


2019-04-09 17:40:02 | 日記


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Paper代写:New Climate Economics

2019-04-09 17:39:00 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- New Climate Economics,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了新气候经济学。随着全球变暖问题的加剧,如今各国都在协调各种行动以降低伴随强劲经济增长而出现的温室气体排放。低碳投资可以带来强劲得多、洁净得多的经济增长。能源效率能带来节约,而清洁能源技术能带来市场机会。

Recently, the latest assessment by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of evidence of global warming suggests that scientists have been more determined than ever before that human activity-mainly burning fossil fuels-is causing temperatures and sea levels to rise. In recent years, a series of extreme weather events-including Hurricane Sandy in New York and the New Jersey, floods in China and droughts in the Midwest and Russia and many developing countries-have caused serious damage. Last month, Mexico experienced a simultaneous attack on hurricanes in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico, where the hurricane was crossing, towns and cities destroyed. Climate change is an important factor in such events, and the situation we face is getting worse.

These issues brought a new debate to the center of the stage: how to co-ordinate actions to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that accompany strong economic growth.

The controversy has been lost in controversy. Most countries have started to invest in renewable energy, and many have started to implement carbon pricing and regulation, while critics accuse them of hindering growth. The global economy is still recovering from the 2008 financial turmoil, and higher energy prices have worried business and political leaders.

The emergence of shale gas has made the energy debate even more bewildering. Replacing coal with gas is a shortcut to a Low-carbon future. But the shocking thing is that the most dramatic increase in dosage is the dirtiest fuel-coal. Companies and investors are avoiding risks by taking certain resource-efficiency measures and investing in low-carbon assets, but their high carbon portfolios and behavior have not changed much. The policy swings of some countries are also detrimental to the overall situation.

In response, those who support stronger action argue that Low-carbon investment can lead to much stronger and cleaner growth. They point out that energy efficiency can bring about economy, and clean energy technology can bring market opportunity. They are trying to prove that a more sustainable pattern of development brings many benefits to the world's cities, People's Health and energy security, as well as the access of the poor to more energy. They propose to issue green bonds, urging listed investment banks to use the world's lower interest rates and the opportunity for many countries to provide financial support for new infrastructure and jobs.

These are serious economic arguments, but they tend to evolve into rational responses to the economic crisis and ideological disputes over the government's intervention in market value. This is really regrettable. Climate change is not a factional dispute, and climate policy is fundamentally market-based. This is a question of correcting market failures so that markets and entrepreneurship can play an appropriate role in ensuring innovation and efficient resource allocation.

To jump out of this impasse, we helped to set up the global Economic and Climate Commission. The Committee's new Climate Economy project, which brings together seven leading policy research institutions on six continents, is overseen by an expert committee of former Heads of government, finance ministers and prominent business leaders, as advisers to an expert committee of eminent Global economists. The aim is to provide new evidence of authority to explain how governments and businesses can address climate risk while achieving stronger economic growth.

Few governments or investors are starting with climate change. They want to promote investment and economic growth, create jobs, stabilize public finances, expand markets, generate profits, guarantee reliable energy and food supplies, produce goods and services, reduce poverty and build cities. Therefore, the main question we need to ask is not whether emissions can be reduced, but how public policies help to achieve these core objectives while reducing emissions and building a climate-resilient economy.

In this regard, there is much experience around the world to learn from. When the Stern report on the economics of climate change was released seven years ago, the topic remained largely in the theoretical stage. Now, countries at all stages of development are pursuing new models of economic growth that consider climate issues.

Germany, for example, is planning to restructure the world's most ambitious low-carbon economy, based on energy conservation and renewables. South Korea has set "green growth" as the core economic target. Mexico's 2012 general law on climate change will significantly increase the amount of clean electricity. China will develop the green technology industry as the top priority of its agenda.

Some big companies provide powerful examples of how far we can get. Unilever pledged to use sustainable agricultural and forestry sourcing sources. Coca-Cola is completely deactivating the polluting climate of HFCs. Wal-Mart, the retail giant, is pushing emissions cuts across its supply chain. At the same time, the World Bank and European investment banks are no longer lending to high emissions of coal.

But the real question remains-how fast the economy can move towards Low-carbon and what can be done most effectively. Some low-carbon policies are clearly costly, while others, which are clearly cheap, are not. Any structural changes include costs, transactions, and uncertainties, and it is important to understand these factors rationally. Science has clearly demonstrated the urgency of climate, and it is time for economists and policymakers to explain the urgency of how to deal with the problem.


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Persuasive Essay写作要具备哪些要素

2019-04-09 17:38:16 | 日記
对于初到国外留学的同学们来说,可能刚接触Persuasive Essay的时候会不知所措,不知道该如何下笔。Persuasive Essay要做的,其实就是通过摆事实,讲故事,列数据,或举例等方式说服他人接受自己固有的观点或对某件事情的看法。那么Persuasive Essay写作需要具备哪些要素呢?下面就给大家总结一下。


可以用读者熟悉的事物进行举例,或者仔细推敲的语言来引人入胜。We should have a definite point of view and maintain the reader's interest. Throughout, we make use of language to ensure that it's really interesting to whoever is reading it, whether using examples of things that are familiar to the reader or just good language to engage the reader.


比如举个很简单的例子,外面很冷,所以我们要穿件外套。为了说服别人相信我们的观点,这其中的逻辑关系应该是合情合理的。Make sure using sound reasoning. For example, it's cold outside, so let's wear a jacket. There should be a very sound reason for why people should believe what we are trying to convince them.


比如还是刚才很冷的观点,我们可以说外面只有零度来支撑这个事实。Use solid evidence. For example it's cold outside and we can support it by saying it's 0 degree.


Show awareness of the intended audience. Knowing who we are speaking to in our writing, how we can win them over and how this type of people can be persuaded.


It might include research about the topic so the evidence is convincing. Sometimes we need to collect additional facts and info to support our views.

以上就是为大家介绍的关于Persuasive Essay写作的要素整理,对Persuasive Essay比较陌生的同学可以按照上面这些要素进行写作,想必就没什么问题了。


Paper代写:Capital System

2019-04-09 17:35:30 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Capital System讨论了资本制度。由于地域、经济、文化等各种差异,公司资本制度在英美法系国家与大陆法系国家的具体形态也十分的不同。法定资本制又称资本确定制,是指公司成立以股东全部认缴的资本总额必须明确登记在章程中为要件的资本制度。这种模式主要是在大陆法系国家公司建立之初适用。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The globalization of capital system reform, promote our country capital system unceasingly consummates. In order to realize the fairness and justice of law and balance the interests of many Parties, the advantages and disadvantages of capital system reform should be clarified first. Only by correctly understanding the essence of capital system can we improve the adaptability of company law reform and make China's capital system more flexible and more effective. In the continuous innovation of concept and system, the author will discuss the reform of China's capital system.

With the continuous progress of our country's economy and society, the development speed of our company's structure and mode has been among the best in the world. China's 1993 company law has undergone four amendments, the latest company law in effect on March 1, 2014. The model of capital system directly determines whether a country's company law is modernized, affects the corporate governance structure and realizes the increase of company benefit. In this paper, the author will discuss the concept of capital system, the development process, the current situation of reform and the safeguard measures.

First, corporate capital has different definitions for different positions. The company capital from the economic concept, refers to the shareholder's contribution to the development and operation of the company's material base. As to the legal concept of company law, it mainly refers to the personal property paid by shareholders in order to obtain the company's shareholder's identity. The broad sense of corporate capital includes both equity capital and creditor's rights capital. The narrow sense of corporate capital refers to the total amount of contributions paid by shareholders to the company. The capitalization of the company's equity is entitled to the property rights of all kinds of assets lawfully obtained.

Due to the differences of geography, economy and culture, the corporate capital system is very different from the countries in Anglo-American law system and the Continental law system.

The legal capital system, also known as the capital determination system, refers to the capital system in which the total amount of capital subscribed by the company must be clearly registered in the Constitution. This model is mainly applied at the beginning of the establishment of a continental legal system. The law of the Civil law system has the highest authority, the law is more stable, and the total capital of the company is recorded in the Articles of association, making it a definite figure, whether increase or decrease all shareholders make a decision, in order to ensure that the company's capital is true and reliable, Enhance shareholder trust in corporate capital. But in the rapid development of the economy today, if every change of funds requires all shareholders to hold a meeting to discuss, one is to convene dispersed shareholders more difficult, the second is to convene shareholders to meet until all shareholders to make a unanimous decision, the company's best business opportunity will also miss, Therefore, the legal capital system is not in line with the positioning of the company's capital today and needs to be reformed.

The authorized capital system refers to the capital systems in which the company's total capital is recorded in the Articles of incorporation as part of the company's constitution and the total amount of capital paid by shareholders. The advantages of this capital system are to facilitate the establishment of the company, to give the company greater business autonomy, can better adapt to market economic decision-making efficiency requirements. It is characterized by "the pursuit of efficiency and response practice" as the leading, with "deregulation and trust in the market" as the idea, "the rule of empowerment-oriented." But because of the speed of capital change and the source of uncertainty, it is easy to be cheated, weaker than the protection of creditors.

The eclectic capital system is a kind of company capital institution between the legal capital system and the authorized capital system, and it is the organic combination of the advantages of various companies ' capital system. It absorbs the advantages of the two capital systems, it not only conforms to the concept of efficiency and the change of the concept of information adapted to the production fund, but also overcomes the drawbacks of the excessive risk faced by the relative person, which represents the direction of the reform of the modern company law and has strong vitality.

The decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the comprehensive deepening reform of several major issues, adopted by the 18 Session of plenary on November 12, 2013, indicates the direction for our company law reform. To promote the facilitation of industrial and commercial registration system, reduce the qualification of the project, from the first certificate to the first according to the certificate, the registered capital of the registration system changed to the registration system. December 28, 2013, the revised content of the company law includes: abolishing the minimum registered capital system, further reducing the threshold of the establishment of the company, the registration system changed to the acknowledgement, and the conditions of registration were relaxed. This reform has practical significance for the development of the company system, but in connection with the actual situation, I think the following aspects still need high attention.

In order to guarantee the creditor's full trust to the company, the total capital of the company is always determined and recorded in the Articles of incorporation, which strengthens the guarantee function of the company capital. In fact, a creditor's purchase of a company's stake is not just a desire to secure the investment, but rather the value of the company's stake in a period of time when it can play surplus value, which means that the creditor invests in the company in order to gain greater corporate earnings. Therefore, only one-sided emphasis on the guarantee function of corporate capital and weaken the financing function of corporate capital, will lead to focus on safety and loss of benefits, the company also does not have much flexibility and mobility.

In the beginning of the establishment of our company law, although it is a private nature, but due to the needs of national conditions, in order to improve the creditor's confidence in the company, more public law in the role. The state forces the company to establish the threshold, the arrangement of the stock mechanism, the investment of repurchase shares and so on, the latest company law reform, although abolishing the minimum registered capital system, further reduces the establishment threshold of the company, the registration system is changed to the acknowledgement system, and the registration conditions are relaxed, but the other aspects of the company's capital are strictly controlled. The government-led operation violates the basic principle of the autonomy of company law, and it is not conducive to arouse the enthusiasm of shareholders and conform to the law of market development.

The company law system reform unceasingly, but to the corporation, the company shareholder as well as the company creditor tripartite benefit balance still has the insufficiency. The shareholders of the company will have greater rights, while the rights of the Board of directors are not enough to protect the interests of the parties, and the precautionary mechanism prescribed by the statutory capital system cannot break the deadlock. There is no reasonable restriction on the capital mechanism, and the imbalance of interest caused by the protection of one party's interests has been quite serious.

The company's document has been greatly reduced by the reform of the system of corporate capital and the recognition system. As a third party, creditors do not directly participate in the management of the company, only through the assets assessment to determine the understanding of the company's operating conditions and capital facts. If the creditor is to take the interest as the investor, the decision must be made under the condition of knowing the situation. The creditor's right to know the damage, so that the creditor abandoned the transaction, reducing the market operation opportunities, resulting in a decline in trading confidence.

The reform of the company law abolished the Minimum capital registration system, and the establishment threshold was greatly reduced and a dollar could be opened. Shareholders can independently agree on the mode of capital contribution, the amount of capital contribution, the duration of investment and so on may cause the shareholder false investment, fraud, above all reflect a problem: the market transaction security lost security. In the market economy activity, the efficiency and the security are important, if this kind of situation persists, will lose the confidence to the market credit.

Law is a branch of the Department of Law in the application of the discipline, the unity of opposites between the Department of Law, the company's reform speed and economic development is consistent, time is tight, other departments of the law of the revision is still on the agenda. This inconsistency between the sectoral laws can lead to misunderstanding by members of society and making wrong actions.

In the trend of the globalized economy, the legal capital system advocated by the Continental law system has not been able to meet the needs of economic development, and the capital does not only bear the guarantee function, but also emphasizes that loose corporate control can attract capital increase, activate the power of capital operation and improve the competitiveness of the country. As competition intensifies today, the constant change of market economy has prompted many countries in Europe and America to revise their economic capital mode, and the financing function of capital is urgent. In view of our country's actual situation, can in the original model, absorbs other country's outstanding experience, may play the capital the profit value more.

The system of denying legal personality in our country is stipulated in article 20th of the company law, in this case, it is questionable whether the shareholder of the corporation is a nuisance personality denial system which damages the creditor's interests by using the limited liability not to fulfill the investment obligation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application condition or the applicable space of the legal personality denial system is obviously less than the actual situation. Based on the above thinking, the author thinks that the scope of the legal personality Denial system can be enlarged, such as: The company capital is obviously insufficient, the false contribution, the flight capital investment, the transfer property, the use of the company to avoid the contract obligations, the establishment of new companies to transfer property to evade debt; Tax evasion and money laundering.

In the face of fierce competition, the market economy activities in the company need high-speed operation, in which the balance between creditors and companies, shareholders of the company's interests. Since the establishment of the company law, the State as the main body to manage and guide the market changes, but the change of the economic system, the Government should change from the dominant position to the market dominant position, from the regulation to the governance service, from direct intervention to indirect promotion, can let the company independent, the Independent truly participate in the market operation, can truly produce own value.

The current market economy is also a kind of information economy, only to grasp the efficient information, can adapt to the changes of the times. Perfecting the company's capital information system can fundamentally protect the creditor's right to know, and if the company's capital information is perfect, the creditor's interests are still violated and the creditor should be conceited. Perfecting the capital information system can be proceeded from the following aspects.

The capital system of company law is reformed, and the creditor knows less about the capital information. To perfect the system of capital information disclosure, we can establish an information inquiry system, which faces the whole country and ensures the mutual integration of information. Enterprises to truthfully the actual share capital payment to make a report, to achieve the "industrial and commercial sector registered capital, Enterprises truthfully disclose paid-in capital" purpose, in practice adhere to the principle of good faith. In order to make the transaction cost and efficient access to market news in proportion, the paid-in capital once the change, the Enterprise Capital Publicity system Information must also be synchronized to update, so that the company to the credit system submitted to the "shareholder Paid-in Capital" The latest information, business registration agencies also have "change registration" record.

In the capital Information Disclosure system, the information false situation sometimes, then need to introduce accountant audit system. The accountant's duty is to stand in the neutral, the objective standpoint, uses own specialized knowledge to carry on the audit, assists the creditor to discover the company shareholder, the executive, the supervisor illegal misconduct, helps the creditor to safeguard own interest. In order to prevent accountants from colluding with the audited companies to harm their interests, the company law stipulates the liability for damages of the accountants' dishonesty.

Annual reporting system is the company's own business status at the end of the year, the credit qualification through the annual report of the public announcement system to the community as a whole, any unit and individual can be queried, to establish a protection of the interests of the company's internal credit system. At present, the supervision of the annual reporting system of listed companies is divided into internal and external supervision, and the functional departments of the boards of the listed companies shall set up special committees to oversee the audit reports and the related financial reports by the Audit Committee. The annual reporting system of non-listed companies learning from the experience of superior companies, and gradually improve the supervision of the annual report in practice, this article believes that emphasis should be placed on external supervision. After the company voluntarily submits the annual report system to the Registration Management department, it should also establish a spot check system to carefully spot the annual reports submitted by the company, and also establish a blacklist system to carry out the related corrections. The establishment of a perfect enterprise database retrieval system, so that creditors can through the Enterprise credit Information network inquiries to the enterprise registered capital and related credit records.

Law as an applied discipline should be echoed with other departmental laws. Therefore, in the process of company law reform, we should pay attention to the path and rhythm of reform. We should not only consider the actual commercial development situation, but also in accordance with the legal procedure reform, and in line with other sectoral laws. Only in this way, the legal system can develop healthily and orderly, the company law in the legal system can develop healthily and orderly, and the capital system in the company law can develop healthily and orderly.


Essay代写:Basic education

2019-04-09 17:22:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Basic education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《基础阶段教育概略》。《基础阶段教育概略》是一部英国教育行政部门对幼儿教育的指导纲领和实施策略的书籍,也是英国幼儿教育工作者实施教育教学工作的理论书籍和工具丛书。《基础阶段教育概略》特别重视教学案例的设计、收集和研究,在介绍目标体系时,每个具体目标下都通过一个或几个教学或游戏的实例作分解说明,令人一目了然。这些实例起到了规范和指导作用,给人以生动鲜活的感觉,易于理解,便于掌握。

Based on the introduction to basic stage education translated by the author, this paper expounds that the British government attaches great importance to the experimental case study in the construction and implementation of the evaluation system of early childhood education, and pays attention to the important and unique role of teachers and parents, which can be used for reference in China's early childhood education.

Based on my work, I translated a British book called investing for the future. Also known as "basic stage education".

"Outline" is a guide and implementation strategy for early childhood education by the British education authority, and it is also a series of theoretical books and tools for early childhood educators to carry out education and teaching work. In the construction and practice of the evaluation system, the outline attaches importance to the experimental case study, which is its prominent feature. From the case study of this book, we find that the formation of the book "general", mainly on the basis of observation and evaluation of children, through experiments and research and scientific summary, extracted. At the same time, the compilation of such a book, it is in order to guide the further observation and experimentation, and by extension, children education institutions and make more and more people pay attention to preschool education, attaches great importance to the observation and experiment, can be guided, there are laws in order to better and faster to implement more effective, higher early childhood education goals. Based on this, this summary pays special attention to the design, collection and research of teaching cases, and has become one of the well-deserved features of this book. Such cases can be found almost everywhere except in the introduction to the first chapter. In the introduction of the goal system, each specific goal through one or several examples of teaching or game for breakdown, clear at a glance. These examples play a normative and guiding role, give a person with vivid and fresh feeling, easy to understand, easy to master.

Almost a third of the book is devoted to case studies, with 16 experimental cases designed. Each case has a complete experimental program, experimental steps, teachers' teaching process and experimental report. Items in each case include: title and main content, main evaluation criteria and associated evaluation criteria, required teaching AIDS, how to introduce the activity to children, matters needing attention, evaluation summary, etc. Each experimental case is followed by a teaching case and an experimental report, including: the course content is mainly to record the teacher's teaching process; Observation is the main record of how teachers observe children; Summary evaluation is mainly to evaluate the effect of class. In short, the two parts of the case are all centered on one theme. The former is the structure and experimental steps of the experimental program, and the latter is the teaching practice of the program, which verifies the feasibility of the program design and implementation.

Through these cases, we find that each case is designed around the implementation of the evaluation goal, namely the training goal, and the goal is not a single, generally involves several main goals and secondary goals, with strong purpose, pertinence and comprehensiveness. Each case is carefully designed, has a strict structure and specific steps, easy to master, easy to operate, has a high scientific and technological content. Each plan has a typical lead, detailed records, specific instructions, so that later implementers have a model for reference and learning. The content of the activities involved in these programs, including the ideas and ideas and the unique performance, is worthy of our reference; In particular, it shows the rigorous attitude, pragmatic spirit and scientific methods of the program designers and implementers, which is worth learning.

Practice has proved that the key to the quality of preschool education and the success of experimental research lies in the implementer, namely, the preschool teacher. The outline makes it clear that the book is designed to help those who do it. And said frankly: if the implementer can do it faithfully and creatively according to the requirements of the outline, it will mark the arrival of a new era of evaluation and practice.

Brief gives a good interpretation and development to the implementers of early childhood education. This is another outstanding feature of the outline.

How to be a good mentor and evaluator? Through the whole book, we can realize the truth that children are the center. This is the central starting point of the book. Child-centered, teachers must respect and improve children's personality, respect children's interests and wishes. Therefore, it is also called "education without teaching". It is to fully mobilize children's innate "absorptive mind", scientifically grasp the sensitive period of learning, so that children can feel, learn and grow and progress in their own experience. This concept is fully implemented in the six evaluation objectives designed in this book, as well as in case studies and other chapters. This is the premise and foundation of being a good mentor and evaluator.

In order to fulfill the duty of guidance, we must pay attention to the ways and means of guidance. The book emphasizes the requirements of training objectives according to the personalized guidance. As an evaluator, the book introduces many specific practices, including how to use the evaluation box, fill in the evaluation form, how to grasp the evaluation opportunity, grasp the evaluation essentials, use the evaluation results, as well as the different evaluation contents and requirements of each semester and academic year, etc.

The observer is a specific responsibility of the teacher as an educational responsibility. This kind of observation, the purpose is very clear, is contains many educational factors observation. This observer is similar in nature to the mentor mentioned above, and mutually reinforcing. The former serves for the latter and is also the premise and foundation of fulfilling the latter's mission. This observation, the starting point and basic work is to understand the children, the purpose is to implement targeted education. The book also gives practical guidance on what to observe and how to do it, especially more detailed guidance on how to keep good records. It is emphasized that the evaluation process should be accompanied by observation records, and the completion of each activity and target should be observed and recorded.

Distributors emphasize an educational mindset and a confident mindset on the part of the implementer. "Outline" hope that teachers in inspiring children to play the spirit of autonomy more efforts. As a teacher, the job itself is to share the joy of children's progress and the joy of success. This is an educational style and state. From the activities, games and classroom experiments designed in the book, we can see that teachers guide and help children in playing and enjoying with them, and observe and evaluate them. Share the joy of your children's progress. It also realized the true meaning of happy education.

The preparator is closely related to the originator, which emphasizes that the process of preparation is a process of creation and can reflect the implementer's innovative consciousness and ingenuity. There are many examples of the material and spiritual environments prepared and created by the doer. Particularly typical are the examples provided in case studies.

Placing the preparer and the originator on the third level is the work that the implementer puts the most thought and effort into and can best display the research results and labor results. This is also one of the significant marks that distinguish early childhood education from other kinds of education. The reason why montessori, the Italian educator, positioned preschool teachers as preparers really contains profound truth and value. And this has been well reflected and developed in the contemporary early childhood education in the UK, which is another important information revealed to us by the outline.

This book attaches great importance to the role of parents in the process of experimental research, believing that they have a "unique" understanding of their children's ability development and are "contributors" to experimental research.

"Introduction" to parents how to cooperate with experimental research also put forward the requirements, made a hint. In a larger part of the list of parents to understand or parents to do a good job of feedback. These feedbacks are explained one by one around the six aspects of the evaluation system. The outline pays special attention to the role of parents in the evaluation and experimental research of children. It is worth noting that this emphasis is not merely based on theory and evaluation, but on how teachers play the role of parents and how parents play their own role. It puts forward practical requirements, standardizes the model, and specifically provides a questionnaire with an outline of the survey, for parents to fill in and give feedback. So that the parents of this link of the work to get a comprehensive participation and implementation.

Introduction reflects the emphasis on basic education in Britain, and their pragmatic spirit can be seen to some extent. This pragmatism helps to promote the implementation of the "raise standards, pursue excellence" concept proposed by the department for education of the United Kingdom, and promote the better connection between early childhood education and compulsory education under the national curriculum standards.

