

Report Recommendation怎么写

2018-06-26 16:18:51 | 日記
想必留学生们都知道,Report一般由Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Introduction, Body, Conclusion/Recommendation, Reference六部分组成。其中Recommendation是Report写作中非常重要的一部分,其内容是经过充分的论证后认为应该采取的措施或行动,也会描述去措施后可能出现的后果或者情形。下面就给大家讲解一下。


*The following are the recommendations...

*It is recommended that...

*Based on the conclusion/analysis above, we recommend that/it can concluded that...

*With reference to the advantages stated above, the follow recommendations can be made


Guidelines for the Recommendation Report

Your team's target document is a collaboratively written recommendation report which comments upon the potential for either the construction and maintenance of a Web site (feasibility study) or revisions to an already existing page (usability study). This document should effectively mediate between the client's needs and the course's goals for this project. Your team's work should reflect consideration of both the client's desires and resources and the class's criteria for the research and production of a professional recommendation report.

Your completed 1st Draft of the Recommendation Report is due Sunday, December 1st at 9pm. Students will read over the reports in preparation for in-class peer review on Monday, December 2. The final draft of your recommendation report is due by 6pm on Friday, December 6.

Directions for Submission: You should bring the printed version of the project to ENAD 233. The electronic version (and all supporting files, if any) should be sent to me (and all team members) by 6pm also. Email my copy to


The purpose of the report is to communicate directly to the client, both visually and verbally, feasible steps that its organization could take in order to better utilize the potentials of the Web for promotion, ecommerce, archiving information, or client relations. Your recommendations should focus upon a few well-researched options that the client could implement immediately. These options, however, also must enhance the client's long-term Web communications plans. Although you may need to pay some attention to logistical issues, such as ISPs, software programs, and the like, your report should not simply consist of a how-to manual for creating basic Web pages. Refer the client to such information and focus instead on recommendations espcially suited to the client's goals and rhetorical context. It is expected that all teams will submit their report to the client upon completion of the project as a professional courtest and to reciprocate for the good will of the client in working with Purdue University students.

Report sections

Your 7-9 page (not including appendices), single-spaced, full-blocked report should integrate visuals throughout and will have 7 main components:

1. Title page

2. Overview

3. Analyses

4. Recommendations




5. Cost Analyses

6. List of Resources

7. Appendices

Description of report sections

Your recommendation report, addressed directly to the client, must include the following sections.

Title page

Should include the title of the report, the client for which the report is produced, the authors' names, and the date on which the report is submitted to the client.


Should provide a brief description of the report, including a general analysis of the client's needs and the team's proposed responses to those needs.


Should contextualize the report within the larger project. This section should provide a brief history of your field research. This discussion should contextualize your team's research so that the client can better understand the process that your team followed in order to formulate its recommendations.


As mentioned above, your team should highlight a few manageable options that the client can implement in order to meet its long-term Web communication goals. Whether you are conducting a feasibility or usability study, each of your recommendations should include the following 3 components:

A description should explain to the client the steps or actions that you are advocating. Your description should provide specific details from your research in relationship to the client's context and needs.

A rationale should explain the why of your support of this particular action; explain to the client both why your team sees this action as feasible and how this action will benefit the client both immediately and in the long term.

A plan should describe to the client the specific steps necessary for the implementation and maintenance of this recommended action. Your discussion should also include a timeframe for these steps. Again, provide specific details from your field research.

Cost analyses

Should provide an analysis and estimate of the cost factors involved in your client's implementation and maintenance of your team's recommendations. In addition to your written summary, your team should provide this information to the client in the form of table(s) which break down the costs for each recommendation, as well as for all the recommendations combined. Some cost factors to consider include personnel, hardware, software, internet access, maintenance, etc.

List of sources

Should reference all internal and external sources consulted throughout the research process including those sources related to costs and expenditures. These sources should be formatted following APA or MLA style guidelines (just be consistent). For instructions, consult Purdue's Online Writing Lab.


Should include documents that support and enhance your recommendations to the client. Potential attachments include technical documentation, instructions, glossaries, illustrations of pages, a diagram of potential Web page layout, etc.

以上就是关于Report Recommendation的讲解,一个好的Recommendatio能给Report带来很大的提升,所以同学们一定要认真写作。


Paper代写:Islamic marriage

2018-06-26 16:16:22 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Islamic marriage讨论了伊斯兰的婚姻制度。在世界多元的婚姻法律文化中,伊斯兰婚姻制度极具特色。在诸如婚姻关系的缔结和解除等方面都无不深深打上了宗教的烙印,但不可否认的是其理念与内涵也具有一定程度的价值上的合理性。随着婚姻法律文化的碰撞与交融,伊斯兰婚姻制度也必将面对世人好奇与质疑的目光,面对人类社会发展所积淀下来的共有的婚姻价值观念。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the pluralistic marriage law culture in the world, the Islamic marriage system is very distinctive. In concluding relationship such as marriage, maintain and remove all deeply marked by religion, but it is undeniable that the concept and connotation of also has a certain degree of value rationality. The moral content of faithful, tolerant, conscientious and other marital relations has been elevated by Islam to a high level of belief, where people urge themselves and regulate their behaviors because of sincere belief.

The marriage system of Islam is often criticized by the world, but it is undeniable that it has always been showing the connotation of kindness and generosity to human society. From sorting out the lost morality of the society in the founding period to maintaining the stability and harmony of the Islamic family, it has proved that its connotation is reasonable in value to a certain extent. As the collision and blending of the marriage law culture, Islamic marriage system will face the curious and questioning gaze, in the face of the accumulation of human social development value concept of marriage.

Marriage in the Islamic marriage system is seen as a natural responsibility, an act of faith. The quran talks about the "creation" of Allah, which refers to the evolution of human creation and the continuation of the evolution by endowing human beings with the nature of male and female union. In addition to the Koran, the sermon also expresses the naturalness and responsibility of marriage. In addition, the Islamic marriage system emphasizes the importance of the family. When the Islamic marriage system is used to build social stability, it highlights the importance of the family and is a common concern for the individual and the society.

First of all, marriage in the Islamic marriage system is based on the will of men and women. Marriage self-selection is revered. Marriage self-selection is one of the important factors to create a happy marriage. A marriage of one's own will can raise the expectation of a harmonious and happy family, thus ensuring macro-social stability. Therefore, it is consistent with the values of the society. Secondly, in the Islamic religious system, there is still room for marriage under the will of men and women, that is, the system of consent of guardians. This is used to supplement the marriage since the selection system, the opinions of the guardian goodwill should get the respect of the parties, carefully listen to and accept, let the guardian is more rational and realistic to fill the lack of thinking by the parties. Third, the Islamic marriage system opposes the sale of marriage, arranged marriage. This marriage is respect the will of self reflection, its practical significance lies in carefully to reduce the possibility of a conflict in marriage, so the possibility of marriage, family and social shake was also decreased.

What does the spirit of the Islamic marriage system express that is truly worthy of admiration, based on such value orientations as the initial motivation and ultimate goal of marriage

Admittedly, some factors based on desire often influence some people's choice of marital value, such as the desire for power and money. Islam, however, marriage is a union between a man and a love to believers that is rejected on the grounds of wife color, rich choice of value orientation, it is to maintain purity of marriage, is to protect the value of marriage.

Going back to its historical roots, polygamy, which was permitted by the Islamic marriage system, was initially a last resort act of benevolence. After the battle of Woodward, Muslim men died so much that many of their wives and children were left alone. Investigate its nomadic economic social background, widow hardly and orphans live independently, how to make much of widows and orphans live on and became a difficult problem, at the same time and to avoid social relationships so no chapter caused confusion. It is against this background the polygamist system has carried on the legalization, giving the widow id depend on legal identity and existence, life, and that women can get social recognition under lawful wife should have the rights and interests. Polygamous consent comes with severe restrictions. On the one hand, "four names" is the limit on the number of wives you can marry. On the other hand, "fair" is necessary to have multiple wives, otherwise there will be corresponding punishment.

Therefore, polygamy is not a religious obligation, but a religious tolerance reflected in the marriage system of Islam. In the initial stage is not indulgence to encourage more wife, just under the specific environment for fixed family structure, clear relationship between members, safeguarding the rights and interests of women a "permit", comes out of the widow of Islam to the social orphans and slave kind caring allow expediency properties, are not permanently advocate.

The quran talks about the equality between men and women without any difference, which is to equate the status and personality of men and women. Before religion came into being, women in Arab society had a low status and could be trampled on by others until the whole society trampled on their personality. The concept of equality in Islam is precious, and such spirit is reflected in the establishment of marriage system of Islam, which is a glorious system of human nature.

At first, the status of marriage parties was unmatched, husbands could abuse freely, wives had no right to resist. Islam exhorts couples to love and cherish each other, so as to achieve marital harmony and social moral awakening, in line with the pursuit of social values.

Peaceful and secure families are what Islam seeks, and divorce is anathema. But divorce is still tolerated in Islamic legislation, because divorce is a consequence, not a cause. If divorce is absolutely not allowed, then if the conflict is indeed irreconcilable, it will continue and may worsen indefinitely. Divorce is allowed, disputes that are difficult to resolve can be stopped, and the parties are given the opportunity to re-enter into marriage.

In the process of divorce in Islam, there is a series of redeeming processes, among which the reconciliation between husband and wife is valued. Under the mediation of a third party, I will calm down my emotions, adjust myself and redeem myself, so as to achieve family happiness again and reduce the divorce under the impulse of emotion.

The divorce rules of Islam are complicated, especially in the system of pending marriage. The marriage rights and obligations of both parties are still required to continue during the marriage period, giving sufficient time for both parties to treat divorce cautiously and conservatively. The unique design of the waiting period has profound significance. Ethically, this is more care and protection for pregnant women, and it is a way to avoid harm to weak pregnant women and their newborn children. It is also a public statement of the birth lineage of the child. In emotion, it is mainly manifested in recovery and redemption. On the one hand, in the process of counting and passing the pending marriage period, the couple should weigh the marriage and think about the family with a new attitude. On the other hand, it prompts introspection to understand that divorce can cause great loss and harm to oneself, the other party and family members.

Number and remarried object limit to overcome a casual attitude towards divorce, the parties before the divorce, especially for the wedding in precipitated the estrangement, pain, carefully treat reality, give up the idea of divorce.

Loyal, tolerant, responsible, such as the moral content in a relationship, has been upgraded to the height of faith of Islam, people pushed himself, because of the sincere faith standard behavior, with the gentle character as the guidance of marriage and family life, to overcome the long marriage life difficult bumpy, maintaining family peaceful and stable. We also recommended the obligations and virtue, although we don't have such a belief, but only can be "promoted" the extent of the rise, in the field of ethics to strengthen it, to become a widespread recognition and practice values, make the party in the consciousness of subject, cognitive, emotional bias on mandatory as by morality, which can affect what we say.


作业代写:American style of business negotiation

2018-06-26 16:16:03 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- American style of business negotiation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国人的商务谈判风格。商务谈判是社会经济活动的一项重要内容,而谈判风格一般指在习惯化的谈判方式中所表现出的一些稳定的谈判行为特征。由于美国人的法律意识非常强,所以他们认为在商务谈判中最公正、最妥善的解决办法就是依靠法律,依靠合同。美国人也从不掩饰自己对物质利益的追求,在商务谈判中也经常直奔物质利益这一实质性问题。

As a product of commodity economy, business negotiation is an important means for enterprises and individuals to conduct economic and trade activities. The United States is one of the most economically and technologically advanced countries in the world, a common adversary in international business negotiations, and a major trading partner and partner of our country. This paper summarizes the style of American businessmen's negotiation and provides a basis for China to adopt corresponding strategies in the negotiation.

Business negotiation is an important part of social and economic activities. The modern information society has promoted the coming of the era of economic globalization. The world is a big negotiating table. The style of negotiation generally refers to some stable negotiating behavior characteristics in the customary negotiation, which reflects the attitude, values and personality of the negotiators.

Americans are an extrovert. Most of their happiness and sorrow are expressed through their words and actions. Direct means respect for the other party's performance, direct means of negotiating with Americans, and express "yes" and "no" clearly. Americans want negotiators of the attitude of sincere seriously, even if both sides is flushed they wouldn't mind, even their own responsibility, also do not use "you" or "all good to discuss" languages. Americans value time and live at a faster pace. They believe that being able to accomplish tasks efficiently and well is a sign of competence. The amount of time it takes to complete a task has nothing to do with the weight of the task. They will enter into the subject matter directly in the negotiation, come to the point, the quotation and the specific conditions proposed are also more objective, less water. Americans are not used to the Chinese making substantive demands with subtle hints in negotiations. They often bemoan the loss of excellent trading opportunities for us manufacturers who are not good at savoring Chinese cues. The modesty, patience and restraint of the Oriental people may be regarded as hypocrisy, politeness and gimmicks by Americans.

The United States is a country with a high degree of legal system. An average of 450 Americans have a lawyer, which is directly related to Americans' habit of using the law to settle disputes. Americans believe that the most important thing in a transaction is the economic interest, which is often the ultimate goal. In order to ensure their own interests, the most just and proper solution is to rely on the law and contract. In case of any accident between the parties in the execution of the terms of the contract, it shall be handled in accordance with the terms of liability agreed by both parties in advance. They think that a business contract is a business contract and a friend is a friend. No matter how good the personal relationship is, even the relationship between father and son is absolutely clear in terms of economic interests. Americans think more about the practical benefits of doing business than about the personal relationships between business people. Americans never hide their pursuit of material interests, and show "pleasant talk" in business negotiations. They even go straight to the substantive issue of material interests. They are good at talking long, showing their sharp edges and constantly expressing their views in pursuit of material practical benefits. Although they pay attention to practical benefits, they generally don't ask too much. They also argue that doing business requires both parties to make a profit, and that either party's proposal is fair and reasonable.

Americans have a sense of superiority and believe they are right about everything. The preferred way for Americans to negotiate is to clarify their positions, views and plans at the beginning of their engagement in order to gain initiative. Americans confidence in its products of superior quality, advanced technology has made no secret of praise, they will actively adopt various means of publicity, make consumer or buyer's representative know where their goods to and is willing to pay a high price to buy. In their opinion, "big reward guest", "discount" and "buy two, get one free" are signs of lack of confidence in their own products, their own products are not too hard or do not know how to make money in business. The way Americans negotiate is often seen as arrogant and confident. They like others to do what they want and to be self-centered. Americans' confidence and arrogance is also reflected in their willingness to criticize and criticize others. When negotiations don't go their way, they often criticize or complain directly. When they think it's perfectly reasonable, they don't like to hear people say no, and they don't just want people to agree and agree on the spot. Of course they are not waiting for others to concessions, but actively to cast a variety of means, highlight your strengths so that opponents willingly accept their various conditions, negotiating the biggest success. The United States, because of its prominent position as an economic power, will also use a large amount of money in the negotiation program, showing great wealth. The negotiator pays more attention to the overall situation, is good at overall operation and financing, and likes to carry out a package deal in an overall balance. So-called "package" is mainly refers to the businessman when negotiating a project is not about his production or sales in isolation, but the project from the design, development, production, engineering and even introduce to sell the products of the project involves a series of measures, such as the image of the enterprise credibility, quality, power and public relations situation, etc., finally reached a package deal.

In a word, only by understanding the American negotiating style can China and the United States understand each other and achieve win-win results in the negotiations.


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Assignment代写:The magic of film music

2018-06-26 16:15:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The magic of film music,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电影音乐的魅力。电影音乐是电影的情绪催化剂,它能使静默的情节增添忧伤,紧张的情节增添激动,欢快的情节增添愉悦。电影音乐的魅力并非只在歌曲之中,没有词句的电影音乐也能给人无比的震撼。虽然它只伴随情节出现,会常被剧情与人物的言行所掩盖,但它却有着画龙点睛般不可估量的作用。

Enjoy music, savor the movie and make the scene more emotional. Watching movies with eyes and listening to movie songs with heart is a way of appreciating art and a process of feeling. Only when the film is combined with music can the emotion of the film radiate more attractive charm. The charm of music is not only in songs, but also in movies without words and phrases. As long as your heart can be accompanied by film music to fly, even if your life is monotonous tasteless, even if your life is dull, you can still feel the deepest of the world's most abundant emotions.

Music is the emotional catalyst for good movies. It can add sadness to silent plots, excitement to tense plots and joy to happy plots. Enjoy music, savor the movie and make the scene more emotional. Watching movies with eyes and listening to movie songs with heart is a way of appreciating art and a process of feeling.

The creative process of music is different. In most cases, after the film is finished, the composer writes music according to the director's requirements and pictures. And music accomplishment higher director will put the music as an important part of the film's not appendages, so he would and composer before filming, in-depth studies are even make music with the first complete, in the process of filming the director and the actors always listen to music, so that the performance and photography to put more and more inspiration. Music has a variety of styles, such as symphonic, musical, electroacoustic and sound effects, as well as the age, geographical, ethnic and structural features generated along with the content of the film. If we can pay attention to the painstaking application of music by composers and directors, we will surely get more enjoyment and aesthetic experience.

The theme song of the movie "the lion king" gives us the generosity and firmness of life, and gives us the hardship and joy of growing up. "When you believe it, there will be miracles, which, though hopeless, will never fade "The music hymn and the spirit flash in the film are both atmospheric and not difficult. Aidan, strong ? song floating in the vast grasslands of Africa, to interpret the indomitable and the miracle of life. Our hearts seem to have been carried to the praise of "firmness and growth" by that soul-stirring song.

The charm of music is not only in songs, but also in movies without words and phrases. Although it is only accompanied by the plot, it will often be covered by the plot and the words and deeds of the characters, but it has an immeasurable role as the finishing touch. Every movie has a theme that the director wants to express. If the theme song is a summary of feelings, then the music in the film is a sublimation of feelings. Won the 1995 Oscar for best original score "braveheart", the Scottish national leader Wallace in that there is no chance of victory in battle, a person standing on the hillside, lifted that bloodied sword, like a lion excitedly Shouting. Piece of music is as his cry sometimes low, sometimes sonorous, deeply touches our heart, huge and solemn and stirring music will our heart into that bloody battlefield, with music composer heroic struggle, let us feel the gut-wrenching.

I found that the dream, the creation of film music composer contains the understanding of the film, so the combination of film and music to make the same kind of emotional appeal is so charming. As long as your heart can be accompanied by film music to fly, even if your life is monotonous tasteless, even if your life is dull, you can still feel the deepest of the world's most abundant emotions.

Compared with the classical music genres of symphonies, operas, concertos and chamber music, music is often ignored. Not because it's young, but because of its status: it's attached to the movie. In film, a comprehensive art, music's mission is to serve the picture and the plot. It is mostly short or incomplete. When a film is successful, people often talk about the leading actor and director, and the composer is who, few people know.

The film art itself, which was born in the late 19th century, has a very short history, and the film music has a much shorter history, which took shape around the 1920s. It just for the purpose of the first cover the projector annoying noise, people soon noticed that music can increase the emotional factors, so someone with phonograph synchronous playing similar to emotional pictures and music. Former Soviet composer shostakovich once when I was reading in musicology courtyard "work-study" go to the movie theater to play the piano, you may think this is a really good job, to play the piano while I watched the movie also earn money, in the picture when heated heavily in piano, when men and women protagonist embrace kissing to a tender melody, is really interesting. But think about how tired it is to play a movie for two weeks from morning till night. But then again, shostakovich is learned many things in this job, in his later career, writing music for movies is also a very important content, from 20 s to the early 70 s he wrote about dozens of movie music works, many of which is China's old fans relish, such as "great citizen", "the man with the gun," conquer Berlin ", "unforgettable in 1919", "the gadfly", Hamlet, king Lear, is movie music.

Composers as the Soviet union had ROM Coffey, as Alexander nevsky wrote the score is a masterpiece, especially for the battle of lake scene written music, including both sides against the terrible, the soldiers rushed to tidy footsteps, when the ice lance intersecting cries of melee combat scenes, we are now even if only to listen to music, also can realistically imagine the picture.

Composers in the "leading motive" is often used in opera, namely for the characters, plot, emotions, and even props and write "music label" personality is distinct, the music motivation can suggest plot, expressing ideas, and make strict music performed for logic. In some movies, music also USES this method. One or more music motives appear in the whole film many times, which makes the original jumping pictures obtain the sense of unity on the sound. Like in opera, these motives can change along with the growth of plot or character, sometimes sweet lyric, sometimes tragic color, sometimes nervous, sometimes become splendor. Such as "Jane love" a start by the heroine timidly pop-up piano music in later became deeply touched the hearts of love theme, it throughout the film formed Jane love the inner world of the main line, gradually spread out again at the same time, promote the plot, and orgasm.

Music gives us philosophical speculation that the picture cannot provide, and it even becomes the soul of the film. That's the magic of music movies.


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assignment代写:The minimalism

2018-06-26 15:46:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The minimalism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了极简主义。极简主义是20世纪西方现代艺术流派之一,其推崇的是形式简单、高度功能化与理性化的设计理念,反对装饰化的设计风格。这种艺术实践,以其简约明了的风格渗透并影响了各个领域。极简主义设计者通过对设计语言的精炼,使之达到形式和内涵的极简,从而恰当而准确地传达了有效信息。极简主义不仅响应了消费者内心的简洁需要,同时也暗合了有效传播的规律。

Minimalism is one of the western modern art schools in the 1960 s, minimalism, as is in the form of simple, highly functional and rational design concept, against the design style of decoration. This kind of art practice, with its simple and clear style quickly infiltrate and influence each domain. By refining the design language, the minimalist graphic designer makes it extremely simple in form and connotation, thus conveying the effective information appropriately and accurately. It not only responds to the inner simplicity of consumers, but also insinuates the law of effective communication.

Graphic design has a wide influence in our life. It can disseminate social, commercial and cultural information, and enable the public to have a deeper understanding of the connotation of such information. Modern society's mad the visual information of heavy and complicated hindered our understanding of the nature of things, but when the minimalism and the plane design cross use, can integrate complex information, simplify the vision of heavy and complicated, high accurate transmission of information. The concise expression, can let designers truly grasp the pulse of The Times, with the most basic elements of the outline of the most simple work, either to express the connotation of design thought and emotional state.

Minimalism design concept is to abandon the tedious details, pay attention to the overall modelling, space and form its own structure and large areas of color combinations, external form concise, visual image, convey profound artistic conception, use of limited information in complex keep clear context, give a person leave deep impression of whole. It can be said that minimalist design is a highly refined design art style. This kind of extreme simplification in design is originally intended to explore a possible way to "see rich in simplicity and elegance in purity". In graphic design, the minimalist design language is mainly reflected in color, graphics, fonts and large areas of white space.

Why do the current logo design mostly choose monochrome or less color? Because simple, bright color recognition degree is high, and easy to make a deep impression, convenient for the reader to associate again. Minimalist graphic design works usually use simple but not unusual color and matching techniques. Simple color, it is to point to them to choose single color mostly, or the two or three colors in adjacent color undertakes design. For example, the red color of Coca-Cola, the green color of Sprite, the blue color of Pepsi, its powerful visual impact and symbol are beyond comparison of other brands. In a group of print ads that Lego toys, each with two or contrast or nearby the high purity of color, this strong, jumping, flicker, lively color more accord with children's psychology, coupled with the graphic design is concise and easy to read, to achieve the purpose of the optimal communication effect. Simple collocation, it is to use simple and effective way to combine two kinds of goods and above effectively, already achieved already simple and reflect the design concept of high artistic conception.

"Minimalism" does not mean simplicity. On the contrary, it is often a rich unity, a complex sublimation. It is the popular appearance of the object form, the promotion condensed into a highly concentrated, generalized abstract form. Whether it is formal language, expressive theme, or aesthetic function, minimalist style seeks to convey ideas in the most direct way, and does "subtraction". Before minimalism, various art schools lay more emphasis on form, and the thought it wants to express is lost and ignored because of the complicated form. Complexity to the extreme must lead to extreme simplicity, and eventually various art forms will return to its original, in a minimalist way to worship nature, worship the original. When a piece of art forms is reduced to a minimum, of the four-walled its perfect feeling is impeccable, when all the components and details of the objects were decreased or compressed to essence, it has the characteristics of the intriguing.

Minimalist graphic design usually USES simple color, simple image, remove unnecessary things, pay attention to objectivity, do not pursue a certain style intentionally, the picture processing is extremely concise. Information content, although very few, it can cooperate with advertising, product brochures and other ways, rapid, accurate and properly convey the basic information of the goods, make consumers enjoy the beauty of "less is more". The fundamental purpose of design, fundamentally speaking, is to make people's life better, just as heidegger said, "people, poetically inhabit the earth". To achieve a certain level of design, it is necessary to reduce complexity to simplicity, present essence, and solve problems by design. This is the essence of design and the deep spiritual demand of minimalism.

The fast pace, high frequency and full load of modern society make people yearn for returning to nature, and for peaceful and poetic life to meet their psychological needs. This is the people under the control of complementary consciousness, produced to get rid of tedious, complex, simple and natural psychology. To some extent, minimalism can make people more relaxed and create a peaceful and peaceful living space. Its external characteristics respond to the functional needs of modern life. The rich and profound understanding of connotation satisfies the spiritual needs of modern people. Whether in culture or life, artists should adapt to the social changes. Life and reality require artists to use the art language suitable for the present. And minimalism appears in today's art field with its solemn and quiet appearance, satisfying the demand of today's society and art field that yearns for simplicity and nature.

Minimalism is a way of thinking associated with lifestyle and an exploration of artist idealism. The art of minimalism aims at creating a beautiful and tasteful style, discarding all useless details and preserving the most authentic and pure parts of life. In the present materialistic din s, in order to let the senses and the mind can find temporary peace and rest the empty asked, "simple" has become a kind of course, the design style of irreplaceable mainstream - "reduced" reduced to zero, to the origin. This style is also popular because it highlights the modern aesthetic characteristics and suits the modern aesthetic needs.


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