate was locked so that no one could come (into the *factory without *permission).

(52)The *following is the full text of the U.S.-North Korea (the White House / *released / *joint *statement / by).
*following : 以下 *release : 発表する *joint : 共同の
*statement : 声明

The *following is the full text of the U.S.-North Korea (*joint *statement *released by the White House).

(53)There (*tax *payment / are / *options / several), whether you can pay in full right away or you need more time to come up with the money.
*tax : 税金 *payment : 支払い *option : 選択肢 right away : すぐに

There (are several *tax *payment *options), whether you can pay in full right away or you need more time to come up with the money.

(54)I'm (your / looking forward to / *performance / dance) tomorrow night. (2017センター)
look forward to : …を楽しみにする *performance : 演技

I'm (looking forward to your dance *performance) tomorrow night.

(55)During a (*forecast / television / *weather / on), you can see images of cloud patterns over Japan from the *satellite. (2008センター)
*forecast : 予報 *weather : 天気 *satellite : 衛星

During a (*weather *forecast on television), you can see images of cloud patterns over Japan from the *satellite. 

(56)For Kant, an 18th century *philosopher, (a *reaction / was / to / laughter) a sudden, unexpected change. (2010センター)
*philosopher : 哲学者 *reaction : 反応

For Kant, an 18th century *philosopher, (laughter was a *reaction to) a sudden, unexpected change.

(57)Japan's *industrialization has been heavily (*sources of / on / *dependent / foreign) *energy and *raw *materials. (1995センター)
*industrialization : 工業化 *source : 源 *dependent : 依存した *energy : エネルギー *raw : 原料の *material : 材料

Japan's *industrialization has been heavily (*dependent on foreign *sources of) *energy and *raw *materials.

(58)The *microscope was (*principles / *developped / *similar to / using) the *telescope. (2018センター)
*microscope : 顕微鏡 *principle : 原理 *develop : 開発する *similar : 似ている *telescope : 望遠鏡

The *microscope was (*developped using *principles *similar to) the *telescope.

(59)*Research (can *cause / *suggests / *tight clothing / that) all sorts of health problems.
*research : 研究 *cause : 起こす *suggest : 示唆する *tight : きつい

*Research (*suggests that *tight clothing can *cause) all sorts of health problems.

(60)In addition to taking the *regular tests, (have to / we / a long *essay / hand in). (1992センター)
in addition to : …に加えて *regular : 定期の *essay : 論文
hand in : 提出する

In addition to taking the *regular tests, (we have to hand in a long *essay)

(61)The teacher (after *warning / Tim / let / go) him not to read comics in class. (2003センター追試)
*warn : 警告する let … go : …を放免する

The teacher (let Tim go after *warning) him not to read comics in class.

(62)The package arrived late and, to make matters worse, (what / *ordered / it wasn't / we had). (2015昭和大)
to make matters worse : さらに悪いことに *order : 注文する

The package arrived late and, to make matters worse, (it wasn't what we had *ordered).

(63)Workers with (*significantly more / college *degrees / than / *earn) those without.
*significantly : 大幅に *degree : 学位 *earn : 稼ぐ

Workers with (college *degrees *earn *significantly more than) those without.

(64)The (we *practice / more / the concert / for), the better our *performance will be. (2016神奈川大)
*practice : 練習する *performance : 演技

The (more we *practice for the concert), the better our *performance will be.

(65)If your pain in your throat becomes worse, (at once / it / have / *checked). (2006センター)
at once : すぐに *check : 調べる

If your pain in your throat becomes worse, (have it *checked at once).

(66)No matter how many friends you have, your problems can't be (you have / *solved / someone / unless) you can *trust. (2010センター)
*solve : 解決する *trust : 信頼する

No matter how many friends you have, your problems can't be (*solved unless you have someone) you can *trust.

(67)When *escaping from fires, smoke and gases should be (*harmful *chemicals / because / *avoided / they *contain). (2016センター追試)
*escape : 逃げる *harmful : 有害な *chemical : 化学物質 *avoid : 避ける *contain : 含む

When *escaping from fires, smoke and gases should be (*avoided because they *contain *harmful *chemicals).

(68)*Substances *freeze at *exactly the (as / *melt / same *temperature / they).
*substance : 物質 *freeze : 凍る *exactly : 正確に *melt : 溶ける
*temperature : 温度

*Substances *freeze at *exactly the (same *temperature as they *melt).

(69)The *mayor (by / turned down / the *committee member / the *proposal) . (2016高知大)
*mayor : 市長 turn down : 断る *committee : 委員会 *proposal : 提案

The *mayor (turned down the *proposal by the *committee member).

(70)No child under the age of sixteen (*admitted / the *theater / to / will be).(1992センター)
*admit : 入場を認める *theater : 劇場

No child under the age of sixteen (will be *admitted to the *theater).

(71)There is (of / *reliable *method / *accurately *predicting / no) the time and place of an *earthquake.
*reliable : 信頼できる *method : 方法 *accurately : 正確に *predict : 予測する *earthquake : 地震

There is (no *reliable *method of *accurately *predicting) the time and place of an *earthquake.

(72)Edison's (when / in science / *interest / began) he read a textbook of *general science at the age of ten or eleven. (2016神戸学院大)
*interest : 興味 *general : 一般的な

Edison's (*interest in science began when) he read a textbook of *general science at the age of ten or eleven.

(73)It is very important for you (all *medicines / of / to keep / out of reach) children. (2007東北医科薬科大)

It is very important for you (to keep all *medicines out of reach of) children.

(74)The *researchers carried out (the number / a *survey / to *measure / *intended) of calories children get from *regular meals each day. (2002センター)
*researcher : 研究者 carry out : 行う *survey : 調査 *measure : 測定する *intend : 意図する *regular : 通常の

The *researchers carried out (a *survey *intended to *measure the number) of calories children get from *regular meals each day.

(75)They have to (their *lack / make up for / *experience / of) by hard work. (2007中央大)
*lack : 欠如 make up for : 補う *experience : 経験

They have to (make up for their *lack of *experience) by hard work.

(76)The teacher (to *predict / told / the *outcome / us) of the *experiment. (2010中央大)
*predict : 予測する *outcome : 結果 *experiment : 実験

The teacher (told us to *predict the *outcome) of the *experiment.

(77)*Climate change and *environmental damage are two of the (*challenges / most *dramatic / the world / *facing) today.
*climate : 気候 *environmental : 環境の *challenge : 難問 *dramatic : 劇的な face : 直面する

*Climate change and *environmental damage are two of the (most *dramatic *challenges *facing the world) today.

(78)To make (for / to *adjust / it easier / the fish) to new water, partial water changes are (water changes / much better / *complete / than). (2014センター)
*adjust : 順応する *complete : 完全な

To make (it easier for the fish to *adjust) to new water, partial water changes are (much better than *complete water changes).

(79)Small (becoming / cars / more *popular / are) these days, since they are *economical.(2016神奈川大)
*popular : 人気のある *economical : 経済的な

Small (cars are becoming more *popular) these days, since they are *economical.

(80)The houses (of *tiny / like / look / *rows) cardboard boxes when you look out of the window of a plane in *flight.(2011センター)
*tiny : 小さな *row : 列 *flight : 飛行

The houses (look like *rows of *tiny) cardboard boxes when you look out of the window of a plane in *flight.
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2019年06月12日 | センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人
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(291)It took (*courage / to set sail / the early *explorers / a great deal of / for) for *distant places.(2015上智大)


It took (a great deal of *courage for the early *explorers to set sail) for *distant places.
*courage : 勇気 *explorer : 探検家 *distant : 遠く離れた

(292)There is (rule / but / some *exceptions / no / has).


There is (no rule but has some *exceptions).
*exception : 例外

(293)The *consumption *tax rise is part (to / a *strategy / get / designed / of) Japan's *government *debt under control.


The *consumption *tax rise is part (of a *strategy designed to get) Japan's *government *debt under control.
*consumption : 消費 *tax : 税金 *strategy : 戦略 *government : 政府 *debt : 借金

(294)To *recover his *strength, (to *raise / was / his arms / the *patient / made) above his head many times every day.(2018センター追試)


To *recover his *strength, (the *patient was made to *raise his arms) above his head many times every day.
*recover : 回復する *strength : 力 *patient : 患者 *raise : 上げる

(295)(brought about / due to / technology / the *leisure / by), many people (*adapting / have / of / to / the problem) a new way of life.(1992センター)


(Due to the *leisure brought about by technology), many people (have the problem of *adapting to) a new way of life.
due to : …により *leisure : 余暇 bring about : …をもたらす *adapt : 適応する

(296)During the rest of that day there was no other (of / *disrupt / to / the peace / *adventure) their *journey.


During the rest of that day there was no other (*adventure to *disrupt the peace of) their *journey.
*adventure : 冒険 *disrupt : 混乱させる *journey : 旅

(297)When you have to drive, it's (that / to use / *preferable / *includes / a *vehicle) eco-friendly *features.


When you have to drive, it's (*preferable to use a *vehicle that *includes) eco-friendly *features.
*preferable : 望ましい *vehicle : 車両 include : 含む *feature : 特徴

(298)When a *neat person lives with someone (*messy / is / to be / who / more *inclined), it can *cause quite a few problems.


When a *neat person lives with someone (who is more *inclined to be *messy), it can *cause quite a few problems.
*neat : きちんとした *incline : 傾向がある *messy : 乱雑な *cause : 起こす quite a few : かなりの

(299)Shabu-shabu is a (*consisting / *delicious / *thin / of / Japanese dish) slices of meat or fish.


Shabu-shabu is a (*delicious Japanese dish *consisting of *thin) slices of meat or fish.
*delicious : おいしい *consist : なる *thin : 薄い

(300)When you sit in the car after it has been *parked in the sun for a few hours, you'll (the car / a *peculiar / in / *notice / smell).


When you sit in the car after it has been *parked in the sun for a few hours, you'll (*notice a *peculiar smell in the car).
*park : 駐車する *peculiar : 特有の *notice : 気づく

spend : 費やす(201)reduce : 減らす(201)search : 探す(201)fear : 恐れる(202)climate : 気候(202)thanks to : …のせいで(202)effect : 影響(202)express : 表現する(203)gratitude : 感謝(203)difference : 違い(203)relationship : 人間関係(203)land : 着陸する(204)visual : 視覚の(204)information : 情報(204)rely : 依存する(204)concentrate : 集中する(205)inquire : 問い合わせる(206)lawyer : 弁護士(207)legal : 法律的な(207)advice : 助言(207)consult : 相談する(207)wound : 傷(208)heal : 治癒する(208)eventually : 最終的に(208)scar : 傷跡(208)turn into : 変わる(208)candidate : 候補者(209)vote : 投票する(209)reduce : 減らす(209)unemployment : 失業(209)alike : 同様に(210)ghost : 幽霊(210)existence : 存在(210)wonder : だろうかと思う(210)joy : 喜び(211)shade : 影(211)sorrow : 悲しみ(211)crisis : 危機(212)emergency : 緊急(212)financial : 財政の(212)assistance : 援助(212)expense : 出費(212)adventure : 冒険(213)author : 作家(213)closet : クローゼット(214)organize : 整理する(214)neat : 整頓された(214)tidy : 整然とした(214)population : 人口(215)density : 密度(215)promote : 助長する(215)extremely : 非常に(215)canal : 運河(216)huge : 巨大な(216)network : ネットワーク(216)fasinating : 魅力的な(216)feature : 特徴(216)sensitive : 敏感な(217)injure : 傷つける(218)brave : 勇敢な(218)consider : 考える(218)call off : 中止する(219)missing : 行方不明の(219)search : 捜索(219)dawn : 夜明け(219)maintain : 語る(220)formal : 正式な(220)education : 教育(220)pack : 荷造りする(221)efficiently : 効率的に(221)load : 荷物(221)right : 権利(222)defend : 守る(222)privacy : プライバシー(222)assign : 課す(223) vocabulary : 語彙(223)control : 制御(224)settle : 定住する(224)allow : 可能にする(224)fluently : 流暢に(225)admire : 称賛する(225)envy : 羨む(225)rely on : …に頼る(226)enemy : 敵(226)recognize : 認識する(226)exhibit : 展示する(227)public : 公(227)nation : 国(228)pass : 通過させる(228)intend : 意図する(228)reduce : 減らす(228)law : 法律(228)breath : 息(229)especially : 特に(229)exercise : 運動(229)headache : 頭痛(230)remedy : 治療法(230)presentation : 発表(231)desire : 望む(231)distinction : 区別public : 公的なprivate : 私的なincrease : 増やす(233)demand : 需要(233)crop : 作物(233)be willing to : …をいとわない(234)domestic : 家庭内の(234)burden : 負担(234)share : 分担する(234)growth : 成長(235)agriculture : 農業(235)feed : 食べさせる(235)population : 人口(235)extremely : とても(236)familiar : 詳しい(236)original : 元の(236)increase : 増やす(236)appreciation : 理解(236)receive : 受ける(237)import : 輸入(237)domestic : 国内の(237)various : さまざまな(237)region : 地域(237)anxious : 心配な(238)administrator : 管理者(238)propose : 提案する(238)state : 州(238)budget : 予算(238)wealthy : 裕福な(239)realize : 実現する(239)astronaut : 宇宙飛行士(239)consider : 考える(240)insect : 昆虫(240)disgusting : 嫌悪すべき(240)primitive : 原始的な(240)fulfill : 実現する(241)risk : 危険(241)eventually : 最終的に(242)primary : 初期の(242)replace : 取って代わる(242)permanent : 永久の(242)pretend : ふりをする(243)upside down : 逆さの(243)scold : 叱る(244)distance : 距離(245)bark : 吠える(245)apply : 応募する(246)on the condition that : ~の条件で(246)recommendation : 推薦(246)politician : 政治家(247)carry out : 実行する(247)blame : 非難する(247)campaign : 運動(247)expire : 切れる(248)renew : 更新する(248)submit : 提出する(249)article : 記事(249)translate : 翻訳する(249)medical : 医療の(249)journal : 定期刊行物(249)device : 機器(250)instructions : 取扱説明書(250)response : 反応(251)decrease : 減少(251)stimulus : 刺激(251)repeatedly : 繰り返して(251)expose : さらす(251)respect : 尊重(252)seldom : めったに~しない(252)privacy : プライバシー(252)shore : 岸(253)wave : 波(253)parallel : 平行な(253)approach : 近づく(253)progress : 進歩(254)owe : おかげである(254)wisdom : 知恵(254)smooth : なめらかな(255)surface : 表面(255)desert : 砂漠(255)transport : 輸送する(255)goods : 商品(255)shame : 恥(256)reach out : 接触する(256)professional : 専門職の(256)hunt : 狩る(257)cruel : 残酷な(257)bare : むき出しの(258)solution : 解決策(258)avoid : 避ける (258)contact : 接触(258)inconvenient : 不便な(258)rural : 地方の(259)impact : 影響(259)population : 人口(259)decline : 減少(259)apparent : 明らかな(259)human : 人間の(260)skull : 頭蓋骨(260)contain : 内蔵する(260)brain : 脳(260)intelligent : 知的な(260)ape : 類人猿(260)refrigerator : 冷蔵庫(261)common : 一般的な(261)vitally : きわめて(261)preserve : 保存する(261)employee : 従業員(262)suppose : 思う(262)retire : 退職する(262)company : 会社(262)concern : 関する(263)complain : 文句を言う(263)survive : 生き延びる(264)risk : 危険にさらす(264)greet : 挨拶する(265)vary : 異なる(265)adjust : 調整する(266)establish : 設立する(267)contribute : 貢献する(267)confess : 自白する(268)envelope : 封筒(269)mail : 郵送する(269)depend on : …による(270)minimum : 最低の(270)wage : 賃金 (270)industry : 産業(270)region : 地域(270)cliff : 崖(271)vertical : 垂直の(271)appear : 見える(272)horizon : 水(地)平線(272)popular : 人気のある(273)destination : 目的地(273)migration : 移住(273)flow : 流れ(273)graduate : 卒業する(274)architecture : 建築(274)degree 学位(274)tide : 潮(275)current : 海流(275)congratulate : 祝う(276)triumph : 勝利(276)tournament : トーナメント(276)objective : 客観的な(277)exist : 存在する(277)ecosystem : 生態系(278)delicate : 微妙な(278)maintain : 維持する(278)vital : 活力ある(278)abroad : 外国に(279)leave … behind: …を残す(279)trivial : 些細な(280)brief : 短い(281)interrupt : 中断する(281)broadcast : 放送する(282)live : 生で(282)address : 演説(282)vehicle : 車両(283)register : 登録する(283)operate : 操作する(283)molecule : 分子(284)compose : 構成する(284)atom : 原子(284)representative : 代議制の(285)democracy : 民主主義(285)govern : 統治する(285)derive : 由来する(286)root : 根(286)certain : ある種の(287)individual : 個人(287)breathe : 呼吸する(287)tendency : 傾向(287)instead of : …の代わりに(287)sink : 沈む(288) bottom : 底(288)trial : 試み(289)approach : 方法(289)horrible : 恐ろしい(290)disaster : 災害(290)courage : 勇気(291)explorer : 探検家(291)distant : 遠く離れた(291)exception : 例外(292)consumption : 消費(293)tax : 税金(293)strategy : 戦略(293)government : 政府(293)debt : 借金(293)recover : 回復する(294)strength : 力(294)raise : 上げる(294)patient : 患者(294)due to : …により(295)bring about : …をもたらす(295)leisure : 余暇(295)adapt : 適応する(295)disrupt : 混乱させる(296)adventure : 冒険(296)journey : 旅(296)preferable : 望ましい(297)include : 含む(297)vehicle : 車両(297)feature : 特徴(297)neat : きちんとした(298)messy : 乱雑な(298)incline : 傾向がある(298)cause : 起こす(298)quite a few : かなりの(298)consist : なる(299)薄い(299)delicious : おいしい(299)park : 駐車する(300)peculiar : 特有の(300)notice : 気づく(300)
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(191)Tofu (Japanese food / an *extremely *common / in / *ingredient / is).

Tofu (is an *extremely *common *ingredient in Japanese food).
*extremely : きわめて *common : 一般的な *ingredient : 材料

(192)The (the *population / in / *increase / a *species / of) may lead to food *shortages.(2011センター)

The (*increase in the *population of a *species) may lead to food *shortages.
*increase : 増加 *population : 個体数 *species : 種 *shortage : 不足

(193)It is (*principles / to / against / borrow / my) money.

It is (against my *principles to borrow) money.
*principle : 主義

(194)A (that / *bow more often / *study / Japanese women / shows) than men.(2000センター)

A (*study shows that Japanese women *bow more often) than men.
*study : 研究 *bow : お辞儀する

(195)According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (by / will *definitely / eaten / they / be) crocodiles, for sure.”

According to local *legend, “If the person bathes *naked, (they will *definitely be eaten by) crocodiles, for sure.”
地元の伝説によると、 「もし人が裸で水浴すれば必ずワニに食べられるだろう」
according to : …によれば *legend : 伝説 *naked : 裸で *definitely : 必ず

(196)Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (needed / to bring out / is / its *flavor / work).

Fresh, local asparagus is so tender and *delicious that little (work is needed to bring out its *flavor).
*delicious : おいしい bring out : 引き出す *flavor : 風味

(197)*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (for / *require / *suitable / which / carrying *goods) speedy *delivery. (2017センター)

*Transportation by air, though it can be *expensive, is (*suitable for carrying *goods which *require) speedy *delivery.
*transportation : 輸送 *expensive : 高価な *suitable : 適した *goods : 品物 *require : 必要とする *delivery : 配達

(198)You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (*visible / to / it's / the *naked eye / *barely).

You can get a *decent Milky Way photo even when (it's *barely *visible to the *naked eye).
*decent : まともな *barely : かろうじて *visible : 見える *naked eye : 肉眼

(199)I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (large / *nervous / get / groups / in front of).(2013金沢工大)

I am *accustomed to public speaking, so I don't (get *nervous in front of large groups).
*accustomed : 慣れた *nervous : 不安な

(200)I had (*rude *behavior / put up with / no choice / the guest's / but to).(2016中部大)

I had (no choice but to put up with the guest's *rude *behavior).
put up with : 我慢する *rude : 無礼な *behavior : 振る舞い

philosopher : 哲学者(101)harmful : 有害な(101)insist : 主張する(101)president : 大統領(102)elect : 選出する(102)term : 任期(102)abroad : 外国で(103)attend : 出席する(103)invent : 発明する(104)device : 装置(104)weather permitting : 天気が良ければ(105)encourage : 奨励する(105)according to : …によれば(106)license 免許(106)obtain : 得る(106)announce : 発表する(107)mayor : 市長(107)resignation : 辞任(107) in spite of : …にかかわらず(107)popularity : 人気(107)company : 会社(108)remove : 取り除く(108)ability : 能力(108)carbon dioxide : 二酸化炭素(108)atmosphere : 大気(108)store : 貯蔵する(108)refresh : リフレッシュする(109)memory : 記憶(109)privilege : 特権(110)purchase : 購入する(110)discount : 割引(110)frequently : 頻繁に(111)habit : 習慣(111)get rid of : 取り除く(111)advantage : 利点(112)offer : もたらす(112)secret : 秘密(113)grave : 墓(113)entire : すべての(113)have to do with : …と関係がある(114)eyesight : 視力(114)delay : 遅らせる(115)on account of : …のため(115)departure : 出発(115)weather : 天候(115)come into being : 出現する(116)universe : 宇宙(116)figure out : 解明する(116)struggle : 奮闘する(117)extremely : 非常に(117)crowded : 混雑した(117)perfect : 完璧な(118)balance : バランス(118)precious : 貴重な(119)stable : 安定した(119)rapid : 急速な(120)growth : 成長(120)affect : 影響する(120)aspect : 側面(120)import : 輸入(120)market : 市場(120)export : 輸出する(121)commercially : 商業的に(121)species : 種(121)policy : 方針(122)adopt : 採用する(122)official : 正式な(122)run the risk of : …の危険を冒すdevelop : 発症する(123)lung : 肺(123)cancer : がん(123)schedule : 予定する(124)describe : 説明する(125)in detail : 詳細に(125)travel : 移動する(126)depending on : …に応じて(126)temperature : 温度(126)government : 政府(127)promote : 推進する(127)general : 一般の(127)support : 支援する(127)a variety of : さまざまな(127)provide : 提供する(127)necessary : 必要な(127)facility : 施設(127)approximately : 約(128)contain : 含む(128)improve : 向上させる(129)duty : 任務(129)carry out : 実行する(129)effectively : 効果的に(129)stair : 階段(130)out of breath : 息が切れて(130)source : 源(131)income : 収入(131)struggle : 苦労する(131)make ends meet : 収支を合わせる(131)contribute : 加担する(132)destruction : 破壊(132)protect : 保護する(132)effort : 努力(132)operation : 手術(133)recovery : 回復(133)succeed : 成功する(134)desire : 欲望(134)success : 成功(134)failure : 失敗(134)general election : 総選挙(135)bring about : もたらす(135)effect : 影響(135)politics : 政治(135)treasure : 宝(136)origin : 起源(136)friendly : 友好的な(137)argument : 議論(137)face : 直面する(138)amazing : 驚くべき(138)consumer : 消費者(138)variety of : 多様な(138)technology : 技術(138)disappoint : 失望させる(139)turn down : 断る(139)generous : 気前のいい(139)offer : 申し出(139)evident : 明らかな(140)calculate : 計算する(140)debate : 議論(141)influence : 影響する(141)technology : 科学技術(141)industrial : 工業の(141)era : 時代(141)forgive : 許す(142)apology : 謝罪(142)rise : 上がる(143)in spite of : …にかかわらず(143)beat : まさる(143)rent : 賃借する(143)steal : 盗む(144)require : 必要とする(145)strength : 強さ(145)endurance : 忍耐(145)disagree : 同意しない(146)object : 反対する(146)shout : 叫ぶ(146)float : 浮く(147)regular : 普通の(147)dense : 密度が高い(147)a variety of : さまざまな(148)purpose : 目的(148)perform : 演じる(148)symbol : 象徴(149)fortune : 運(149)majority : 大部分(150)region : 地域(150)climate : 気候(150)relatively : 比較的に(150)arrangement : 手配(151)result in : …の結果になる(152)period : 期間(152)flood : 洪水(152)refund : 払い戻し金(153)recycle : リサイクルする(153)encourage : 促す(153)container : 容器(153)mankind : 人類(154)function : 機能(154)provider : 提供者(154)broad : 広い(155)view : 見方(155)enable : 可能にする(155)will : 意志(156)essential : 重要な(156)quality : 資質(156)achieve : 達成する(156)success : 成功(156)role model : 手本(157)ideal : 理想的な(157)admire : 称賛する(157)previous : 以前の(158)experience : 経験(158)necessary : 必要な(158)typical : 典型的な(159)include : 含む(159)successful : 成功した(160)even though : ~であるけれども(160)conclusion : 結論(160)cross : 横断する(161)watch out for : …に注意する(161)expect : 期待する(162)without fail : 必ず(162)prepare : 準備ができている(163)take the risk of : …の危険を冒す(163)disappear : 消える(164)confidence : 自信(164)judge : 判断する(165)appearance : 外見(165)know better than : …するほど馬鹿でない(165)describe : 描写する(166)escape : 逃れる(166)explanation : 説明(167)convince : 納得させる(167)press conference : 記者会見(167)security : セキュリティ(168)entrance : 入口(168)prevent : 妨げる(168)involve : 関与する(169)volunteer : ボランティア(169)personal : 個人的な(170)emotion : 感情(170)decision : 決定(170)vast : 圧倒的な(171)majority : 多数(171)government : 政府(171)marry : 結婚する(171)allow : 許す(171)company : 会社(172)quite a few : かなりの(172)inquiry : 問い合わせ(172)receive : 受ける(172)customer : 顧客(172)turn in : 提出する(173)assignment : 宿題(173)effective : 効果的な(174)praise : 称賛(174)regular : 定期の(175)maintenance : 保守点検(175)population : 人口(176)resource : 資源(176)consume : 消費する(176)amount : 量(177)healthy : 健康に(177)by nature : 生来(178)lazy : 怠惰な(178)vacant : 空きの(179)board : 搭乗する(179)positive : 肯定的な(180)feedback : 感想(180)based on : …に基づく(181)recommend : 薦める(181)favorite : お気に入りの(181)conscious : 意識して(182)reduce : 減らす(182)consequently : 結果的に(182)amount : 量(182)hide : 隠す(183)valuable : 貴重品(183)arise : 発生する(184)wipe : 拭く(184)admission : 入場(185)accompany : 同伴する(185)receive : 受ける(185)last : 長持ちする(186)electricity : 電気(187)renewable : 再生可能な(187)energy : エネルギー(187)generate : 生産する(187)multiple : 複数の(188)damage : 損傷する(188)pity : 残念な(189)regret : 後悔する(190)employ : 雇用する(190)colleague : 同僚(190)extremely : きわめて(191)common : 一般的な(191)ingredient : 材料(191)increase : 増加(192)population : 個体数(192)species : 種(192)shortage : 不足(192)principle : 主義(193)bow : お辞儀する(194)study : 研究(194)according to : …によれば(195)legend : 伝説(195)naked : 裸で(195)definitely : 必ず(195)delicious : おいしい(196)bring out : 引き出す(196)flavor : 風味(196)transportation : 輸送(197)expensive : 高価な(197)suitable : 適した(197)require : 必要とする(197)goods : 品物(197)delivery : 配達(197)decent : まともな(198)naked eye : 肉眼(198)barely : かろうじて(198)visible : 見える(198)accustomed : 慣れた(199)nervous : 不安な(199)put up with : 我慢する(200)rude : 無礼な(200)behavior : 振る舞い(200)
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