


2019-07-31 17:21:45 | 日記














Television and Children’s Violence

I. Introduction

A. Does television cause violence?

1. Brief mention of previous areas of research

2. Identify causation dilemma

B. Present studies on both sides

1. Some studies are “for”

2. Some studies are “against”

C. After weighing evidence it appears that TV does not cause violence

II. Research “For”

A. First study “for”

1. Method

2. Results

3. Analysis of their conclusions

a. insufficient sample size

b. but representative sample

B. Second study “for”

1. Method

2. Results

3. Analysis of their conclusions

a. faulty instructions

b. poor control group

III. Research “Against”

A. Study “against”

1. Method

2. Results

3. Analysis of their conclusions

a. Perfect controls

b. No unwarranted generalizations

B. Second study “against”

1. Method

2. Results

3. Analysis of their conclusions

a. Large sample size

b. Real world setting

c. But typical problems with external validity

IV. Conclusion

A. Studies “for” all have poor methodology

B. Studies “against” all have good methodology

C. Research doesn’t support that TV causes violence

D. More research needed








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Paper代写:Network public domain

2019-07-31 17:20:24 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Network public domain,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了网络公共领域。公共领域,是一个国家和社会之间的公共空间,公民们认为他们可以在这个空间中自由发言,没有国家控制,公民个体聚集在一起共同讨论与他们自身利益相关的公共事务,对抗公共权力形式。网络中是否存在公共领域,不同学者有不同观点,但网络的重要功能是引导公共舆论,网民通过网络政治表达可以促进网络公共领域的形成,通过网络参与政治,提出意见和建议,与政府之间形成互动,网络政治表达自由权的行使要求存在一个具有理性和共识性特征的网络公共领域。

In the context of liberalism, there is little difference between the meaning of the public sphere and that of public opinion. This concept comes into being because of the inherent interaction between the state and society. Referred to the public domain, habermas thinks "it is a private collection and into the category of the public, is a public space between state and society, citizens believe that they can free speech in this space, there is no state control and individual citizens gathered to discuss public affairs related to their own interests, against public authority form." The existence of the public sphere is necessary, because the public nature of state power determines that it must be limited and monitored, only in this way can the interests of the people be better served and the will of the people be safeguarded. Whether there is a public domain network, different scholars have different views, but the most important function of network is to guide public opinion, netizens political expression through the network can promote the formation of the network public sphere, through the network to participate in the political, put forward opinions and Suggestions, and the formation of interaction between the government, network political expression freedom to exercise the request there is a rational and characteristics of network public sphere of consensus.

Cyberspace is a good place for users to form public opinions. Citizens on the Internet for public issues to discuss, view, the formation of public opinion, compared with our previous cognitive public sphere, the rise of the public sector is based on the technology of new media to traditional the reshaping of the public domain, the traditional construction of the public domain by the mass media dissemination carrier, such as TV, newspaper, etc., then the formation of the public sphere restricted by the condition such as time, space, and public opinion in conveying process easy distortion, and impossible to realize real-time interaction and communication, network under the new media technology in the field of public building is broke through the constraints of these problems, enables citizens to speak freely, Dare to express the true self, different opinions collide with each other to form public opinion, which reflects the public character and is closer to the public sphere elaborated by habermas in a sense.

Network political expression is the process of network public sphere formation, the process of personal politics to a public political opinions, sublimation to public opinion, the formation of the public domain, "public areas open to all citizens in principle, private collections and to become a public conversation, when public increased, the mass media is required to communicate" whether there is such a kind of public sphere in cyberspace, comprehensive consideration, in fact, there are difficulties in the process of construction. First of all, Internet users' online political expression is irrational, impulsive and blind, which may lead to Internet tyranny and mob. Due to the unequal social status of citizens and their unequal discourse power, some topics discussed on the Internet are only partial to some individuals and groups, while others are excluded from the discussion. Class this group such as farmers, because of the lack of media literacy, in the network political expression for the participation of public affairs, far behind the upper-middle-class group, it is difficult to speak for themselves, through the network to public the characteristics of the lack of representativeness and universality and at the same time, young people like entertainment information received, and for public affairs information is not too much attention, some serious public issues cannot be relayed to them through the network, so these groups may be excluded from the issue. The knowledge structure and quality of Internet users vary greatly, and Internet users cannot really participate in the discussion of some public issues, which also restricts the formation of the public sphere to some extent. In addition, compared with ordinary netizens, Internet opinion leaders have more resource advantages and can guide the direction of online public opinions. "Freedom of expression is an important constitutional right, a civil right, and a fundamental human right." However, the freedom of Internet political expression lacks democracy. Secondly, public opinion requires citizens to have a rational critical consciousness. Netizens often express their opinions on public issues irrationally, and some just express their emotions. They do not think deeply and distinguish the deeper things behind the issues. Therefore, there is a long way to go to construct the network public domain in practice. Although new media technology develops continuously and provides convenient means for citizens to participate in network politics, the network discussion space formed is not necessarily the public domain.

In recent years, Internet communication carriers, including weibo, WeChat and BBS, have made them more multi-dimensional and real-time than traditional media. Internet users can freely participate in the discussion of public events and have more free space to speak. With this platform, Internet users can freely exchange opinions and form public opinions. There is a constant debate about the public domain of the Internet, but we cannot simply equate the political expression of the Internet with the public domain of the Internet. There are essential differences between the two. The concept of network political expression is relatively broad, and the content expressed by netizens is not restricted, which may have the characteristics of non-political and irrational, or it may only be personal views but cannot form public opinions. In the public domain of the Internet, the contents expressed by netizens are related to public affairs, and their opinions and opinions are necessarily political and rational, which eventually rise to public opinions and form public opinions. Therefore, the two cannot be simply drawn equal, or it may ignore the existence of the network public domain necessary and value.

Although there are many barriers to building a network public sphere, but in today's globalization and increasingly diversified, we can't deny the network public sphere on huge role in the development of democratic politics, on how to build better network public sphere I put forward several Suggestions: first of all, of the citizen's self-awareness and political participation. The improvement of citizen consciousness can start from establishing citizen subject consciousness, enhancing right and obligation consciousness and strengthening social responsibility. In the process of political democratization, citizens' awareness of self consciousness and political participation, citizens to correctly locate themselves, actively through the network platform, to engage in public topic, consciously cultivate consciousness of political participation, to realize that the publicness of the public domain and equality, regardless of their status to actively participate in discussion of public issues, objective, rational, within the limits of the law to allow for political expression. Second, citizens to improve the ability of information to identify and media literacy, the information given by the complicated network, how to identify, analyze, from the huge amounts of information and communication needs certain skills and abilities, citizens need to keep rational mind and self responsibility consciousness, avoid blind to participate in discussions and irrational emotional catharsis, and avoid a network mob and tyranny. Finally, the government should manage and guide the network reasonably, and it is necessary for the government to supervise the public domain of the network, so as to solve various problems in its development process and develop in a more positive direction. But in the process of management and to follow the principle of "moderate", giving citizens a free space, not too much network political expression of the citizen rights, safeguard citizens have certain autonomy and equality, can guarantee the network public sphere autonomous organization, development and activity, equality, rational communication and dialogue, otherwise may cause resistance due to the excessive control and make the citizens, not conducive to the construction of network public sphere order and social stability.

The establishment and perfection of the network public sphere is not achieved overnight, often face all kinds of difficulties in the process of practice, after all it has to do with social reality of the public sphere is different, more complexity, so we need to form a good interactive relationship between government and citizens, citizens should not only strengthen the subject consciousness and right consciousness, more objective, rational, independent thinking, of public affairs and public issues have independent judgment. For managers, while respecting citizens' right of political expression, they should also do a good job in supervision, balance the relationship between the two, and better construct the network public domain.


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2019-07-31 17:18:42 | 日記


一篇较长的英文论文(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与打印纸顶端的距离约为打印纸全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中)。如果该篇英文论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./Prof.C.Prager)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm(论文其他部分行距同此)。









The divorce of Arnold's personal desire from his inheritance results in “the familiar picture of Victorian man alone in an alien universe”(Roper9).



Whitman has proved himself an eminent democratic representative and precursor, and his “Democratic Vistas”

is an admirable and characteristic

diatribe. And if one is sorry that in it

Whitman is unable to conceive the

extreme crises of society, one is certain

that no society would be tolerable whoses

citizens could not find refreshment in its

buoyant democratic idealism.(Chase 165)



Dr.Beaman points out that“he [Charles Darw in] has been an important factor in the debate between evolutionary theory and biblical creationism”(9).



Mary Shelley hated tyranny and“looked upon the poor as pathetic victims of the social system and upon the rich and highborn...with undisguised scorn and contempt...(Nitchie 43).


Professor Chen Jia's A History of English Literature aimed to give Chinese readers“a historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down to the 20thcentury”(Chen,1:i).

圆括弧里的1为卷号,小写罗马数字i为页码,说明引文出自第1卷序言(引言、序言、导言等多使用小写的罗马数字标明页码)。此外,书名 A History of English Literature 下划了线;规范的格式是:书名,包括以成书形式出版的作品名(如《失乐园》)均需划线,或用斜体字;其他作品,如诗歌、散文、短篇小说等的标题则以双引号标出,如“To Autumn”及前面出现的“Democratic Vistas”等。


Bacon condemned Platoas“an obstacle to science”(Farrington, Philosophy 35).

Farrington points out that Aristotle's father Nicomachus, a physician, probably trained his son in medicine(Aristotle 15).

这两个例子分别引用了Farrington的两部著作,故在各自的圆括弧中分别注出所引用的书名,以免混淆。两部作品名均为缩写形式(如书名太长,在圆括弧中加以注明时均需使用缩写形式),其全名分别为 Founder of Scientific Philosophy 及 The Philosophy of Francis Baconand Aristotle。


When Beowulf dives upwards through the water and reaches the surface,“The surging waves, great tracts of water, / were all cleansed...”(1.1620-21).



论文作者在正文之后必须提供论文中全部引文的详细出版情况,即文献目录页。美国高校一般称此页为 Works Cited, 其格式须注意下列几点:


2.目录页应视为英文论文的一页,按论文页码的顺序在其右上角标明论文作者的姓和页码;如果条目较多,不止一页,则第一页不必标出作者姓和页码(但必须计算页数),其余各页仍按顺序标明作者姓和页码。标题Works Cited与打印纸顶端的距离约为2.5cm,与第一条目中第一行的距离仍为0.6cm;各条目之间及各行之间的距离亦为0.6cm,不必留出更多空白。




Two or More Books by the Same Author

Brooks, Cleanth. Fundamentals of Good Writing: A

Handbook of Modern Rhetoric. NewYork: Harcourt, 1950.

---The Hidden God: Studies in Hemingway, Faulkner, Yeats,

Eliot, and Warren. New Haven: Yale UP,1963.


An Author with an Editor

Shake speare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Ed. Louis B.

Wright. New York: Washington Square, 1959.

本条目将作者 Shakespeare 的姓名排在前面,而将编者姓名(不颠倒)放在后面,表明引文出自 The Tragedy of Macbeth;如果引文出自编者写的序言、导言等,则需将编者姓名置前,如:

Blackmur, Richard P.Introduction. The Art of the Novel:

Critical Prefaces. By Henry James. New York: Scribner's,



Emery, Donald. Preface. English Fundamentals. By Emery.

London: Macmillan, 1972.v-vi.

A Multivolume Work

Browne, Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Ed.

Geoffrey Keynes. 4 vols. London: Faber, 1928.

Browne, Thomas. The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Ed.

Geoffrey Keynes. Vol.2. London: Faber, 1928. 4 vols.


A Selection from an Anthology

Abram, M. H.“English Romanticism: The Spirit of the Age.”

Romanticism Reconsidered. Ed. Northrop Frye. New

York: Columbia UP,1963.63-88.


Articles in Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers

Otto, Mary L.“Child Abuse: Group Treatment for Parents.”

Personnel and Guidance Journal 62(1984): 336-48.


Arnold, Marilgn.“Willa Cather's Nostalgia: A Study in

Ambivalance.”Research Studies Mar.1981:23-24,28.


Gorney, Cynthia.“When the Gorilla Speaks.”Washington Post

31 July,1985:B1.




Paper代写:Wireless network optimization

2019-07-31 17:15:31 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Wireless network optimization讨论了无线网络优化。在通信网络的改善过程中。无线网络优化概念为对无线网络进行测量与检验,并收集数据,并根据使用后实际情况解析无线网络隐患与出现问题,寻找影响无线网络服务质量原因,并针对以上问题针对性制定解决方案,从而使无线网络运行更加顺畅,为人们提供更优质服务,进一步提高网络利用率。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the overall work of telecom, wireless network optimization is an important part, which indicates the improvement process of mobile communication network. The optimization of wireless network covers a large area, and the number of users is increasing, so people objectively form the internal needs of mobile wireless network optimization. Wireless network optimization concept of wireless network signal for the measurement and test, and collect the data, and according to the actual situation after using analytic wireless network hidden danger and problems, influencing the wireless network service quality, and targeted to develop solutions to solve above problems, so that the wireless network run more smoothly and provide better service for people, to further improve the network utilization. At present, our country at the development stage, the rapid economic and social development, the network changes in several aspects, such as, the traditional wireless network coverage and work intensity, network structure, and function gradually increased, and that means unlimited network optimization work, and deserves more in-depth thinking and research scholars.

Mobile wireless network work is to constantly improve the mobile wireless network as the main purpose, that is, to constantly improve the existing shortcomings and drawbacks, make the wireless network more reasonable, key measures more scientific, so as to meet the needs of telecommunications development, or improve the quality and function of wireless network only way. From the perspective of the three major systems of telecommunication work, namely, technical system, management system and organizational system, the work of wireless network can be divided into three categories: maintenance and improvement of wireless network in peacetime, optimization of wireless network in short and medium term, and optimization of wireless network in the long term.

Wireless network optimization was conducted according to the usage by the customer feedback, operators based on user feedback information for site test of regular, or adopt a variety of ways such as check parts, use with network drops, crowded key standards, such as the reasons of influencing the wireless network normal operation to rectify and improve the wireless network, ensure the steady running speed of the network, so as to obtain more benefits. At present, the wireless network signals, flow continuously extend, affects the network storage and network complexity, increasing both, at the same time, network equipment, diversified, and the higher demands to the network and gradually perfect the traditional network method can't meet the demand of network told operation, become the network optimization one enormous problem, thus should be constantly looking for new way of thinking, not only can reduce the costs in the process of network to optimize, still can make the efficiency is greatly increased.

The current mobile communication network is a standard joint network made up of multiple technologies, including CDMA, WCDMA, CDMA, GSM, LTE, etc., which contains a large number of network elements and a large number of users. The optimization of wireless network is very tedious, and in the optimization process, we need to seriously consider network coverage, network structure and other factors.

At present, the network data service is increasing, which makes the network transmission capacity has higher requirements. The number of network users in China is increasing gradually, which has an impact on the data flow. The function between the two is the biggest characteristic of business data. At present, people have a variety of data requirements when applying wireless network, which is a challenge of new adaptability and endurance ability, constantly exerting pressure on network optimization.

Network construction is a long process, and cannot be wishful thinking to this phenomenon exists in every area of our country, in terms of investment and construction planning makes network infinite progress performance as part of the difference, and this difference also belong to a network structure characteristics, changes in the network optimization and planning must be enough space left to taste buds network development, so that the difference of regional network can adapt.

The optimization process of wireless network is combined with the transmission system of wireless base station to jointly form wireless network. For wireless network, wireless base station is an operation organization department, which is relatively important and an important factor affecting quality, and has a direct impact on the optimization effect and quality of wireless network. Infinite base station for the purpose of constantly from parameter as the foundation for data collection and analysis, the network changes constantly updated summary, Sue to feed back the information for the analysis, found the problem, and take measures to solve the problem, eventually making network to good maintenance, at the same time increasing the utilization of network resources.

In optimization of wireless network, wireless network in the process to achieve the optimal proportion for the matters needing attention, in the project to the market to meet the development demand of money, should also do market research, according to the result of the network signal in the wireless network operation and existing problems cause analysis, comprehensive evaluation integration of external and internal factors, not the optimization of wireless networks in each time all needs to the user's system of assessment mechanism optimization, makes the wireless network in terms of quality of operation and operation speed are improved, constantly get better process optimization, to meet the market development Su Xu, play to the brand effect, and the trend of present not only improve.

In recent years, continuously improve our wireless network technology, has realized the 2 g, 3 g, 4 g between the development of spinning fiber intelligent development, all 4 g technology combined with wireless network and IP network, realizes the wireless network optimization to improve continuously, eventually making artificial put network maintenance cost reduction, and technology development, meet the demands of market continued development, and gradually meet the users demand. In addition, in the process of wireless network technology construction, the system comprehensive analysis needs to be combined with automatic kinetic energy.

In terms of the optimization of the management structure of wireless network, the optimization process is an important part of the development of the most professional and correct structure management. Only perfect management mode can guarantee the maintenance and quality management of wireless network. Complex state at present, along with the wireless network not only increased, users and equipment demand growth, this makes the speed of network management and network maintenance, are facing huge difficulty, in the face of such a complex network environment, the only perfect operating system management, and establish and improve the network equipment maintenance team, to achieve the wireless network running smoothly.

The main content of wireless network optimization is to meet the market demand. In this process, the network speed and network operation should be studied to make the network quality and network technology develop rapidly, which is conducive to the continuous improvement of network speed in normal use, so as to save time as the goal. Different from the maintenance of network equipment, network optimization takes the maintenance of user interface and the maintenance of market as the direction of optimization, so as to satisfy the market demand and promote the utilization rate of network in people's life and work. As is known to all, the wireless network characteristic of dynamic change, the network load part of the time change, constantly changed, which makes the network business network resources required to also need to real-time change, both the above factors can be operator anywhere at any time to modify the wireless network, so as to realize the optimization of resource distribution, make wireless network parameters are more reasonable, to ensure the best operation of the wireless network. In the operation of the wireless network, the problems include poor signal, the line is busy, poor coverage, etc., the above problems are operators have received customer's reflect, operators also aimed at the problem of network quality inspection, found the problem to solve the problem, so as to realize the maximum of network quality optimization and improvement, eventually offer customers high quality services. In addition, operators increase capital investment, continue to research and develop new technologies, improve technical title ability, in essence, the network operation problems to solve.

The optimization of wireless network should always have a clear goal, mainly because the wireless network has a fast development speed, which causes doubts in the network optimization process, resulting in unclear and easy to judge the development and dynamics of the market. Wireless network system maintenance and management belongs to the dynamic system, network infrastructure and network load in the network service plan update, this is required in the wireless network optimization process, the operator should be constantly optimized wireless networks as the development direction, strategy optimization as a milestone, is ultimately wireless networks in the whole process of optimization for the best.

The development of information society cannot be separated from the network support, and the network operation needs long-term optimization. At present, the social optimization technology is constantly updated, and the quality and efficiency of network optimization are constantly improved. At the same time, the management level and technical level of relevant personnel should be improved to better serve the information society.


Essay代写:Urban public art

2019-07-31 17:12:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Urban public art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了城市公共艺术。公共艺术是一座城市的文化体现和标志,是艺术的共同表现,带有人文气息的。城市公共艺术不仅是艺术家们创造的公共艺术作品,同时也是表现人们生活文化水平的公共艺术作品,它是一座城市的标志性建筑,是一座城市的风向标,是一座城市的形象建筑。城市公共艺术展现的是城市魅力,是一个增强城市身份认同的公共艺术建筑作品。

Public art is the culture of a city reflect and logo, I think of the art of public art should be for joint performance, can be done by people to participate in, is a cultural atmosphere, this is not only the artists to create public works of art, is also a performance culture people's life level of public art, it is the symbol of the city, is an indicator of a city, is a city's image construction. It is an architectural work of public art that shows the charm of the city, enhances the confidence of the citizens and enhances the identity of the city.

In China, some public art construction in cities is too elusive to be integrated into public life and understood and felt by the public. Unable to give the public a more realistic feeling and difficult to produce urban identity. Some of the public art in the city is used for commercial purposes, which is not surprising. However, if excessive pursuit of economic interests destroys the unique features of the city, it will undoubtedly be another kind of harm to the city, and I think it is not friendly to the development of the city. The lack of effective ways and methods for people to participate makes public art seem inappropriate to people's life. Moreover, the public art forms in China are relatively simple, mostly sculpture. Many of them are similar but lack the unique regional characteristics and the unique cultural atmosphere of the city. We should have more innovations and more creative ideas that are more appropriate to people's lives, so that people can feel the artistic and cultural atmosphere around them more intuitively. Public art is still in the early stage of development in China, and there are still some problems in the construction of public art, which need to be further improved.

First of all, the development of public art is inseparable from the support of the relevant government, which is a necessary condition for the development of public art in every city. We can compare the development of public art at home and abroad. Just like our national culture, funding plays an important role in the development of urban public art, and there are favorable policies. In addition to actively promoting public art talents, we should also strengthen the national identity of public art in China, the innovative forms of public art, and the breath of life. Make people feel the different feeling brought by public art in reality and life, and make people get the sense of identity and sense of belonging in this city. Therefore, I will actively participate in the construction of urban public art in China. These are my Suggestions and insights on how to develop public art in China.

In China, there are differences in the history, culture, national characteristics and development experience of various cities and regions. Public art is produced in its unique environment and trend of The Times, and it has its own characteristics. It cannot be transformed or appropriated at will, and public art works that are overtransformed will lose their color. That's not what we want. We should pay more attention to the regional characteristics of public art so as to carry forward our regional and national characteristics. So that the public art culture in various regions shows a charm, which is exactly the public art needed in this era. The public art will reflect the local culture through the materials, construction techniques and forms. What we really pursue is something that can give people the deep soul and trigger people's heart. As an excellent public art work, it is an art work with the flavor of hometown and worth proud of.

Undoubtedly, urban public art construction needs some economic input, and the development of urban public art is also driven by economic development to some extent. Therefore, it is beyond reproach to increase the economic investment in public art construction. However, while increasing economic input, we should also pay attention to the harmonious development of the environment. We should not arbitrarily destroy the local natural environment in order to develop public art, which is not worth the loss. It's irrevocable. The destruction of public art is also common. We need to formulate more reasonable and perfect management methods to ensure that public art is not destroyed. For example, it is particularly important to add some warning slogans, promote civic morality, improve the quality of the people, and maintain the public art in the later stage and clean up the site. In general, it means to improve the management of public art.

In an excellent public art work, certain public participation is essential, and it has its significance to strengthen public participation, which can guide people's national cohesion, enhance people's sense of national identity, and enhance people's national confidence. So that people pay more attention to and care about the development of China's cities, enhance people's enthusiasm to participate in China's public art construction. Promote the development of public art in China, and then show the steady and continuous rising state. Our healthy development of public art in the city at the same time, also reflect the regional geographical features and custom features, combining with the characteristics of regional geographical features and customs for the construction of public art and creation, strengthen local people for the manufacturing of the identity of the public art, public art into the local culture, increase the identification of local public art.

Modern public art has a variety of style features and significance, some have commemorative significance, cultural carrier significance, and some have folk art heritage significance and entertainment significance. At the present stage, most of China's urban public art appears in a single form, most of which are sculptures. But the lack of innovation, we need to explore more. Now public art is the display of some cultural phenomena in life, as well as the implication of social phenomena. Therefore, the innovation of public art, social aesthetic level and cultural phenomenon in social life are of great significance. Paying attention to innovation is an important way to develop and inherit local culture. Without innovation, cities will lose their life. Only innovation can sustain development and better inherit local culture. Public art is a cultural carrier. We have to explore more public art forms, to develop it, to improve it, this is the city with a good public art system essential factors.

The development of public art in China is still in its infancy, so it is very important to strengthen the new generation's cognition of public art, which is related to the future development path and prospect of public art in China. Strengthen the education of a new generation for public art from the personal interest and the class began, and strengthen the propaganda, let people know more about the field of cognition, making public art no longer strange for people, make people more understand the public art, so that more public art in people's lives, it is no longer distant. We need more such talents. When you want to develop a certain kind of education, you can only strengthen it, publicize it, integrate it into people's lives, so as to be more conducive to its development. Yes, we need to strengthen the publicity and education of public art and lead more people into the road of public art construction. Make our country's public art more healthy sustained rapid development. We can also learn from the experience of foreign countries, take its essence, go to its bad situation, learn from the experience of foreign education, reference to the actual situation of our country, integration of teaching use. I think this is very useful for strengthening the cognitive education of the new generation of public art in China.

The construction and healthy and sustainable development of urban public art depend on relevant policies, laws and regulations, and are inseparable from cultural characteristics and economic development. It is of equal importance to enhance the public's participation enthusiasm and public art cognition. As an important cultural landmark in urban space, public art plays a special role in beautifying urban environment, displaying urban features, inheriting regional culture and disseminating commercial information. How to express the cultural characteristics of a city and highlight its character through public art while meeting the aesthetic needs of the public? I think this is undoubtedly a process that needs to be explored in a certain period of time.

