下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Ancient Greek idea of justice,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了古希腊的正义思想。古希腊的正义观念由来已久,据《荷马史诗》记载,正义是人间和神界的最高准则,宙斯是普遍正义的监护者。希腊语中,正义来源于狄刻的名字。而因为当时的希腊还没有成文法,所以习惯法就变成了正义的体现,正义代表的就是习惯法的基础和准则。不遵守法律就是对正义的蔑视与否定,会受到神明的惩罚。
Ancient Greek concept of justice has a long history, according to the "Homer epic" records, justice is the highest principle of the world and god, Zeus is the guardian of universal justice. Zeus punished any individual who tried to take too much, or who tried to destroy order by force and cunning, or who accepted the work of god in a bad way, or who did not do the right thing in accordance with god's work. Later, Zeus's daughter dickse took over his duties and was made the goddess of justice. The Greek word for "justice" comes from dickard's name. Because there was no written law in Greece at that time, customary law became the embodiment of justice, and "justice" represented the basis and criterion of customary law. Failure to obey the law is contempt and denial of justice, punishable by divine punishment. It can be said that "in the ancient Greek and Roman period, the concept of natural law was formed from the beginning to the final formation. Although it changed several times, the pursuit of justice was always its eternal theme".
Pythagoras, a mysterious philosopher, came to know the world from "Numbers". He used the number "4" to represent justice. He believed that "4" was the most harmonious number, so "justice is harmony". But at the same time he divided the citizens into three classes, and he said that harmony could be achieved by each man in his own place, and political justice could be achieved by different ways of governing according to different classes of people. Obviously, his concept of justice is difficult for us modern people to understand, but it can be seen that Pythagoras actually safeguard the interests of slave owners, support the aristocratic rule, his justice is the slave owners of the class of justice. Heraclitus, the reclusive philosopher, agreed that justice requires harmony, but he believed that the only way to achieve "harmony and justice" was war. Harmony can only be achieved through war. But because he was of royal birth, he defended the interests of the slave-owning nobility and the strict hierarchy, just as Pythagoras did. He believed that the will of the ruler was justice. The discussion of justice as the core of the idea begins with Socrates. Socrates believed that justice is equal, is worth pursuing with people's life, is the most noble virtue. His justice is inextricably bound up with abiding by the law. Abiding by the law means that citizens should abide by the laws of their own country. These laws are the agreements made by citizens together, which is the highest guiding principle of the city-state. Citizens must strictly abide by the laws. He even lived it out with his own death. After being put in prison, Socrates could have escaped with the help of his students, but he refused to obey the law of the city. His argument was that he was condemned by the law, and that if he fled, the laws made by the citizens of the city would not be enforced. When the law loses its authority, justice no longer exists. Because all laws are just, even if there is an "evil law", it is because people do not realize it is evil, "no one intends to do evil", therefore, the "evil law" should be observed. In the end, Socrates chooses generosity to die. His relentless pursuit of justice deeply influenced his disciple Plato.
Plato regards justice as the starting point and foothold of his philosophy. One might even say that the republic is a book about justice. In the opening pages of the republic, clafalus and Socrates discuss the philosophical proposition, "what is justice?", and the answer unfolds in subsequent volumes. "The goal of the republic is to build a harmonious city-state on the basis of a certain idea of justice, which enables individuals and societies to become harmonious." So how can justice bring harmony to the city? Plato, like his predecessors Pythagoras and Heraclitus, divided citizens into three classes: rulers who governed the city, soldiers who defended the city, and ordinary citizens engaged in productive labor. These three classes corresponded to three kinds of souls: reason, passion, and desire. In the book, each level of the citizens have the corresponding figure: in the republic first appearance of the characters, "g fallows spent a lifetime insatiable skill, he care about is to meet your body needs, he represents the soul of the sexual desire pearl telemachus original meaning is the name of" the warlords ", he is full of honor and loyalty, he represents the flesh part of the soul. Thrasimajos, a visiting intellectual, who wishes to educate, foreshadowed what the republic calls the soul of reason." In the character to come back later, their characteristics and representative of the class more exaggerated, "the pursuit of happiness of the hedonist adriano mentos and ferocious war-like glaucon, and of course a philosopher Socrates' minds, the two brothers with Socrates represent a key part of the soul, the desire, blood gas, and rational." Are the demands of justice the same for all three classes of citizens? Plato does that one by one. First of all, for the ordinary citizen, "debt is justice"; But clafalos' son, polemarcus, was more concerned, arguing that "justice is a just reward for everyone". That is to say, justice is good for friends and bad for enemies. So justice is being loyal to your family and friends. It's a kind of loyalty, "a patriotic feeling that citizens of one country have for each other that they don't have elsewhere." Later, thrasimajos and Socrates debated the question of "what is justice?" thrasimajos believed that "justice is nothing but the interest of the strong" and "justice is the interest of the government of the time." That is to say, he sees justice as right. Socrates contradicts him by saying, if justice is the interest of the strong, can the strong not make mistakes? Don't the strong need to study knowledge to understand where their interests lie? This objection was later taken up by his disciple Plato and developed into the famous proposition "virtue is knowledge". You can see, in the first volume of the republic, Socrates refutes all sorts of notions of justice, but he doesn't have a precise definition of what justice is. In the second volume, glaucon says, "the essence of justice is a compromise between the best and the worst -- the best is to do evil with impunity; the worst is to suffer without revenge." Such is the nature and origin of justice. For glaucon, Socrates did not say whether agree with, but think they should "imagine the growth of a city, we can also see where the growth of justice and injustice", "than the micro discussion of individual justice, why don't we go to see a city-state, justice, this can help us better understand: what is justice among an individual." In the republic, one of Plato's central metaphors is the similarity between the city-state and the soul. As long as the city-state is in harmony, the individual soul can be in harmony, and the corresponding idea of justice can be in harmony. On how to achieve harmony, Socrates says, "all the citizens, without exception, should be assigned to each man what he is naturally fit to do, so that each man will have his own way of life, and one man will be one man and not many, so that the city will be one and not divided." That is to say, "justice is made up of all the people and things who do their jobs in their best jobs." As long as the producers, guardians and rulers of the city-states can do their own things well, coordinate with each other, each of their own positions, each of them can achieve individual justice. The corresponding three levels of soul can also achieve soul justice. The city-state, in which each man has his own duty, is just, and each citizen has his own virtue: the ruler has wisdom, the protector's virtue is courage, and the producer's virtue is temperance. And justice is the highest of all virtues. Therefore, in Plato's philosophy, justice is his ultimate pursuit. Justice is the harmony of temperance, courage and wisdom. Aristotle took the question of justice as the core of his political philosophy. Unlike Plato, Aristotle deals with justice primarily in economic and legal terms, not in political terms. "The two meanings of justice," he argues, "are law abiding and equality." And the concrete justice and its corresponding ACTS are divided into two categories. "One is justice in the distribution of honour, money, or other separable common wealth. The other is equity that corrects in private transactions." First, "justice means giving people what they deserve, giving everyone what they deserve." So what does one deserve? Aristotle says it depends on what we allocate. Because "justice consists of two factors: 'the goods and the people who receive them'." So, distributive justice involves an equal problem. And "unfair people and unfair things are not equal things are not equal, there is obviously a moderate between inequality and inequality, this is equality." That is to say, since there is moderation in the matter of equality, there must be moderation in the matter of justice. And equality is at least equality between two things, and justice is at least justice between two people. Justice, therefore, consists of at least four parts. "For there are two things connected with justice, and two things connected. Moreover, there should be equal equality between these two people and between these two things. For as two persons are to one another, so two things are to one another." Complaints occur only when equal people have an unequal share, or unequal people have an equal share. "So justice is in proportion." Because justice consists of four parts, that is, four proportional terms, and distributive justice is to make sure that the ratio of two people is the same as the ratio of two things. Aristotle's political purpose is to live a good life, so it is certainly just for those who have excellent civic virtues, for those who help the city to live a good life, so that they have the right to equal pay. Thus, "the essence of distributive justice is what each deserves." Corrected justice is different from distributive justice in that distributive justice follows geometric proportions while corrected justice follows arithmetic proportions. Corrective justice does not consider the value of the parties, does not consider whether they have contributed to the common good of the state, "it only asks whether one has done injustice and the other has been wronged; If one party does something hurtful, the other party gets hurt." Then go to the judge for arbitration, because the judge is the intermediary between the parties and justice. The judge "restores equality to the profits of the wrongdoer and compensates the victims", that is to say, correctional justice is a kind of justice in the legal level. There are, of course, parts of Aristotle's view of justice that are not understood in modern society. He defended slavery as just because it satisfied two conditions of justice: necessary and natural. Aristotle argued that since citizens spend so much time participating in political life that they have no time to take care of their household chores, someone must take care of the necessities of life so that citizens can freely participate in politics. In addition, he argues, "there are people who are naturally suited to this role." There are those who are born to be slaves, for whom "slavery by nature" is better than citizenship. Of course, Aristotle's thoughts were inseparable from the social environment, political system and economic situation of Greece at that time. Those incorrect thoughts have been eliminated in the long history, and the essence of them has been inherited and developed by later philosophers. His thoughts on distributive justice are profound and great, which deeply influenced Hume and other philosophers and still play a role to this day.