

英国essay代写-My Good Friend Luo Dali

2017-08-18 14:48:15 | 日記
本篇英国essay代写-My Good Friend Luo Dali讲了罗达利是他的中文名字。他的英文名字是Erik Lommen。因为学中文,Erik选择了一个中文名字。 Luo和Lommen的姓氏有相似的发音。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

My Good Friend Luo Dali
To be honest, Luo Dali is his Chinese name. And his English name is Erik Lommen. Because of learning Chinese, Erik chose a Chinese name. The family names of Luo and Lommen have similar pronunciation. Dali in Chinese means a person with good strength and it has no inherent connection with his first name “Erik” maybe just because he is strong enough.
Luo Dali was the first American friend I made. When we first met each other in enrollment day, I said “Hello” in English and he said “Nihao” in Chinese. It seemed to be awkward and be somewhat misleading. Anyway, we became good friends later.
Luo Dali is a honest and hospitable boy full of openness, generosity and adventurous spirits. He always thinks that it is his responsibilities to introduce me more about the American culture. He always accompanies with me to go shopping, go library and go laundry and even brings me to the New Year Rock Festival to experience the charm of American popular music. At the end of the first semester, Dali invited me to go to his hometown, a small city located in the north of Noah Dakota to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. I answered “Yes” without any hesitation. Apart from the urgency to know American family, since I went to America, it was a long time for me to feel at home with a wonderful dinner. The dark and rich turkey gravy was the main food of the Thanksgiving day for family dinners. Dali explained to me the traditional heritage of turkey while complimented his mother on her cooking. When I licked my fingers covered in oils and fats, I did appreciate all his family has done to me. A really sweet comfortable home left a deep impression in my memory. Before I left, Dali even drove me to a local Scandinavian cultural center to know this small city’s history. As the descendants of Scandinavia immigrants, his forefathers came from Sweden and Dali was very proud of it.
I am very happy to meet Dali. It makes my foreign study have the unusual color.


英国essay代写:My Great-Grandma

2017-08-18 14:44:26 | 日記
本篇英国essay代写:My Great-Grandma讲了当我翻阅我的大家庭的旧照片时,我看到一张照片。一个年轻漂亮的女人穿着一件东方风衣的五颜六色的披肩引起了我的注意。她坐着修剪直直。长而黑的头发堆积得很高,顺利地塞进了一个chignon。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

My Great-Grandma
On occasion when I leafed through the old photographs of my big family, I saw a picture. That a young beautiful woman wore a colorful shawl over an oriental-looking dress attracted my full attentions. She sat trim and straight. The long and black hair was piled up high and netted smoothly into a chignon. The quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, which made her seem to be quiet and dignified. When I stared at the picture for a long time, my mother’s words interrupted my fantasy and coaxed me out of my trance. “She is your great-grandma, a woman who never bowed to fate.” My mother said.
As the younger girl of her other 8 sisters, my great-grandmother saw the cruelty and ferocious aggression. Therefore, she wished to do something for maintaining the Chinese people’s rights to resist against the invasion and get rid of the millennial-old feudal marriage system, education system and traditional practices. She first picked up the books to find the teacher who from the old-style private school and told him she wanted to learn how to spell words. It was a “disaster” for the family because she was already 17 years old a time to get married and need to give a birth to a baby. Refused by her parents, my great-grandmother determined to learn secretly with early missionaries to accept the basic principles of western ideals of human rights, personal freedom and democracy. Meanwhile, she even stopped her parents to give the bound feet for her youngest sister. She often told her sister she wanted to get married with her ideal man with freedom to love with someone who also loved her. Of courses, relied on her insistence and persistence, she realized all her dreams. When she was 35 years old in 1919, after the World War I, coincided with China’s first participation in the Paris Peace Conference, the inability of China’s government made China loose the legitimate power to Shandong, which made Chinese people’s great indignation, my great-grandma actively participated in the May 4th Movement to gain more rights for Chinese people. Her action even had a great influence on my grandma who was also an independent girl for obtaining more rights for women education and devoting herself into the Chinese people’s liberation. She was so honored to participate in the Chinese Community Party for the revolutions. However, in most of her lifetime, she suffered a lot of wars, such as the Northern Expedition (1926-1927), the Japanese War of Aggression against China (1937-1945), and Liberation War (1945-1950) and so on, which made her have less time to accept the systematical learning. It was her pity.


英国essay代写-A Lovely Neighbor

2017-08-18 14:42:11 | 日記
本篇essay代写-A Lovely Neighbor讲了灯泡和切花似乎把穹苍转过来,用光和色的方式aked了夜空。星星在远处颤抖。他们像珍贵的宝石和石头一样闪闪发光。月亮突破了云层。月光像沐浴水一样温暖,让人感到安慰。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

A Lovely Neighbor
Darkness fell. The bulbs and cut flowers seemed to transfix the firmament and raked the night sky with patterns of light and color. The stars shivered in the distance. They shimmered like precious gems and stones. The moon broke through the clouds. The moonlight was warm like bath water and left people a sense of comfort. I was so obsessed with such comfortable feelings just like Jenny’s sweet and grandmotherly smile to guide my way forwards.
Jenny was a kind and benevolent old lady with curly white hair. Every time when I came home from school, I often saw she bent hard on the path to her house and a dog followed her. I guessed she may be seventies or eighties. No matter what happened, she always showed me a sweet and grandmotherly smile, with which made me feel at home and reduced my loneliness, isolation and depression in this foreign land.The weather of today has changed for the worse. A sudden and dramatic cloudburst was stinging my face. I hurried home to pack up the clothes I hung out in the yard. When I returned home, I found that there was nothing. I was furious a lot. My worry and anger were interrupted by a soft knock at the door. I opened my door. Jenny’s simile was a friendly gesture. I saw my clothes in her hands. She told me that in order to avoid being wet by the rain, she helped me collect them in advance. I really appreciated what she had done to me. Then, she even invited me to have dinner with her. I always got the intimacy from the face-to-face conversations. She would like to listen to me carefully and showed me her tender smile from time to time. Meanwhile, she told me that she still insisted on working an environmental volunteer to do everything in her power, such as sorting garbage correctly, so as to make a clearer and more beautiful community. I did regard her highly. In my eyes, Jenny was a kind and helpful lady.


英国essay代写-Socrates met death with joy

2017-08-18 14:33:45 | 日記
本篇英国essay代写-Socrates met death with joy解释关于灵魂不朽的两个主要论点,并对我自己的观点进行批判性的评价。另外,我会解释不朽论文的两个论点的理由。我对这两个论点有不同的看法。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Socrates met death with joy and thought that he had a good reason,because there was good reason to believe that the soul is immortal. In this article, I will explain the two main arguments about the immortality of the soul and evaluate the arguments in my own opinion critically. Also, I will explain the justification in each of the two arguments of the immortality thesis. And I have some different opinions about the two arguments. The next thing is to discuss wether the Platon's immortal point is persuasive. Finally, I will put forward my view on the question” Does it make sense or is it rational for you to fear your own death?”.
II.the Two Main Arguments of the Soul for the Immortality
The first argument is that everything is on the opposite side, all things are produced by their opposites. Since life and death are opposites, life and death is bound to produce each other. It can be known that the soul of the dead is in a place, and will come back to earth in the appropriate order. St Paul's once said: "if the seed does not die, it will not be to the newborn," which seems to be a theory can prove it.
The second argument is that knowledge is a memory, so the soul must have been in existence before the death. To support knowledge is to recall the main fact of this theory, that we have the same idea as "completely equal". We have roughly the same experience, but the absolute equality is never found in the objects of the senses, but we know the meaning of "absolutely equal". Since it is not what we learned from experience, it is inevitable that we have brought this knowledge from the existence of lifetime. He says similar arguments can be applied to all other ideas. In this way, the existence of nature and our ability to understand it prove that there is a prior knowledge of the soul.
III.the Justification in Each of the Two Arguments
All the specific things, where there is the opposite side, it must be from the opposite side. Such as the size, strength, speed, quality and other things are opposite. In addition to the specific things is the opposite, so is the changes between them. For example, the decomposition and combination, cooling and heating, sleep and wakefulness are opposite.And for a person, life and death are two different states of change. Life is the union of the body and the soul, and the death is the separation of the body and the soul. Birth and death is the opposite. Therefore,the soul exists both before and after death.
Memory is the cognitive process of knowledge acquisition,which means anyone who knows anything, it must be that he has already known it before. People have the ability to feel variety of experience in the birth. So it is known that the knowledge of the absolute and abstract concepts of equality, which people have experienced when they know the specific things through experience, is already prior to birth. In the same way, the knowledge of other absolute and abstract concepts is also available before birth. And one can only gain knowledge about the specific things by experience, and only the soul can obtain the knowledge of the absolute and abstract concept. Therefore,the soul already exists in one’s lifetime.
IV. Different Opinions about the Two Arguments
"Opposite" means " contrary ". In the above argument, Socrates regarded "life" and "death" as two opposite attributes. However, we believe that "life and death" is very special, and has big difference between the "big and small" or "cold and hot". There are two differences: first, things can have a attribute of "bigger" or "smaller", but it is very strange to say that something is "more dead" or "more active". Second, according to the daily experience, for the same things, "life and death" is a relationship of either this or that, one thing is either dead or alive, at the same time, can not be both alive and dead. However, one thing can have both large and small attributes at the same time. Therefore, we believe that the "opposite" of the "life and death" is different from the properties of the "big and small" or "cold and hot".
The cognitive person first saw a number of examples, and then was "excited", to obtain some new knowledge. Much knowledge is gained from the experience of scientific research, instead of past experiences.
V.Wether the Platon's Immortal Point is Persuasive
Platon proposed that the soul is immortal by the argument of Socrates, I have a question about his arguments for immortality. Platon believes that only the soul can think,and cognize idea or form. To meet this assertion he carried out two conditions,one is that idea or form is eternal, and is immaterial; the number two is that eternal and immaterial things can only be cognitive by immaterial and eternal things. But according to the second premise, there is an example to refute: zoologist does not need to become the animal itself, they can study about animal.
Platon believes that the soul is immortal, so the idea or form of the soul will not lost, and people’s reflections on some things are from the guidance of the soul.
But we all know that people can recognize the ideas or forms through the things in the world too, and needn’t to understand the form by retaining the prior knowledge of the form of the soul.
VI. Is It Rational for You to Fear Your Own Death?
Being afraid of death is a very common emotion to death. And the emotion do have requirements which not help you feel the emotion but is meaning for you to have such emotion,or in order to be reasonable to feel the emotion. There are three conditions for us to be afraid of death. The first is what you’re afraid of must be bad. The second is that there’s got to be a nonnegligible possibility of the bad affairs occurrence, of the bad object happening to you. The third is there should be a certain amount of uncertainty which will make fear be a rational emotion.
But there is another question, how much fear is rational? We maybe just be afraid of the death itself, but it doesn’t make any sense, because death is an end,and it will come to us oneday, we are sure about that. And the death is a deprivation of the good things in life,and there is nothing bad to be afraid of, so the fear is not rational. The only thing that it might be rational is to be afraid of is that you might die too early, not too late. You do not know this death is going to come sooner or later, the uncertainty makes your fear rational.
So a certain degree of fear our own death is rational if it meets the conditions.
Two arguments about the immortality of the soul are not feasible. Because Socrates’ argument is full of all kinds of problems, and these problems have not been solved reasonably, so we have no reason to accept the idea that the soul is immortal. But Socrates and the dialogue show us how to "doing philosophy", which is a thinking that pays attention to argument, we should learn. The death is inevitable, and it’s common for us to be afraid of, but we must learn to deal with it rationally.
[1] 王晓阳. "希腊哲学精神的写照——读《名哲言行录》有感." 中南大学学报(社会科学版) 18.1(2012):40-43.
[2] 柏拉图 著;杨绛. 斐多:柏拉图对话录(中英对照). 中国国际广播出版社, 2006.
[3] 郭继民. "从“死亡”到“不朽”——对人生哲学的另一种反思." 中国研究生12(2015).


英国essay代写-I travelled along the Silk Road

2017-08-18 14:14:20 | 日記
本篇英国essay代写-I travelled along the Silk Road讲了在三世纪,我沿着丝绸之路旅行过。我从长安开始,以罗马方式结束。我花了很长时间在丝绸之路旅行。我发现不同的地区有不同的特点。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Silk Road
In the third century, I travelled along the Silk Road. I started from Chang’an and ended in Roman. I spent a long time traveling around the Silk Road. I found that the different regions have different characteristics.
At first, I started from Chang’an which was a very flourishing city. It was famous for China, silk, gold vessel and so on. A number of merchants transported these things into other regions. As for me, I also carried some silk with me. In fact, the silk was popular with most of the people. My friend told me that people took pride in having beautiful china and high-quality silk in other regions. So the silk was the main products of Chang’an. The road in Chang’an was wonderful. So I decided to ride in a horse drawn coach just like other people. Most of people in Chang’an were Buddhists. (Gan 2009). There were many buildings with the Buddhism style. With the encouragement of the government, many people made the business along the Silk Road. Surely, the people in Chang’an were very friendly and nice.
After several days, I went into Hetian, I found that the kinds of food in this city were various. There were many kinds of good food in this city, such as walnuts, wine grape, and carrot. So the people in this city make the business of these foods. Some foods were taken into West and others into East. I did not stay a long time there, because I heard there was a wonderful city nearby, which was called Loulan. Then I went into Lonlan. To be honest, I liked this city very much. There were many goods which were carried from other regions. Differing from Chang’an, Loulan was a desert city. So there was not enough glass for feeding the horses. So the people in this city chose the camel to transport the goods into other regions. The religion in Loulan was also different from Chang’an. Zoroastrianism was the main religion in Loulan. (Kuzmina 2015). People in Loulan viewed Ahura Mazda as the gold. Fire was an important religious devotion. The popularity of Loulan was high. Everything was filled in energy. The location of Loulan was very important, which linked the western countries into Chang’an. There were many splendid buildings and graceful towers. (Kuzmina 2015). The trade of goods made Loulan rich and prosperous.
Riding on a camel, I went into Syria and Afghanistan. The religion there was Christian. However, it also influenced by Mohammedanism. The clothes in Afghanistan were very special, such as long sleeve blouse, the dress hats, and small sleeve robe. The tea trade in Afghanistan was very popular. Differing from the merchants in Chang’an, people in Afghanistan were more patient. (Franck 1986). They liked to talk with people who came from other regions. As for transportation, they also relied on the camel. In Afghanistan, the lapis lazuli was the most famous product. With the high-quality of products, many countries liked to buy the lapis lazuli in Afghanistan. In fact, the lapis lazuli in Afghanistan was viewed as Buddhist holy in other regions. (Franck 1986).
At last, I went into Roman. Surely, people in Chnag’an also called it Daqin. (Tian 2015). It is the end of my journey. The products of roman were mainly jewelry, glass, and some priceless treasures. The religion of this region was Christian.
I travelled along so many regions, and I felt the power of the Silk Road. With the existence of the Silk Road, the goods were taken into long distance; the culture was promoted to exchange and integrate, the world became better.
Gan, F., Brill, R., & Tian, S. 2009. Ancient glass research along the Silk Road /. World Scientific press.
Franck, I. M., & Brownstone, D. M. 1986. The silk road: a history.
Tian, J. Y., Wang, H. W., Li, Y. C., Zhang, W., Yao, Y. G., & Van Straten, J., et al. 2015. Agenetic contribution from the far east into Ashkenazi jews via the ancient silk road. Science Foundation in China. Loandon:MHRA press.
Kuzmina, E. E., & Mair, V. H. 2015. The prehistory of the Silk Road. Encounters with Asia press.
