


2020年11月18日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。下記の内容を50サイクル掲載している大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は語彙力、読解力、聴解力の効率的な養成が可能で、共通テスト第一回試行問題で半分以下の正解率だった受験生が半年弱で共通テスト第二回試行問題で八割以上正解できるまでに至っています。リスニングもリーディングも大幅に量が大幅に増えた共通テスト英語攻略の極意は、できるだけ和訳しないで英語を英語で理解することです。

①recover【rikʌ'vər】(Ex:I still haven't *recovered from the cold I caught last week.)(2005センター)(097)
②burn【bə'ːrn】(Ex:When fossil fuels are *burned, they release carbon dioxide.)(098)
③expect【ikspékt】(Ex:Never did I *expect to see him in such a place. )(099)
④preserve【prizə'ːrv】(Ex:What can be used to *preserve food?)(100)
(A)to think that something will happen
(B)to get better after an illness or an injury
(C)to keep something in good condition
(D)to damage something with fire

①gather【gǽðər】(Ex:*Gathering seafood by hand is very simple.)(101)
②avoid【əvɔ'id】(Ex:Which fruits should be *avoided for weight loss?)(102)
③hide【háid】(Ex:Where can I *hide my secret diary in my room?)(103)
④decide【disáid】(Ex:She *decided to quit her job.)(104)
(A)to keep away from someone or something
(B)to make a choice about something
(C)to bring many things together
(D)to keep something in a place where it cannot easily be found



①remove【rimúːv】(Ex:Chewing gum and yawning are effective ways to remove water from your ears.)(105)
②hate【héit】(Ex:If your child *hates doing homework, you're not alone.)(106)
③illustrate【íləstrèit】(Ex:This picture illustrates a method of protection utilized by many animals.)(107)(2009センター)
④lead【líːd】(Ex:The guide led us to the museum.)(108)
(A)to dislike someone or something very much
(B)to make something easy to understand by giving examples
(C)to take someone somewhere, usually by walking in front of them
(D)to take something away from a place

①prevent【privént】(Ex:Fire doors help *prevent fires from spreading through a building. )(109)
②invent【invént】(Ex:Who *invented the telephone? )(110)
③bark【bɑ'ːrk】(Ex:*Barking dogs seldom bite.)(111)
④achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex:Nothing can be *achieved without effort.)(112)
(A)to create something that has never been made before
(B)to stop something from happening
(C)to succeed in doing something
(D)to make a short loud sound



(097)I still haven't rec------- from the cold I caught last week.
【to get better after an illness or an injury】

(098)When fossil fuels are bur-------, they release carbon dioxide.
【to damage something with fire】

(099)Never did I exp------- to see him in such a place.
【to think that something will happen】

(100)What can be used to pre------- food?
【to keep something in good condition】

(101)Gat------- seafood by hand is very simple.
【to bring many things together】

(102)Which fruits should be avo------- for weight loss?
【to keep away from someone or something】

(103)Where can I hid------- my secret diary in my room?
【to keep something in a place where it cannot easily be found】

(104)She dec------- to quit her job.
【to make a choice about something】

(097)recovered (098)burned (099)expect (100) preserve
(101)Gathering (102)avoided (103)hide (104)decided

(105)Chewing gum and yawning are effective ways to rem------- water from your ears.
【to take something away from a place】

(106)If your child hat------- doing homework, you're not alone.
【to dislike someone or something very much】

(107)This picture ill------- a method of protection utilized by many animals.
【to make something easy to understand by giving examples】

(108)The guide le------- us to the museum.
【to take someone somewhere, usually by walking in front of them】

(109)Fire doors help pre------- fires from spreading through a building.
【to stop something from happening】

(110)Who inv------- the telephone?
【to create something that has never been made before】

(111)Bar------- dogs seldom bite.
【to make a short loud sound】

(112)Nothing can be ach------- without effort.
【to succeed in doing something】

(105)remove (106)hates (107)illustrates (108)led
(109)prevented (110) invented (111)Barking (112)achieved
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2020年11月16日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
  大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。
 以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。


①agree【əgríː】(Ex: I couldn't *agree with your idea more.)(081)
②reserve【rizə'ːrv】(Ex: I'd like to *reserve a table for three at seven.)(082)
③care【kéər】(Ex:Why do people *care so much about their reputation?)(083)
④educate【édʒukèit】(Ex:She was born in England and was *educated there.)(084)
(A)to make an arrangements for a room, seat, etc, to be saved for you
(B)to have the same opinion
(C)to teach or train somebody
(D)to be interested in or mindful of someone or something

①arrive【əráiv】(Ex:It was not until I *arrived at the airport that I realized I had forgotten my passport.)(085)
②sail【séil】(Ex:How long did it take to *sail from England to America in the 1700s?)(086)
③repeat【ripíːt】(Ex: Could you *repeat the question?)(087)
④arrange【əréindʒ】(Ex: We will *arrange a meeting as soon as possible.)(088)
(A)to say something again
(B)to travel on water in a ship
(C)to reach a place
(D)to plan or make preparations for something to happen in the future

①agree:同意する(Ex: 私はあなたの考えに大賛成です。)
②reserve:予約する(Ex: 私は七時に三人のテーブルを予約したいです。)

③repeat:繰り返す(Ex: 質問を繰り返していただけますか。)
④arrange:手配する(Ex: できるだけ早く会合を手配します。)

①excite【iksáit】(Ex: A lot of Japanese got very *excited about the news.)(089)
②pay【péi】(Ex:When you use a buy now *pay later service, you can buy a product and delay payment.)(090)
③announce【ənáuns】(Ex: Japanese Prime Minister *announced resignation over worsening health.)(091)
④discover【diskʌ'vər】(Ex:Newton *discovered the law of gravitation.)(092)
(A)to tell people about something publicly
(B)to make someone feel happy and full of energy
(C)to find out something that you did not know before
(D)to give money in order to get something

①follow【fɑ'lou】(Ex:If your dog *follows you everywhere you go, don't be too worried about it.)(093)
②produce【prəd(j)úːs】(Ex:How many cars does Japan *produce per year?)(094)
③rent【rént】(Ex:*Renting a car can give you freedom and flexibility when you're traveling.)(095)
④divide【diváid】(Ex:The equator *divides the globe into two hemispheres.)(096)
(A)to make or grow something to be bought, used, or enjoyed
(B)to pay money for the use of a house, room, office, etc.
(C)to separate something into two or more parts
(D)to go behind someone

①excite:興奮させる(Ex: 多くの日本人がそのニュースに興奮した。)
③announce:発表する(Ex: 日本の首相は悪化する健康のため辞任を発表した。)



(081)I couldn't agr------- with your idea more.
【to have the same opinion】

(082) I'd like to res------- a table for three at seven.
【to make an arrangements for a room, seat, etc, to be saved for you】

(083)Why do people car------- so much about their reputation?
【to be interested in or mindful of someone or something】

(084)She was born in England and was edu------- there.
【to teach or train somebody】

(085)It was not until I arr------- at the airport that I realized I had forgotten my passport.
【to reach a place】

(086)How long did it take to sai------- from England to America in the 1700s?
【to travel on water in a ship】

(087)Could you rep------- the question?
【to say something again】

(088) We will arr------- a meeting as soon as possible.
【to plan or make preparations for something to happen in the future】

(081)agree (082)reserve (083)care (084)educated
(085)arrived (086)sail (087)repeat (088)arrange

(089)A lot of Japanese got very exc------- about the news.
【to make someone feel happy and full of energy】

(090)When you use a buy now pa------- later service, you can buy a product and delay payment.
【to give money in order to get something】

(091)Japanese Prime Minister ann------- resignation over worsening health.
【to tell people about something publicly】

(092)Newton dis------- the law of gravitation.
【to find out something that you did not know before】

(093)If your dog fol------- you everywhere you go, don't be too worried about it.
【to go behind someone】

(094)How many cars does Japan pro------- per year?
【to make or grow something to be bought, used, or enjoyed】

(095)Ren------- a car can give you freedom and flexibility when you're traveling.
【to pay money for the use of a house, room, office, etc.】

(096)The equator divi------- the globe into two hemispheres.
【to separate something into two or more parts】

(089)excited (090)pay (091)announced (092)discovered
(093)follows (094)produce (095)Renting (096)divides

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は上記と同じ形式の練習問題を16語×50サイクル練習するため、語彙力、読解力、聴解力を効率的に養成できます。センター試験に比較してリーディングもリスニングも大幅に量が増えた共通テストを迎え撃つ極意は、できるだけ和訳せず英語を英語で理解することです。英英定義に親しむと英語を英語で理解する英語頭ができてくる結果、リーディングで時間が足りない、リスニングのスピードについていけないという悩みを大幅に解消できます。
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2020年11月12日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
When I first entered university, my aunt, who is a professional translator, gave me a new English dictionary. I was puzzled to see that it was a monolingual dictionary, which meant that everything was in English. Although it was a dictionary intended for learners, none of my classmates had one and, to be honest, I found it extremely difficult to use at first. (私が大学に入学したとき,翻訳家であるおばが私に新しい英語辞典をくれた。それはすべてが英語で書いてある単一言語辞書(英英辞典)だったため私は戸惑った。それは学習用の辞書だったが、英英辞書をクラスメートの誰も持っていなかったし、実を言うと、最初はとても使うのが難しいと感じた。)
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。

①creative【kriéitiv】(Ex:To help our children become *creative we need to foster their curiosity.)(065)
②plain【pléin】(Ex:It was *plain that she was tired.)(066)
③famous【féiməs】(Ex:Senso-ji is the oldest and most *famous temple in Tokyo. )(067)
④modern【mɑ'dərn】(Ex:In *modern society, dance is widely recognized as a form of entertainment.)(2013センター)(068)
(A)easy to understand
(B)using a lot of imagination and new ideas
(C)known by many people
(D)belonging to the present time

①sudden【sʌ'dn】(Ex:I felt a *sudden pain in my head.)(069)
②safe【séif】(Ex:How can I check if a site is *safe?)(070)
③recent【ríːsnt】(Ex:I'm sharing some pictures from my *recent visit to Kyoto.)(071)
④active【ǽktiv】(Ex:He was *active in politics when he was in the university. )(072)
(A)busy with performing a particular activity
(B)happening or starting only a short time ago
(C)happening quickly and unexpectedly
(D)not likely to harm you



①slight【sláit】(Ex:Fever is uncommon in adults, but a *slight fever is possible.)(073)
②lonely【lóunli】(Ex:She is a *lonely person with few friends.)(074)
③useful【júːsfəl】(Ex:Horses are *useful animals. )(075)
④popular【pɑ'pjulər】(Ex:Soccer is the most *popular sport in Brazil.)(076)
(A)helpful for doing something
(B)very small in degree
(C)liked by many people
(D)unhappy because you are not with other people

①senior【síːnjər】(Ex:He holds a *senior position in a department store. )(077)
②shy【ʃái】(Ex:He is *shy and doesn't talk much.)(078)
③distant【dístənt】(Ex:A horse came running up from a *distant field.)(2007センター)(079)
④maximum【mǽksəməm】(Ex:What is the *maximum seating capacity of a standard size school bus?)(080)
(A)of a higher position in an organization
(B)the largest possible or allowed
(C)a long way away in space
(D)nervous and uncomfortable with others




(065)To help our children become cre------- we need to foster their curiosity.
【using a lot of imagination and new ideas】

(066)It was pla------- that she was tired.
【easy to understand】

(067)Senso-ji is the oldest and most fam------- temple in Tokyo.
【known by many people】

(068)In mod------- society, dance is widely recognized as a form of entertainment.
【belonging to the present time】

(069)I felt a sud------- pain in my head.
【happening quickly and unexpectedly】

(070)How can I check if a site is saf------- ?
【not likely to harm you】

(071)I'm sharing some pictures from my rec------- visit to Kyoto.
【happening or starting only a short time ago】

(072)He was act------- in politics when he was in the university.
【busy with performing a particular activity】


(073)Fever is uncommon in adults, but a sli------- fever is possible.
【very small in degree】

(074)She is a lon------- person with few friends.
【unhappy because you are not with other people】

(075)Horses are use------- animals.
【helpful for doing something】

(076)Soccer is the most pop------- sport in Brazil.
【liked by many people】

(077)He holds a sen------- position in a department store.
【of a higher position in an organization】

(078)He is sh------- and doesn't talk much.
【nervous and uncomfortable with others】

(079)A horse came running up from a dis------- field.
【a long way away in space】

(080) What is the max------- seating capacity of a standard size school bus?
【the largest possible or allowed】

(073)slight (074)lonely(075)useful(076)popular

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は上記と同じ形式の練習問題を16語×50サイクル練習するため、語彙力、読解力、聴解力を効率的に養成できます。センター試験に比較してリーディングもリスニングも大幅に量が増えた共通テストを迎え撃つ極意は、できるだけ和訳せず英語を英語で理解することです。英英定義に親しむと英語を英語で理解する英語頭ができてくる結果、リーディングで時間が足りない、リスニングのスピードについていけないという悩みを大幅に解消できます。
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2020年11月11日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
  大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。
 以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。


①territory【térətɔ`ːri】(Ex:Hawaii became a U.S. *territory and then officially became the 50th U.S. state in 1959.)(049)
②research【risə'ːrtʃ】(Ex:Animals are used in scientific *research to help us understand our own bodies.)(050)
③vacation【veikéiʃən】(Ex:How did you spend your summer *vacation? )(051)
④value【vǽlju】(Ex:It is not until we lose our health that we realize the *value of it.)(052)
(A)an area of land controlled by a particular country
(B)a period of time when you do something for pleasure instead of working
(C)the worth, importance, or usefulness of something
(D)a serious study of something to discover more information about it

①pool【púːl】(Ex:She is swimming in the *pool.) (053)
②threat【θrét】(Ex:I interpreted her remark as a *threat.)(054)
③material【mətíəriəl】(Ex:What *material is best for homemade masks?)(055)
④zoo【zúː】(Ex:Should we ban the keeping of animals in *zoos?)(056)
(A)a place where wild animals are kept so that people can go to look at them
(B)a promise or warning that something unpleasant will happen
(C)a container filled with water so that people can swim in it
(D)a substance used for making something



①bridge【brídʒ】(Ex:What river has the most *bridges?)(057)
②welfare【wélfèər】(Ex:Which is important for child *welfare?)(058)
③island【áilənd】(Ex:Japan consists of four large *islands and many small *islands.(059)(2013センター)
④rainbow【réinbòu】(Ex:There are seven colors in the *rainbow.)(060)
(A)the physical and mental health and happiness of a person
(B)a piece of land completely surrounded by water
(C)a structure built over a river, road, etc. that allows people or vehicles to cross it
(D)a curved line of colors that appears in the sky when the sun shines through rain

①hospital【hɑ'spitl】(Ex:His wife is in the *hospital because she was injured in a car crash.)(61)(1991センター)
②lighthouse【láithàus】(Ex:*Lighthouse light is used to help sailors in the sea.)(062)
③hotel【houtél】(Ex:Can you recommend a good *hotel in Tokyo?)(063)
④beach【bíːtʃ】(Ex:Waikiki *Beach is a popular and famous destination in Hawaii.)(064)
(A)an area of sand or small stones beside a sea or lake
(B)a tall tower with a light at the top to guide ships away from damage
(C)a place where sick or injured people are treated
(D)a building where people pay to stay in a room



(049)Hawaii became a U.S. ter------- and then officially became the 50th U.S. state in 1959.
【an area of land controlled by a particular country】

(050)Animals are used in scientific res------- to help us understand our own bodies.
【a serious study of something to discover more information about it】

(051)How did you spend your summer vac------- ?
【a period of time when you do something for pleasure instead of working】

(052)It is not until we lose our health that we realize the val------- of it.
【the worth, importance, or usefulness of something】

(053)She is swimming in the poo------- .
【a container filled with water so that people can swim in it】

(054)I interpreted her remark as a thr------- .
【a promise or warning that something unpleasant will happen】

(055)What mat------- is best for homemade masks?
【a substance used for making something】

(056)Should we ban the keeping of animals in zo------- ?
【a place where wild animals are kept so that people can go to look at them】


(057)What river has the most bri------- ?
【a structure built over a river, road, etc. that allows people or vehicles to cross it】

(058)Which is important for child wel------- ?
【the physical and mental health and happiness of a person】

(059)Japan consists of four large isl------- and many small isl------- .
【a piece of land completely surrounded by water】

(060)Ex:There are seven colors in the rai------- .
【a curved line of colors that appears in the sky when the sun shines through rain】

(61)His wife is in the hos------- because she was injured in a car crash.
【a place where sick or injured people are treated】

(062)Lig------- light is used to help sailors in the sea.
【a tall tower with a light at the top to guide ships away from damage】

(063)Can you recommend a good hot------- in Tokyo?
【a building where people pay to stay in a room】

(064)Waikiki Bea------- is a popular and famous destination in Hawaii.
【an area of sand or small stones beside a sea or lake】


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2020年11月10日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
  大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。
 以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。


①discussion【diskʌ'ʃən】(We should avoid *discussion of religion and politics at the dinner table.)(033)
②background【bǽkgrɑùnd】(Ex:People from different *background gather in workplaces. )(034)
③advice【ædváis】(Ex: Her *advice is always helpful to me. )(035)
④elevator【éləvèitər】(Ex: In the event of fire, don't use the *elevator. )(036)
(A)an opinion that someone gives others about what they should do
(B)the type of career, training, or education that shapes somebody's life
(C)the process of talking about something important
(D)a machine that carries people and goods up and down in a building

①fashion【fǽʃən】(Ex:It is very expensive to keep up with the latest *fashions.)037)
②economy【ikɑ'nəmi】(Ex:Why is trade so important to Japan's *economy?)(038)
③gesture【dʒéstʃər】(Ex:Hand *gestures can mean very different things in different cultures.)(039)
④dream【dríːm】(Ex:What does it mean when you see fire in your *dream?)(040)
(A)the system by which a place's money and goods are made and used
(B)a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are asleep
(C)the fact that something is popular at a particular time
(D)a movement of your body that communicates a feeling or instruction

③advice:助言(Ex: 彼女の助言はいつも私の助けになる。)
④elevator:エレベーター(Ex: 火事に際して、エレベーターを使ってはいけない。)


①imagination【imæ`dʒənéiʃən】(Ex:How does reading help children's *imagination?)(041)
②hobby【hɑ'bi】(Ex:My *hobby is taking pictures of wild animals.)(042)
③noise【nɔ'iz】(Ex:There was so much *noise in the classroom that Hisako could not make herself heard.)(2012センター)(043)
④means【míːnz】(Ex:The bus is the common *means of public transportation.)(044)
(A)an activity that someone does for pleasure in their free time
(B)the ability to create pictures or ideas in your mind
(C)a loud or unpleasant sound
(D)a way of doing or achieving something

①salary【sǽləri】(Ex:He was earning a large *salary when he retired.)(045)
②talent【tǽlənt】(Ex:He has a great *talent for music.)046)
③penalty【pénəlti】(Ex:There are severe *penalties in Japan for drinking and driving. )(047)
④rival【ráivəl】(Ex: Two *rivals have different policies on several key issues.)(048)
(A)a punishment for breaking a rule
(B)a person or thing that competes with another
(C)the money that a person receives each month or year from their job
(D)a natural skill or ability to do something well


④rival【ráivəl】(Ex: ふたりのライバルは重要問題に異なる方針を持っている。)


(033)We should avoid dis------- of religion and politics at the dinner table.
【the process of talking about something important】

(034)People from different bac------- gather in workplaces.
【the type of career, training, or education that shapes somebody's life】

(035) Her adv------- is always helpful to me.
【an opinion that someone gives others about what they should do】

(036)In the event of fire, don't use the ele------- .
【a machine that carries people and goods up and down in a building】

(037)It is very expensive to keep up with the latest fas-------
【the fact that something is popular at a particular time】

(038)Why is trade so important to Japan's eco------- ?
【the system by which a place's money and goods are made and used】

(039)Hand ges------- can mean very different things in different cultures.
【a movement of your body that communicates a feeling or instruction】

(040)What does it mean when you see fire in your dre------- ?
【a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are asleep】


(041)How does reading help children's ima------- ?
【the ability to create pictures or ideas in your mind】

(042)My hob------- is taking pictures of wild animals.
【an activity that someone does for pleasure in their free time】

(043)There was so much noi------- in the classroom that Hisako could not make herself heard.
【a loud or unpleasant sound】

(044)The bus is the common mea------- of public transportation.
【a way of doing or achieving something】

(045)He was earning a large sal------- when he retired.
【the money that a person receives each month or year from their job】

(046)He has a great tal------- for music.
【a natural skill or ability to do something well】

(047)There are severe pen------- in Japan for drinking and driving.
【a punishment for breaking a rule】

(048)Two riv------- have different policies on several key issues.
【a person or thing that competes with another】

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2020年11月09日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。ただ、高校教科書レベルを超えた共通テスト英語キーワードも網羅的に組み込んでいるため独習するには英検準2級合格程度の基礎力が必要です。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。下記の内容を50サイクル掲載している大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は語彙力、読解力、聴解力の効率的な養成が可能で、共通テスト第一回試行問題で半分以下の正解率だった受験生が半年弱で共通テスト第二回試行問題で八割以上正解できるまでに至っています。リスニングもリーディングも大幅に量が大幅に増えた共通テスト英語攻略の極意は、できるだけ和訳しないで英語を英語で理解することです。


①marry【mǽri】(Ex: She decided to *marry him.)(017)
②protect【prətékt】(Ex:Why should we *protect our environment? )(018)
③kick【kík】(Ex:She *kicked the door open. )(019)
④remember【rimémbər】(Ex:Do you *remember how we met?)(020)
(A)to hit someone or something with the foot
(B)to become the husband or wife of someone
(C)to keep someone or something safe from harm
(D)to have an image of someone or something in the past in your memory

①provide【prəváid】(Ex: Cows *provide us with milk.) (021)
②forget【fərgét】(Ex:I wrote down her name so I wouldn't *forget it. )(022)
③belong【bilɔ'ːŋ】(Ex: I used to *belong to the tennis club when I was a student.) (023)
④collect【kəlékt】(Ex:I didn't know you collected old coins. )(024)
(A)to be unable to remember
(B)to be a member of an organization
(C)to bring things together from different places
(D)to supply somebody with something

①marry:結婚する(Ex: 彼女は彼と結婚すると決めた)


①provide:提供する(Ex: 牛は私たちに牛乳を提供する)
③belong:所属する(Ex: 私は学生の頃テニスクラブに所属していたものだ)


①cancel【kǽnsəl】(Ex:How do I cancel my order? )(025)
②introduce【ìntrədjúːs】(Ex:She *introduced her daughter to me. )(026)
③exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex:Do you know how to *exchange business cards in Japan?)(027)
④lend【lénd】(Ex:Would you *lend me your dictionary?)(028)
(A)to say that an event that was planned will not now happen
(B)to give something and receive something else in return
(C)to allow someone to use something for a short time
(D)to bring one person to another person so that they can meet

①elect【ilékt】(Ex: Lincoln was the first member of the Republican Party elected to the presidency. )(029)
②invite【invɑ'it】(Ex: Thank you for *inviting me to your birthday party.)(030)
③sell【sél】(Ex:What is the quickest way to *sell a car?)(031)
④wait【wéit】(Ex:I'm sorry to have kept you *waiting.)(032)
(A)to stay in a particular place until someone arrives
(B)to give something in exchange for money
(C) to ask someone to come to an event
(D)to choose someone by voting



①elect:選出する(Ex: リンカーンは共和党で初めて大統領に選ばれた)
②invite:(Ex: 誕生パーティに招待いただき有り難うございます)
(C) 誰かに行事にくるよう頼むこと

(8)①(D)②(C) ③(B)④(A)


(017)She decided to mar------- him.【to become the husband or wife of someone】

(018)Why should we pro------- our environment? 【to keep someone or something safe from harm】

(019)She kic------- the door open. 【to hit someone or something with the foot】

(020)Do you rem------- how we met?
【to have an image of someone or something in the past in your memory】

(021)Cows pro------- us with milk.【to supply somebody with something】

(022)I wrote down her name so I wouldn't for------- it. 【to be unable to remember】

(023)I used to bel------- to the tennis club when I was a student.
【to be a member of an organization】

(024)I didn't know you col------- ected old coins. 【to bring things together from different places】

(017)marry(018)protect (019)kicked(020)remember
(021)provide(022)forget it(023)belong(024)collected

(025)How do I can------ my order? 【to say that an event that was planned will not now happen】

(026)She intr------ her daughter to me. 【to bring one person to another person so that they can meet】

(027)Do you know how to exc------ business cards in Japan?
【to give something and receive something else in return】

(028)Would you len------  me your dictionary?【to allow someone to use something for a short time】

(029)Lincoln was the first member of the Republican Party ele------ to the presidency.
【to choose someone by voting】

(030)Thank you for inv------ me to your birthday party.【to ask someone to come to an event】

(031)What is the quickest way to sel------ a car?【to give something in exchange for money】

(032)I'm sorry to have kept you wai------ .【to stay in a particular place until someone arrives】

(029)elected(030)inviting(031)sell (032)waiting
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2020年11月08日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
When I first entered university, my aunt, who is a professional translator, gave me a new English dictionary. I was puzzled to see that it was a monolingual dictionary, which meant that everything was in English. Although it was a dictionary intended for learners, none of my classmates had one and, to be honest, I found it extremely difficult to use at first. (私が大学に入学したとき,翻訳家であるおばが私に新しい英語辞典をくれた。それはすべてが英語で書いてある単一言語辞書(英英辞典)だったため私は戸惑った。それは学習用の辞書だったが、英英辞書をクラスメートの誰も持っていなかったし、実を言うと、最初はとても使うのが難しいと感じた。)
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。

①enjoy【indʒɔ'i】(Ex:I *enjoy fishing every weekend.)(001)
②imagine【imǽdʒin】(Ex: In an *increasingly *connected world, many people can't *imagine life without the Internet.)(002)
③learn【lə'ːrn】(Ex:I *learned English from a Canadian teacher. )(003)
④join【dʒɔ'in】(Ex:When did Japan *join the United Nations?)(004)
(A)to form a picture of something in your mind
(B)to get pleasure from something
(C)to become a member of something such as a club, company, or other organization
(D)to get knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity

①approach【əpróutʃ】(Ex: There were two *vehicles on the road *approaching the signal.) (005)
②travel【trǽvəl】(Ex: Sound *travels at different speeds, depending on the temperature of the air.)(006)
③deliver【dilívər】(Ex: Photographs will be *delivered within three business days.) (007)
④hit【hít】(Ex:She suddenly *hit me on the head.)(008)
(A)to bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard
(B)to move closer to someone or something
(C)to go from one place to another
(D)to take something to the requested place

②imagine:想像する(Ex: ますますつながっている世界で、多くの人々はインターネットなしの生活を想像することはできない)
③learn:学ぶ(Ex:私は英語をカナダ人の先生から学んだ )

①approach:近づく(Ex: 道路上には信号に近づく二台の車があった)(2010センター)
②travel:移動する(Ex: 音は、気温によって異なった速度で移動する)(2014関西学院大)
③deliver:配達する(Ex: 写真は三営業日以内に配達されます)(2012センター) (007)

(1)①(B)②(A)③(D)④(C)         (2) ①(B)②(C)③(D)④(A)

①wear【wéər】(Ex: He always *wears black shoes.)(009)
②sleep【slíːp】(Ex: Fred was so excited that he couldn't *sleep.)(010)
③float【flóut】(Ex: Why do boats *float and rocks *sink? )(011)
④catch【kǽtʃ】(Ex: Learning how to *catch a football is an important football skill.)(012)
(A)to stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking
(B)to rest your mind and body with your eyes closed, usually while lying down
(C) to stop and hold something that is moving, especially in the hands
(D)to have something on your body

①destroy【distrɔ'i】(Ex: *Rainforests are likely to make more money if they are not *destroyed.)(013)
②escape【iskéip】(Ex: When *escaping from fires, smoke and gases should be *avoided.)(014)
③judge【dʒʌ'dʒ】(Ex: You should know better than to *judge by *appearance.)(015)
④notice 【nóutis】(Ex: I opened the door quietly so that the teacher wouldn't *notice me.)(016)
(A)to get away from a dangerous situation
(B)to break something down *completely
(C)to become *aware of something
(D)to *form an *opinion about someone or something

①wear:身につける(Ex: 彼はいつも黒い靴を履いている)
②sleep:眠る (Ex: フレッドはとても興奮して眠れなかった)
③float:浮く(Ex: なぜボートは浮いて岩は沈むのだろうか )
④catch:捕らえる(Ex: いかにフットボールを掴むか学ぶことは重要なフットボールの技術である。)
(C) 特に手で、動いている何かを止めて掴むこと

①destroy:破壊する(Ex: 熱帯雨林は破壊されなければもっと金になりそうだ。)(2009センター)
②escape:逃れる(Ex: 火から逃れるとき、煙とガスは避けるべきだ。)(2016センター追試)
③judge:判断する(Ex: 外見で判断するような馬鹿なことをすべきではない。)(2015昭和大)
④notice:気づく(Ex: 先生が気づかないように、私はドアを静かに開けた。)

(3)①(D)②(B)③(A)④(C)    (4)①(B)②(A)③(D)④(C)


(001)I enj------- fishing every weekend.
【to get pleasure from something】

(002)In an increasingly connected world, many people can't ima------- life without the Internet.
【to form a picture of something in your mind】

(003)I lea------- English from a Canadian teacher.
【to get knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity】

(004)When did Japan joi------- the United Nations?
【to become a member of something such as a club, company, or other organization】

(005)There were two vehicles on the road app------- the signal.
【to move closer to someone or something】

(006)Sound tra------- at different speeds, depending on the temperature of the air.
【to go from one place to another】

(007)Photographs will be del------- within three business days.
【to take something to the requested place】

(008)She suddenly hi------- me on the head.
【to bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard】


(009)He always wea------- black shoes.
【to have something on your body】

(010)Fred was so excited that he couldn't sle-------.
【to rest your mind and body with your eyes closed, usually while lying down】

(011)Why do ships flo------- and rocks sink?
【to stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking】

(012)Learning how to cat------- a football is an important football skill.
【to stop and hold something that is moving, especially in the hands】

(013)Rainforests are likely to make more money if they are not des-------.
【to break something down completely】

(014)When esc------- from fires, smoke and gases should be avoided.
【to get away from a dangerous situation】

(015)You should know better than to jud------- by appearance.
【to form an opinion about someone or something】

(016)I opened the door quietly so that the teacher wouldn't not------- me.
【to become aware of something】


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は上記と同じ形式の練習問題を16語×50サイクル練習するため、語彙力、読解力、聴解力を効率的に養成できます。センター試験に比較してリーディングもリスニングも大幅に量が増えた共通テストを迎え撃つ極意は、できるだけ和訳せず英語を英語で理解することです。英英定義に親しむと英語を英語で理解する英語頭ができてくる結果、リーディングで時間が足りない、リスニングのスピードについていけないという悩みを大幅に解消できます。
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