


2010年10月23日 | 本日の五文型クイズ

Sharks help maintain the genetic health of the fish populations they feed on by eating the weak, sick and injured.


They also keep their prey populations in balance.

目的語their prey populations補語になる形容詞句in balanceが主述関係を構成するSVOC構造の第5文型で、「They(サメ)は餌食の個体数を均衡のとれた状態に保つ」という意味になります。

The conservation group has also lobbied local restaurants that offer the classic nine-course banquet served at Cantonese weddings, of which shark fin is traditionally a part, to offer a no-shark menu as a choice to couples.

目的語local restaurants補語to offer a no-shark menuが主述関係を構成する第5文型です。that offer the classic nine-course banquet served at Cantonese weddings, of which shark fin is traditionally a part,はいずれも形容詞節になる関係代名詞節のため、文の骨格を探す五文型分類では除外して考えます。五文型分類とはつまるところ動詞の使用パターンに着目した英文の骨格探しで、骨格がわかれば英文は理解しやすくなります。

 出典はShark-Fin Soup and the Conservation Challenge

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2010年10月22日 | 本日の五文型クイズ

1 品詞分類に敏感になること。

2 自動詞と他動詞を区別すること。

3 主節と従属節、等位接続詞と従位接続詞を区別すること。

4 動名詞、分詞構文、分詞の形容詞的用法を区別すること。

5 主な前置詞と接続詞の意味を知り区別すること

6 形容詞句と副詞句を区別すること。

7 関係代名詞と接続詞のthatを区別し、省略を見抜くこと。


①Sharks help maintain the genetic health of the fish populations they feed on by eating the weak, sick and injured.

②They also keep their prey populations in balance.

③The conservation group has also lobbied local restaurants that offer the classic nine-course banquet served at Cantonese weddings, of which shark fin is traditionally a part, to offer a no-shark menu as a choice to couples.

 出典はShark-Fin Soup and the Conservation Challenge
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2010年10月21日 | 本日の五文型クイズ

India's biggest newspapers and television stations — not just the left-leaning ones — have been competing to top each other with scoops about cost overruns, safety violations and the use of child labor at Games sites.

左傾したものばかりではなくIndia's biggest newspapers and television stationsがスクープ合戦を繰り広げてきたという内容で、SV構造の第1文型になります。competeは自動詞で、to topは不定詞の副詞的用法になります。topはここで「まさる、しのぐ」という意味の他動詞です。

The front page of the Hindustan Times recently featured a photograph of three barefoot, barely clothed construction workers, two of them dangling a third upside down by his legs into a pit.

SVO構造の第3文型になります。two of them dangling a third upside down by his legs into a pitとは、三人のbarefoot, barely clothed construction workersが二人がかりで一人の足を持って穴の中に逆さにつるすという、おそろしく原始的な作業風景です。

出典はTIME誌に掲載された、インドで開催される予定のスポーツ大会が国民の激しい批判に曝されていることを伝えるLet the Games Not Beginです。
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2010年10月20日 | 本日の五文型クイズ
①India's biggest newspapers and television stations — not just the left-leaning ones — have been competing to top each other with scoops about cost overruns, safety violations and the use of child labor at Games sites.

②The front page of the Hindustan Times recently featured a photograph of three barefoot, barely clothed construction workers, two of them dangling a third upside down by his legs into a pit.

出典はTIME誌に掲載された、インドで開催される予定のスポーツ大会が国民の激しい批判に曝されていることを伝えるLet the Games Not Beginです。解説は次回。
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2010年10月05日 | 本日の五文型クイズ

The government considers hydrocodone a Schedule III drug — one with a "moderate or low" risk of dependency, as opposed to Schedule II's, which carry a "severe" risk.

目的語hydrocodone補語a Schedule III drugが主述関係を構成するSVOC構造の第5文型です。第5文型に関する当ブログ運営者の考えについては、本日の五文型クイズ(19)解説編をご参照頂ければ幸いです。

②In the 1990s, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) — the accrediting body for hospitals and other large care facilities — developed new policies to treat pain more proactively, approaching it not just as an unfortunate side effect of illness but as a fifth vital sign, along with temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure.

SVO構造の第3文型になります。to treat以下は不定詞の形容詞的用法、approaching以下は分詞構文で文全体の中では脇役になるため、五文型分類では除外されます。

The regulations the FDA is empowered to issue include requiring manufacturers to provide better information to patients and doctors, requiring doctors to meet certain educational criteria before writing opioid prescriptions and limiting the number of docs and pharmacies allowed to prescribe or dispense the drugs.

SVO構造の第3文型になります。requiring manufacturers~、requiring doctors~、and limiting the number of docs and pharmacies~と動名詞句三つが目的語になります。必ずしもひとつではないとはいえ、赤字で示した述語動詞の把握が英文を正確に理解するカギになります。

出典は、鎮痛剤の服用が中毒症状に至るケースが急増しているアメリカの現況を伝えたTIME誌の記事、The New Drug Crisis: Addiction by Prescriptionです。
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2010年10月04日 | 本日の五文型クイズ
①The government considers hydrocodone a Schedule III drug — one with a "moderate or low" risk of dependency, as opposed to Schedule II's, which carry a "severe" risk.

②In the 1990s, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) — the accrediting body for hospitals and other large care facilities — developed new policies to treat pain more proactively, approaching it not just as an unfortunate side effect of illness but as a fifth vital sign, along with temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure.

③The regulations the FDA is empowered to issue include requiring manufacturers to provide better information to patients and doctors, requiring doctors to meet certain educational criteria before writing opioid prescriptions and limiting the number of docs and pharmacies allowed to prescribe or dispense the drugs.

出典は、鎮痛剤の服用が中毒症状に至るケースが急増しているアメリカの現況を伝えたTIME誌の記事、The New Drug Crisis: Addiction by Prescriptionです。解説は次回。
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2010年09月24日 | 本日の五文型クイズ
The floods are unrelenting.


①Nearly a month since heavy monsoon rains began to devastate remote regions of Pakistan, intensifying in force as they spread, the picture of the damage wrought only worsens.


③Over the past week, the number of people thought to be affected by the disaster has soared to 13 million, according to an estimate provided by the Pakistani government to the U.N.

SV構造の第1文型です。to 13 million,はsoarした値を示す副詞句になり、基本構造はI went to the pool.と一緒です。

出典はTIME誌に掲載された、パキスタンの大洪水とそれに乗じたイスラム過激派の台頭を伝えるIn Flooded Pakistan, Islamists Ride Highの冒頭部分です。
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2010年09月22日 | 本日の五文型クイズ
①The floods are unrelenting.

②Nearly a month since heavy monsoon rains began to devastate remote regions of Pakistan, intensifying in force as they spread, the picture of the damage wrought only worsens.

③Over the past week, the number of people thought to be affected by the disaster has soared to 13 million, according to an estimate provided by the Pakistani government to the U.N.

出典はTIME誌に掲載された、パキスタンの大洪水とそれに乗じたイスラム過激派の台頭を伝えるIn Flooded Pakistan, Islamists Ride Highの冒頭部分です。解説は次回。
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2010年08月29日 | 本日の五文型クイズ
Mao Zedong initially
encouraged the Chinese to procreate amply, declaring, "Of all the things in the world, people are the most precious."

目的語the Chinese 補語to procreateが主述関係を構成するSVOC構造の第5文型です。declaring以下は分詞構文で全文の中では脇役になるため、英文の骨格を探す五文型分類では除外して考えます。

The People's Republic soon boasted a quarter of the world's population crammed into a territory with less than 15% arable soil.


③In the 1970s central planners worried about how to fill all those rice bowls.

SV構造の第1文型です。worry aboutという句動詞(群動詞)ではなく、aboutはhow to fill all those rice bowlsという名詞句にかかる前置詞です。

A voluntary incentive program to encourage smaller families led to a huge drop in Chinese fertility rates, from an average of 5.9 births per woman to 2.9.

SV構造の第1文型です。lead toという句動詞(群動詞)ではなく、toはa huge dropにかかる前置詞です。

※当ブログにおいては多くの辞書と同様、take overやlook afterのように動詞本来の意味に変成をきたしたケースのみを句動詞(群動詞)として扱っています。

出典はTIME誌に掲載された、中国の一人っ子政策の歴史と現状を論じたHow China Has Pruned Its Families' Treesです。
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2010年08月25日 | 本日の五文型クイズ
①Mao Zedong initially encouraged the Chinese to procreate amply, declaring, "Of all the things in the world, people are the most precious."

②The People's Republic soon boasted a quarter of the world's population crammed into a territory with less than 15% arable soil.

③In the 1970s central planners worried about how to fill all those rice bowls.

④A voluntary incentive program to encourage smaller families led to a huge drop in Chinese fertility rates, from an average of 5.9 births per woman to 2.9.

出典はTIME誌に掲載された、中国の一人っ子政策の歴史と現状を論じたHow China Has Pruned Its Families' Treesです。
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