


2015年08月31日 | VOAのやさしい記事で攻略するTOEICPart6
 以下はIs China’s Economic Information Correct?という記事の冒頭から作成しました。
 英英辞典が使いにくければenglish x englishをお試しください。試験本番で英英辞典は使えないとはいえ、英英辞典を使いこなす英英思考力はフリーパスで頼れる武器になります。

For over a week, investors have been closely watching sharp changes in share prices on China’s stock market. Some investors say the wild movements have intensified because of (1)(     ) about the truthfulness of that nation’s economic reports. Critics say the reports can fool investors by presenting an unrealistically-strong picture of the economy.

(A) concerns
(B) evidences
(C) investigations
(D) articles

An expert on China says the government is not inventing the economic information. But, he believes that the economy is changing quickly from traditional industries to services. He says the ways of measuring this new economic activity are unable to (2)(     ) the changes.

(A) take over
(B) make room for
(C) call off
(D) keep up with

China is the world's second-largest economy, a huge trading nation and major importer of everything from machinery to oil and other natural resources. For this reason, its economic problems (3)(     ) trading partners and stock markets around the world.

(A) update
(B) affect
(C) process
(D) accompany

Stock prices in Shanghai and (4)(     ) markets have been in the news, in part, because of fears that China's economy is not growing as fast as some investors expect.

(A) current
(B) direct
(C) overseas
(D) limited

Weakness worries investors. And when many frightened investors sell stocks, it drives down prices. The fears intensify when (5)(     ) experts worry that China’s economy is weaker than the official reports show.

(A) financial
(B) practical
(C) additional
(D) crowded

※解答(1)(A) concerns (2)(D) keep up with (3)(B) affect (4)(C) overseas (5)(A) financial
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