


2019-09-23 11:41:58 | 連絡
●Work Completed
・Resolved all the remaining comments received from the second recirculation working group technical letter ballot, LB242, on Draft 4.0
・Approve a 15-day recirculation working group technical letter ballot on Draft 5.0
The ballot starts only after P802.11REVmd D3.0 is available
・Reviewed 2 technical contributions
●Timeline update(changes are shown in red)
2019/09:              Third recirculation WGLB on Draft 5.0
2019/11:             Seek EC approval for SA technical letter ballot
2019/11:             Fourth recirculation WGLB on Draft 5.0 (i.e., unchanged draft)
2019/11:              Reform the SA letter ballot pool, if needed
2020/01:              Initial SA technical letter ballot (Draft 5.0)
2020/03:             First recirculation SA letter ballot (Draft 6.0)
2020/04:             Second Recirculation SA Ballot (Draft 7.0)
2020/05:              Third Recirculation SA Ballot (Draft 7.0 unchanged)
2020/07:            Final 802.11 WG approval
2020/07:            Final EC approval
2020/09:              RevCom & Standards Board Final
●Goals for November 2019 plenary
・Comment resolution on Draft 5.0
・Draft readiness for the initial Standards Association (SA) technical letter ballot
・Technical presentation

(出典)Status of Project IEEE 802.11ay
Project Goals (derived from PAR)
Task Group ay is expected to develop an amendment that defines standardized modifications to both the IEEE 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the IEEE 802,11 medium access control layer (MAC) that enables at least one mode of operation capable of supporting a maximum throughput of at least 20 gigabits per second (measured at the MAC data service access point), while maintaining or improving the power efficiency per station. タスクグループayは、IEEE 802.11物理層(PHY)と最大スループットをサポートできる少なくとも1つの動作モードを可能にするIEEE 802,11メディアアクセス制御層(MAC)の両方に対する標準化された変更を定義する修正を開発する予定です。 ステーションあたりの電力効率を維持または改善しながら、少なくとも20ギガビット/秒(MACデータサービスアクセスポイントで測定)。
This amendment also defines operations for license-exempt bands above 45 GHz while ensuring backward compatibility and coexistence with legacy directional multi-gigabit stations (defined by IEEE 802.11ad-2012 amendment) operating in the same band. この修正は、同じ帯域で動作するレガシー方向性マルチギガビットステーション(IEEE 802.11ad-2012修正で定義)との下位互換性および共存を保証しながら、45 GHzを超えるライセンス免除帯域の操作も定義します。
(出典)Task Group AY September 2019 Closing Report,Date: 2019-09-20,

