

北美作业代写:The emotional color of art

2018-06-12 14:21:07 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The emotional color of art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了艺术的感情色彩。艺术,是现实生活在艺术家头脑中反映的产物。这种反映不是机械地、被动地照搬生活,而是一种再创造,一经反映,艺术家主观的感情势必渗透,溶解到作品亦即艺术美之中。因此说,艺术创作是一种具有强烈个性和感情色彩的精神劳动。艺术既表现人们的感情,必表现人们的思想,通过生动的形象来表现。在艺术作品中,形象大于思想,感情优于形象,感情比理性的思想认识更能体现出艺术的本质特征。

Art is the reflection of real life in the artist's mind. This kind of reflection is not a mechanical and passive copy of life, but a kind of re-creation. Once reflected, the artist's subjective feelings will inevitably infiltrate and dissolve into the works, namely the artistic beauty. Therefore, artistic creation is a kind of spiritual labor with strong personality and emotional color. Art describes human life as the "sum total of social relations", especially people's thoughts, feelings, wishes and spiritual world. His task is to convey the author's feelings, thoughts and aesthetic requirements through the way of image reflection. Art is not only the expression of people's feelings, but also the expression of people's thoughts through vivid images. Emotion, as a form of the artist's "spiritual individuality", is melted in the image and expressed through the image. The image is dominated and selected by the author's feelings. If the image leaves the feelings, it will be like a dead body. Therefore, in art works, image is more important than thought, emotion is more important than image, emotion is more important than rational thought.

Art is by direct appeal to the aesthetic feelings to open the doors of the appreciator heart, make the other party first have moved, such as drinking ChunLao, unconsciously from drunk, the corresponding resonance, in the spirit of joy and enjoy life reveals works to discern and ideological content. In other words, the audience's understanding of the essential meaning of the work is carried out through the perception of images, and the understanding of reason is always accompanied by emotional resonance. What the ancients called "painting is surprising and delightful; Better to think than to be happy. Such emotional appeal and understanding to reason are the infectious and aesthetic nature of art. If we disassemble this indissoluble bond between art and emotion, without emotion, we will cancel the appeal that constitutes the special function of art and lose the essential features of art.

Chinese ancient artists, Wen Lungu, for the position and role of the feeling in art, have more common recognized, such as "YaoDian" is put forward: "the will and poetry, singing, in accordance with the permanent, law of harmony"; The preface to MAO's poems says, "the heart is the purpose, the speech is the poem, the emotion moves in the middle, but the form is the speech", which means that the poem is generated by the emotion impulse within the poet. In the final analysis, all works of art are always the lead line and soul of the work. The real flowers of art are watered by the author with the liquid of life and emotion.

It is the appreciation habit and aesthetic requirement of our nation, as well as one of the remarkable characteristics of our traditional aesthetics. This is especially true in Chinese calligraphy and painting. The theme of Chinese painting aesthetics is to emphasize a "write" character, which, of course, should not only be narrowly understood as a tool and operational feature, but should have the meaning and style of calligraphy. In this sense, "write" is to achieve love, only "write" can achieve love. Chinese calligraphy with the aid of Chinese handwriting, through highly generalization and abstraction of the dotted line, performance and the qualification of life and calligrapher's feelings for life experience of a kind of heart the spirit of art, calligraphy will have strong life, to make the audience interested, dynamic mesh shakes the artistic appeal of god. Chinese painting advocates the creation of images, pay attention to the charm, pursue the similar high generalization, with a strong subjective tone. That is, when describing the objective images, accompanied by strong emotional activities, the painter's subjective feelings and personality all melt in the interest of ink.

Emotion, indeed, is a question worthy of serious consideration by every "artist". How can a painter obtain affection and hold the key to "emotional secret"?

"Our feelings and our consciousness are only reflections of the outside world; It is self-evident that there can be no reflection without being reflected, and the poetry of the reflected does not depend on the existence of the reflecting. Emotion is a reflection of one's attitude towards the objective things, and the fervent emotion is the emotion ignited by the flame of life, which is the true emotion. We often say "true feelings, true feelings". Only with this sincere emotion can the work receive a touching objective effect. For an artist to gain affection, he should go deep into life.

The expression of emotion in painting works should not go beyond the material conditions of visual arts, and it must be kept within these limits with the help of unique modeling language. Such as the constitution of the form, the collocation of color, the combination of line, the contrast of light and shade, etc., cannot leave the visual effect. Therefore, a painter's mastery of the properties of materials and tools can express strong feelings. Feelings also encourage the artist to find the most appropriate expression. Art is emotion. Without proportion and color, without delicate hands, the strongest emotions are paralyzing. The temptation of artistic works is the law of emotion and skill. The painter can not separate the two.

Even true feelings cannot be generalized, but should be analyzed and dealt with in detail. Human emotion is an ideology regulated by social practice, which is based on certain thought and restricted by the world view. Although we all have our ups and downs, it is impossible for the same thing to cause different emotional reactions to different people without difference. There are positive, healthy, noble and negative, vulgar regardless of, so, the connotation of emotion is thought strength, feelings aroused by the reality, also must improve by thought, this is a direction of the problem. On the other hand, positive, healthy and noble feelings are also diverse and colorful. Their expressions and forms of expression are also diverse.

In contemporary art works and vigorous agitation, some simple and plain, some deep and exquisite, some lively and lively, and so on, are all embody the author specific feelings, bearing, personality, that is, different style and features. Visible, feelings is to make the art work abound individual character and creating potential driving force, each painter can completely according to their personality development, with their own hard work to creat a new garden.


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作业代写:Reverse discovery of news

2018-06-12 14:19:51 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Reverse discovery of news,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了新闻的逆向发现。逆向发现,是逆向思维的应用。逆向思维也叫求异思维,它是对司空见惯的、似乎已成定论的事物或者观点反过来思考的一种思维形式。逆向发现就是借助逆向思维的独立特行、另辟蹊径,在信息的反向角度和层面,发现被人忽视的新闻价值。逆向发现,能够在普通信息中挖掘价值,实现新闻报道的独家、深度和出类拔萃,从而获得较大的传播效益。

In the era of all-media competition, high-value news release has become the weapon of victory for news media. Reverse discovery can excavate the value in the common information, realize the exclusiveness, depth and excellence of the news report, and obtain the greater dissemination benefit. From the perspective of theory and practice, this paper elaborated the practical value of reverse found in journalism, advocating the mainstream media in today's information competition heats up, attaches great importance to the application of news value method of reverse found in the production of high-quality news products, preempt the highlands of news transmission.

On September 11, 2014, at A time when China's stock market has been in A state of consolidation for many years and the market has been relatively quiet, I published an online blog called li ka-shing: the arrival of a-shares. Then, A shares from Shanghai 2310 points, launched the magnificent super bull market, to the beginning of June 2015 5160 points! Blog so that the prophet first, because using the method of reverse discovery, captured the news value of information.

Reverse discovery is the application of reverse thinking. Contrarian thinking, also known as seeking for differences, is a form of thinking in the opposite direction from the usual, seemingly settled, things or ideas. Reverse discovery is to find the news value ignored by people from the reverse Angle and level by using the independent specialty of reverse thinking and exploring a new way.

Because of the unique advantages of value discovery, in the course of human progress, no matter the grasp of natural laws or scientific invention and creation, the reverse thinking has made great achievements repeatedly. From the discovery of the electromagnetic interaction, for example, to the invention of the motor, the reverse thinking of classical results, it promoted the rapid development of world industrial, on human civilization to a new height.

Reverse discovery based on reverse thinking is undoubtedly important for news practice.

The news obtained by reverse discovery is fresh, original and valuable. People are used to from the positive direction of the development of thinking things, reporters were in the opposite direction to think, found in the same news events, special information value, the resulting often surprising news, don't be innovative, and thought-provoking. This kind of news naturally has a large audience, because of the high value of information and the high dissemination efficiency.

Reverse discovery can lead to blockbuster news products. Because the reverse discovery information is outstanding, it can often be made into exclusive reports, in-depth reports and major reports, forming news products and brands that are superior to their peers. With these products and brands, the media may become the authority and highland of one party's news communication.

In the fierce information competition, reverse discovery can help media stand out from the crowd. In the active era of information dissemination, more homogeneous information, quality information naturally becomes the highlight. Reverse found the news products, because of the depth of information high gold content, information and information value is unique, more news in the world can come to the fore, won the audience, win market.

Entering the new era, the media, especially the mainstream media, needed a reverse found in the production of depth, height and influential in the high value products, news to young flags, guide public opinion, encouraging society in all round the great Chinese dream.

In news transmission, the value of reverse discovery is manifold. The news formed by reverse discovery enables the audience to appreciate the charm of unique thinking mode and its results, gain inspirations, help them develop their thinking in work and life, and find value. Unique visual depth reports, to guide the audience conform to the trend of social development, insist on the socialist core values go through the phenomenon, found that the nature of things, to discern right from wrong, understand the truth, and the synchronization time, self-motivated.

Since the reform and opening up, the domestic media have been developing in innovation continuously, among which the most remarkable is that many media have risen to prominence by virtue of their unique visual in-depth reporting, creating a huge influence. Most of these successful media and its news works shine with the brilliance of reverse discovery.

Before the publication of li ka-shing: the a-share bull, the domestic stock market continued to run at its lowest level since 2008. The reason is that some of the funds followed the same year's urban construction, real estate and other hot spots for investment. In 2014, China's economic transformation gradually entered a crucial stage. Li ka-shing, known as superman, was keenly aware of the strategic transformation of the national economy and began to gradually shift investment to the areas of people's livelihood, such as telecommunications. However, he caused a heated debate when he transferred the assets of a landmark building. "Li ka-shing: the a-share bull is coming" takes A different view when public opinion is largely unanimous in reporting and criticizing li's withdrawal from the real estate sector. It take the pulse of The Times transition, a inertial thinking and the homogeneity of public opinion, at the time the corresponding economic relations in the stock and property markets, reverse dug a has important economic value of information.

Because reverse discovery can often discover unusual information value and generate extremely high communication value, it has become an important means of news creation in news practice. We can also see this kind of good news stories from the news evaluation activities over the years. By analyzing these good works, we can sort out some common ways of reverse discovery in news creation.

Find valuable information from the opposite side of the interviewee. One year, there was a severe drought in guangdong, and a lot of bamboo rice appeared on the market and was snapped up by the citizens. In old China, when there was a great drought, bamboo would go to seed. Journalists realized that more than 20 years after the reform and opening up, famine-tainted bamboo rice was sold on the market and snapped up. Contrary to The Times, information has special value. Therefore, I wrote a TV short message, "the bamboo rice is on the market today and now", and reported on the scene that citizens rushed to buy bamboo rice as a snack, and talked about a happy new life. The report later won the provincial press awards.

Correspondence discovery refers to the discovery of important information ignored by the other party according to the symmetric relation of information. A lot of information tends to have a symmetric response relationship, and we can find more valuable information than the original information in the ignored counterpart. One of the winners of the China journalism awards was originally to interview apple for its bumper harvest, but it was found that the amount of baskets filled with apples was large and even formed an industry chain. The reporter then pointed the camera at the basket and produced a piece of new information and more valuable economic news.

Go back to the source from the results and discover the news value of the information by digging the source. Years ago, a local journalist found two villages with similar resources, but they were rich and poor. An in-depth investigation by the reporter found that there was a good party branch in the rich village, while the party branch in the poor and backward village was weak and lax. Reporters seized on the reasons to find value, highlighting the importance of grassroots party organizations to change the fate of rural and farmers. His works won the China radio and television news award. Subsequently, a deep and lasting rural grass-roots party organization construction is also spread throughout the country.

What is not possible according to common sense happens unexpectedly. This kind of counterintuitive and strange information is often of great news value. "Zhanjiang sea rice: the first harvest in 28 years of breeding", an award-winning work of guangdong radio and television program in 2014, is an example. The fact that the sea water grows rice, and harvests it, is a counterintuitive message. It's impossible, and the news value of this kind of information is very great. The application of reverse principle discovery is quite common, and many abnormal phenomena or events encountered at ordinary times are of great news value. It is worth noting that the more abnormal and counterintuitive it is, the more articles there are and the more information there is, the more valuable the news may be.

In the practice of journalism, the key to discovering the news value of information in reverse and generating better communication benefits lies in journalists, who must have good professional quality. These qualities should be developed from the following aspects.

Mainstream media as the mouthpiece of the party and the people, professional journalists must establish marxist news view and socialist core values, with the correct world outlook, because this is the basic standard of value judgment information media practitioners and basis. Without a correct view of journalism and values, there is no way to choose the value of information. In the reverse discovery of news reports, "police injured criminals with back injuries" can become a sensational good work, because of the author's understanding and grasp of core values.

The reverse discovery of news value should not go against the rule of news. Performance in mining, and the value of news, the first thing to adhere to the principle of news authenticity, not imaginary, fabricate, tampered with, distorted information, make "reverse", otherwise, the news reported by not only useless, also will produce the bad social influence. That year a reporter concocted "paper stuffing bun" false news, is a lesson. Secondly, reverse discovery should attach importance to information quantity, its timeliness and importance, and try to give full play to the value of information in accordance with the rules of news.

News is the product and expression of the value of The Times, closely related to the ideology and development direction of The Times. As the mainstream media reporters, only grasp the theory, policy and strategy of the party in the new era, to understand the trend of the development of the country and the world, to keep political acumen, unique and advanced professional eye, can closely hold the pulse of The Times, understand the era's most valuable signal, in news reports, or synthetic-aperture, or special, is affected. Therefore, advancing with The Times of thought is a magic weapon for reverse discovery, keeping the news spread up to date, the most important and the most beneficial to the society.

Reverse discovery requires a rich knowledge base. The wider the scope of knowledge and the more thorough the application of knowledge in the analysis of information, the more handy the application of reverse discovery and the more important the value of information can be found. Such as "li ka-shing: a-share cattle", if there is no policy to the national economy, the economic situation, the condition of capital market, the deep understanding of the real estate economy etc., and lee's superman, can't be found in public opinion in the noise of the reverse one of the important information.

Reverse thinking is the basis of reverse discovery of information value. In the interview, the reporter should consciously observe and collect information from various angles, trying to find different information from conventional phenomenon or event, from the perspective of others ignore to think and analyze information, explore different results and value. At the same time, we should be good at learning the application methods of reverse thinking from excellent news works and excellent cases in other fields, so as to improve the sensitivity of reverse discovery of information value. If you stick to this habit, you will get a good harvest.

The media should consciously cultivate journalists' ability of reverse discovery. It is the most effective method to train journalists' reverse thinking and contrarian discovery ability in news practice. Discussion of news topic selection, analysis of news materials, writing guidance, and presentation of news works are all good steps to cultivate the ability of reverse discovery. Through the training, journalists can be active in divergent thinking and seeking for differences, and develop the habit of extracting value from different viewpoints and opinions. "The key to media competition is talent competition, and the core advantage of media is talent advantage". As to raise the level of overall business, build an effective means of media competitiveness, the media should be planned and institutionalized to train the ability of reverse of the editorial team found that, even will have this ability, can achieve a certain amount of tasks into the team performance and professional promotion evaluation.

News is the main and most important information consumer product in the society, and it is also an important expression of the guidance of public opinion. "New information age", in the face of unprecedented media competition heats up, the war intensified, news media in the development, strive to move forward, the mainstream media is more significant historical mission given by the performance of the new era, a banner, led oriented. At present, the mainstream media to brush up on general secretary's important speech spirit, as he visited the central media in the innovation of the party's news public opinion work concept, content, style, form, method and so on at the same time, the core of the talent advantage into competition advantage, cultivate a high-quality, discerning, news unique vision, good at reverse found the news value of outstanding staff, with high value of exclusive news, latest news, in-depth reporting, focus and major report form the brand advantage, to forge a strong media influence public opinion flagship, thus in the fierce competition strength, speakers, dashing.


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2018-06-12 14:16:59 | 日記







Paper代写:Green credit

2018-06-12 14:16:29 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Green credit讨论了绿色信贷。绿色信贷在国外常被称为环境融资或可持续融资,而环境融资是为了提高环境质量、转化环境风险而进行的融资行为或过程。为解决这些环境问题带来的风险,银行必须在发放贷款和制定投资策略的过程中加入衡量环境问题的标准。而把赤道原则作为商业银行信贷投资活动的行为准则,是解决银行绿色信贷投资过程中的环境风险、保证银行收益性的有效手段。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Since China's reform and opening up, China's economic and social development has made remarkable achievements, but the extensive growth mode and long-term formation of the structural contradiction has not been a fundamental shift, the contradiction between economic development and resources and environment is sharpened, resources and environment problems have become restricting China's economic and social development, endangering people's health and the outstanding problems affecting social harmony. As a result, the fifth plenary session of the party 18 proposed "green development" concept of development, green development will become "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" and even a longer period of time China's economic and social development is a basic concept. In this background, financial institutions are involved in environmental governance, promote sustainable economic development and structure transformation and upgrading the role more and more get the attention of the parties, under the green financial development has become the new normal development of the basic requirement of a green economy. At the moment, the bank is still the most important component of China's financial industry, focus on commercial bank green credit development, explore green credit business of commercial bank impact on its profitability, build efficient green investment and financing system will be by far the urgent need of research problems.

Green credit is often called environmental financing or sustainable financing abroad. Sonia Labatt, Rodney R.White, thinks that environmental finance is the financing behavior or process for improving environmental quality and transforming environmental risks. Environmental problems mainly in three ways affect the development of the banking sector, respectively is a new government rules and regulations bank loan losses caused by the loss of Banks' earnings, the court decision of bank credit object directly from risk and Banks handle controversial environment brought by the credit risk of the project. To address the risks posed by these environmental problems, Banks must include measures of environmental problems in their lending and investment strategies. Monaghan, S pointed out that the equator principles as a commercial bank credit investment activities of the code of conduct, is to address the environmental risks in the process of green credit investment bank, is the effective means to guarantee bank profitability. Studies on the combination of green credit and sustainable development of commercial Banks by E.J.C. illiers and E.Diemont have shown that green credit can improve economic efficiency of commercial Banks and promote sustainable development of commercial Banks. Robert Richardson, through research that the bank with environment protection as the theme of sustainable development is necessary, and the cost is not necessarily the highest, under the means of implementation of green credit can even improve the yield.

Domestically, Ma Ping, hai-feng jiang thinks green credit as a kind of social responsibility of Banks, can make the bank in the short term marginal cost increased, but in the long run, due to the system innovation, technology, human resources, developing green credit business will eventually making bank earnings increase. Li3 shuang3 shuang through empirical studies found that commercial Banks in China green credit policy enforcement and its operating performance, there is a positive correlation between Banks can actively implement the green credit policy to reduce the risk of their credibility, and indirectly, have a positive impact on their business performance. According to the data of 16 listed Banks in China, li cheng et al. used the dual difference model to evaluate the effect of green credit on the performance of commercial Banks. The research results show that the green credit policy currently on commercial bank performance and negative affect, to some extent by increasing green credit gains, lowering the cost of green credit and increase punishment is not the implementation of green credit costs to improve the enthusiasm of the implementation of green credit of commercial bank.

Can be seen from the above research review, the overseas study of green credit and bank profitability mostly adopts qualitative method, and think that green credit will help improve bank profitability, and domestic research on the relationship between starts late, although have qualitative and quantitative analysis, but as a result of the research Angle, different stages, the conclusion. Based on the above research, this paper analyzes the influence of green credit on the profitability of Banks at the present stage, in order to find out the way to promote and coordinate the development of the two.


Essay代写:Bloch's philosophy of hope

2018-06-12 14:03:24 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Bloch's philosophy of hope,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了布洛赫的希望哲学。布洛赫的希望哲学表示,真正的希望与客观世界的潜能和趋势相关联,是客观世界的产物。布洛赫所说的希望并不是建立在空想基础之上的,而是在现实生活中能找到一定的依据。但即使有一定的现实可能性,希望也不一定实现,它总是和失望相伴随,我们要做的是不能放弃希望的工作,正是通过一次次的失望最终达到希望的目的。

Xi in the eighteenth big report to the general secretary "Chinese dream" as an important guiding ideology and the development of our country important governing idea, but why do you want to put forward a "Chinese dream" and its development process, how the future is unclear. Bloch's philosophy of hope in the "hope" is the humanity to a vision of a better life in the future, and also is the "China dream" for the future of the development of the society one kind of hope, this is the "Chinese dream" and hope that the similarities of philosophy. This paper is to hope that philosophy as the breakthrough point to the understanding of the "China dream" for further, enable people to clear understanding of the essence of the "China dream" to better promote the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Bloch was an important philosopher in the 20th century and one of the main representatives of early western marxism. His unique insight and unique expression of marxism, on the one hand, make the Bloch later suffered a series of suffering, and on the other hand also make Bloch left a precious spiritual wealth for later generations.

When we think of utopia, most people associate it with daydreaming, unrealistic, etc. Over time, people tend to view it in a negative way. Actually utopia's original intention is to point to some places or good place, Bloch further divides into the utopia abstract utopia and concrete utopia, abstract utopia is refers to the dream of myths and legends in the "land of flow with milk and honey" and the kingdom of heaven on earth, abstract utopia is not the objective possibility of delusion, concrete utopia by exploring the hidden potential in real life or possibility to realize the vision of the future society. As you can see, Bloch to utopia have the positive meaning, Bloch think utopia represents is a kind of hope, reflect the desire of the common human pursuit of better homes, people only have this utopian spirit can be found in the reality of the future development of hope, can better promote the developing of the society.

Bloch said "not" is not simply or no absolutely not, "not" the reaction of the forms is presumed beforehand, embodied in the natural world is the "stuff" has not been formed, exists in people's "has not yet been realized", this kind of thing is objective existence, not by man's subjective will, and presumption of consciousness in advance is based on the "not yet". Bloch thinks the world is constantly changing development, also can become something does not yet exist, as the development exist, something exists as development will become the existence, so people to the future full of hope, "hope" as the inner motive power of the universe and human society development, in the human and nature, man and society in the interaction of all group as a whole, or "general", make it towards the ideal destination.

Bloch believed that "hope" was not simply a "virtue" or a general "emotion", but a mother's womb or a conductor of "things that do not yet exist". As the body of the hope, hope is the most essential thing, and hope to have the two aspects of subjective and objective stipulation, subjective aspect refers to people in need of inner consciousness, objective aspect is point to the possibility of a kind of objective reality, only hope of subjective and objective hope to associate is a real sense of hope. It can be seen that Bloch's hope is not based on fantasy, but can find some basis in real life. But even if has a certain realistic possibility, hope may not realize that it's always disappointing accompanied, we need to do is can't give up hope work, it is through time and time again disappointed finally achieve the goal of hope.

"China dream" in the 18th national congress of the communist party of China put forward by general secretary xi in the important strategic idea, xi jinping, general secretary of the "Chinese dream" is defined in order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, its core purpose can be summarized as "two", one hundred, embodied in the national prosperity, national prosperity and people's happiness.

As Bloch's philosophy of hope says, true hope is related to the potential and trend of the objective world and is the product of the objective world. The "Chinese dream" is a kind of expectation consciousness and subjective hope formed under the drive of historical appeal and realistic demand. It is an ideal dimension that transcends existing and existing and points to the unexisting. Peace and development become the mainstream of The Times, but there are many factors of instability in the world, this is China's economic development has brought a series of challenges, in order to effectively deal with various conflicts and challenges, to promote the common development of our country and around the world, China put forward is the inevitable choice of dreams, because "Chinese dream" is not only a dream of the Chinese people, and it was that the glorious dream of a people all over the world. In modern China, the broad masses of the people under the guidance of the communist party of China has realized the people's liberation and national independence, which makes the revival of the Chinese nation and become the common yearning of all Chinese people, with the development of more than 30 years of reform and opening-up, after reform has entered a crucial phase area and deep water, at the same time to build a well-off society in an all-round way entered the critical stage, we must solve in the development of some new situations and new problems, and it has become important evidence put forward by the Chinese dream.

In his speech at tubingen university in September 1961, Bloch pointed out that "hope will be disappointed and will become disappointed, even in its reputation; Otherwise, it may not be hope. To a large extent, hope is accompanied by disappointment, and it is precisely because there is disappointment that hope obtains its meaning to a large extent. Just as the road is tortuous, the future is bright. "Chinese dream" is a kind of hope, so before it may encounter setbacks, one way or the other so we are in the process of the realization of the "Chinese dream" to do well prepared to cope with disappointment, courageous to meet challenges and risks.

In the new era, with the rapid development of the society, a series of problems also follow. As the market economy improves the market vitality, the relationship between people becomes increasingly indifferent. There are countless cases of Internet technology spreading bad information while accelerating information exchange. Nowadays our country faces a series of problems both at home and abroad, many western countries step up to the erosion of ideology in our country, the United States to restrict China's strategic and territory, linhai disputes with neighboring countries homeland security problem, a series of risk poses challenges for the realization of the "China dream". So we must set up suffering consciousness, with adequate preparation to deal with all sorts of challenges, we must see clearly the risk and withstand test, the future is open, there are all sorts of possibilities, hope and disappointment, we are constantly in disappointment and hone beyond disappointed, steadfast hope.

Bloch admits to being disappointed even when there is hope, but Bloch also points out that one has to dream of a better life every moment of every day, and this life can be a dream come true. Similarly, the realization of the "Chinese dream" has its historical inevitability.

The history of China can be divided into three historical stages, revolution, construction and reform of the communist party of China led the Chinese people through the arduous struggle took to the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, set up the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and in this process the marxism combined with China's actual formed the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is the choice and creation achievement for the realization of the objective possibility of the "China dream". In the new period, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the realization of the "Chinese dream" pointed out the direction, the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the development of the "Chinese dream" provides the guiding ideology, the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the realization of the "Chinese dream" provides a fundamental guarantee, for the realization of the "Chinese dream" has laid a good foundation. Bloch's "philosophy of hope" points out that people are the subject of hope, and we should pay attention to the development of the subject's initiative at all times. Only in this way can we promote the realization of hope. Therefore the realization of the "China dream" for each individual to ask for the practice, for the individual, to fulfill the requirements of socialist core values, and get the job done at the same time for the collective, national service, achieve the unity of individual interests and collective interests, at the time of his "little dream" into the "big dream" of China, so as to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream.

