

The Mysterious Affair at Styles 57

2023-05-10 00:39:40 | スタイルズ荘の謎



To my extreme annoyance, Poirot was not in, and the old Belgian who answered my knock informed me that he believed he had gone to London.


I was dumbfounded. What on earth could Poirot be doing in London! Was it a sudden decision on his part, or had he already made up his mind when he parted from me a few hours earlier?

私は言葉を失った。いったい全体、ポアロはロンドンで何をしているんだ! 急にそう決めたのか、それとも数時間前に私がここを去った時にはもう決まっていたことなのか?

I retraced my steps to Styles in some annoyance. With Poirot away, I was uncertain how to act. Had he foreseen this arrest? Had he not, in all probability, been the cause of it? Those questions I could not resolve. But in the meantime what was I to do? Should I announce the arrest openly at Styles, or not? Though I did not acknowledge it to myself, the thought of Mary Cavendish was weighing on me. Would it not be a terrible shock to her? For the moment, I set aside utterly any suspicions of her. She could not be implicated—otherwise I should have heard some hint of it.

不満を抱えながら私はスタイルズ荘へ戻った。ポアロがいないと、どうしていいのかわからない。逮捕されるということを彼はわかっていたのか? 彼のせいでこうなったのではないのか? 私にはわからなかったあの質問の数々。しかし私は何をしたらいいのだろう? スタイルズ荘で逮捕のことを皆に知らせるべきだろうか? 直接知っているわけではないが、メアリー・キャベンディッシュのことを思うと気が重い。彼女には衝撃じゃないだろうか? 彼女への疑惑は全てこの際おいておこう。彼女が関わってなどあり得ない。そんなことがあれば私も何か聞いていたはずだ。

Of course, there was no possibility of being able permanently to conceal Dr. Bauerstein’s arrest from her. It would be announced in every newspaper on the morrow. Still, I shrank from blurting it out. If only Poirot had been accessible, I could have asked his advice. What possessed him to go posting off to London in this unaccountable way?


In spite of myself, my opinion of his sagacity was immeasurably heightened. I would never have dreamt of suspecting the doctor, had not Poirot put it into my head. Yes, decidedly, the little man was clever.


After some reflecting, I decided to take John into my confidence, and leave him to make the matter public or not, as he thought fit.


He gave vent to a prodigious whistle, as I imparted the news.

“Great Scott! You were right, then. I couldn’t believe it at the time.”


「なんてことだ! 君は正しかったんだな。信じられなかったんだが。」

“No, it is astonishing until you get used to the idea, and see how it makes everything fit in. Now, what are we to do? Of course, it will be generally known to-morrow.”

「その考えが馴染んできて、これで何もかも辻褄が合うと思うまでは驚きでいっぱいだったよ。さて、どうする? もちろん明日には皆が知ることになる。」

John reflected.

“Never mind,” he said at last, “we won’t say anything at present. There is no need. As you say, it will be known soon enough.”



But to my intense surprise, on getting down early the next morning, and eagerly opening the newspapers, there was not a word about the arrest! There was a column of mere padding about “The Styles Poisoning Case,” but nothing further. It was rather inexplicable, but I supposed that, for some reason or other, Japp wished to keep it out of the papers. It worried me just a little, for it suggested the possibility that there might be further arrests to come.

翌朝早く起き出して、早速新聞を見てみたが、驚いたことに、逮捕のことなど載っていない! 『スタイルズ荘の毒殺事件』に関して触れている記事があったが、何の進展もないようだ。不思議に思ったが、何か理由があってジャップがまだ公には伏せているのかもしれない。まだ他に逮捕される者があるのかもしれないし、あまり気にしないことにした。

After breakfast, I decided to go down to the village, and see if Poirot had returned yet; but, before I could start, a well-known face blocked one of the windows, and the well-known voice said:

Bonjour, mon ami!



“Poirot,” I exclaimed, with relief, and seizing him by both hands, I dragged him into the room. “I was never so glad to see anyone. Listen, I have said nothing to anybody but John. Is that right?”


“My friend,” replied Poirot, “I do not know what you are talking about.”

“Dr. Bauerstein’s arrest, of course,” I answered impatiently.



“Is Bauerstein arrested, then?”

“Did you not know it?”



“Not the least in the world.” But, pausing a moment, he added: “Still, it does not surprise me. After all, we are only four miles from the coast.”


“The coast?” I asked, puzzled. “What has that got to do with it?”

Poirot shrugged his shoulders.



“Surely, it is obvious!”

“Not to me. No doubt I am very dense, but I cannot see what the proximity of the coast has got to do with the murder of Mrs. Inglethorp.”



“Nothing at all, of course,” replied Poirot, smiling. “But we were speaking of the arrest of Dr. Bauerstein.”

“Well, he is arrested for the murder of Mrs. Inglethorp——”



“What?” cried Poirot, in apparently lively astonishment. “Dr. Bauerstein arrested for the murder of Mrs. Inglethorp?”




“Impossible! That would be too good a farce! Who told you that, my friend?”

“Well, no one exactly told me,” I confessed. “But he is arrested.”

「あり得ない! ばかばかしいにも程がある! 誰がそう言ったのかね?」


“Oh, yes, very likely. But for espionage, mon ami.”

“Espionage?” I gasped.



