

Essay代写:American doctors' pay

2019-04-22 17:28:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- American doctors' pay,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国医生薪酬。医生收入,一直是各国医改的敏感话题。尽管对于部分美国医生而言,收入状况难免令其心痛,但如今绝大多数医生薪酬涨势温和。事实上,除医疗服务相关所得,专家鉴定、演讲培训、产品销售等非医疗服务活动产出也是医生薪酬清单的重要选项。

Doctor income, has been a sensitive topic of health care reform in various countries. On April 21, Medscape released its "American physician pay report 2015." The mixed data obtained from 26 specialties and nearly 20,000 doctors' self-reported data is not hard to see the changes in the practice pattern inspired by the overlapping policies and technology integration, and it is even more a picture of the professional survival of American doctors.

While the income picture is inevitably painful for some doctors in the United States, the 2015 U.S. physician pay report sends a generally positive message -- most doctors' pay is rising modestly. Data released in the last year, in addition to the department of rheumatology doctors and urinary surgeons, decreasing outside income regret to other specialist pay a rising tide lifts all boats, particularly in HIV/AIDS, pulmonary medicine, the emergency department, department and family medicine grab an eye most. As always, the average annual salary for primary care physicians is still far below that of specialists, with surgeons earning far more than their chronic counterparts.

When it comes to the core intrinsic component of doctors' compensation -- income from medical services, Won more than $300000 from high to low rank respectively orthopaedic surgeons, the cardiologist, gastrointestinal doctor, should anesthesiologists, a plastic surgeon, the radiologist, urological surgeons, a dermatologist, the general surgeon, the emergency department doctors, an oncologist, but there are less than $200000: Pediatrician, family physician, diabetes/endocrinologist, general internist.

Compared with the 2011 U.S. physician pay report, which was first released in 2011, orthopaedic doctors continue to hold the top position in medical income, while radiologists and anesthesiologists, who were the second or third highest in that year, no longer hold the top position, while pediatricians, primary care doctors and endocrinologists remain at the bottom.

In fact, in addition to medical services related to income, expert testimony, speech training, product sales and other non-medical services output is also an important options: doctors pay listing orthopaedic surgeons in the best position, still followed by the uropoiesis surgical department, orthopedic surgery, and a dermatologist, radiology, in pediatrics, anaesthesia a doctor with a net worth of less than ten thousand yuan, he and primary care doctors situation also is not optimistic.

American doctors' career satisfaction, salary satisfaction survey returns, may be difficult to exciting. None of the dermatology, pathology and psychiatric/mental health departments in the top three in terms of career satisfaction belong to mainstream clinical departments, while 47% of internists, 48% of nephrologists and 49% of general surgeons are the "least happy people". Less than 50 percent of primary care physicians and just under half of specialists clearly agree on current pay, and looking back at 2011 figures -- 47 percent and 52 percent -- it's hard to believe that years of reform have gone down well.

Currently, doctors in the United States generally hold three positions on the level of compensation: one is the recognition of satisfaction, with a satisfaction rate of 60% for those who are more outstanding, such as dermatologists, emergency department physicians and pathologists. 61%; second, it is considered relatively fair. The representative groups include nearly half of family doctors and internists. Third, the sense of loss was relaxed, especially in ophthalmology, allergy department and general surgeons. It is worth mentioning that the salary satisfaction of emergency departments and pathologists improved the most significantly, with a year-on-year increase of 12%.

When asked "what is your career plan if you could choose again? After the horizontal and vertical comparison, it is not difficult to find that the salary level no longer dominates people's career choice orientation as most people think, "competent for their own work", "maintain a good doctor-patient relationship" and "know I can make the world a better place" are the "absolute leading role" to achieve the happiness of doctors' career and salary satisfaction.


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Assignment代写:Trans fats are banned in the United States

2019-04-22 17:25:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Trans fats are banned in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国禁止反式脂肪酸。反式脂肪酸在诞生之初,由于是从植物油转化而来的,被误认为有益于健康,所以非常受消费者的喜欢。然而医学研究发现,反式脂肪酸其实对人体健康有很大危害,如果摄入过多的反式脂肪酸,会增加人们罹患冠心病的风险。美国为了禁止反式脂肪酸,限制反式脂肪酸在每日1克以下,还要求食品标签上必须要标示反式脂肪含量。

The food and drug administration recently announced that the United States will ban artificial trans fats from foods for three years. The news has attracted worldwide attention. So what is "trans fat"? Why ban it?

The place to start is in organic chemistry. Fat in human adipose tissue is usually made up of glycerol combined with fatty acids. Glycerol has three hydroxyl groups, so most of it is bound to three fatty acids, hence the name triglycerides. Plain check-up, detect triglyceride is tall not tall, see adipose content to exceed namely do not exceed bid.

These fatty acids are the older of the carbon chains and are classified as either saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids are carbon atoms that do not lack hydrogen, do not have a double bond, such as lard, butter, butter, etc. are solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fatty acids are divided into monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids due to whether the double bond is one or more. They are liquid at room temperature and most vegetable oils are.

In order to prevent the deterioration of vegetable fat, facilitate the preservation or improve the taste, hydrogenation processing method is adopted to process a variety of unsaturated vegetable oil from liquid to solid or semi-solid fat, which is known as trans fatty acid. Trans fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids produced in the hydrogenation modification of vegetable oils.

The double bond of an unsaturated fatty acid, in the usual "cis" form, means that the hydrogen to which one carbon atom is attached is on the same side as the hydrogen to which the other carbon atom is attached, so that the solid looks curved; And after the hydrogenation, one of the hydrogens goes to the opposite side, which is a geometric difference, called "trans," as if looking at itself in a mirror. But when you go from cis to trans, the chain straightens, the physical properties change, and you go from liquid to solid at room temperature. This has a huge impact on the food industry, because trans fats replace butter, butter, the price drops, good color and aroma, especially not bad, better than butter, butter; And at the time of the invention of trans fats, they were popular with food companies and consumers because they were derived from vegetable oils and mistaken for health benefits.

However, trans fats are very dangerous to human health. Medical studies have found that excessive intake of trans fatty acids increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Trans fatty acids can increase the viscosity and cohesion of human blood, which is more likely to lead to the formation of thrombosis. Trans fatty acids are difficult to be metabolized once they enter the body. Some studies have found that natural fats can be metabolized and excreted successfully after being absorbed by the body for about 7 days, while it takes 51 days for trans fatty acids to be decomposed and excreted.

In foreign countries, such substances as trans fatty acids have a proper name, called "anti-nutrients", this is because saturated fat can make blood "bad" cholesterol rise, make "good" cholesterol fall, and thus increase the incidence of coronary heart disease, mortality rise. In addition to the risk of cardiovascular disease, trans fats are not essential fatty acids. Saturated fatty acid although can make coronary heart disease increase, but the person still cannot be completely abstaining saturated fat, at present basically control the quantity of heat of all adipose in the 30% following that occupies total heat to add up to, when having heart cerebrovascular disease should control 27% below.

Where are the main sources of artificial trans fats? In fact, it can be said that in the food industry, wherever saturated fats are used, there may be trans fats. A casual look at the food aisle of a large supermarket reveals that trans fats are almost everywhere. On food labels, we see hydrogenated vegetable oils, ground margarine, shortening, margarine and so on. Some foods are specially labeled with vegetable oil. Most people seem to feel no ill-will when they see unfamiliar names such as hydrogenated vegetable oil or margarine, because they simply do not know what they are.

Trans fat "vest" too much, for ordinary consumers, it is a little too much to guard against. In addition to baked cookies, cakes, hamburgers, margarine, souffle, and Fried foods, microwave popcorn and even some instant noodles contain it.

In addition, another source of trans fatty acids is stir-fried vegetable oil, which also produces trans fatty acids after being heated at high temperature or for a long time. Moreover, the higher the content of mono-or polyunsaturated fatty acids in oils, such as soybean oil, the more likely they are to produce trans fatty acids. This is because the unsaturated fatty acids are "active" and easier to be oxidized. Therefore, when cooking at home, oil is generally burned into the heat can be, do not wait for smoke to put food. Fried food can also consider lard, palm oil, such as higher saturation of oil.

Artificial trans fats will be banned in the us, but are there any natural trans fats? Natural trans fats are also present, mainly in the ruminant stomachs of ruminants such as cattle and sheep. Of course, their milk and meat will also have, but the content is very small, only about 2% ~ 5%. And it has been found that isooleic acid, which is found only in natural trans fats, is beneficial to human health, unlike artificial trans fats, so natural trans fats are not banned. Is there natural trans fat in breast milk? There are some, ranging from 1 percent to 7 percent, depending on how much trans fat the mother eats.

Why is "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" proposed? The fda originally said it would ban partially hydrogenated vegetable oils because complete hydrogenation would be a saturated fat. Partially hydrogenated fats produce trans fats, which are the main source of artificial trans fats, not natural trans fats.

So is there a daily limit for trans fats? Because trans fats are not essential fatty acids, there is no daily requirement. Less is generally better. Given the presence of natural trans fats, some units are tentatively set at less than 1 g per day.

How do americans control trans fats? As scientific research is gradually deepening, so is the understanding of trans fatty acids. The U.S. food and drug administration restricted trans fats to less than 4.6 grams per day in 2003 and to less than 1 gram per day in 2012. Trans fat content has been shown on food labels since 2006 and has been mandatory on food labels since 1 January 2008. Trans fats were added to the "generally considered safe" list of foods in 2013 and removed from processed foods on June 16, 2015. Thereafter, any use of trans fats must be specifically approved. But they have given a three-year grace period, effective June 18, 2018. States have their own laws, such as New York City's ban on trans fats in restaurants a few years ago. The United States has restricted the number of coronary heart attacks to a few years. According to their statistics, the number of coronary heart attacks is reduced by 20,000 and the number of coronary heart disease deaths is reduced by 7,000 every year. The food industry spends billions of dollars more, but saves hundreds of billions of dollars in medical bills.

As early as in 2007, China's health authorities mentioned the advice of "stay away from trans fatty acids" in the document, and later carried out in-depth risk monitoring and assessment work. In 2003, the Chinese center for disease control and prevention put the average consumption at about 0.6 grams, far lower than that in Europe and the United States. But experts say the figures are unreliable because they include a large rural population that eats less processed food containing trans fats. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of living standards, urban residents are more and more likely to go to restaurants, eat fast food and eat processed food, and they are worried about their intake of trans fats. For consumers themselves, they should have sufficient and full understanding of the harm of trans fatty acids, start from themselves, and truly stay away from trans fatty acids, so as to avoid cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


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2019-04-22 17:21:40 | 日記
不知道在国外留学的小伙伴有没有听说过Memo,它其实就是备忘录,是国外大学商科专业常见的一种写作形式。当然,Memo的写作跟Essay、Research Paper都不大一样,所以给大家的写作带来很大的麻烦,那么如何写一篇合格的Memo呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。





(1)Heading Segment标题部分


TO:(readers’ names and job titles)阅读者的姓名和职位名称

FROM:(your name and job title)你(写作者)的姓名和职位名称

DATE:(complete and current date)当下的时间

SUBJECT:(what the memo is about, highlighted in some way)memo的主题



标题要具体而简洁。例如,“Clothes”就太过于空泛,“Fall Clothes Line Promotion”就能让人一目了然,了解这篇memo的主题。

(2)Opening Segment开篇部分




“Through market research and analysis…”

(4)Task Segment任务部分


“You asked that I look at …”


“To determine the best method of promoting the new fall line, I will….”


(5)Summary Segment总结部分


(6)Discussion Segment讨论部分


(7)Closing Segment结束部分


“I will be glad to discuss this recommendation with you during our Tuesday trip to the spa and follow through on any decisions you make. ”

(8)Necessary Attachments必要的附录


Attached: Focus Group Results, January- May 2007








Opening,Context and Task开篇、背景和任务:1/4

Summary, Discussion Segment总结、讨论部分:1/2

Closing Segment, Necessary Attachment结束部分及必要的附录:1/8




Paper代写:The Effect of Stigma on Borderline Personality Disorder Patients

2019-04-22 17:20:08 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The Effect of Stigma on Borderline Personality Disorder Patients讨论了病耻感对边缘性人格障碍患者的影响。有研究证明,边缘性人格障碍患者的治疗存在诸多困难,其中患者的病耻感是一个重要的难点。临床医生往往对以前诊断为边缘性人格障碍的患者有负面印象,对患者治愈的可能性持悲观态度。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The concept of borderline personality disorder (BPD) was firstly appeared in the 1930s, and the psychologists and psychiatrists found that some patients could not be diagnosed as neurosis or schizophrenia. In 1938, Adolf Stern firstly used the term “borderline” to described a group of patients who suffered from nervous disorder when receive classic psychoanalytic treatment (Stefana, 2015). However, people still could not clearly distinguish the symptoms of BPD from other symptoms in the 1970s. In 1980, American Psychiatric Association published Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III (DSM III), and BPD was included (Reich, 1990). DSN IV further extended its concept (Chabrol et al., 2001). Currently, BPD was no longer used to describe incorrigible and typically female patients, but used to refer to a valid evidence-based mental disorder which is different from other diagnosis-specific treatments and psychiatric disorders (Sisti et al., 2016). Nonetheless, debate continues on the stigma of BPD, which plays an important role in the treatment of BPD patients. The prevalence of BPD is relatively high among all of the personality disorders. However, this disorder is also labeled “therapist killer” and “hard to be cured” as its natures. The stigma from therapist also increases possibility of patients’ self-stigma. The effect of stigma has become an important barrier of curing the epidemic mental disorder. At the same time, film and television also influence public’s views on BPD patients. For example, the films Play Misty for Me and Single White Female show that, BPD patients are aggressive to others, which is not characteristic of the disease (Robinson, 2003). In this way, the paper seeks to research the effect of stigma on BPD patients. On the basis of literature review, the paper will discuss how stigma influences the effect of therapy for BPD patients.

BPD is one of ten personality disorders called in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) (Riggenbach, 2016). In DSM-5, a person who has a persuasive and enduring pattern of inner cognition, behavior, and experience which deviates markedly from the individual’s culture is treated as suffering from personality disorder (Riggenbach, 2016). Furthermore, these patterns tend to begin at an early stage of development, are inflexible and enduring, and play an important role in clinical impairment and distress (Riggenbach, 2016). When it comes to BPD, it is demonstrated as a pattern of self-undermining just prior to goal completion by the DSM-5 (Riggenbach, 2016). At the same time, BPD patients are supposed to feel unlovable or “bad” for themselves, and they need others for self-definition, fear of abandonment, have stormy emotions and relationships, tend to be impulsive and angry outbursts to minor interpersonal sights (Slide, p.21). On the other hand, it is important to note that different BPD patients have not exact symptoms. For example, some BPD patients have walls to refuse to let anyone in, but they can also have good social skills on the surface level (Riggenbach, 2016). Some BPD patients especially fear of abandonment, and they can be freaking out at incidents which are very meaningless or small to their family members or close friends (Riggenbach, 2016). For example, a delayed reply may totally infuriate them. In this way, there are various difficulties in treating BPD patients, the stigma of BPD patients is one important difficulty.

Various researches focus on the stigma on BPD patients. In “Judging A Book by Its Cover”, Danny C.K. Lam, Paul M. Salkovskis and Lorna I. Hogg try to evaluate experimentally whether a clinician’s judgment with regard to a patient with panic disorder will be impacted by an inappropriately suggested diagnosis of BPD (Lam et al., 2016). They pay specific attention to the effect of stigma on BPD patients. In order to achieve the goal, they used an experimental manipulation. 265 clinicians from Community Mental Health Teams in London and South West areas took participate in the experiment. They were divided into three groups at random. First group of clinicians were required to read written information about general background and personal details about a woman (Lam et al., 2016). The second group of clinicians were required to read information about a behavioral description which accord with BPD in addition to the general background and personal details about the woman (Lam et al., 2016). The third group of clinicians were required to read the information about the past BPD diagnosis of the woman in addition to the behavior description and general background about the woman (Lam et al., 2016). After the three groups read all the information, they were asked to watch a video-recorded assessment of the woman describing her experience of panic disorder (Lam et al., 2016). After that, these clinicians were required to rate the problems and likely prognosis of the woman (Lam et al., 2016). Eventually, the third group of clinicians hold a more pessimistic opinion on the treatment of panic disorder of the patients, furthermore, they also had more negative impressions on the patient (Lam et al., 2016). For example, when it comes to question “how curable is her condition”, there is no difference between the first group of clinicians and the second group of clinicians, but the third group of clinicians thought the woman less likely to be curable than the first and second group (Lam et al., 2016). In this way, Lam and his associates (2016) argue that, it is necessary for clinicians to attach importance to the evidence base and make related clinical decisions rather than be blinded by an incorrect cover.

In “Diagnosing, Disclosing, and Documenting Borderline Personality Disorder”, Dominic Sisti et al. seek to figure out whether or how often psychiatrists willfully fail to document and or disclose the BPD diagnosis of their patients. For the sake of solve the research question, Sisti et al. used Qualtrics survey software on tablet computers to invite psychiatrists at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association to answer 14 questions with fixed response (Sisti et al., 2016). Firstly, after the participates answered the questions about their general background such as gender, theoretical orientation, number of years in practice and number of patients treated with BPD, the participants were required to answer whether or not they had not disclosed or documented the diagnosis (Sisti et al., 2016). The participants whose answer was yes had to express their opinions on the reason why they willingly failed to disclose or document the diagnosis. Specifically, they had to respond via a five-point Likert scale in the stigma of BPD and uncertainty of diagnosis (Sisti et al., 2016). Finally, all the participated were required to answer the question that whether or not they refused to take on a new patient since they knew that the patient had a BPD diagnosis before (Sisti et al., 2016). Generally, 143 psychiatrists participated in the survey, and 134 participants treated BPD patients (Sisti et al., 2016). Among the 134 participants, 57 percent expressed that they had not disclosed the diagnosis of BPD more than once; 43 percent agreed or strongly agreed that their decision of not disclosing was due to stigma; 63 percent presented that stigma was a reason for not document (Sisti et al., 2016). There were 5.2 percent of participates strongly agreed and 17.9 percent agreed that they refused to take on a new patient if he or she had a previous BPD diagnosis (Sisti et al., 2016). Sisti et al. stressed that, a large number of psychiatrists prefer not to document their patient’s diagnosis because of stigma, and some psychiatrists refuse to treat a patient if he or she has a previous BPD diagnosis.

In “What’s in A Name”, Kirsten Barnicot and Paul Ramchandani mainly demonstrated the research of Professor Peter Fonagy and his colleagues in the difficulties of diagnosing adolescent BPD patients. According to Barnicot and Ramchandani (2015), Fonagy and colleagues argue that, stigma is an important reason which lead to the reluctance to diagnose amongst clinicians. Compared with adolescents suffering from other severe mental diseases, adolescent BPD patients encountered high levels of stigma, and the latter group have strongly negative and fragile self-concepts. At the same time, these patients have difficult in trusting clinicians and therapies. The severe interpersonal trauma is an important impact of the stigma. Consequently, Barnicot and Ramchandani (2015) suggest that, it is necessary for each individual to fight with the stigma through challenging negative stereotypes and better understand the BPD patients.

In “Impact of Diagnosis Disclosure on Adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder”, Darren B. Courtney and Judy Makinen seek to examine the experience of adolescent patient who is diagnosed with BPD. For the sake of achieving the purpose, Courtney and Makinen asked 25 adolescent BPD patients who had received a diagnosis of BPD to answer 8 questions (Courtney & Makinen, 2016). What is more, most patients expressed their understanding on the construct, and they felt that the diagnosis was an accurate reflection of their problems which could help them understand their symptoms (Courtney & Makinen, 2016). Generally, Courtney and Makinen’s research does not prove the existence of stigma.

In general, Lam and colleagues directly present the impact of stigma on BPD patients in “Judging A Book by Its Cover”. They suggest that, clinicians tend to have negative impressions on the patients who have a previous diagnosis of BPD, and they also held pessimistic view on the possibility that BPD patients could be cured. At the same time, Sisti et al. focus on the reason why clinicians prefer not to disclose or document their patients’ diagnosis, and they argue that, stigma is an important reason. In this way, the research proves the negative impact of stigma from a side. Besides, some clinicians even refuse to take on a new patient if he or she has a previous diagnosis about BPD also prove the seriousness of stigma. In addition, both “What’s in A Name” and “Impact of Diagnosis Disclosure on Adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder” pay attention to the adolescent BPD patients, but they have different conclusions. The former research mainly reviews the research of Fonagy and colleagues, and it finds that adolescent BPD patients tend to have problems in communicating with clinicians, and they do not trust clinicians and therapies. However, the research of Courtney and Makinen does not show the impact of stigma.

Reference Demographics Measure Results

Lam et al., 2016 N=265 participants (69 psychologists, 30 psychiatrists, 65 community psychiatric nurses, 55 social workers and 46 mental health students on their final year of a Diploma/BSc programme)were at 20 to 60 years Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups which were in label, no label and control conditions. They were asked to complete the ‘Clinical Assessment Questionnaire’ after reading related instructions and information about a patient. The investigation consisted of twenty-three 0-100 visual analogue scales tapping clinical judgements. Clinicians who know previous diagnosis of BPD hold a more pessimistic opinion on the treatment of panic disorder of the patients, furthermore, they also had more negative impressions on the patient

Sisti et al., 2016 N=134 psychiatrists A brief 14-question fixed-response survey instrument was designed to ascertain whether participants disclose the diagnosis of BPD;

SPSS Version 21.0 was used to perform descriptive analyses. 57 percent argued that they failed to disclose BPD during their career; 37 percent indicated that they had not documented the diagnosis. For participants who failed to disclose the diagnosis of BPD, 43 percent agreed or strongly agreed that stigma contributed to their decision.

Barnicot and Ramchandani, 2015 / Literature review Adolescent BPD patients tend to have difficult in trusting clinicians and therapies. The severe interpersonal trauma is an important impact of the stigma.

Courtney and Makinen, N=23 adolescent patients who were diagnosed with BPD The Impact of Diagnosis Scale was administered to participants to explore their experience of being diagnosed with BPD 21 participants answered the question. The internal consistency of the measure demonstrated Cronbach’s alpha of 0.66. most patients expressed their understanding on the construct, and they felt that the diagnosis was an accurate reflection of their problems which could help them understand their symptoms.

In conclusion, the four articles directly or indirectly present the effect of stigma on BPD patients, but there still exists debate on the effect. For example, the former three articles show that stigma of BPD negatively influence the clinicians and patients, while the fourth article maintains that most adolescent patients felt that the diagnosis was an accurate reflection of their problems, and they believed that the diagnosis could help them understand their symptoms. However, it is also important to note the limitations of these articles. For example, the third article only takes one research paper for reference, and it did not conduct any survey or research. The fourth article only asked 25 adolescents to answer the questionnaires, the sample cannot stand for the majority of BPD patients. The second article mainly pay attention to the issue that why certain clinicians prefer not to disclose or document their patients’ diagnosis, which does not directly demonstrate the impact of stigma on BPD patients. In this way, more researches are necessary to figure out the effect of stigma. It is also essential to distinguish the effect of stigma on adolescent BPD patients and adult BPD patients, as well as male and female BPD patients.


Barnicot, K., & Ramchandani, P. (2015). What’s in a name? Borderline personality disorder in adolescence. European Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 1303–1305

Chabrol, H., Chouicha, K., Montovant, A., & Callahan, S. (2001). Symptoms of DSM IV borderline personality disorder in a nonclinical population of adolescents: Study of a series of 35 patients. Encephale, 27(2), 120-7

Courtney, D.B., & Makinen, J. (2016). Impact of diagnosis disclosure on adolescents with borderline personality disorder. Journal of Canadian Academy Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 25(3), 177-184

Lam, D.C.K., Salkovskis, P.M, & Hogg, L.I. (2016). ‘Judging a book by its cover’: An experimental study of the negative impact of a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder on clinicians’ judgements of uncomplicated panic disorder. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55, 253–268

Reich, J. (1990). Criteria for diagnosing DSM-III borderline personality disorder. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 2(3), 189-197

Riggenback, J. (2016). Borderline personality disorder toolbox: A practical evidence-based guide to regulating intense emotions. PESI Publishing & Media.

Robinson, D.J. (2003). Reel psychiatry: Movie portrayals of psychiatric conditions. Port Huron, Michigan: Rapid Psychler Press.

Sisti, D., Segal, A.G., Siegel, A.M., Johnson, R., & Gunderson, J. (2016). Diagnosing, disclosing, and documenting borderline personality disorder: A survey of psychiatrists’ practices. Journal of Personality Disorders, 30(6), 848–856

Stefana, A. (2015). Adolph Stern, father of term “borderline personality”. Minerva Psichiatrica, 56(2), 95.


Essay代写:Why British women are single

2019-04-22 17:15:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Why British women are single,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国女性单身的原因。在当代英国,越来越多的女性选择单身生活,其中的原因有婚姻观念的改变、经济独立性的增强、离婚法的改革和女性教育程度的提高等等。单身女性在英国社会中占据的比重越来越大,尽管她们的构成情况千差万别。

In contemporary Britain, more and more women are choosing to stay single for the following reasons: the change of marriage concept, the enhancement of economic independence, the reform of divorce law and the improvement of women's education.

In the UK, the trend of increasing number of divorced women and decreasing number of married women has become a significant phenomenon. At the same time, women are becoming more independent and their choices are more diverse.

As a result of the increasing diversity of social ideas about family and marriage, a large number of women are living alone, cohabiting or widowed.

The reasons are as follows: the change of feminist theory and social concept; Women's growing economic independence and changing laws. In addition, the factors influencing women's decision-making include the improvement of women's consciousness, late marriage or lifelong unmarried. The improvement of women's education and so on.

The women's movement in the west can be traced back to the French revolution. In the middle of the 20th century, women demanded equal rights in employment, education, civil rights, political participation and equal pay for equal work. In the 1960s, the feminist movement emerged. Women not only fought for the equality of law and personality, but also demanded their own rights of mind and body.

In terms of the impact of the women's liberation movement on marriage and family, the neoclassical school of economics believed that the increasing independence of women broke the traditional balance maintained by husbands and wives in the labor market, and the increase of women's employment opportunities and salary would be a great threat to marriage.

The rapid development of the scientific and technological revolution after the World War II led to great changes in the industrial structure of Britain. The tertiary industry accounted for an increasing proportion of the national economy and created more and better employment opportunities for women. The expansion of the scope of women's employment provides a realistic possibility for women's choice.

"Women entered the workforce in large Numbers after the 1960s. First, the rise of the global feminist movement, women's sense of independence to a new climax; The second is related to the changes in the industrial structure at that time. The traditional economic sector was in relative decline, while the tertiary industry sprang up.

Women's employment has a great influence on women's view of love, marriage and procreation. More and more women are engaged in professional work, and the increase of the number of women in employment broadens their horizons. And the motivation for women to enter the workforce has shifted from simply increasing family income to concentrating on personal values. Such women tend to find the relative independence of the individual more attractive than the traditional rules of wife and mother. And when women have their own income, they are more likely to express dissatisfaction with the roles of housewife and mother. At the same time, the pleasure of working makes this group of women value the fruits of their own labor and the right of free choice, so they have greater autonomy in marriage and family.

More and more women, especially those with higher education, are no longer satisfied with the traditional role image. And put their career aspirations first. Women's emphasis on their career aspirations reflects the growing demand for female labor.

Economic independence enables women to get rid of the dependence on family in life, which is the basis of women's self-consciousness awakening. Once freed from the shackles of family, women can participate more in social services and pursue higher level of self-realization.

This shift in female consciousness opens up the possibility for women to choose a lifestyle outside of traditional marriage and family. The increase of women's financial independence made it possible for women to leave marriage. The more employability a woman has, the easier she will achieve in her career, which guarantees her independence. The more I can't bear the fetters of family when I meet some unsatisfactory things in marriage.

Changes in divorce law have also affected the divorce rate, which is an important factor contributing to the increase in single women.

In terms of the reform of marriage law, the divorce law of 1857, the divorce law of 1923, the divorce law of 1937 and the divorce law of 1969 created an increasingly loose social environment for marriage and family, which brought huge impact on marriage. The biggest impact on marriage in modern Britain was the adoption of the divorce reform act in 1969. The divorce rate reached an all-time high in the 20th century, and the divorce rate rose sharply.

The divorce reform act of 1969 provided that a broken relationship was sufficient grounds for divorce, and either party could file a petition at any time: if the couple had been separated for five years, the marriage would be dissolved without appeal.

The divorce reform law of 1969 is a revolutionary change in the field of contemporary divorce law. This act tended to improve the outcome of marital breakdown, and the most notable shift in this direction was the transition of the divorce doctrine from the doctrine of marital "negligence" to the doctrine of "irreparable marital breakdown" of "no fault". Instead of the doctrine of marital "negligence", the doctrine of marital "rupture" introduced more lenient grounds for divorce.

Between the 1960s and the 1990s, the total number of divorced men and women remarried rose, but reflected in the gender structure, women remarried at a lower rate than men.

The new marriage and family model is in vogue in the UK, with divorce rates rising and women claiming the lion's share of divorces. This shows that the improvement of women's self-consciousness and the change of divorce law provide a premise for women to make decisions.

In addition, advances in modern medicine and birth control techniques led to the separation of sex and reproduction, the emergence of radical lifestyles and the so-called "sexual revolution". At the same time, the values of individualism is more and more dominant, the happiness of the individual is placed in the social stability and national interests, performance in marriage and family life, is to emphasize the quality of marriage and family, rather than the form, is becoming more and more pay attention to personal independent power in the family and the free development of individual character, pay attention to feelings and love.

With the progress of society and the popularization of women's education, a considerable number of women miss the time to find the best partner because of their academic needs. At the same time, they are not willing to lower their own standards of mate selection, and their yearning for ideal marriage and family also shackles them. Such women become lifelong unmarried women.

It is only women in such situations who are most persuasive when it comes to whether they are abandoning marriage because of personal choice, family pressure or social reasons.

When it comes to marriage, women face two choices. One is: choose marriage, get emotional and financial security, take care of the husband and children, take responsibility for the family, but it also means giving up their other options. Another option: being single. Marriage loses its appeal to such women because of the freedom they enjoy.

Whatever the reason, marriage is a woman's choice. However, traditional social concepts have a great prejudice against such women. They think such women are mostly hysterical people, but seldom care about the reason why they choose to be single. Generally speaking, women who choose to be single value their freedom more than the constraints of traditional marriage and family, and when the time is right, such women will voluntarily choose to be single. This attitude to life was largely influenced by the feminist movement and independent speech.

Single women make up an increasing proportion of British society, although their composition varies widely: unmarried, single, divorced and widowed. Women who choose to be single voluntarily are more likely to adapt to the single life. They tend to have their own career and thus have more choices in marriage. Such women account for a large proportion in the UK and show an increasing trend, which also reflects the weakening of traditional family values and the development of society. On the other hand, divorced women instead of widowed women constitute the main body of single women in British society. On the one hand, the change of divorce law provides realistic conditions for them, but it is also inseparable with the improvement of female consciousness. The living conditions of such women should arouse the concern of the society, so how to solve this problem has become another topic of research.

