


2017年05月02日 | 電子書籍TOEIC800とVOAから学ぶTOEIC語彙
 以下はOn May Day, Sub-Saharan Workers Still Struggle というVOA記事の抜粋です。

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta spoke at the annual May Day celebrations Monday in Nairobi, a day when many countries celebrate workers. But in sub-Saharan Africa, about three-fourths of those laborers work in the informal sector, without ①contracts or job protections, according to the International Labor Organization.
Kenyatta pledged to tackle high unemployment during his May Day speech.
One hundred meters away, 31-year-old Christine Ndunge continued her work selling sodas and snacks. She has been a street vendor at a public park in central Nairobi for several years.
"These days getting a job is hard," she said. "I have decided to employ myself so that I can survive. Like now, it's a rainy season — there are not enough customers to buy drinks. I motivate myself to continue selling because there is nowhere else I can work."
In his address Monday, Kenyatta announced that Kenya will be raising its minimum ②wage by 18 percent.
The crowd cheered, but analysts say policies like raising the minimum wage won't help a majority of the ③workforce.
According to the Kenyan government's 2017 economic ④survey, 833,000 jobs were created last year. However, less than 20 percent of those jobs were in the formal sector.

(A)an amount of money that you earn for working
(B)a set of questions that you ask a large number of people
(C)all the people in a country or area who are available for work
(D)a legal agreement between two or more people

"There is that disconnect," said Kwame Owino, CEO of the Institute of Economic Affairs in Kenya. "So on one side, we have unions, which are talking for people who are in the formal sector, raising wages. And when that happens in standard economics, one of the first things that happens is employment shrinks. So when that employment shrinks in the formal sector, most of these people fall back to the informal sector. We are ①solving the wrong problem."
He said Kenya and other African countries need to ②improve conditions for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs in Africa often struggle to ③raise capital. Owino said what governments can do is create new regulations making it easier for small businesses to get loans. He said policymakers can also streamline the process of ④registering and running a legal business and make it cheaper.

(A)to make something better
(B)to record information about someone or something on an official list
(C)to find a way to deal with a problem
(D)to collect money from people for a particular purpose


和訳)NAIROBI - ケニアのUhuru Kenyatta大統領は、毎年のメーデー祝賀会、多くの国が労働者を祝う日にナイロビで月曜日に演説した。しかし、サハラ以南のアフリカでは、国際労働機関(ILO)によると、労働者の約4分の3が非公式部門で働き、契約や雇用保護はない。Kenyattaはメーデーの演説で高い失業率に取り組むことを約束した。 100m離れたところで31歳のChristine Ndungeは、ソーダや軽食を売っていた。彼女は数年間、ナイロビ中心部の公立公園の路上販売業者だった。 「この頃は就職が難しい」と彼女は言った。 「私は生き残ることができるように自分自身で働くことに決めました。今のように雨季です。飲み物を買う十分な顧客がいません。私は働くことのできる場所がないので、頑張って売り続けています」Kenyattaは、ケニアが最低賃金を18%引き上げると発表した。群衆は歓呼したが、最低賃金の引き上げなどの政策は労働者の大多数を助けるものではないとアナリストらは指摘する。ケニア政府の2017年の経済調査によると、昨年、83万3000人の雇用が創出された。しかし、その仕事の20%以下が公式部門に入っていた。
 「乖離がある」と ケニア経済研究所のKwame Owinoは述べる。 「一方では組合があって、それは公式部門にいる人々を代弁し、賃金を上げます。そして、それが普通の経済で起きるときに最初に起きることのひとつは、雇用が縮小することです。だから、雇用が公式部門で縮小するとき、それらの人々の多くは非公式部門に頼ります。われわれは誤った問題を解決しています。ケニアや他のアフリカ諸国は起業家のための条件を改善する必要があります」と述べた。アフリカの起業家はしばしば資本調達に苦労している。 Owinoは、政府ができることは、中小企業が融資を受けることをより容易にする新しい規制を作り出すことであると述べた。 彼は、政策立案者は合法ビジネスの登録と運営のプロセスを合理化し、安価にすることもできると述べた。

解答)(1)DACB (2)CADB
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2017年05月02日 | 電子書籍TOEIC800とVOAから学ぶTOEIC語彙
 以下はIndonesian City Bars Women from Working Late at NightというVOA記事の冒頭です。

A city in Indonesia recently began ①enforcing a new regulation that bars women from working after 11 o’clock at night. The regulation has produced a mix of reactions among Indonesians. The law has ②received international attention.
The law took effect last week in Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh Province. Aceh is the westernmost province in Indonesia. It is on the island of Sumatra.
Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal is the mayor of Banda Aceh. She is the city’s first female mayor.
Ms. Djamal says the Aceh provincial administration ③approved the law in early June. She says she later made a few changes, based on the situations and conditions in Banda Aceh.
The law is directed at women who work in what officials are calling recreational areas, such as Internet cafés, coffee shops and sports centers.
The mayor says the measure orders business owners to not let women work after 11 p.m. Ms. Djamal says the purpose of the law is “to protect female workers.” She says it is dangerous for women to work in recreational areas late at night. She says the rule aims to ④prevent sexual violence against women.

(A)to officially accept an idea, plan, proposal etc.
(B)to be given something
(C)to stop something from happening
(D)to make people obey a particular rule or law


Illiza Sa'aduddin DjamalはBanda Acehの市長です。彼女は市の最初の女性市長です。

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