


2015年08月29日 | VOAのやさしい記事で攻略するTOEICPart6
 以下はApple Event Generates Speculation About New Devicesという記事の冒頭から作成しました。
 わからない単語があればロングマンのような英英辞典を使いながら解くようにすると着実に力がつきます。英英辞典が使いにくければenglish x englishをお試しください。試験本番で英英辞典は使えないとはいえ、英英辞典を使いこなす英英思考力はフリーパスで頼れる武器になります。

The Apple company has sent out mysterious invitations to a new "product event" for September 9, but has not said exactly what will be announced - standard practice for the technology company, which often (1)(     ) new products in September.

(A) competes
(B) stores
(C) launches
(D) purchases

Media outlets on Thursday received invitations to the event, carrying the headline "Hey Siri, give us a hint." Siri is the name for the voice-activated "personal assistant" function (2)(     ) in Apple devices.

(A) contain
(B) container
(C) contains
(D) contained

While the exact nature of the announcement has not been (3)(     ), industry observers say it is likely to be a new iPhone model or a new version of the Apple TV set-top box, which allows a standard television to display streaming content.

(A) revealed
(B) founded
(C) booked
(D) arranged

Apple event announcements usually generate a great deal of interest because of how closely the company guards its information. When Siri users question their electronic (4)(     ) about the purpose of the September 9 event, "she" answers enigmatically, saying only to expect "a big announcement."

(A) process
(B) device
(C) mail
(D) colleague

※解答(1)(C) launches (2)(D) contained (3)(A) revealed (4)(B) device
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